Monday, July 23, 2012

Media Overbears - Education In Progress

In his remarkable piece discussing how the Media may have framed Joe Paterno, John Ziegler does the excruciating work of sorting the nuances gleaned from the coverage of the Sandusky matter.
"It was very clear that the students were mostly angry over the lack of due process and simple respect shown for a man who was the reason many of them had applied to the school in the first place. It was also obvious that the focus of their outrage was on the news media for their disgraceful coverage of the story and the board of trustees for caving into the media pressure."
Ziegler methodically corrects the misguidance of each spun detail.  His extensive discourse reflects professionalism.  I found this material while reading a blog comment on a piece about Ed Rendell questioning the reaction of Tom Corbett, his successor as governor of Pennsylvania, to the implications of the Freeh report.  Rendell distinguished himself as a prosecutor, 2-term District Attorney then 2 terms as Mayor of Philadelphia before two terms as Governor.  Progressives and Republicans alike bashed "Fast Eddie" but he served the People of Pennsylvania tirelessly. 
While promoting his new book, "A Nation of Wusses:  How America's Leaders Lost The Guts To Make Us Great," Ed has expressed a number of views affecting the egos of sitting office holders.  Hey, that's his theme!  What the rest of the Country may not know is that the prosecutorial zeal of their legal system have the support of Pennsylvanians.  Arlen Specter, a Democrat, was written in as the Republican nominee and later elected DA in Philly, a town whose DA can make or break it.
I guess it follows that Ziegler's detractors would be the same obats who reject any notion that the election of Obama was a Media bamboozle. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Mayor Bloomberg, for all his New York savvy, is crest-coasting and missing a key ingredient in his assertions that the Presidential candidates should both address the issue of control of assault weapons.  His liberal, almost San Fransisco views are skewed toward the way the cash flush live.  He is unschooled in the understrength and current of substance ingrained in most of Middle America. 

Space premiums in his constituency drive a far different valuation of security than he would find beyond his city limits.  In central Pennsylvania, Western Tennessee, Colorado and Arizona, the numbers of humans per square foot is vastly lower.  The dumpiest piece of NYC real estate is of value due to the location and its demand.  There is, nonetheless, some avoidable real estate in New York City.  Here, for certain, serious crime flourishes, the turf unworthy of even basic surveillance equipment except to record its lowlife traffic. 

For the Mayor, the sad truth is this:  There is far greater incentive among 2nd Amendment proponents outside Gotham to own such guns for protection and preservation than there is agreement with his assertions.  These people remain sensitive to things New Yorkers no longer notice.  The trade-off in terms of what they value in life is such that to reside in that city is a choice they would never make.  Nothing could lure them to that environment. 

Most of us out here have a perspective on politicians, police and media that serves a survival instinct of even greater importance than avoiding a gun nut on a murder spree.  In our politicians, bankers, police departments and news media, we discern a collusion intended to hide their misdeeds and protect themselves with force sprung on us with the same advantage of surprise as the heavily armored "scientist" deployed at the premier of the Dark Knight Rises. 

The only thing, in the view of most of these 2nd Amendment defenders, that seperates the gunman from the colluding, big city collective of self-preserving thugs is singularity.  The ungodly scheme that actualized on Friday night was conducted by a solitary misanthrope.  City Government, Police, Media and Financiers, in fact, share that shooter's contempt for people and equip themselves, moreover arm themselves and as a way of life, scheme to outwit by all means available to themselves, to preserve what they consider theirs.  In a crisis, the coalition of Haves would be every bit as ruthless in their choices, and Middle America, scorned as bitterly clinging to their guns, knows that.  The Bail-Out of 2008 proved it. 

We risk OURS and lose, WE lose.  The "Club" risks OURS and loses, WE endemnify THEM but we LOSE what we paid them to protect, invest and police in our interest.  Do we suppose for an instant that they wouldn't move to exploit an unarmed population?  It matters less what they say and do behind closed doors and more that We the People are neither surprised nor proven wrong about our low opinion of them, Hope notwithstanding.

I believe now, more than ever, that it must be legal for American Citizens to own and be prepared to use assault weapons.  The behavior of the political class, obviously NOT concerned with the will, best interests or prosperity of the People, has made it clear that we must have the same means of defending ourselves as those who cut deals in back rooms while telling us they are a NEW kind of politician. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Forensic Pathologist - Facial Recognition

I'm listening to Dr. Michael Baden speaking with Alisyn Camerota on Fox & Friends reveal that Medical Schools profile their candidates for psychopathic anomalies.  Baden opines that some quirk was uncovered via this screening suggesting James Eagan Holmes's "withdrawl" and calculated murderous actions are contained in data thus gleaned.  I gather that the "power" invested in Doctors by their training institutions is tempered with a responsibility on the part of the investor to calibrate obstacles calculated to winnow the field of prospective trustees.

Photographs of the "PhD Candidate" have a "look."  This guy reeks of it. 

My six year old nephew was SOOOO ecstatic about a new Batman movie, portions of which were filming here in Pittsburgh at this time last summer.  He asked me for spelling help several times as he googled the various points of interest to him.

His most revealing comment was, "FINALLY!  A REAL VILLAIN!"  ... "A Scientist!"  He was so done with the run-of-the-mill facist dictator.  His fantasies longed for a truly scary, KNOWLEDGABLE misanthrope.  This little boy, whose father has spent more time in jail for doing stupid things than he has around his son, had a decided preference for the nuts and bolts of a truly competitive wit with which to challenge the defender of Gotham.  That same weekend, he made me watch Kung Fu Panda with him to further convey to me that the minds of our youngest Americans are stimulated by skillful counterparts tinged with humor and artistic flair.

have it!

"I think Facebook could still do more to explain to its users how it uses facial recognition," Franken said.

Facebook Recognizes You

Facebook's tag suggestions feature uses facial-recognition technology to automatically suggest the names of people pictured in new photos that users upload to the site. Tag suggestions has been offline for several weeks as Facebook has been conducting maintenance, a move that was necessitated by the widespread usage of the feature, according to Rob Sherman, Facebook's manager of privacy and public policy. Sherman said that the tag suggestions feature is set to come back online "soon," though he did not specify a timeframe.

Forget profiling, and understand that Israel feels the baseline motivator that triggers the "Survive!" response.  I applaud the wise, experienced Senator Lieberman's insistence on identifying Islamist Extremism as the Fort Hood catalyst.  Jerrod Loughner, and I advance the notion that when I meet and am approached by psychos, I see it in their eyes.  It is a vibration, a side-to-side motion of the iris.  Sometimes the symptom presents itself in a piercing intense gaze meeting my own eyes.  Sometimes it is clustered with averted eyes, fluttering and inability to make eye contact.  But the "Vibe" is definitely something I have seen often enough to be aware.  The other thing I sense is a "Mirage-Like" warping of the air around certain people, typically men, whom I encounter.  I have learned to identify this as a "group psyche" connection.  I used to associate the beady-eyed vibe with sexual pervs, but I wouldn't dismiss the symptom as a possible flag of psychosis of a more villainous nature. 

What connects these two parts to this post?  Suppressed Intuition.  Some of us act on our impulses, called "Promptings" by my "Send Out Cards" presenters.  Most of us learn, through loss, to take these seriously.  Along the path to yesterday's tragedy, many of those who dealt with Jimmy Holmes were thus touched.  We can't go about over-reacting, to be sure.  But when two or more such impulses make themselves significant, we must teach ourselves to take another look. 
I couldn't do anything to prevent what happened in Aurora.  I could only lodge the factors that "touched" me yesterday in the aftermath of the news, and to sort them properly for insertion into my own "data files."  Although I face frustrating financial circumstances and deal with what seem like unrelenting obstacles to my success, I give thanks for the time I had yesterday to process all of this.  I didn't have to suppress it in order to meet the demands of a grinding career or employer.  I was not pulled in other directions by toddlers needing fed and supervised.  I was allowed to think.  I was permitted to sit in my back yard and observe a family of wrens teaching their little ones to harass my cat in emulation of the pair who defended their nest each time Valentine was out.  They loudly announced his emergence and bobbed along within feet of him to foster a cyclone of disturbance around him in the work of keeping him clear of their babies.  The parents peeked at me and my "familiar" from the eaves of my house, from the branches of the trees surrounding my gazebo, even from the hanging planters suspended from the shade structure where we sat.  Monitoring AND warning him that he was being watched.  It was part of the "Promptings Cluster" that was imparted to me.  As I read my cards, the first two, then 7 were followed by 9,9,9.  I had to recognize 4 successive 9's just as I had to read the 4 Aces that came up in a reading on April 4, the anniversary of the assasination of Martin Luther King.  A reading full of ominous cards of violence and death foretold of the news I was about to receive of a colleague who had shot herself.  I got the Chariot and numerous 3's along with the Death card the day Dale Earnhardt was killed in a NASCAR race.  The word the cards conveyed was the Intimidator.  As I looked at the cat, I saw passivity.  His eyes showed me both awareness and detachment.  He was "hangin' with me," and I have no doubt that he presents a threat to these birdies.

I'm listening to Rep Mike Rogers, R-AL discuss the level of "denial" Janet Napolitano demonstrates in her position as Secretary of Homeland Security failing to deal with foreign nationals taking flying lessons without concern for their demonstrated lack of interest in getting a license or certification.  They are only interested in learning how to take off and fly. 

Reason your way through PROMPTINGS.  Look at their EYES.  Process, don't suppress.  Act on your intuited insight.  For me, personally, I am acquiring the "integrity" of a business person no longer to waste myself in effort that will be hijacked by the unethical.  I am flattened down, against the dirt, but facing up.  EVIL pressures me to despair, to submit, yet the Temperence Card exhorts me to "dance" with the upward lifting pressures helping me onto a plane where I may release the imbalancing forces.  I am called by the tuning forks to penetrate the illusion of obstacles and see my way through.  Ave Maria.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good One:!

Of the two candidates, one is used to signing the back of a paycheck, and one is more accustomed to signing the front.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chicagozz Real

Jackson’s representatives did not disclose what specific psychiatric problem the congressman has. A mood disorder can mean many things. According to Mental Health America, formerly known as the National Mental Health Association, there are four basic forms of mood disorders, including "major depression, cyclothymia (a mild form of bipolar disorder), SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and mania (euphoric, hyperactive, overinflated ego, unrealistic optimism)."
I can extend compassionate concern for Mrs. Jackie Jackson's son as she implored Jackson's mom appeals for privacy and space ... a moment for him to heal, as she described it in her remarks to the PUSH Coalition Conference in Chicago.

Did Mama Jackson not teach her son that Pushing invites Pushing Back?  Did not the Obama Campaign thrive on "Pushback" even when civil discourse was branded (improperly) push on the part of Americans expecting their institutions to observe reasonable standards of decency during the 2008 campaign?  Aside from the Clinton-Haters and Misogynist Opportunists, the big damage done by the Chicago/Howard Dean DNC was the astonishing hubris of this entire collective of thugs who inexpertly endeavored to impose their own cultural arrogance on the entire country.  The "ink-blooded" 4th Estate was "objective enough" during this reign of abuse, commenting that they stood willing to observe how this Chicago Style would play nationwide.  The bare knuckles show of force got "The One" elected, and it should be revised to the "Only" One.  The Democratic Majority for which I worked tirelessly throughout the Bush years and prior was wiped out in 2010 followed by the loss of State Houses (not to mention Court Houses) in every state. 

Jesse Jackson jr.'s mother stated that her son was dealing with "enormous" political disappointments.  He had been expecting to become Senator (Candidate #5 who escaped prosecution while the duly elected Governor was roused from his bed at 6:00 a.m. by Patrick Fitzgerald's office, and now sits in a penitentiary,) he had expected to have the opportunity to run for mayor of Chicago,  ... such "Illusions and Trinkets dangled in the face of young people..." sprinkled in her remarks about how she, who "plays" politics, doesn't LIVE politics, but rather, lives in the house with God, and is thereby made resilient in her faith.  I feel for Mrs. Jackson.  Her husband, Jesse, was seated next to her at the podium, applauding her worth as a founder of the PUSH Coalition and a faithful spouse.

I cannot recant my wish in an earlier posting, that he suffer.  Nor can I take back calling him an asshole.  He is and he should, moreover, he must.  In his confinement, Jackson must confront all that he did, all the times he faced a choice between doing the decent thing and doing the bidding of the Obama Campaign.  Raum Emmamuel self-righteously opines that Jr. should heal and not concern himself with returning to work in a Congress that "doesn't work."  EXCUSE ME?!!!  Emmanuel, are you honestly calling out the very Congress who's Campaign and Fundraising Committee you chaired prior to ascending to Chief of Staff in the Obama White House?

Lord, grant me the serenity to
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
 It leaves me wondering what is going through Jr.'s head right now, but I can extend him my very best wishes for a complete and joyous recovery.  I wish him the comfort of his family, the vindication of his mother and most of all, I wish him the evenness and legitimacy in leadership that will result from his encounter with the Divinity Within.  We ambitious Catholics are cited the story of St. Paul, the Apostle, a powerful politician temporarily blinded by the light of the Risen Christ.  His subsequent writings initiated the Gentile's New Testament principles: the gentling of behavior and the relaxation of the laws of Moses mandating dietary and judicial harshness.   Perhaps these two kings of cruel; JJJ and Raum, will find the mercy and kindness from the people that they were too callous and driven to perceive while they are in a position to actually make a difference.  In forgiving them, I acccept my own many political disappointments and embrace my periods of unemployment, despair and financial hardship as badges of blessings of the God who will make it right. 

This is one of those things for which I can only pray I be granted the serenity to accept that this is one of those things I cannot change.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Candidate #5 Off His Horse

It appears that Jesse Jackson, Jr. is the victim of the push-back he personally set in motion four years ago.  I recall that this fraud was the arm-twister behind so many Clinton Super-Delegates flipping for her opponent.  I'm still not over the rumping of my Party's convention in 2008 and with Jackson so full of himself as to drive the delegates into the blind canyon of June when our votes were dismissed without further consideration.

I'd like to see JJJ continue to suffer the throes of conscience, the insecurity, the anguish, the humiliation that this prick and his hood fostered in my life.  Suffer, Asshole!

Friday, July 6, 2012


Because I taped "Cavuto" last evening at the same time I was "d-v-ring" the Pirates v. the Astros, my tv was on Fox Business this morning when checked in with my first cup of coffee.  He had interviewed Ralph Nader (should spell it Nadir, because he really fostered the low point of our history by 3rd Partying ?W? into office.)  Cavuto was graciously entertaining the book recently offered to explain that the Feds are ill-equipped to police the current corporate crime wave. 

He suggests getting "steamed" to overcome corporatism.  Cavuto, as a good friend, slaps the cuffs on his frequent guest with a caveat to avoid the broad brush smear approach to calling Corporaters Criminals.  Always a Gentleman, Cavuto. 

As the result, instead of Fox & Friends, I morn'd with Imus, another gentleman wannabe, who asked Brian Wilson to stop hating on his daughter, Carnie, but only AFTER airing a few laughs for the guy's cheaply-shotting the obesity issue that has plagued Ms. Wilson.

So he was being a guy.   Dagen McDowell hangs in there with those guys, and probably because she makes them, they treat her with deference.  Her fellow correspondants carry the day with notes about the Regie Remarks to the effect that legitimate HOFers will boycott if A-Rod, Bonds, Maguire, and such "tainted" MLBoys of Summer are elected.

Recalling the "Unsafe At Any Speed" manifesto pantsing the US Auto Design Community, A "Spyder" Corvair owner and driver wasn't looking for safety, Ralph.  Any more than I was, on my skates for 10 hours a day.  There's a mindset that accepts "risk" as a factor to diminish in the pursuit of excellence.  A "safe" path that is applauded by your mother isn't a path they'll advocate or enjoy... it carries, (wait for it .....) RISK!   There's risk in change, I guess, which should make me love the progressives, but after countless bruises acquired in skate falls, and loss of my favorite tights and crete burns, I came to balance risk against probabilities. 

I learned to incorporate likely successes into my risk taking.  When I had so mastered a maneuver that I could make it my "GOTO" for eluding danger, it became clear to me that risk needn't be massive.  A minimal risk, taken regularly, had the same cumulative effect of advancing my skill level as a leap of faith taken rashly.

Ralph is a Leaper.  He ain't finance.  He ain't design.  He ain't administering the resources of 300 million people paying taxes in the country.  He ain't PR.  He is a scavenger who lives off the decomposition of once living organisms he destroyed with such broad-brush paint jobs as he's peddling in "Steamed." 

Greenies like steamed foods, and should love this latest Nader pea.  I don't need to be listening to live TV to "get" in touch with the likes of Charles Payne, who articulates, beautifully, on a regular basis, my sentiments regarding the Whiner In Chief.  The Prompting from the airwave says it like we mean it:  ATTRACT business and create jobs.  What the Obats attract are cop-out, craven quitters.  What manner of "business" wishes to locate itself in a steaming exchange of excuses for failure? 

Legitimate analysis - as experience has taught me - is performed in the wake of extreme loss.  Do we set idle without resources or self-respect, self-medicating and languishing?  Or do we find another way to process our excellence? 

From Payne's interviews, I glean a "too legit to quit" American, self-made and successful in the face of the "Brother's" bogus explanation of the Obama World.  I just heard him ranting that Obama's Class Warfare game pisses him off, "There are Rich people who aren't responsible and they don't care for others" meme.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Italian Spider Visit

The Progressives are now understood to be low hanging fruit, soon to be lumped together with the launchers of the movement to make the word "Illegals" illegal. They are actually calling it the "I" Word to link it to the "N" Word as an unacceptable, racist slur. A young woman, who represented herself as a refugee from a banana republic tribal conflict
“You haven’t even thought this out, Miss Novoa,” O’Reilly said coldly. “You have not even thought this out. And with all due respect, because I appreciate you coming in here, you come in here with a very hot campaign, alright? Run by a far-Left website, demonizing people like me who are accurately telling the people what’s happening. And you don’t even know what you want. You don’t even know what you want.”

The appeal to suffering people has always worked on Americans who are known = worldwide - as a soft touch. Maybe "Drop The I Word" campaign should note, first and foremost, that her cited source, Fox News Latino, is a SPIN-OFF of Fox News! Now, having been "created" by a Fatherly Fox and an American Media Marketing Mother, Fox Latino makes its first move to take-over the parent news organization, the one who earned the ratings and fostered the journey back from the Cleaners to - in fact - serve as the 4th Estate. I think that the Progressives have made a bad marriage in hopping into bed with Obama without being properly introduced and insisting on a history of Family exchange, such as a dowry or a political appointment. Face it. Obama has no American Leverage

He was reared in a country that eats dog, rules militarily and requires Muslim inculcation of all citizens! He has no history of Red, White and Blue patriotic development and his associates are deliberately anti-american. How can these misfits expect to ever truly be inducted into the American Way? They come from other countries to sleaze into a country that endeavors to support individual independence. They are generations behind those brought here to work mines, mills, railroads and farms. They wish to deal drugs, invade schools and abuse hospital services.

Upon his return to the United States, Obama lived in Hawaii, the 50th State, a former Monarchy, disconnected from the Main Land by two time zones and marooned from us in too many ways to enumerate. There, at the age of about 14, the young Obama began smoking dope. It was at that time that he ceased to develop that area of his ethical intelligence, and the progressives are forever wed to a thus-addled, immature, slick, cynical manipulator who went onto Columbia (Harlem) and Harvard (Boston Commons) to master schmoozing, manipulation and Affirmative Pandering. On a legacy as porous as that of George W Bush. NOT on Merit, Gary. I know you despised the Yale grad and your own "Peers"
who - frankly - would sneer
to be so smeared
by a classmate
attempting to equate himself in any way
to those born to privilege.

Monica Novoa attempted to shame Bill O'Reilley into submission and
to reinforce her derision of users of the "I Word"
as Racist. Obama's Black Bandwagon has hitched a cattle car to its engine which is steamed by malicious exploitation of suffering human beings.

I remember Bobby Kennedy going into ghettos and actually sitting among the poorest black children and holding them on his lap, comforting them. Encouraging and smiling with them. Princess Diana, likewise, went into hospitals and touched victims of Aids, went to Africa and sat with and held victims of land mines, toxic water and poverty. Obama EXCLUSIVELY associates with the most obnoxious of the rich, cruel, selfish and full-of-shit academics. He married his boss, and his only job before entering politics was spending the money given by the Annenburg Challenge to fundamentally change the Chicago School System. What were the results?

Here in Pittsburgh, The Gates Foundation gave millions to the City Schools to reinforce the Pittsburgh Promise, a program started by the young mayor, Luke Ravenstahl, to reward families who chose to live inside the city limits and send their kids to the city schools with the tuition to attend college. To administer this Fund, Melinda and Bill Gates did not hire a pompous race-hustler; they placed the funds under the joint management of themselves and the Teachers Union, which, in the City, under the Presidency of John Tarka, had not struck the city schools for a raise or a contract in more than ten years. Proven initiatives supported. Not a gesture of grandiosity by people with money on their hands to interfere and impose on a system, but - rather - recognition of initiative and responsible management endowed with enough material support to reinforce the "divine" charge with which the Promise was conceived and the commitment with which it was launched.

When the Fox Latinos sent Monica Navoa to "school" O'Reilley, they obviously didn't do their homework nor familiarize themselves with the qualities that have made the O'Reilley Factor the #1 Cable News Opinion program in the United States for more than a decade. I recommend they give "Bold, Fresh Piece of Humanity" a listen and grasp the respect O'Reilley shows for his Catholic / Parochial School education and the nuns who molded him into a great teacher-turned-commentator. I have yet to hear Obama allude to his grade school teachers and any influential educators prior to his pan-handled admission to Harvard on the legacy of his rabid father's exchange school affirmative opportunity.

Most of them are not radicals, but they do have the skills that come from political organizing in Central America."
California State University, Northridge, Gregory Velazco y Trianosky, associate dean for humanities and the Central American student association's advisor.

Ms Navoa doesn't understand that, as an El Salvador emigrant, regardless of circumstances, she and her family fled oppression and threats to their way of life. Because her father was a leftist educator, he was targeted by dictators. Likewise, today, because Bill O'Reilley is an influential counter-balance to the Leftist demands, she considers herself superior to him ethically.

I, too, came out of the dirt with "radical" notions fostered by my exposure to academia, but like O'Reilley, I recall the influence of Sister Generossa, Sister Claudia, Sister Aquina and lay teacher, Joe Francis. I grew up with daily mass, fundraising to enhance the quality of my school experience and no access to transportation to and from school except as my mill-working, carpenter father provided us each day. My mother kvetched endlessly about the trouble my ideas would bring me. But called from the darkness, I stepped - foolishly, my Angels would say - into the world of White, Anglo Saxon Protestants who were those among whom Obama gained his Ivy League Credentials. Likewise, Ms Navoa enjoyed the will of the people of California to nurture and reward her and her family for choosing, like Mary Magdalen, the Better Way.

Dr. Betty Siegel, first Woman President of Kennesaw State University, in an address to the Atlanta chapter of the National Association of Professional Saleswomen, taught me the single most critical cross-over lesson of my life: She came from a Jewish New York family to the South where she melded the best of the Culture of her Religious Background and Kin with the fierce determination to spread the wealth of cultural strength to the poorest young people of Georgia. The Legacy of Jimmy Carter's Presidency nourished and supported the rise of the Owls under this pioneer, but her own closing line, hand outstretched as she delivered, "Whattya Say?" made even the most reluctant, traditionalists trust her and buy into HER version of spreading the wealth. Not via taxation and celebrity, but via respectful, PLEASANT exchange

Above all, she was respectfully entertaining, not a smart ass critic of her opponents. Betty SOLD her stuff, she didn't strut it. She was accomplished and solid, but, above all, she was aware of her Odyssey and alluded to it always as she recounted the set-backs that made her such a great saleswoman and closer. Would that the modern activists get themselves a telemarketing job or two to learn these skills lacking in the low-hanging-fruits' approach.

"You've never lived until you've almost died; as for our freedom, for those of us who have fought for it, life has a flavour the protected will never know." - Anonymous