Monday, May 13, 2013

As Lenny Bruce had observed; they WANT to believe him:(

Any woman who has survived a cad boyfriend or unfaithful husband can tell you that she suppressed her awareness and chose to replace what she experienced with what the man  told her she had seen, heard and felt.  The importance of the relationship, upon which her "happiness" is built takes precedence over the reality she would alternatively confront.

Today, the spun thread of their "Perils of Pauline President" vs. a ruthless Republican Party binding his innocent ass to the track he laid to "leave town" while the Benghazi heat dies out.  Swirls another thread of sheer incredulity that this whole thing defies logic, and being churned for political effect, conveying to his protective, adoring bots that the time has come to surround their little Princess with the expected, moreover demanded end to this suggesting that the history serves to "tamp down" the hysteria on this matter.

Obats, Media and Democrats, the truth will set you free.  What manner of politician poses as a Leader while bearing zero responsibility for or acknowledgement of anything his agencies do?  We learn that confronting our tests of readiness makes us ready.  There is, indeed, a logic to this campaign master's protests and pleas.  His mission is neither to protect nor defend the Constitution, despite the Oath which was purportedly administered to him.  He wishes to be viewed as doing what is perceived to be the "right thing," yet this campaign addict cannot penetrate the shallow, spreading swarm of his own "attention blindness" magic trick to emerge from his illusion.

In forgiveness mode, it is possible for this observer to suspend disbelief and agree that the demeanor of the "helpless manipulator" in the presence of the British Prime Minister whose country has been snubbed and insulted by him is a cornered animal primed for a revealing, surprisingly "logical" act of deviance defiance motivated by shock that his long-loyal supporters would ask him to be "The One We Have Been Waiting For."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sandberg's Sandbaggers

Sheryl Sandberg sat down for a 60 Minutes interview aired last night.  She faced a female reporter who, as I recall in 2008, was beguiled by the manner in which Candidate Obama had "Gamed the System" of the Democratic Primary as though it were an accomplishment instead of the crime for which she should have been outraged as a Citizen.

FaceBook was an Idea that took off - fueled by technology and permitting far-flung families to stay in constant touch.  But in the world of techies, they typically cloister "expertise," and to the despair of Baby Boomers, are devoid of people skills.  Customer Service and insight into what makes the Economy work, about what makes Families Function and what makes America Great has been eclipsed by the Cocaine Dealers' approach to 'bidness.' 

But Sandberg would have succeeded wherever she tried.  She made good choices and honed her relationships, her networks and her ability to apply her gains to her opportunities.  Few PEOPLE master this, much less Women, but rest assured, plenty of people in lower profile positions are incredibly successful and know of what Sandberg speaks but share her "recessive" gene of remaining in the background, avoiding leadership for even themselves much less others. 

In studying the principles of success, I learned how sharing ones' dreams with more than one other person works against one.  A Partnership Trustee is needed.  A network of support is not.  "Just Do It" means "Don't TALK about it."  My Keys keep tempting me to go Canadian with the A Boot thing when I'm trying to be ABout. 

At the 75 mile mark on my first Athens to Atlanta skate, the observers had come to accept that my finishing well ahead of most of my competition was a given.  But NOBODY considered that to even be a POSSIBILITY before I reached that moment.  I was putting a right skate in front of the left as "This is Major Tom to Ground Control" played on my Walkman and the longest, last real hill of the route was the final obstacle before me. 

It mattered not what anybody else said, thought or did.  It mattered that I worked my plan with dogged determination and believed that what I envisioned was do-able.  I reached a point where I could not go another step and then I kept going; the essence of endurance work.  Being a success is just that: Endurance Work that carries you through doubt, past fear onward beyond your expectations.

Observers HAVE NO CLUE what is happening.  They are - by your very endurance - being set up to learn a very valuable lesson.  Never say "Never." and Never, when they say your success is "Inevitable," expect them to actually sit back and "Let the Inevitable happen."  Sandberg let us in on the true secret of her success:  she never attracted attention to herself from the jealous, cranky, malicious who would put more energy into trashing her and spoiling her advance than into their own duties.  They would never understand the potential for buying IN with her and would reactively find resources they never called on prior to noticing her, to thwart and deny her.  Save a little for the last obstacle, for the loser team at the bottom who has no hope for a championship but would salve bruised ego and the pangs of conscience for their laziness by taking down the Champ.  (read Barak Obama.) 

The only thing Women need to "learn" is that.  Expect cheaters to come out of the woodwork and steal your earnings, promotions and customers.  Pre-Empt that inevitability with whatever you can hold onto and process it along with everything else that has kept you on track.  It needen't shock or disappointment you that many, many women will join the effort to cheat you.  It's what people do.

Oh, and since Benรจ said to, I'm posting this today:  Donald Wuerl is it.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fluke Show - The Brats Getting Off On Sandy

A young girl willing to pay the
price to get an education.
Sandra Fluke, nominated for Time Mag's "Person of the Year," is a continued celebration of the willingness to dumb down everyone on Earth in the interest of exalting the Obama Icon.  Divided and now ripe for Conquest, we Euro-Americans, unlike African Americans, can assemble in the midfield of the Country where we really mean it when we respond to the call of Doctor King and actually consider the content of character in our evaluation of prospective friends, colleagues and leaders.  It's a farce - at this point - to see people like a few of my relatives blowing off their duties of citizenship with a snark about their votes.  So bypass the likes of Xi Jinping, China's next leader, "Undocumented Workers" who are no longer to be called "Illegal Immigrants" so as to assert that entering this country without the appropriate documentation is always and only for the purpose of performing work, gymnast, Malala Yousafzai, Kim Jong Un, Gabby Douglas and the Mars Rover and book-end the year with a final blow-out on the concerns of single women in the person of Fluke. 

I cannot look at Obama without wincing at his rashness; smart ass getting in the face of John McCain and his Senate Colleagues with all arrogance and outrage at being called for his dishonor and disrespect, spoiling for a fight with a couple of old white guys who have had him by the short hairs since he stole took office.   A legitimately powerful American would understand the point of Balance of Power and respect that the Co-equality of the Senate, Congress and the White House are safety features built into the exercise of powers.  A legitimately powerful, elected American President would recognize his share of the ring and play the other two with the same energy and endurance that he plays the American Citizen. 

For all his crass insolence, Occupant Obama never performed the duties of his office in his first term and gives no indication that he even understands what those are.  He was prancing off to Vegas, a town he derided as an easy cost-cutting exercise for Convention Planners, rather than take command of the defense of his Benghazi Consulate.  He demonstrated sophomoric ignorance of business, diplomacy and defense with his slavish reliance on force and threat to advance his agenda.  He chose his "marks" for their stupidity and liklihood of cowering to his intimidation and he chose his closest advisors for their avarice. 

This is not a man who loves his Country.  This isn't even a man who works for the greater good.  This is a greedy, cold-hearted, petty, vindictive CHILD stewing in the juice of perceived slight, consoling himself with the spoils of having vanquished the establishment that created the Oval Office and all the trappings of the Presidency. 

How the likes of Chuck Todd and Brian Williams can call themselves News Men is astounding to me and their smug, daily deposits into the legend that is their "One" defies disbelief!  And, as if to place a cherry on the frosting, Time suggests that a nine dollar packet of birth control pills represents the most legitimate benefit of Obama Care in a way that is meaningful to the majority of our citizens - one for which they would trade their dignity, their freedom, their right to get rich honing their great ideas in the American Economy.   I reflect on the young girl, Yousafzai, who survived an attempt on her life for having advocated for education of young women and I lose even more respect for the young women of this country who have no insight into their roles as moderators of lust.  The Progressive Movement of the 19th Century, which began as Communities concerned for the greater good, has degenerated into a crass "gittin' place" for the aggressors and schoolyard bullies who have halted education in its tracks and turned our upcoming generation into senseless takers and ruthless users.  The 2nd Term is more of the same.

Obama snaps his fingers and CBS gives up its 60 Minutes for ratings to indulge the PR machine that is the White House.  Animal House frat speak gives Hillary Clinton her due because he says so.  Who's not impressed?  Yet, again, the protocol for sit-downs is "dumbed down" for the lusters and the spinn-sters who are now the unmarried media hacks trying to get attention in the swirling cloud of exposure.  The legitimate response of 2nd Amendment Advocates to a grieving father is spun as heckling by a trick of editing that conceals that soul's agonized demand for an answer in a forum where answers are verboten.

The Ratchet and the Hatchet - Senate misconduct intended to game the balance of powers.  As the Republicans exercise THEIR rights, the Senate sits on its collective ass with zero work done on budget, National Security, the Economy, nothing.  The Commander In Chief is AWOL - sucking to his White House all manner of privilege and support for his disrespect from the equally disrespectful.  Because Republicans yielded 75% of the Hispanic Vote to Obama, they now think they can turn things around by making sweeping changes to the squeaking wheel that is undocumented inhabitants no more likely to be "WORKING" than the Occupant.  Did they suddenly pull out the mechanism to create employment for African Americans when 95% of that demographic caste a vote based on skin color?   No!  They freakin' CONCEDED IT!!! 

Has Romney disappeared for due cause?  Here's a revelation:  After Sarah Palin's ticket went down to defeat, she continued to burnish the qualities she valued in herself - speaking out with integrity - asserting the views that turned issue after issue HER WAY!!!  By describing them as "Death Panels" she crystallized concerns about empowered bureaucrats usurping our choices.  By asking how that "Hope-y, Change-y" thing was working, she leveled the pompous idiots who bought that Pie in the Sky.  Of COURSE they hate her: she levels them.  They "hate" her like I used to hate my ass-kicking aerobics instructor whose class I never missed BECAUSE she kicked my ass. 

I'll tell the Republicans to get their minds off sex and I'll tell the Democrats to get their hands out of my pocket and they'll both have a better profile in my evaluation.  But for now, I'm still catching a bit of news each day and digesting the point FOX makes about Hillary Clinton's testimony.  She gave as good as she got from the males who stiffed her and she leaves with no "major accomplishments" as Secretary of State for which the sitting presid-er can take credit.  But, no doubt each mission was an eye opener for the international listening tour that earned her - from the piss ants at Morning Joe, no less, the concession that the icons of her back bench critics are miniaturized by her legitimacy, so substantive is her stature as a public servant. 

The FOX take on HRC was her "hawkish" commentary on the act the Government of the United States needs to "get together."  That said, there's no way she wins the Democratic Nomination.  Some limp-wrist-ed O-Boy will line up to sink her, just as he did.  To the women of the world, Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood are saying:  "NO GIRLS!!!"