I want women to take up their rightful place in representing the people. I recognize that Kathy Dahlkemper voted for this bill as a concession to the Women-hating DNC, now headed by Obama, Plouff and Axlerod, and
I regret that something as principled as The Right To Life demurrer was dealt away like yet another piece of booty the Chicago Mob owns.Kathy truly let me down. I am represented by Altmire in the 4th,who did stay true to his principles. I had told him to his face that I did not vote for him in 2008 because of his endorsement of Obama - abusing the Super Delegate vote of a district that chose Clinton by 40% for a $12,000.00 PAC contribution. By my account, the Congressman OWED me redress. His NO vote on this health care bill reconciles his account with me. My UNDERVOTE was simply a Pass over Altmire's name on a ballot which I cast as a conscientious citizen.
My dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party grows by the moment as crude, political tactics are rewarded by the complicit obsequiousness of Women. We elected Democrats to bring about a change from partisan political rhetoric concealing back room deals, eleventh hour muscle and disgusting accusations of race discrimination. Dahlkemper's YES vote constituted "looking the other way" while permitting her innocent constituents to be victimized once again.
Her fundraisers may write all the lofty assurances they think we want to hear about not being driven by fear, but the TRUTH is, the fear of the Administration being exposed as incompetent, objectionable and divisive drove the House vote. Covering the corrupt ass of Barack Hussein Obama - NOT the Health Care Rights of the Citizens, was the stink put on even the most admirable women of the party,even as Women's rightful place in the Democratic Party is diminished as a matter of policy borne out by male-entitlement practices. The results speak for themselves.
I spent weeks trudging in the snow, enduring outright rejection of Democrats who refused to sign my nominating petitions. I dodged eight foot icicles poised to split my skull as I stood on doorsteps in Butler County. I shoveled out of driveways to get my car out of ice and snow, dislocated my back and neck nearly falling or slipping on ice numerous times. I paid for the gas and mileage to drive to the voters with my own money; my husband drove 40 miles several times each week to chop wood for the wood burner. There was no money for heating oil, Christmas, or recreation.
Enough with the lofty speeches to cover for the cowardice.
Obama and his Men of Dishonor must pay this price, not me!!!
Kathy's re-election campaign could respectfully be supported by Republicans, Independents and Democrats to recognize her honor, integrity, and courage. It took no courage to bend to the ego trip Obama is on.
In order to earn a second term, this Congress Woman must now produce something of equally solid value to prove to her constituents that she can find the center and restore balance to her district, as Altmire has been doing. If, indeed, she believed in her vote, she needs to get out there and explain it to anybody who will listen. This "morning after" appeal for campaign contributions to help her face the opposition is like a laser shot to my optic nerve. We ALL KNOW money was thrown around in every direction to force this square peg through a round hole. An elementary test of serving the will of the people was failed.
I learned in Atlanta, on my skates in the streets and parks: level the hill. The exhaustive effort and resources demanded to get as far as we'd gotten trying to make this an honest Administration must now be spent all over again just to get back to this point before we can pull together and get it done right. Who needs it? I don't worship basketball players the way the guys do. To me, a pivot is still them playing their game while real people pay for the testosterone trip. I am disgusted that Kathy bought into the Party Putsch without getting a fair concession for the Women of the Party. She represents the district; All the citizens. But as the one Woman Representative from Western Pennsylvania in D.C., she is also burdened with the duty of Party Leadership in behalf of the Women whose contributions and votes are being squandered. If you thought the Women of the Democratic Party are on board with this administration, you are mis-led. They voted for Republican Women rather than reward the dishonor of the men of the democratic party. Kathy needs to caucus with the Women of the party. Not the Women of Color, not the Liberal Women, not the LGBT Women, the WOMEN who are unwilling to behave selfishly to get theirs at the expense of the ALL, the WOMEN who refuse to wink at the cheaters while their children are scandalized, violated and neglected. Mrs. Dahlkemper KNOWS that Women have worthy input to offer, reasonable solutions that they can actually implement and police, STANDARDS we can respect, support and enforce.
She would do well to dump this parasitic appeal for money which is a micro of the scandalous behavior of the endless campaign of the obama administration. The Women and decent citizens have just watched a Bacchanal of sleaze by a guy with some of the biggest ears on the planet making a career of refusing to listen to anybody but his sycophantic insiders while he churns for cash constantly. He's even replaced the American Flag and the Insignia of the President of the United States with that bullshit logo.
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