Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Marie Chose Homelessness
Make America Great Again Does To The Republican Party What Progressives Did To the Democrat Party
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, THE FEDERALIST: "I think the Republican party probably needs to understand the reason why its prospects are so good is because Donald Trump kind of reshaped the party into a working-class multiracial party and that is why they're going to have electoral success and they should acknowledge that and understand why people are moving to their party in a way they didn't before."Such as I realized at the North Jersey Republican Party Watch Gathering during the Trump Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention in August 2020. During the leadup to the speech, we applauded the many candidates for local office who differed from what I had perceived Republicans to be in several ways. Women who owned their owned businesses, Real Estate Agents, Retired and Active Reserve Military many among them starkly different from the previous norm, white, country club, buttoned-down conservatives. I sat at table with three men in uniform who were quite enthused about the impact they were confidant they would have on their communities once elected. Likewise, a terribly rude woman at the table next to the buffet in a voice laced with hostility threatened me that I should remove my fingertips from the table at which she was seated. This was a nice restaurant and we met some lovely young people at the bar who asked what all these name-tagged people were doing here. We chatted amiably as we waited for our drinks and as we paid for out cocktails, the man who acknowledged that he was a Democrat confided that the Democrats have lost their minds. As the line for the food got to the buffet, and the nasty black woman demanded that I remove my finger from her table, my companion - a feisty independent Trumper, her temper heated up - wanted to engage her. There I was, a step from the first item on the buffet, hungry and eager for what was a lavish spread of some promising tidbits, about to witness a confrontation I sorely wanted to avoid. Gripping her shoulders,I turned her towards the food and used the most calming, reassuring voice I had to defuse the tension. But there it was, a stark demonstration of what now drives the Democratic Party with hate in even the most elegant, civilized setting. In turn, Working Class people with an educated understanding of economic influence on communities were stepping forward to take up activism in a positive, self-guided leadership role. Not seeking to recruit triggered supporters, they express their ideas intelligently, letting the audience make wise choices and on the strength of President Trump's message, were doing so within the framework of the Republican Party. As I looked around, I saw none of what once said "Republican" to me: no yellow ties, no blazers and khakis, no ladies with big hair and jewelry. What I saw were the kind of folks who hold down a couple jobs and volunteer to coach Little League, empty nesters able to devote newly acquired free time to their passion and neighbors who immigrated to New Jersey who were solidly American and loving their new country for all the reasons they left where they had lived.
Monday, February 14, 2022
The Terrans
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Pirate Fée Draguignan
With Cutch at bat, JaHey and Travis on base, the swing "Chases." says Greg Brown, (we Hear as "jesus!")

Bénè is still "there" in the Maple, but has become Bénè +.
Unloading The Stupified
They disparage me on my FaceBook page for recognizing what's true and insist on conflating their spin with what is. Anyone can look at Joe Biden and understand that he's "shot" as Trump observes. His mental acuity is not just in question; he's clearly in the early stages of dementia. He cannot be propped up in the eyes of legitimate citizens any more than the pretentious Obama was. He's not the President for all as he proclaims. He's neither capable of bringing about a healing of the nation nor a softening of suspicion in which Middle America holds him.that google map that shows us in a location in the Tasman Sea off the coast of Austrailia. the Location name is 4RJMF2FM+FR i CANnot change the pointsizze, but I can "embolden" text. This content is not available in preview. So, how did I gett here? I had the wrong stick for this keyboard and just recognixed that this is the correct one. I'm going to shift to Word, which I just paid $126 dollars to install as a program I've woned not subscription renewable, but just an upgradable.
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Former CIA Director John Brennan An Affront to the Constitution
In an era when all tech patents granted are immediately classified and all inventions are weaponized by these Nazis-In-American-Guise frauds, I am managing and monitoring my thoughts, endeavoring utterly to control my emotion and transcend this ruse they continue to perpetrate.
The president “has shown highly abnormal behavior by lying routinely to the American people without compunction, intentionally fueling divisions in our country and actively working to degrade the imperfect but critical institutions that serve us,” Brennan writes.
Having learned where the black - Unacknowledged - budget is really going, how Haliburton has mocked those very "institutions" now callously commandeered by the Brennan & Company Crowd, my instincts tell me that the word "President" can and should be replaced by "the Elite" and any criticism lobbed at Trump by these Shadow thugs now masquerading as Citizens are more likely their cynical attempt to have us "look at this shiny thing" while they continue as Mis-Information distributors to confuse us and make us question whom we can believe, as this Op Ed demonstrates.
Trump defies THEM and therefore puts himself directly in their cross-hairs, just as JFK did by attempting to exercise the authority of the Presidency to implement his policies. That quote more accurately describes Brennan, the Bushes, Obama and MK Ultra and Contractors enjoying free and unaccounted-for access to US Resources in "kept secret by lethal force" unconstitutional, criminal artifice.
As the Conference In The Desert unfolds, whistle-blower revelations about Antarctica, Mars, the Moon, and the ancient history of our planet; Government Disclosure, UFO Sightings, Crop Circles and "Need to Know" alternative "news" is offered the thinking, responsible citizen no longer willing to indulge the tactics of ridicule and oppression, the Men In Black threatening and murdering investigators into these more-likely-true-than the bogusnesquesness fed us by those who would be referred to as "our Government."
I'm not afraid to learn that Aliens - or beings of off-planet races - live and exist among us. I'm not upset that what has been presented as "Science Fiction" is, in fact, actually happening. I'm not thrilled that the crimes committed in the name of preserving secrecy about technology and access for the elite go unquestioned; but I wish it to be brought to an end. Let us have the actual reality of what has heretofore been a military-access-only body of information. Let us arrive at the truth as we are able to understand and process it. Let us Stand on our Hind Legs as bona-fide Humans, a species to be respected, trusted and recognized for what we bring to life. Let us no longer take responsibility for the Nazi-mentality that threatens nuclear war, oppresses the good in humanity and enslaves us for their own profit and pretentious extravagance.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Associating Excel with Soul.
It can convert your data to graphs, charts or - I suspect - 3-D. Because it connects to any other spread sheet you wish with a simple code, I realized, today, that after your data has been sorted, you may copy and paste that data onto a brand new worksheet and sort it according to a different sequence of the columns. As you work and re-work your data, you discern errors and inaccuracies which you correct upon recognition. Each correction then globally corrects wherever else that "cell ID-Entity" recognizes itself as a parallel "probability" which Seth describes.
Body/Soul Partnership
The fate that awaits us is not dependent on our pace, which was pre-ordained before we ever appeared in Human Guise.
Daily Om Today@dailyOM.comWe awaken to the input from that "guise," alerting us that the Human Being s a separate entity from the Soul. These are partners and operate best within a framework of mutually respectful communication.
Fostering misery, thwarting efforts, and leaving the body during its periods of sleep to enjoy alternative existence as "traveler" is not the Soul's best partnership behavior. The indifference which Souls appear to demonstrate towards the "gross, dense, 3-D body" is not only offensive to the Human who serves freely and willingly, but denies the essence of Human Spirituality - ostensibly the manner in which the Soul is learning sensory experience through duality of being.
While most likely it is true that "We Are Souls; We Have Bodies" it seems inappropriate that a Soul, so much more powerful and infinite than its current body, cops an immunity pass and disposes of that body in which it has incarnated in order to escape to freedom from earthly form.
Souls "embody" by virtue of substantial service and generosity on the part of mothers who allow these beings to gestate within their own bodies. This "portal into physical manifestation" was neither an act of magic nor one of exclusively the Soul's choice. Free Will and Choice are separate and individually meritorious.
Our Bodies wish us to understand that they are neither passive nor "disposable."
The Human Body is a Life Form, a sentient being with sovereignty and dignity deserving of simple courtesies as Life joined to the Soul evolves.
Think of the Body/Soul relationship as a see-saw, alternating merge, or like jacking up a car with the right/left, step-by-step process of lifting. The Body & Brain's connection to the Soul is veiled from awareness, the memory of it concealed in the subconscious. On the other hand, the Soul IS capable of ever-presence and minding our minds being the point of exchange via which the Human Brain and the Soul's electro-magnetic composition are sorted into manifestation.
Dance Lessons are in order. Let us take up the Mission of learning to move in concert, interactively. Let us not expect our "Blind-to-the-Unknown" Human Guise to "just KNOW that it is driven by a multi-level, time-immune connection to the infinite Source.
Let us make the best use of our life energy, no longer testing the validity of the inspiration we experience because we are concerned that we are being "played" by the "rogue, majestic" elite who are feeding off our emotion, that most precious gift of the Human Guise.
Take utterly infallible faith in the realization that there is no Black and White. All is White!
Sunday, June 25, 2017
About the Grays
UFOlogy and Inter-Dimesional dialogue has eclipsed my interest in Politics. EYES form from seemingly solid matter in my view and I am tazed by intelligentles "looking back" at me making eye contact in unexpected ways. The latest, and most life-altering, was the Eagle/Dragon/Branch of an aged Lilac Tree in my garden. I was so at my wit's end with the Race Card's ubiquitous "play" that I was talking to myself... I looked up - that is to say, my EYES were magnetically drawn up to an EYE drilling me with a look that said: "Stop this. Keep your energy to yourself. This is not your fight. Let any who would choose this path do so. Get off this treadmill. Be aware of all the EYES on you waiting to see you address this choice."
At that moment and ever since, the "Pretentious Progressives" were completely in my rear-view mirror and falling away. But in that glance from the Dragon, I was shown arcs at every turn and began to "See."
Like Dan Burisch, I found the notion of Bio-Mechanics riveting enough that I "agreed" to work in a realm where legitimate scientists, engineers and inventors work at gunpoint, ever threatened with violent "push-back" for demonstrating curiosity, professional exchange or impulses to understand beyond "need to know."
"If you build it; they will come." to your Field of Dreams. But instead of the players referenced in that movie; the Team emerging is the Negro League Homestead Grays. The Grays began in a suburb of Pittsburgh but played a portion of their Home games in Washington D.C. They boasted numerous Hall of Famers like Cool Papa Bell, Ray Brown, Josh Gibson, Buck Leonard, Cum Posey and Jud Wilson. All these players are honored in a facade at the Washington Nationals' ball park.
The Scene - a baseball diamond in a corn field in Iowa changes to a Crop Circle in a field of Barley in North Dakota. Baerl - or Beer as it has come to be, is brewed from Barley and Hopps, seemingly to sustain baseball players and their fans. 6th Dimensional being, RA, could understand so much more if such a Game could be attended by the being.
The scene changes again. Oil people from Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas light up the once invisible North Dakota with fracking activity. No better way to make the most of night lighting than ball games in the Summer. And from the Crop Circle a tradition evolves: The Grays who come to play are not Human. They are the 4 foot tall, disproportionately large heads with huge, almond shaped black eyes, no ears or lips, three-fingered clones we know as "Aliens."
Themselves normally serious; the Grays are understood to have an incredible sense of humor, to be capable of telepathic communication and are purposefully task-oriented. When not conducting cattle mutilations, abductions of humans for dna material and assorted testing and generally showing off their piloting skills in any number of types of UFOs, the Grays are interested in a better understanding of Humanity.
Suited in impervious material that SSSSwwoooooosh! sucks itself to the wearer's form and makes itself an extension of the wearer's own skin, the Grays take an interest in the mechanics, rules and "play" of the Game. Unlike their "programmers," the Grays serve at their own discretion. En-trained by a seemingly higher intelligence, they telepath as a species, all there is to know about their handlers as well as their "Subjects."
Here the Queen's EYEBROWSE flicker. Subjects? They rule those they abduct?
As in the District of Columbia, the Vatican and the City of London, Sovereignty and "Nationhood" is a factor of the Native Americans' Indian Nation in North Dakota. Taxation, jurisdiction and "subjugation" are not the prerogative of even the Shadow Government in the Black Hills. Glyphs and Traditions of our Native American culture have depicted the Grays as far back as the hills themselves, and encounters with them are spoken of matter-of-factly as nothing new or strange.