Chicago tactics fall short. Accomplished diplomats burnish the façade, but fail to justify Obama's rapid rise through the ranks predicated on the willingness to violate rights. Where's the elected Win / Win approach?
If they hit, we hit back twice as hard." "If they bring a knife to a street fight, we bring a gun."Such thuggish language! You need your mouth washed out with soap.
You cannot possibly hear and see yourselves, or you'd tighten up and observe WORK ZONE RULES!!! We evolve as reviewers of Presidential Leadership.
The White House is the seat of Constitutional Law Enforcement. The pyramid of power peaks at the Oval Office, yet its occupant resorts to street-level consciousness and the bully pulpit. We the People expect our President to undertake the exercises that legitimize and build consensus.
The DNC – taken over by the AxelPunks and moved to Chicago, served as the template for these MöB tactics. Overtly aggressive operatives were delivered by Obama campaign buses to disrupt, commandeer and, yes, rig (known in low level mob circles as Game) the 2008 Caucuses.
The Blog Rolls of the
Just Say No Deal Coalition testified to the tactics of suppression leveled at Pro-Hillary posters on such sites as Daily Kos. Scandalized, shocked and utterly unprepared to meet with such un-American violence of our first amendment rights, the mantra, “
Country before Party!” synchronized rebellion. Holding the Democratic Party Accountable was the mission. And now we hear our principles; abandoned during the Primaries, preached against the very level of public misconduct we were shown. We demanded; “Where is Obama? Where is the Leadership? Why has he not spoken out against this unacceptable conduct from his supporters?” Underground entities – practiced in secrecy and espionage – HOPE to intimidate a free people into compliance. Ayers, Wright, Acorn were explained away. "No Drama" Obama, who then remained 'above the fray', now appears - daily- donning Nixonian bluster, to force what he is unable to sell.
Bots, paid to troll pro-Clinton sites, did as coached. Piranha Schooled, they swarmed and consumed political opponents. You are what you eat. Social experiment in the Presidency is disorder. LBJ, elevated by an act of unspeakable violence, was the quintessential demonstration of just what NOT to do.
We are bemused. The Obots exploded into the consciousness of patrons of change, billed as new “
Sopranos.” Knowledgeable Opera fans heard for themselves and had their doubts.
Opera, Italian for
work, was never documented by these pretenders. Where was the score for reviewers to follow? Where were the notes indicative of original composition? They were all sealed from review. Scholars were forbidden access to any of the early works by which we evaluate and substantiate the influence and genius of the untested, unproven freshman Senator, endorsed for his ‘leadership,’…. Study Group colleagues are neither identified nor interviewed. We have, on the other hand, the transcripts of Hillary Clinton’s college day speeches, documentation of her activism and corroboration by her contemporaries.
It’s Violence against our Spirits, not violins in those unique cases; a mob of pretenders to Executive Office using tactics of intimidation to assert their half-baked concepts. Concerned Citizens, alarmed by inexplicable haste, concerned by recent admissions of having "Mis-read" the severity of problems, reject the ruse “Urgency of Now.” They are driven to crazed outbursts by the continued gestures of dismissive contempt from their own representatives! The message they bring to their Town Hall meeting is;
"Read the Bill!" "Let us look at it together. We're not here to be told what you want us to believe, to be spun and judged incapable of self-determination."
On display is the Audacity of
Incompetence, sloppy research, failure to communicate. We who actually work at our jobs are neither impressed nor convinced by these occupants of the Agencies of the People. We expected to find them undertaking actual Work, as the BUSINESS OF THE PEOPLE prescribes. Throughout a six month review period, we’ve indulged trial-and-error-chaos, having seen none of the touted superior judgment and leadership we were assured would shine through.
At Town Hall meetings, we, the owners of this country, express disappointment and disapproval, urging a change in the
approach, not the System!
The School Board steps in; the Stock holders, who have become mere “bag-holders,” demand supervision of these first time Administrators pending a successfully completed probationary performance. Did we not pass over a qualified, experienced commodity at the urging of these young cult leadership pitch people?
“Oh Captain, My Captain!” Whitman’s ode to fallen President Lincoln, suggests, perhaps a game changer. While the Media and DNC have adopted the Chicago Style of citation, it may actually be appropriate to cite via the AMA Style.!_My_Captain!&id=776898.
Do surgical candidates want the medical student who is tops in his class, or the surgeon who has performed in the operating theatre under the scrutiny of accomplished performing providers?
The town hall
mobsters are saying:
“We're making you an offer you cannot refuse!”Tables turn.
We’ve objectively observed the tactics of this crowd. We are hearing the bases of our own complaints, dismissed in the primaries, now being righteously recycled as their defense. The "Mobs" reject deaf D.C. insiders, social climbers posing as journalists and fugitives from justice launching political careers. Put the workhorse in its rightful place: before the bandwagon.
What the Health Care Reformer presents is perceived as clear and present danger to the Citizenry. Incapable of reassuring us, the Aristocratic Citizen of the World ratchets up name-calling, threats and the Bully Pulpit. The mis-named Mobsters reject their Representatives’ failure to represent them. They represent themselves, responding in kind, to the tactics used against them. These were the same less-educated, downscale voters Obama's campaign tried to buy with newspaper endorsements in Appalachia. He had the opportunity to hear these people out and understand their needs during the campaigns, but hid, instead, behind the Race card.
Town hall meetings are intended to be an exchange. The Citizenry has observed a collapse of our financial system, the corruption of our political system and the hijacking of our Fourth Estate by special interests. We arrive ‘ginned up’ for the bullies we have learned by experience to confront. We demand that our President present Health Care ideas clearly, patiently and respectfully. People who aren't normally disposed to attend these meetings can no longer trust that their interests are being represented. Taking personal responsibility for their future, the urgency of now has shifted to "Now hear this!"
Let’s all get up and dance to a song
That was a hit before your mother was born,
Though she was born a long, long time ago,
Your mother should know,
Your mother should know.
Sing it again! McCartney-Lennon
These very Congress People, Super Delegates trusted to provide a grown-up’s sensibility to the nominating process, got their guy.
OK, you won; get over it! The Election is history. You’re on the clock, now. Get serious!