Thursday, August 4, 2022

Marie Chose Homelessness

It's that time of year when we don't need the extra quilt and blanket, we're sleeping with the windows open and waking to the sound of birds chirping. So I was ready to not only change the sheets on the bed, but to swap out the spread and shams, dust under and behind the beds and put the off-season stuff into Space Bags and get them up to the attic so we can be refreshed and ready for Summer. In my little town, off the beaten path and out of the way of the trendy traffic, I can park right in front of the Post Office, buy my birdseed at Agway while also visiting the Farmer's Market where one can set up a table for free, buy a sipper at a fancy coffee shop or incredible pastry and icecream at a bakery. This little town has nothing to attract the general public and yet serves anyone who takes the Main Street Extension to just explore and get those hard-to-find items. At the ACE Hardware that's been here forever, I was finally able to duplicate the keys for my son't 80 year old front door lock that couldn't be found at any Walmart, Lowes or Home Depot Key machines. One may just spend some reading time in the library who will happily courier the book you want from any of the dozen other county facilities and let you know they're holding it for you at the desk. They give you online access to electronic resources nation-wide so I was able to follow the entire Outlander Series, including all the little side novellas and "back story" audiobooks without spending a fortune. I hadn't discovered this series until 2018 when NPR announced the results of their poll of the best 100 books of the last Century and Outlander was the top-listed. How did I not know about it? So I went online to my library's electronic resources and downloaded the audiobook. When I buy with my credits, the books cost me $14.95 and I subscribe monthly. I usually look for books that run about 18 hours or longer so when I see that Outlander books run into the 40 and 45 hour length - quite the money's worth for your credit - I'm stunned. Not only does it take 45 hours of listening to hear the more than 40 chapters, it takes listening all day every day for the two weeks the library loans the audiobook in order to finish the book by the time it is due to be returned. But Diana Gabaldon wrote and published 8 of the books in the series which first appeared to the reading public in 1991. Intermittently thereafter, July 1, 1992, December 1, 1993, December 30, 1996, November 6, 2001, September 27, 2005, September 22, 2009, June 10, 2014, November 23, 2021, another sequel followed and fans waited patiently for the four or five years for the next installment to appear. In 2014 it seemed the series was complete - except that Gabaldon revealed that #9 in the series was in the works along with #10. Now it took nearly 5 years for BEES to be delivered and by then, having already audited the entire series I am waiting with everyone else to see how the cliffhanger of William riding to the Ridge to cry for help from Jamie and Claire turns out, and enduring "Droughtlander" by re-listening to all the books. It puts me in a new place, a place where I can more appreciate what the Pioneers, Patriots and Pilgrims contributed to the founding of these United States. Americana in full blast shows throughout the series and displays the spiritual struggle of people living with Integrity, insisting on being free from Tyrranical rulers who tax and threaten them. Courage-driven every-day people So I find myself with my about-to-be-stored bedding at the Laundromat where large front-loaders offer quick turn-around for the oversized quilts and bedspread. Recently Arcade type video games showed up at this location, offering kids a place to play under a well-lit, camera-secured roof where the biggest washing machines make those oversized items as simple to launder as towels and socks. So that's where I go, probably once each season, to start my "spring cleaning" stuff in earnest. Last winter, when I was getting the Christmas linens and blankets washed, I noted a woman standing outside near the entrance "preaching" to the otherwise empty parking lot save for the recently plowed piles of snow. At the time, I thought her a little crazy; supposed the police kept an eye on her and hoped she had a warm, secure home to go to at closing time. I found myself there Saturday making the trip a threefer, dropping off my library books, buying birdseed and finch food then getting the quilts and blankets into an oversized machine at said laundromat. There she was, folding her jeans and making a neat little pile on the table while she acknowledged me and smiled. She was looking out the window and noticed that I still had my Trump bumper sticker on my rear windshield, parked next to her vehicle. She pointed out that she, likewise, had several Trump-supporting stickers on her car. She, being a black woman, got a lot of flack as the result. "So why should I not?" she wondered, "I'm a Republican!" Apparently, that's the problem, say those she can no longer call friends. "I now live in a "Commonwealth!" she adds, "but I have no idea what a Commonwealth is." I assured her that Butler County, where she was, is strongly Republican. She reveals that she now lives in her car and had to pack her laundry carefully in order to leave room for "living;" she could no longer endure the negative atmosphere of her $90,000/yr job in Washington D.C. and had to move out of her bedroom community home in Louden County, Virginia. She was no longer using her Ph.D. in Economics and found work with a temporary agency programming the road signs and replacing the batteries in the orange-striped plaquards and barrels with the blinking lights found in Road Construction zones. (Little did she realize she was in the jackpot zone of road construction - Pennsylvania.) It became evident to her that she required a cash-flow job in order to catch up on her car payments which she confessed were four months behind. It was a nice enough car, I didn't pay attention to what kind it was but it certainly didn't seem like one for which her monthly payments should have exceeded the $600 she said she was having difficulty meeting. Christ, for that she could get something she could "live in" like a Cadillac or a previously owned van! As she folded her jeans, she engaged me in conversation explaining how she came to be in this place. I asked her where she parks her car when she sleeps and she explained it was a movie theatre parking lot. She seemed more and more rational and less the crazy I thought her to be a few months earlier when I observed her Preaching to the Wind. An acquaintance had urged her to attend a church service with her, but her instincts told her this wouldn't be for her and she declined. So my suggestion that her church might help her find safer, warmer shelter wouldn't work. This woman was doing what I had done forty years ago: climbing out of the Rabbit Hole that is the insanity of a section of society. Rejection and humiliation escorted by the realization that this just wasn't right drove her to innoculate herself through isolation. Yet she longed for companionship, gentle reassurance, affirmation that she was a woman of principle and cherished.

Make America Great Again Does To The Republican Party What Progressives Did To the Democrat Party

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, THE FEDERALIST: "I think the Republican party probably needs to understand the reason why its prospects are so good is because Donald Trump kind of reshaped the party into a working-class multiracial party and that is why they're going to have electoral success and they should acknowledge that and understand why people are moving to their party in a way they didn't before."
Such as I realized at the North Jersey Republican Party Watch Gathering during the Trump Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention in August 2020. During the leadup to the speech, we applauded the many candidates for local office who differed from what I had perceived Republicans to be in several ways. Women who owned their owned businesses, Real Estate Agents, Retired and Active Reserve Military many among them starkly different from the previous norm, white, country club, buttoned-down conservatives. I sat at table with three men in uniform who were quite enthused about the impact they were confidant they would have on their communities once elected. Likewise, a terribly rude woman at the table next to the buffet in a voice laced with hostility threatened me that I should remove my fingertips from the table at which she was seated. This was a nice restaurant and we met some lovely young people at the bar who asked what all these name-tagged people were doing here. We chatted amiably as we waited for our drinks and as we paid for out cocktails, the man who acknowledged that he was a Democrat confided that the Democrats have lost their minds. As the line for the food got to the buffet, and the nasty black woman demanded that I remove my finger from her table, my companion - a feisty independent Trumper, her temper heated up - wanted to engage her. There I was, a step from the first item on the buffet, hungry and eager for what was a lavish spread of some promising tidbits, about to witness a confrontation I sorely wanted to avoid. Gripping her shoulders,I turned her towards the food and used the most calming, reassuring voice I had to defuse the tension. But there it was, a stark demonstration of what now drives the Democratic Party with hate in even the most elegant, civilized setting. In turn, Working Class people with an educated understanding of economic influence on communities were stepping forward to take up activism in a positive, self-guided leadership role. Not seeking to recruit triggered supporters, they express their ideas intelligently, letting the audience make wise choices and on the strength of President Trump's message, were doing so within the framework of the Republican Party. As I looked around, I saw none of what once said "Republican" to me: no yellow ties, no blazers and khakis, no ladies with big hair and jewelry. What I saw were the kind of folks who hold down a couple jobs and volunteer to coach Little League, empty nesters able to devote newly acquired free time to their passion and neighbors who immigrated to New Jersey who were solidly American and loving their new country for all the reasons they left where they had lived.

Monday, February 14, 2022

The Terrans

I'm reading this piece on the 40 of Elon Musk's 49 satellites being shot down by the Deep Staters in Northern Italy. Much of this evening's reading and podcast watching has me thinking about the Voltares of the Twilight stories. Michael Jaco says General Flynn is not "readable" and he gets a blank when attempting to "remote view" him. Of course, this was what was happening with Edward, who can read everyone's minds, including the Wolves, but he cannot read Bella's. They discover laterduring conversation with a visiting vampire volunteering to fight with the Cullens against the Voltares, that she is a "Shield." She's able to extend and project that special "power" with concentration and practice to protect all her people from the Voltares. Thor Han Eredyon, a Galactic Federation Source of Elena Danaan, explains that the SkEYES were targeted by TERRANS in service to themselves who try at every turn to foil Musk. Han acknowledges that Musk is in a partnership with the Federation working to release heretofore classified technology to humanity. The location of the source of the attack was Northern Italy, with links to the same crowd that stole the 2020 US Election. Same DoD contractors, same Obama ties, same military hybrid weapons. The Media is building up the prospects of World War III breaking out in the Ukraine. The satellites launched by StarLink were intended to provide internet high speed connectivity to rural and challenged locales. Hughes and Viasat, competitors and their parent companies, are the prime suspects behind the destruction of most of the recently-launched devices. In Ottowa, the internet is cut, access to viable fuel and funding are denied and threats of arrest are giving the world a look at Trudeau's insanity. Fox media is openly indicating that he is the bastard son of Fidel Castro. Quality leadership in the RCMP resign over the unconstitutional acts they are asked to commit. Vampires. Glam fantasies. Turns out, they're real. Another "shocker" not so shocking, eh?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pirate Fée Draguignan

Saturday, September 27, 2014  12:44:34 PM  Pirate Fée advise they’ll play this game.  An EAR for it lets us be part of it, and the training to get here asked faith's share.  The route began with ground afoot as I stepped upon it.  Ground that wound from George, Sister/St. Patron of England, Vincentian Nun we "visit" as we think of vinegar dish wash, Margaret Duda, Old Ladies' Hagiography.  We understand SYNAXARION "Gathering."
Dolmen de Draguignan: Pierre de la Fée  ... 
We begin to sonic understanding.  Language faer - both beauty and skill.  Pirates, Mates of the Jolly Rojo in Cinci today, moved up to the Sunshine from afternoon to day.

With Cutch at bat, JaHey and Travis on base, the swing "Chases." says Greg Brown, (we Hear as "jesus!")

Robin Williams as Genie has joined Bénè in the elephant's foot of Maple Génè.  As promised, the Faeries have "entered" the game prompting Martè to boot a fielding ball.  On Walker, who "looked but didn't see," Mezzaracco scores 3 on them when they could have taken him out of scoring position.  We are shown to see, si si! 

Bénè is still "there" in the Maple, but has become Bénè +. 

Robin wasn't altogether responsible, for his despair overcame him in the prospect of a life even more out of his control than the wildly flailing comic he portrayed.  How often I was moved to consider that had I demonstrated such flightiness, it would have so terrified those who rely on my steadiness that they'd have put me away.

We suppose that it matters that the Voice you trust, to which you listen, be a voice of protective energies, kind and understanding.  Bénè is Papa.  His arms greet his trusting ones as they arrive to his dolman.  What Robin left for us in blue is one he understood well to teach Aladdin... "My pleasure to serve." a master I recognize, not as an authority, but as a Friend who had been there for me and to whom I remain loyal.

The sun took a turn on a play in the Pirates' 3rd and gave the catch to a Punxsutawney kid with the reminder that when Faeries connect, the improbabilities abound.  You feel the vibe when they do.  Everybody does.  But they don't separate it from the unfolding.  They just sense the jingle, unaware of the magnets focused and Etching+ steering and managing.  Gary Reedus (O/F #2) and Bob Walk (rhP #17) discuss "The Book of Stances" and admits his courage bloomed following a error when the "earned run" was off the statistical table.

Unloading The Stupified

 They disparage me on my FaceBook page for recognizing what's true and insist on conflating their spin with what is.  Anyone can look at Joe Biden and understand that he's "shot" as Trump observes.  His mental acuity is not just in question;  he's clearly in the early stages of dementia.  He cannot be propped up in the eyes of legitimate citizens any more than the pretentious Obama was.  He's not the President for all as he proclaims.  He's neither capable of bringing about a healing of the nation nor a softening of suspicion in which Middle America holds him.that google map that shows us in a location in the Tasman Sea off the coast of Austrailia. the Location name is 4RJMF2FM+FR i CANnot change the pointsizze, but I can "embolden" text. This content is not available in preview. So, how did I gett here? I had the wrong stick for this keyboard and just recognixed that this is the correct one. I'm going to shift to Word, which I just paid $126 dollars to install as a program I've woned not subscription renewable, but just an upgradable.