Letting it grow, gathering strength, the Citizens are appearing to find less time for themselves and diverting resources to the restoration of their civic balance. At first, I noticed it among women with whom I worked last November-December: long, very long hair pulled back with restraints in place of styled, groomed cuts. Then it occured to me that my own hair, my daughter's and several of the men in my life were, likewise, carrying over the Goth / Grizzly looks into the spring.
I want to get mine cut; yet I marvel daily at the ease of being able to just wash it, twist it up and secure it with a comb, clip or scrunch. I've got more pressing things on my mind. As I attend to those priorities, I find myself savoring the brief detachment from the chore at hand to run my fingers through my long locks, brush them and invigorate the roots at my scalp, pull it all together and clip it out of the way, or just notice that for the first time in many years, it stays in an upclasp without wisping free when I run or have my head down.
Chi ... energy of silk ... appreciating good health which I want to share and preserve, and burnishing the burrs, rough edges and clashing agendas of the Political Push Back when that which is being pushed back was a civilized expression of intelligent input going un-recognized by the Progressive Pack on the Wrong Track. The agression of the Obama Administration in a country regarded world-wide for its leadership is inappropriate, counter-productive and indicative of the "power" of this country having found underground connections leaving the "Agencies" to be occupied by Fools fighting over money on the table.
Leadership entails vision. Confidence is expressed evenly, accommodating and welcoming new input with a pleased-to-have-you-join-us approach. Openness and awareness are recognizable as a balance of expertise and self-security. We know error, having expunged it from our own shaded precedences. We are here, working together in harmony by virtue of having made those same errors, or having suffered the empathic failures through our family members, colleagues and friends.
Mastery of our emotions, positive and negative, isn't foolproof, but it is our chosen path to Life According to Choices.
Wiser, more accomplished among us accept mistakes, but avoid reliance on those who resist learning from and correcting their mistakes. We deal well with resistance. Rejection masked as resistance - while harder to spot and prove, is, nonetheless distinct and over time, reveals itself definitively, via results or lack thereof.
Admitting a failure to anticipate the level of resistance is a step in the right direction. Doubling down and forcing a rejected program will just crash the System. Good thing we're not letting them run their "tests" with the rest of our stuff. These guys are the crudest of the jerks. Until they see things working together, they cannot recognize the qualty of Simplicity as a staple. Simple, Simple, Simple. No B.S. and no instant reaction to anything. Let it be, look on it kindly. Value, appreciate and lodge appropriately wherever a fit exists. Try it here. Test it there. See what all it does. Know responsibly what it does not and respect the line.
When a gentleman is additionally refered to as "distinguished," it conveys a respect for the entire personage which includes the look, aura, eye-contact, dress and carriage. Glow of health, maturity and uncommon qualities evident at a glance are attributes of the distinguished ... distinct, obvious, stand-out attractiveness. "IT." For all the needing approval and complicity of the gentle, kind-hearted who would give it, the American People are realizing: He just ain't IT. Hillary wasn't either.
What good would it do to point out that our "Inevetible" Press flipped to ANYBODY ELSE resulting in the production of a Rebounder. Synthesism is working its way around the circle. One degree will tell the tale.
Kowing better makes a world of difference.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Louisa's Mother
Beyond all the things we want for ourselves, are all those things we want for our children. When we arrive at the moment of recognition that we've not gone as far in life as we would have expected, and admitted that our mistakes limited our progress, the mothers in us vow to benefit from our lessons learned; that our kids make it when we could not.
Thus, in her determination to preserve her family, BJ reached out to the farthest corners of the universe with a Mother's anguish. Criss/Crossing tangents of emotional connectedness, she touched us with a compelling question: "What Would I Do?"
Voice of All, the Universe, resonnated John Lennon's
Thus, in her determination to preserve her family, BJ reached out to the farthest corners of the universe with a Mother's anguish. Criss/Crossing tangents of emotional connectedness, she touched us with a compelling question: "What Would I Do?"
Voice of All, the Universe, resonnated John Lennon's
"Come Together, right now, over me."
Without consciously understanding it, we are each others' prayers answered.
First bringing comfort, then distributing the pain to permit a sharing of suffering, letting others All Of Us, respond to her courage, her faith, her love for her daughter.
When, in happier times, could Mama have brushed Louisa's hair, painted her toenails and hummed a tender theme of gently comforting affection? In their previous "lives" in each others' worlds, but not, they would have both been too busy. They'd be thinking of each other, going about their respective days, jointly mourning the beloved Denise. As Life would have it, however, DeeDee and Mikey, sibling presence within Louisa, folds together what has been the loss in that "world" with salvation in this: tenuous wisps of life together saved by the will to love and be loved. A mother's decision to capture what they share, made sacred, celebrated...not what we would have chosen but what is.
During my own darkest days, I kept a diary, wrote out my feelings and spilled emotion in a lonely noteook, handwritten entries that sometimes penned themselves as I watched my hand move the pen - detached and objectively reading that which had been written from another part of my being to my self in the misery of the moment. Crazy? Can't say for sure: but I learned that one comes back from crazy, caught at the last split second, by a network of caring friends who call, visit and comfort. Then the path to crazy becomes a "known" we never re-visit. Detached, Miserable goes onward ever, into that tangenital universe, like another color of light, blinking a warning more useful than the Big Bang. Did We All see that? And instantly, our focus is centered / advised / forewarned. Making it right is our only desire.
By the Divinity Within, we are all together, processing away the suffering, noting the breeze of Spring lightening our hearts and rejoicing as though we, too, post a bit of ourselves on vigil in the nursing home, to sustain our Sister, Betty Jean, in the only thing that truly matters, Louisa's choice to live.
collective will,
Prayer: A Dance with god
Monday, March 22, 2010
So: They Passed their Gas Bag Bill, now they want paid
I have already this morning, received emails from the Idiot OAF machine and Dahlkemper who ended up tossing Right To Life Language overboard with Stupak and voted with the pricks of the Democratic Party. They couldn't just knife the country like thugs, they had to trot out the claim of racist epithets and gay bashers in the crowd of Tea Party demonstrators driven crazy by their deliberate demonstration of ignoring them (except as it could serve them to play their race-gay baiting martyrdom.) This appeal for campaign money simultaneously spun with bogus self-congratulations for passing this health care bill their constituents passionately rejected is a difficult one to endure. The Democrats were incapable of bringing substance to the debate, supported the President who, on the one hand, taunted the Republicans for their past failures then on the other hand poked a stick in their faces with each attempt to elevate the discourse to a here and now level in response to the voters.
I want women to take up their rightful place in representing the people. I recognize that Kathy Dahlkemper voted for this bill as a concession to the Women-hating DNC, now headed by Obama, Plouff and Axlerod, and
My dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party grows by the moment as crude, political tactics are rewarded by the complicit obsequiousness of Women. We elected Democrats to bring about a change from partisan political rhetoric concealing back room deals, eleventh hour muscle and disgusting accusations of race discrimination. Dahlkemper's YES vote constituted "looking the other way" while permitting her innocent constituents to be victimized once again.
Her fundraisers may write all the lofty assurances they think we want to hear about not being driven by fear, but the TRUTH is, the fear of the Administration being exposed as incompetent, objectionable and divisive drove the House vote. Covering the corrupt ass of Barack Hussein Obama - NOT the Health Care Rights of the Citizens, was the stink put on even the most admirable women of the party,even as Women's rightful place in the Democratic Party is diminished as a matter of policy borne out by male-entitlement practices. The results speak for themselves.
I spent weeks trudging in the snow, enduring outright rejection of Democrats who refused to sign my nominating petitions. I dodged eight foot icicles poised to split my skull as I stood on doorsteps in Butler County. I shoveled out of driveways to get my car out of ice and snow, dislocated my back and neck nearly falling or slipping on ice numerous times. I paid for the gas and mileage to drive to the voters with my own money; my husband drove 40 miles several times each week to chop wood for the wood burner. There was no money for heating oil, Christmas, or recreation.
Enough with the lofty speeches to cover for the cowardice.
Obama and his Men of Dishonor must pay this price, not me!!!
Kathy's re-election campaign could respectfully be supported by Republicans, Independents and Democrats to recognize her honor, integrity, and courage. It took no courage to bend to the ego trip Obama is on.
In order to earn a second term, this Congress Woman must now produce something of equally solid value to prove to her constituents that she can find the center and restore balance to her district, as Altmire has been doing. If, indeed, she believed in her vote, she needs to get out there and explain it to anybody who will listen. This "morning after" appeal for campaign contributions to help her face the opposition is like a laser shot to my optic nerve. We ALL KNOW money was thrown around in every direction to force this square peg through a round hole. An elementary test of serving the will of the people was failed.
I learned in Atlanta, on my skates in the streets and parks: level the hill. The exhaustive effort and resources demanded to get as far as we'd gotten trying to make this an honest Administration must now be spent all over again just to get back to this point before we can pull together and get it done right. Who needs it? I don't worship basketball players the way the guys do. To me, a pivot is still them playing their game while real people pay for the testosterone trip. I am disgusted that Kathy bought into the Party Putsch without getting a fair concession for the Women of the Party. She represents the district; All the citizens. But as the one Woman Representative from Western Pennsylvania in D.C., she is also burdened with the duty of Party Leadership in behalf of the Women whose contributions and votes are being squandered. If you thought the Women of the Democratic Party are on board with this administration, you are mis-led. They voted for Republican Women rather than reward the dishonor of the men of the democratic party. Kathy needs to caucus with the Women of the party. Not the Women of Color, not the Liberal Women, not the LGBT Women, the WOMEN who are unwilling to behave selfishly to get theirs at the expense of the ALL, the WOMEN who refuse to wink at the cheaters while their children are scandalized, violated and neglected. Mrs. Dahlkemper KNOWS that Women have worthy input to offer, reasonable solutions that they can actually implement and police, STANDARDS we can respect, support and enforce.
She would do well to dump this parasitic appeal for money which is a micro of the scandalous behavior of the endless campaign of the obama administration. The Women and decent citizens have just watched a Bacchanal of sleaze by a guy with some of the biggest ears on the planet making a career of refusing to listen to anybody but his sycophantic insiders while he churns for cash constantly. He's even replaced the American Flag and the Insignia of the President of the United States with that bullshit logo.
I want women to take up their rightful place in representing the people. I recognize that Kathy Dahlkemper voted for this bill as a concession to the Women-hating DNC, now headed by Obama, Plouff and Axlerod, and
I regret that something as principled as The Right To Life demurrer was dealt away like yet another piece of booty the Chicago Mob owns.Kathy truly let me down. I am represented by Altmire in the 4th,who did stay true to his principles. I had told him to his face that I did not vote for him in 2008 because of his endorsement of Obama - abusing the Super Delegate vote of a district that chose Clinton by 40% for a $12,000.00 PAC contribution. By my account, the Congressman OWED me redress. His NO vote on this health care bill reconciles his account with me. My UNDERVOTE was simply a Pass over Altmire's name on a ballot which I cast as a conscientious citizen.
My dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party grows by the moment as crude, political tactics are rewarded by the complicit obsequiousness of Women. We elected Democrats to bring about a change from partisan political rhetoric concealing back room deals, eleventh hour muscle and disgusting accusations of race discrimination. Dahlkemper's YES vote constituted "looking the other way" while permitting her innocent constituents to be victimized once again.
Her fundraisers may write all the lofty assurances they think we want to hear about not being driven by fear, but the TRUTH is, the fear of the Administration being exposed as incompetent, objectionable and divisive drove the House vote. Covering the corrupt ass of Barack Hussein Obama - NOT the Health Care Rights of the Citizens, was the stink put on even the most admirable women of the party,even as Women's rightful place in the Democratic Party is diminished as a matter of policy borne out by male-entitlement practices. The results speak for themselves.
I spent weeks trudging in the snow, enduring outright rejection of Democrats who refused to sign my nominating petitions. I dodged eight foot icicles poised to split my skull as I stood on doorsteps in Butler County. I shoveled out of driveways to get my car out of ice and snow, dislocated my back and neck nearly falling or slipping on ice numerous times. I paid for the gas and mileage to drive to the voters with my own money; my husband drove 40 miles several times each week to chop wood for the wood burner. There was no money for heating oil, Christmas, or recreation.
Enough with the lofty speeches to cover for the cowardice.
Obama and his Men of Dishonor must pay this price, not me!!!
Kathy's re-election campaign could respectfully be supported by Republicans, Independents and Democrats to recognize her honor, integrity, and courage. It took no courage to bend to the ego trip Obama is on.
In order to earn a second term, this Congress Woman must now produce something of equally solid value to prove to her constituents that she can find the center and restore balance to her district, as Altmire has been doing. If, indeed, she believed in her vote, she needs to get out there and explain it to anybody who will listen. This "morning after" appeal for campaign contributions to help her face the opposition is like a laser shot to my optic nerve. We ALL KNOW money was thrown around in every direction to force this square peg through a round hole. An elementary test of serving the will of the people was failed.
I learned in Atlanta, on my skates in the streets and parks: level the hill. The exhaustive effort and resources demanded to get as far as we'd gotten trying to make this an honest Administration must now be spent all over again just to get back to this point before we can pull together and get it done right. Who needs it? I don't worship basketball players the way the guys do. To me, a pivot is still them playing their game while real people pay for the testosterone trip. I am disgusted that Kathy bought into the Party Putsch without getting a fair concession for the Women of the Party. She represents the district; All the citizens. But as the one Woman Representative from Western Pennsylvania in D.C., she is also burdened with the duty of Party Leadership in behalf of the Women whose contributions and votes are being squandered. If you thought the Women of the Democratic Party are on board with this administration, you are mis-led. They voted for Republican Women rather than reward the dishonor of the men of the democratic party. Kathy needs to caucus with the Women of the party. Not the Women of Color, not the Liberal Women, not the LGBT Women, the WOMEN who are unwilling to behave selfishly to get theirs at the expense of the ALL, the WOMEN who refuse to wink at the cheaters while their children are scandalized, violated and neglected. Mrs. Dahlkemper KNOWS that Women have worthy input to offer, reasonable solutions that they can actually implement and police, STANDARDS we can respect, support and enforce.
She would do well to dump this parasitic appeal for money which is a micro of the scandalous behavior of the endless campaign of the obama administration. The Women and decent citizens have just watched a Bacchanal of sleaze by a guy with some of the biggest ears on the planet making a career of refusing to listen to anybody but his sycophantic insiders while he churns for cash constantly. He's even replaced the American Flag and the Insignia of the President of the United States with that bullshit logo.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ladies' Luncheon "Look Out Loretta!" We've all attended them: the social gathering of girls who hate each other and need to purge those negative energies.
So the Ladies gather to recognize the Courage of those who faced and fared strong in behalf of what was right. Showing uncharacteristic Grace, Michelle Obama greets the group with acquired respect for the better way. Be nice to the old girls: they've got "Push Back" you won't see coming til it knocks you off your pedestal. Defense is a constantly layering project. Never rest: never take any defender lightly. Kids. Women, geeks and other Americans of standing participate in the game. As a free country, we let all comers in at some level, but our survival instincts condition us to structure access to our true powers. Navigating the Paths to Power is a game of Tickle Bee. Your bug moves along the corridors of the maze guided by your magnetic leverage. In the "game" which is truly a Board Game for the Bored, ages 3 and up, you hold a WAND tipped with a magnet. You play along with a screen that poses as the Scene, but is really designed to conceal the true paths. Here we see flowers, streams and walkways painted on the screen. Try to take your "Beta Unit" along that path, however: and you get Stung! Remember "The Sting," the Redford-Newman fun fest set to Joplin Rag Time? One Sting is never enough. The venom pumps. The predator repeats the attack like an electrocutioner, until the circuit is broken. The Prey is held captive. Thus the Alpha Unit, Massa, turns 50 and burns learning - taught the maze through painful, expensive experience. The pain is shared through the magnet in a fashion not unlike the sensation in the wii control when your Mario dies falling off the path. The creators of the GAME call it tickle, but we know it to be the complete take-over of Choice, sprinkled with some MOB Justice and a lot of pain for everybody connected in the TAKE DOWN. Thus is the programming world of Defense.
We've gotta stay pretty, Coach.
OK, we showed some ugly face when the O Brats gave us lip on the campaign trail. My son would NEVER address me with such impudence, and I don't know about how the rest of you raised your children, but both mine are under control. (at a price, I assure you we just don't get together until we get back to pretty) It's the sons of the others of you I need to call out. How could they be so separated from their home energies that they could doubt the essential goodness of this society. Instead, they want to just toss it out with the old folks and start all over with something that makes it easy for them to succeed. Are they discovering that a win at the expense of the rest is not a win" ....Is not a winning way? 
Ben Roethlesberger is OFFENSE. Dick LaBeau is an OLD Player. Trench Warfare-wisened Hall of Famer from his playing days, silver and "Honolulu" Blue, 44's Defensive Schemes have inspired NFL and ESPN alike. "Tickle the Old Guy if you can." say the Linemen. In this game, there's a game you BELIEVE you're playing, a game in which you get caught, shot and plastered all over FaceBook, and a game of Survivor where your alliances can prove to be allied elsewhere at Tribal Council. Many, many games all going on simultaneously. What does it take to make it to the House and over the Goal Line and Survive to the end? FRIENDS. True, always-there-for-you friends. People whose personal happiness, security and survival are directly tied to yours. Success, for friends, is getting through the toughest times together. Power is what we feel when we shake each others' hands over a Ladies' and Gentleman's agreement. Oneness with the All, The Grace of the best within us coming together in the interest of making life worth living. As kids in the 50's, threatened by nuclear extinction, we braced for fall-out in underground shelters. What actually got us were those pesky asbestos tiles in our ceilings. Who knew?
Trust in the hand holding the magnet and live as though the power can be switched onto that magnet at any time. Detached and seemingly "defeated,"
"Senator Clinton; er, Secretary Clinton...I almost said: "President Clinton :)" admitted Michelle.
What went unspoken was the recognition of Hillary, a profile in Courage, who let the Push Boys dispose of her in favor of a young Lion touted for his leadership, and went into the maze to experience sting after sting after sting until she knew the ropes. We of the P.U.M.A. were there with her for every one of them, absorbing and chanelling the pain while evaluating the threat. We of Goal Line Stand play our super bowl where the action really is: at the luncheon. We graciously hear our "First" Lady acknowledge our Former First Lady as President. And that says "Peace." Who'se really #44? It's enough to know the Secret of Service to the Country.
Back in the days when "Ozzie and Harriet" and "Leave it to Beaver" were all the rage, a little bee found its way into the mainstream and took the toy world by storm. Now, the buzz is that the bee is back!
Simple, yet challenging, the object of the game is to maneuver the magnetic bee around the plastic maze until it returns to the honeycomb. Using a magnetic wand, the child (or, adult for that matter) "tickles" the bee ... moving it in any direction. Look out though! If you get too close you might get stung. Get stung 3 times and you're out.
Back in the days when "Ozzie and Harriet" and "Leave it to Beaver" were all the rage, a little bee found its way into the mainstream and took the toy world by storm. Now, the buzz is that the bee is back!
Simple, yet challenging, the object of the game is to maneuver the magnetic bee around the plastic maze until it returns to the honeycomb. Using a magnetic wand, the child (or, adult for that matter) "tickles" the bee ... moving it in any direction. Look out though! If you get too close you might get stung. Get stung 3 times and you're out.
takeover push back,
tickle bee
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