In a flourishing democracy, the Fourth Estate is charged with the duty of keeping the other branches honest. In order to do this, members of the press corpse receive what lobbyists pay for and what social climbers 'kill' for: ACCESS.
Press credentials provide a free ticket to the action. With a Press PASS, one's life is something like that which is depicted on the ads: perks, strokes, free food, seating that provides a better view than some of the highest ranking ticket-holders. The Press Box at sporting events, for example, is directly under, above or near the booth where the announcers of the team sit. The press is fed the same TV and ticker info as the owners. Press Pass holders access the venue from a protected, sequestered entrance, special elevator, etc... all secured by guards. If the Press Pass holder is a familiar face in the venue, ... and, of course, the material making its way into broadcasts, articles, web sites, columns, etc.... is favorable; the access evolves in a fashion that favors the favoring main stream media vehicle.
Let the news consumer beware. Much of what you read, view and hear is calculated to preserve the preferred access enjoyed by the "reporter" and should be recognized as such.
Now-a-days, the
Communications Majoris the product-of-education that the main stream media hires; attractive models with cosmetic appeal and short attention spans. Lynn Swann, for example, played football at Southern Cal, a good school of course, but he played football and majored in
Communications. Following a successful career with the Steelers (and the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre) Swann moved into the PRESS CORPSE enjoying side-line venues with TOTAL ACCESS to the stars. Taking the next logical step; he decided that he could run the State of Pennsylvania BY MAKING A FEW TWEAKS TO HIS FOCUS. He confidently challenged Fast Eddie, Edward G Rendell, for Governor. He was unanimously endorsed by the Republican State Committee, subduing his only viable possible contender for the nomination, Political professional, Scranton, whose campaign manager, Jim Seif made an unfortunately flip remark about Swann's status in Pennsylvania Folklore. Success in communications, as in athletic endeavors and fundraising, is arrogantly assumed to be immediately transferable to the political arena. (read: name recognition). There was a time when a degree, and its concurrent discipline in Journalism from a good school, was primary criteria for consideration for such a position. The money true journalists earn doesn't touch the social life, fame and commercial value of today's performing pundit. Preserving the Press Pass is as much the focus of our news deliverers as getting re-elected with big money campaigns is for our politicians. Just pointing out the IS.