Wish I could call myself Uppity woman, but she's already a legend in the blogosphere. I don't want trouble, but I also don't want anybody to suppose for a second that I'm prepared to eat it when others assert that they're "more equal" than I because of gender, race or education. In this economy, money no longer impresses me. How do you handle debt?
"There is too much partisanship and not enough progress -- too much narrow ideology and not enough practical problem-solving,"
His heart's just not in it. And all that party discipline cannot cover up the reality for men of principle.
"...why Democrats are going to keep winning. (Two words: young people.) In short, the Republicans are going to keep getting spanked again and again for forty more years because we're right and they're wrong, and Americans know it." wrote James Carville following the 2008 Election.
To parrot the girls on the blog pages: ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, hee, ho! Ho! Ho! hiccup. tears in my eyes, and laughing so hard I can only nod and say, "Amen." That Obama Train full of kids who get out the vote can sure deliver! Did James remember to put the sign on his bank account before he doled out that advice? Eek! And to think we shed even one tear that these political genii so enjoyed their inaugural celebrations.
A "layer" in the People Parfait; the Predator is closely attached to the Prey. Pradators of the Lending Practice Species have consumed the foolish home-buying dreamers. Until time and interest claimed them, the Predators' hunted were abundant and blind to the true identity of their exploiters.
They were primed by the carefully cultivated "Trust" in House and Senate Banking Committee Chairs, their regulatory agents, in the SEC, in the long-revered houses like Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch: unable to even process the idea that the contract into which they entered was - by definition - their demise.
...Alway a bigger dawg. The Predators of the Lending Species, now flush with bonus money, dominate campaign fundraising, spawn natural enemies, keep up appearances and with the Joneses and hide in Congress. They enter their own version of the Arms Race, matching dares, out-witting the cunning cheats poised to eat them alive for the slightest mistake, surviving - just barely - in a dog-eat-dog, "Trust Nobody" scheme to find fresh turf, virgin voters and property buyers. We of the PUMA cult warned; the top three recipients of Wall Street Campaign contributions were Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank and Barack H. Obama. Oh, Oprah, the molested-as-a-child Mogul, opened a school for African Girls and who moves in? PREDATORS. She became one of the richest people on earth. No predation there. What Woman wouldn't trust such a success purist to pick her President for her? She of the Trinity United Church of Christ, http://www.ctlibrary.com/ct/2002/april1/1.38.html
What the Oprah phenomenon also shows, though, is that this brand of spirituality is ultimately unsatisfying. Perhaps the most telling thing about Oprah's role as a spiritual leader to the seeking masses is that she herself is such an ambitious seeker. Indeed, the smorgasbord of religions and ideas that make up her belief system suggest that she still has not found what she's looking for.
Cameras up, Budget Comment...Mr. Progressive
1. Glares / Bristles at the mention of "Triple the National Debt"
2. Looks away, then down, nods condescendingly
3. Shakes his head "no"
4. Nods in communion to the EGO within
5. Holds his nose!
6. Interrupts impatiently to "Just Gotta take this last question as an example..."
7. "...with all due respect" of how (for HIM) it's very hard to have the kind of bipartisan work that we're gonna do."
...no ideas and no solutions, in spite of the fact...(interrupt) to correct the questioner about what he didn't think he said, what he said was within the context of healthcare.. "I...I...I...I remember that speech pretty well, it was only two days ago... " precisely the kind of detailed legislation that Speaker Pelosi and your Administration have been busy ingoring for twelve months..."Now, hold on ... No, No, No, No ..."
(background applause for the Republican assertiveness) We know that we have offered these solutions and yet hear from the Administration that we have offered nothing...again, interrupting .."I'm spinning using this as a specefic example, so, let me answer your question, you asked a question; I want to answer it."
... and my question is..."Jim:" (he interrupts, again,) I know there's a question in there somewhere, cause you're making a whole bunch of assertions, half of which I disagree with."... and I'm having to sit here LISTENING to 'em!....
That has always been the essence of it, really...What? Me Listen?