Are you still driving your SUV down to the grocery store every day to get a pack of cigarettes? Do your kids expect you to fund their !phones, !pads, !want-it-alls while their teachers strike - righteously - for the automatic raise they should get because they kept their jobs for the past full year?
Like the grasshopper who fiddled and played while the Ants worked all summer to store away a Winter's worth of provisions, the Union and Retiree folk are getting in there to demand support from the rest of us who have long since lost benefits, savings if not our jobs, so they may hold onto theirs. It's the greedy Republicans... it's the Greedy Oil Companies, Oil Speculators, ...Collapse the Capitalist System!!! yadda, yadda, yadda...
Me? I am - at long last, resigned to the things I'll never have because the "Buy In" is unavailable to me even if I were willing. I haven't been out to dinner in ages, in fact, I'm thankful there's any food in my house the way prices for everything are leap-frogging each other. But the Butler County Democrats will hold their Spring Dinner to introduce the Candidates and - since the cost is a mere $15 bucks, how can anybody be too cheap to do that? A fifteen dollar dinner on a Thursday night, not sure who'll be there, and since I'm only doing it for the opportunity to hear again, with my own ears, how the Democrats got their asses kicked up to their teeth on November 2, 2010 because they didn't get their message out, I'm `THERE!
I want to hear as many candidates as possible ask me to get out there and work for nothing to get them elected so they can do the bidding of the big donors who want to go down on Obama and oppress me for my "racism" as though my take on the Economy is nothing they need to worry about. I want to shake the hand and look in the eye of any Power-That-Wants-To-Be and see the pupil go completely Iris-sized as they convince me that the coalition that elected Obama still has the votes to get THEM elected to shore up his agenda.
Yes, and I want to continue this reign of Trolls and incompetents who elbowed themselves past the capable electors now losing faith, dreams and the ground underfoot to the HOPE who should have billed himself as the HOOP or the HOLE, or the COPE with it; Where Else Are They Going To Go? Plouffe FFools.
So the Secret Service has added an Armored Bus to the fleet of Armored Vehicles in which the CIC is carted 'round ... so the gas-guzzling non-hybrid vehicles taxpayers are told they should abandon are out of his way when he blows through your state on the Campaign Trail. 2 things: He's pro gun control but goes nowhere without an army and a bullet-proof, IED-Proof limo and now tour bus securing his butt and the Secret Service, unlike the Air Traffic Controllers, are wound up tight enough to just sense when a Non-SS gun or bomb is in the area. Got It.
ick. I hate this guy.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Scurrying to the Comfort of the Class Room
His Facebook "lecture" has taken on the look of his campaign stops: backed up by unquestioning admirers applauding his every phrase. The Lecturing Administration never notes the poor results the pupils get on their quizzi. Mid Terms? Uhh...Professor: I do conclude that you and your "Faculty" booted those more certainly than did Sarah Palin of the Katie Couric question "What Papers and Magazines do you Read?"
No longer expecting an intelligent review from the Party: the DNC IS Obama & Company. Shows you, though, doesn't it, that Women who supported Hillary Clinton had totally lost their sense of humor. Each pundit reference to HRC as the "Wife" or Mother or cranky, demanding Female Authority Figure was meant to be a white flag of surrender to the "Inevitable" President.
We can now laugh at ourselves for the failure of the Wimminz to just find the boys mildly amusing, send them back to their football games, their garages and their action movies while we took over the Country's reigns.
Majority United can still get it together. This is funny. Not tragic, but actually eye-opening reason to smile understandingly and take this burden of leadership off the shoulders of our Kids' Elementary School Principal. The JOB at hand demands hearty stock: the level of commitment to "love" that takes us through the nine months of gestation, delivery and post-partum recovery.
They weren't demeaning us: they were actually floating a "We Trust You to Kick Our Ass When We Need It" stroke of conditional surrender. We are supposed to be intuitive, sense rather than see it outright. If that were the criteria, any man could figure it out. We were operating from a leadership "style" that conducts a campaign via the young, hormone-driven political professionals who bring high energy and ambition to their political jobs.
It is not amusing to recognize that the Obama / Plouffe strategy is to appeal to the young, to mislead the inexperienced and to energize the Face Book Nation to twist their parents' arms again to get them to endorse, fund and elect him. He is pitting the Kids against the Folks with much the same technique a Professsor would use in a College Classroom: your "grade" is mine to accord you contingent upon the deference you accord me over the duration of the semester. So there you have it: Obama surrounds himself with "Students" who failed to read their History and are now permitted to register in the School of Hard Knocks. Unlike Jack Kennedy who owned a Classics infused mind, or like Bill Clinton who possessed the intellect of a dominating gamesman, honed in the Governors' Mansion over two terms interrupted by a commuppance, the President / Guest Lecturer has been forced - by Egalitarian Fairness of the Fourth Estate, to rotate out those seats in the Press Box to non-adoring, scrutinizing, assignment performing/submitting scholars building carreers rather than sucking up for the "A."
A good grade in the Obama / Plouffe Classroom viewed from the wider, long-term angle of the Graduate School of Reality and Life In The Big City isn't enough to get it done. Sure - Dad's going to give them the money to register, but when those grades - protected from the bill payers by the Registrar's Office Student Privacy rules drop them out, it's not, now or ever, DAD'S responsibility. Except in the sense that the failed college kid is now Mom & Dad's for the forseeable future.
When Professor Obama appeals to his classes for unqualified loyalty, to "get in the faces" of any who question his analysis and to demand the Affirmative Action President be nurtured and encouraged by the Know Betters in the supporting roles around him, he is saying to the WOMEN of this Country that the only thing that matters in this entire experience is his PRETTY FACE!!! He now wants to be the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT, having supplanted the first Black President. He now wants this game he's acquired to become the game of the 2012 Campaign. Don't worry about Leading: just look pretty. We can take care of everything. We don't want you to break a nail. We will lavish you with gifts, squire you to the finest restaurants and provide you with the wardrobe, transportation and entertainment that shows the world you're special. You are Daddy's Little Girl and anybody who challenges that will answer to Daddy....which makes you want to ask the President / Princess: "Who's Your Daddy?"
We ask, not out of disrespect: it matters only until we assess whether we can take him or not, thus determining our next move. I saw that working the door at the Clark Bar with Barry Bonds after a Pirate Game in the early Nineties. Bonds, Bonilla and the rest of the team were in the private party room celebrating a team mate's birthday the day I was "Guest Bouncer" at the post-game celebration. My mentors, Jeff & Marty, had prepped me to know what to look for as fans came in. My manager, the Boss who had given the O.K. knew us from the Steel Gym and was gratified that hiring bouncers who weren't big, heavy handed bruizers of the dubious wit, but rather, obviously trained, strong men who did the work of lifting and nutrition training, remaining sober and alert at the Gate.
When I took up my perch at the entrance to the Clark Bar that Fourth of July weekend, I expected Jeff to face me and we would carry off the post-afternoon game duties without a challenge...until Bonds emerged from the party room wearing his "Gold's Gym" shirt and gold chains, bracelets and diamond earrings. It was "my day!" and here was Barry Bonds, MLB Star, millionaire and legacy, crowding my debut! I had won my opportunity via the hard grind of opening the gym at 6:00 a.m every weekday, then going off to my regular job after which I returned to the gym for my own work-out. Ah! The "life" of sacrifice and intent. So here was BARRY BONDS "guesting" on my other stool, blowing the minds of the fans entering the post-game celebration. WTF? wasn't in the lexicon back then, but that's what they were thinking; trust me. Bonds, who was a shit to Pittsburgh Fans and who arrogantly ignored the promotion efforts made by the Pittsburgh Baseball Club and Manager Jim Leyland, who brushed off auto-graph seekers and who NEVER delivered in the playoffs, now talking about how much money he'd command on the open market when he became a free agent and that the 'Burgh was the LAST team he'd "perform" for.
Surprised but not really; I saw this for what it was ... the standard bullshit I got from the guys I worked with at the Pirates' ticket office. This wasn't about the money, not about the respect, not even about the Game or the Girls who wanted to get into the game. This was a flat-out crude guy, as low class as Darryl Strawberry or Dock Ellis, thinking that everybody lived by the code of the 'hood, and preferred to see a guy - ANY guy, occupying the seat wherever one existed. Offering his seat to a Lady was the ultimate proof that the guy had her under his thumb, that she would never notice his limitations as long as he first withheld it from her forcibly, then made a gallant show of "offering" it to her. Unbeknownst to her, the gesture was a show, for his buddies, cooked up in the back room for their solicitous amusement in the Eddie Haskell tradition. They KNOW I can and do kick their ass. They know that they owe their stardom to my indulgence of their "boy" behavior and they HOPE that game will never end.
So, relax, guys. I know the game. I give you the choice: spend all your time monitoring MY moves and horning, crowding, forcing yourselves into the space I've earned, or get something YOU can't have...which brings us to my next post...
No longer expecting an intelligent review from the Party: the DNC IS Obama & Company. Shows you, though, doesn't it, that Women who supported Hillary Clinton had totally lost their sense of humor. Each pundit reference to HRC as the "Wife" or Mother or cranky, demanding Female Authority Figure was meant to be a white flag of surrender to the "Inevitable" President.
We can now laugh at ourselves for the failure of the Wimminz to just find the boys mildly amusing, send them back to their football games, their garages and their action movies while we took over the Country's reigns.
Majority United can still get it together. This is funny. Not tragic, but actually eye-opening reason to smile understandingly and take this burden of leadership off the shoulders of our Kids' Elementary School Principal. The JOB at hand demands hearty stock: the level of commitment to "love" that takes us through the nine months of gestation, delivery and post-partum recovery.
They weren't demeaning us: they were actually floating a "We Trust You to Kick Our Ass When We Need It" stroke of conditional surrender. We are supposed to be intuitive, sense rather than see it outright. If that were the criteria, any man could figure it out. We were operating from a leadership "style" that conducts a campaign via the young, hormone-driven political professionals who bring high energy and ambition to their political jobs.
It is not amusing to recognize that the Obama / Plouffe strategy is to appeal to the young, to mislead the inexperienced and to energize the Face Book Nation to twist their parents' arms again to get them to endorse, fund and elect him. He is pitting the Kids against the Folks with much the same technique a Professsor would use in a College Classroom: your "grade" is mine to accord you contingent upon the deference you accord me over the duration of the semester. So there you have it: Obama surrounds himself with "Students" who failed to read their History and are now permitted to register in the School of Hard Knocks. Unlike Jack Kennedy who owned a Classics infused mind, or like Bill Clinton who possessed the intellect of a dominating gamesman, honed in the Governors' Mansion over two terms interrupted by a commuppance, the President / Guest Lecturer has been forced - by Egalitarian Fairness of the Fourth Estate, to rotate out those seats in the Press Box to non-adoring, scrutinizing, assignment performing/submitting scholars building carreers rather than sucking up for the "A."
A good grade in the Obama / Plouffe Classroom viewed from the wider, long-term angle of the Graduate School of Reality and Life In The Big City isn't enough to get it done. Sure - Dad's going to give them the money to register, but when those grades - protected from the bill payers by the Registrar's Office Student Privacy rules drop them out, it's not, now or ever, DAD'S responsibility. Except in the sense that the failed college kid is now Mom & Dad's for the forseeable future.
When Professor Obama appeals to his classes for unqualified loyalty, to "get in the faces" of any who question his analysis and to demand the Affirmative Action President be nurtured and encouraged by the Know Betters in the supporting roles around him, he is saying to the WOMEN of this Country that the only thing that matters in this entire experience is his PRETTY FACE!!! He now wants to be the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT, having supplanted the first Black President. He now wants this game he's acquired to become the game of the 2012 Campaign. Don't worry about Leading: just look pretty. We can take care of everything. We don't want you to break a nail. We will lavish you with gifts, squire you to the finest restaurants and provide you with the wardrobe, transportation and entertainment that shows the world you're special. You are Daddy's Little Girl and anybody who challenges that will answer to Daddy....which makes you want to ask the President / Princess: "Who's Your Daddy?"
We ask, not out of disrespect: it matters only until we assess whether we can take him or not, thus determining our next move. I saw that working the door at the Clark Bar with Barry Bonds after a Pirate Game in the early Nineties. Bonds, Bonilla and the rest of the team were in the private party room celebrating a team mate's birthday the day I was "Guest Bouncer" at the post-game celebration. My mentors, Jeff & Marty, had prepped me to know what to look for as fans came in. My manager, the Boss who had given the O.K. knew us from the Steel Gym and was gratified that hiring bouncers who weren't big, heavy handed bruizers of the dubious wit, but rather, obviously trained, strong men who did the work of lifting and nutrition training, remaining sober and alert at the Gate.
When I took up my perch at the entrance to the Clark Bar that Fourth of July weekend, I expected Jeff to face me and we would carry off the post-afternoon game duties without a challenge...until Bonds emerged from the party room wearing his "Gold's Gym" shirt and gold chains, bracelets and diamond earrings. It was "my day!" and here was Barry Bonds, MLB Star, millionaire and legacy, crowding my debut! I had won my opportunity via the hard grind of opening the gym at 6:00 a.m every weekday, then going off to my regular job after which I returned to the gym for my own work-out. Ah! The "life" of sacrifice and intent. So here was BARRY BONDS "guesting" on my other stool, blowing the minds of the fans entering the post-game celebration. WTF? wasn't in the lexicon back then, but that's what they were thinking; trust me. Bonds, who was a shit to Pittsburgh Fans and who arrogantly ignored the promotion efforts made by the Pittsburgh Baseball Club and Manager Jim Leyland, who brushed off auto-graph seekers and who NEVER delivered in the playoffs, now talking about how much money he'd command on the open market when he became a free agent and that the 'Burgh was the LAST team he'd "perform" for.
Surprised but not really; I saw this for what it was ... the standard bullshit I got from the guys I worked with at the Pirates' ticket office. This wasn't about the money, not about the respect, not even about the Game or the Girls who wanted to get into the game. This was a flat-out crude guy, as low class as Darryl Strawberry or Dock Ellis, thinking that everybody lived by the code of the 'hood, and preferred to see a guy - ANY guy, occupying the seat wherever one existed. Offering his seat to a Lady was the ultimate proof that the guy had her under his thumb, that she would never notice his limitations as long as he first withheld it from her forcibly, then made a gallant show of "offering" it to her. Unbeknownst to her, the gesture was a show, for his buddies, cooked up in the back room for their solicitous amusement in the Eddie Haskell tradition. They KNOW I can and do kick their ass. They know that they owe their stardom to my indulgence of their "boy" behavior and they HOPE that game will never end.
So, relax, guys. I know the game. I give you the choice: spend all your time monitoring MY moves and horning, crowding, forcing yourselves into the space I've earned, or get something YOU can't have...which brings us to my next post...
To Be Continued...
Friday, April 8, 2011
To The Presidential Advisors: LEADERSHIP CRED
When the drones observe "the Boss" breezing through his employees' work zone, what they actually witness is the Agent of the Support System into which their efforts and energies, accrued expertise and will are condensed. Enroute to the top job in the company, this Chief Executive would have surrounded himself with a solid structure of competent performers who think like him, in a "Company-First" synchrony.
Metaphorically, we discern, Alas!, that the "One" is working on his individual stats - far more interested in the numbers he'll take into the negotiations with the Electorate as he seeks re-election, and the Progressives-led D.N.C. is subordinating its job of taking a TEAM into office with OFA redux. To quote a famous candidate from 2008: "You can put lipstick on a Pig, but it's still a PIG."
While the clay-footed Collasus continues to drive the Chariot of the Sun across the sky, the "horses" who pull the cart belong to Hillary and Bill. In a System of Checks and Balances, there is no room at the Top. There is nothing more than squirms and pressure, and in such a tightly confined wedge, the synergy, not the elements, is what makes for security. It would appear that the Exxpress Elevator to the Oval Office is for Freight, not Executive Delivery. In an ironic twist on the whole "Brother" in Chief extravaganza, the truly productive Workers of the World recognize the value of the Team Player who, in truth, both leads and contributes. Barry from the Blockade wedged out the "Team" from the fleeting Laurel Crown, but the Leadership he substitutes for legitimate neither galvanizes nor unites the key players. He has no Game, no Plan, no GOTO and absolutely no credibility for the Big One. He's been around sports enough to understand the "What have you done for me?" lately or otherwise fan attitude.
Another "Barry" clueless out in Left Field with the jock attitude, awaits the verdict from a Jury deliberating the issue of his fidelity to the Truth. Son of Baseball Great Bobby Bonds, Godson of Willie Mayes, this Barry was incapable of understanding what it was the FANS expected from his greatness. While Bonds demanded attention and big money in a quid-pro-quo ploy to deliver to the Pirates only as much as he perceived Tribute had purchased, he routinely alienated ticket buyers, autograph seekers and event patrons with a "No Show" snottiness that didn't play at all in Pittsburgh. Without Bobby Bonnilla next door in Center, Bonds could not have begun to deduce what his job was out there in the "Corner" of Three Rivers. Sure, he had the "trick" blythe catch of dropping fly balls into an upturned, confidant glove - and almost always caught the third out thusly with the showy clipped step to start running to the dugout ending the inning. But Bonds never really grasped the relationship between the "players" in the seats with the "Stars" on the Field. Although the Pirates got to the Playoffs of Major League Baseball three years in a row in the early Nineties, The 30-30 club "Individual" record setter never delivered when the Team was in position to advance to the World Series. Bonds' failure to prevent Syd Bream's "The Slide" scoring the Braves' winning run is burned into the retina of all Pirate Fans who find his current "juicing" saga not surprising. For all his talent, Bonds never had the "Heart" of a leader and couldn't equate his own self-interest with that of his Team or his Town.Speak to the Democrats who lost in November about the President's "leadership" and you might get a stunning review of the "Context" in which they played ball with Barry through the chain-gang subordination that appeared, from here, to be a Pelosi/Reed Puppet Show. The DCCC Tough Guy, Emmanuel, promptly became the CCCC Tough Guy - Chicago Congressional Campaign Committee - the moment "individual opportunity" opened a door for Barry's Chief of Staff. "Barry" from the Block is "NOW PLAYING" in the block-head game that will finally shut down the Government. As the New England Patriots observed of the gunslinger, Ben Roethlesberger in failing to lead the Steelers to the AFC Championship in 2005, "He played like what he is: A ROOKIE."
Metaphorically, we discern, Alas!, that the "One" is working on his individual stats - far more interested in the numbers he'll take into the negotiations with the Electorate as he seeks re-election, and the Progressives-led D.N.C. is subordinating its job of taking a TEAM into office with OFA redux. To quote a famous candidate from 2008: "You can put lipstick on a Pig, but it's still a PIG."
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Ironic Rhodes' Island Icon |
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Git No! Headlines Billion $ Re-Election "Distraction"
Accomplished Academic learning a painful lesson in the Reality vs. their little bubble. Careers were riding on the development of evidence brought to a NYC Media Extravaganza, and SNAP! The Executive Branch has had its TRIP CANCELLED.
Congress, for once, reclaims ground upon which the Constitution places them, communicating in the most convincing consideration, that the decision to try the 9-11 Prisoner in Civilian Court is not yours to call. Lots of things go into the progress this Country has made in its dual mission of Pursuit of Happiness and Liberty & Justice for All. Imbalanced Power derails that progress.The Chicago Mob gets a lesson in Checks And Balance.
His defiant "Bully Pulpit" Surrogazzi got the Manhattan Yawn from the folks who have long since put the Brethren of these thugs on notice, The Big Apple has always worn the pants where gangsters go, and this crowd can do nothing more than go back to Chicago and be the big frogs in a little pond with Oprah. It's not about the Show, Bro. It's very much about the Pro.
The Bill of Rights is for American Citizens; the Rights We The People exercised on this issue - through our Congressional Representation -
Neither the Media nor the foolish children who opened the door for this unqualified wanna-be are in charge in New York City. Statements made on a platform backed up by college kids for the Love Struck 24/7 news cycle have been met by the Taxpayers who are the Targets of the Obama Administration's covetous Copping Creep. Designs on Rich Peoples' Money are part of the democrats' scheme to villify the Tea Party and represent themselves as Victims of Crazies. Has the White House taken a gander at the overreaction of Muslim Brotherhood and their penchant for inflamation?
You ignored the Voice of Reason and drowned
It out with the Siren Song of Racism.
Is it any surprise that the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Big House siezed and exercised legitimacy? The destruction of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Field Of Honor in Shanksville, wrought misery in the Clean-Up. For the Witnesses world-wide, the horror of suicide pilots invading the cockpits of a Civilian Fleet, first slitting throats of Flight Attendants then violating the workzone of Gentle People at Formal Business and International Exchange, the Mind in which this Villain hatched such a scheme is Parasitic and would feast on the emotions and resistance of the Families.
9-11 was a Racist act of Extremists diseased and untreated. For the Greed-Driven bastards who cronied George W Bush into office, the attack was a demonstration by the sort of low-life their incompetence magnetized. Obama is the correlated, cronied reaction. Here in the Middle, the Midst of those who learned to reject Peace at any Price during the Four Hundred and Forty Four days during which our diplomats were held at our embassy in Tehran, no amount of civility impacts the Muslim Brotherhood. We see in Wisconsin what a Brotherhood of Union Workers does to the House of Democracy. We see wherever on Earth, that only "Brothers" have a Voice, that the responsible work of the People is subordinate to the demand for attention with destruction and disorder.
Having subdued "The People" with atrocities that shock them into momentary inaction, the Cult of Personality proceeds to lavish the resources of the People on themselves, their ego trip and obnoxious worship of cash flow, braggadoccio and arrogance. But, Alas! the Human Spirit nourished by the God In Whom We Trust, recovers. Our Strength is in our Union with God, the Trust we honor and the Faith we profess in exchange. Thus attacked in the name of Allah, Divine Understanding of their religious principles vs. ours, Jimmy Carter learned that it's a "No Win" situation from which the President would have been wise to keep his distance. Instead, he waded into the trial in progress then, for years, indulged in posturing and pretense. As with the Operating Equipment of the Country's businesses, the tinkerer in chief has been taught to respect the mechanism of our System....I can only shake my head at the Kos-led taunts about Hillary's Judgement being inferior to that of the O.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Hello! They're Discussing the Missing Blue Sock And Lefty Thinks They're Alone.
The dialogue is straightforward, the body language is unmistakeable. Twin on left is pressuring twin on right to agree that Daddy, who is better at kicking butt, will want an explanation for what happened to his other blue sock..."You need a PAIR!" he explains to the one missing his other sock. "I don't want to look like a moron and have to explain why my Mother dresses me funny, my Daddy couldn't dress himself decently without her either! Do you want to be like Daddy and not look well put-together?"
Twin on Right - unlike bro - is aware of Mommy in recording mode and first rejects the notion, then transcends the obvious appeal to fear. While twin on left gets ever more passionate about insisting he locate the other sock, followed by a demonstration of what Dad can do to whomever gets out of line...twin on right is amused at what Mommy won't have to do to make the little punk wish he had never learned to say "DaDa." With a breathless "MaMa." he tries to warn the fool, turning away as if to say: "I cannot have this conversation with you: she's standing right there, Asshole." As the little conniver turns with a bravado exceeded only by his insensitivity to his brother's bare-footed predicament, he gets the 1/2 "Oh, Crap! How much did she hear?" look mixed with the 1/2 "That's my story and I'm sticking with it." look before returning to the discussion, now covering his tracks with a "I'll help you find your sock." promise..."Whew!" thinks Baby on Right. MaMa knows where my sock is and will put the camera down to replace it on my foot."
Friday, April 1, 2011
In Behalf of American Innovators: "Obama: You're Fired!
And take Chuck Schummer with you.
Over the years, I have enjoyed episodes of "The Apprentice" and its Celebrity Edition with a mix of sneering at Trump for his extravagance and appreciation for the creative nature of his challenges. The Business Format is the underlying theme of each project by which the serious competitors hit the pavement of New York City with a Team of Buy-Ins loaded for Big League Commerce.
The bigger, quintessentially American flavor of Trump's media tour to test the waters for his Presidential bid is the articulation of what every hard-working American understands. For a sixteen week Television season, the "game" is the same as Survivor: each week, somebody is eliminated for whatever reason the Donald decides. Yes, he's a little capricious and a lot motivational. Like Jack Kennedy's view of his heroic Naval Career: "They sank my boat:)"
Trump's history is one of three marriages, several bankruptcies, a sexist holding in the "Miss Universe" Pageant and the respect of the Hollywood Liberals who don't question his policies - that's what they hire Agents to do for themselves! In a word: Trump's Tacky. To all of red-blooded America, nevertheless, he's not pretending to be smart: he pays Attorneys millions to be smart in his interest. He's the Success Story George W. Bush WISHES he could be. He doesn't just blow the Tax Payers' money: he sets a challenge, chooses the most qualified people he can find for the project, gives them a budget and evaluates their input, results, relative value vis-a-vis the larger corporate culture and provides the "performers" with immediate feedback and recognition.
Whether he is elected President or not is absolutely immaterial to me. If the Women of the Left were truly schooled in the art of backing the winner, they would prevail on the Obama Administration to appoint Trump Ambassador to China and everybody get serious about who we really are in this Game. For a tough guy from the Chicago Mob, Obama has very little in the "Collections" Department going. "China OWES us!" claims Trump. You cannot go too far in this Country and not find a massive heart of agreement with Trump's contention. If Obama were to be taken seriously around the world, he'd stop picking on professional women and the little guy and get Eye To Eye with the world beyond his Ivory Tower.
But he hasn't "got IT" and the dictators of the world know him to be a "wanna be dick-tater" who amuses them with his Mob-Apprentice naïveté. Citizen of the World is not an ignoble moral standard: it ranks right in there with bringing-a-gun-to-a-knife-fight Common Sense over Courage. When a worthy competitor gets in a room with the business men of China, Korea, South America or anywhere else the Stock Market is influential, it will be a meeting of minds, not a photo OP for a novice whose idea of Swimming With The Sharks is in a protective cage. No such water wings for the Donald: he's got his Game going, his books on the Art of the Deal and other Entrepreneurial How-To's, his scars, his littered-with-the-remains of theorists path to Success and his own gilded airplane, helicopter, beautiful wife, and adult children living out his legacy.
Just as with Bill Clinton: when Trump travels, the World's Welcome Mat will be out EVERYWHERE ON EARTH for two reasons: They know they'll make out in any deal they cut with the Big Guy and they are thrilled for the opportunity to match wits with a True Challenger. The Lions Play With Lions concept is no more clearly communicated than this. "Donald Trump!" invite the deal-cutters of the universe, "Come On Down!!!" ... and as a commissioned sales woman who has worked with the Editors and Publishers of the daily newspapers of the United States, I can assure you there are sharks in these waters licking their chops at the "news" this celebrity can generate.
Frankly; from my experience, I would suggest that a Republican Primary which includes Donald Trump, and all the accomplished business people he will showcase, fundraising will be elevated to a new level of Patriotic Responsibility that brings in - not only cranky black celebrities spinning race bait at every turn, but an incredibly interesting collective of mentally healthy Community Organizers who operate through the local business community to make every citizen a participant in their success. Trump is a proven force for motivating and entertaining. His campaign promises to incorporate all the techniques and ideas his Television series has tested and tweaked over the seasons he's been on the air as well as the behind-the-scenes discussions he's had with real Executives and Successful Business Owners, buyers and sellers. His "show" will have even the jaded Europeans riveted.
When the Cloward-Priven "Collapsists" try to take out the Capitalists, it will be a fair game - indeed - to have an armed opponent stepping up to defend our way of life. I have no doubt that the "Brother" in the White House will be stripped of any and all influence when a true Brother of the "Color of Success" takes his ball to the court.
Over the years, I have enjoyed episodes of "The Apprentice" and its Celebrity Edition with a mix of sneering at Trump for his extravagance and appreciation for the creative nature of his challenges. The Business Format is the underlying theme of each project by which the serious competitors hit the pavement of New York City with a Team of Buy-Ins loaded for Big League Commerce.
The bigger, quintessentially American flavor of Trump's media tour to test the waters for his Presidential bid is the articulation of what every hard-working American understands. For a sixteen week Television season, the "game" is the same as Survivor: each week, somebody is eliminated for whatever reason the Donald decides. Yes, he's a little capricious and a lot motivational. Like Jack Kennedy's view of his heroic Naval Career: "They sank my boat:)"
Trump's history is one of three marriages, several bankruptcies, a sexist holding in the "Miss Universe" Pageant and the respect of the Hollywood Liberals who don't question his policies - that's what they hire Agents to do for themselves! In a word: Trump's Tacky. To all of red-blooded America, nevertheless, he's not pretending to be smart: he pays Attorneys millions to be smart in his interest. He's the Success Story George W. Bush WISHES he could be. He doesn't just blow the Tax Payers' money: he sets a challenge, chooses the most qualified people he can find for the project, gives them a budget and evaluates their input, results, relative value vis-a-vis the larger corporate culture and provides the "performers" with immediate feedback and recognition.
Whether he is elected President or not is absolutely immaterial to me. If the Women of the Left were truly schooled in the art of backing the winner, they would prevail on the Obama Administration to appoint Trump Ambassador to China and everybody get serious about who we really are in this Game. For a tough guy from the Chicago Mob, Obama has very little in the "Collections" Department going. "China OWES us!" claims Trump. You cannot go too far in this Country and not find a massive heart of agreement with Trump's contention. If Obama were to be taken seriously around the world, he'd stop picking on professional women and the little guy and get Eye To Eye with the world beyond his Ivory Tower.
But he hasn't "got IT" and the dictators of the world know him to be a "wanna be dick-tater" who amuses them with his Mob-Apprentice naïveté. Citizen of the World is not an ignoble moral standard: it ranks right in there with bringing-a-gun-to-a-knife-fight Common Sense over Courage. When a worthy competitor gets in a room with the business men of China, Korea, South America or anywhere else the Stock Market is influential, it will be a meeting of minds, not a photo OP for a novice whose idea of Swimming With The Sharks is in a protective cage. No such water wings for the Donald: he's got his Game going, his books on the Art of the Deal and other Entrepreneurial How-To's, his scars, his littered-with-the-remains of theorists path to Success and his own gilded airplane, helicopter, beautiful wife, and adult children living out his legacy.
...when he was interviewing confidence men, charlatans, counterfeiters, and other assorted swindlers of the general public...
The sentence offered by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in providing an example of how to use naïveté in a sentence.
Just as with Bill Clinton: when Trump travels, the World's Welcome Mat will be out EVERYWHERE ON EARTH for two reasons: They know they'll make out in any deal they cut with the Big Guy and they are thrilled for the opportunity to match wits with a True Challenger. The Lions Play With Lions concept is no more clearly communicated than this. "Donald Trump!" invite the deal-cutters of the universe, "Come On Down!!!" ... and as a commissioned sales woman who has worked with the Editors and Publishers of the daily newspapers of the United States, I can assure you there are sharks in these waters licking their chops at the "news" this celebrity can generate.
Frankly; from my experience, I would suggest that a Republican Primary which includes Donald Trump, and all the accomplished business people he will showcase, fundraising will be elevated to a new level of Patriotic Responsibility that brings in - not only cranky black celebrities spinning race bait at every turn, but an incredibly interesting collective of mentally healthy Community Organizers who operate through the local business community to make every citizen a participant in their success. Trump is a proven force for motivating and entertaining. His campaign promises to incorporate all the techniques and ideas his Television series has tested and tweaked over the seasons he's been on the air as well as the behind-the-scenes discussions he's had with real Executives and Successful Business Owners, buyers and sellers. His "show" will have even the jaded Europeans riveted.
When the Cloward-Priven "Collapsists" try to take out the Capitalists, it will be a fair game - indeed - to have an armed opponent stepping up to defend our way of life. I have no doubt that the "Brother" in the White House will be stripped of any and all influence when a true Brother of the "Color of Success" takes his ball to the court.
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