Sunday, April 25, 2010

Eddie G laughs off Fox & Tea Parties

Ed's taunting the Tea Party People to turn out in numbers that would impress him, claiming a mere handful participate in the D.C. Tea Party rallies.  He's appearing on Fox News, (rare Democrat to do so; save Jason Altmire who spoke almost daily to the #1 Cable News Network. )  Uh, ...  Fast Eddie:  me thinks you are getting your "news" from the 'mainstream' who include MSNBC and Donna Brazile/James Carville's employer, CNN.....THEY reported a mere few thousand while Fox was asking if they attended the same rally - or maybe they just Photo-Shopped in the bobble heads on up the avenue that looked like a pretty impressive turn-out to me.  OK, Ed, maybe some of us still go to work at the jobs from which we collect paychecks, unlike politicians who can spend a year on the campaign trail looking after their ambitions while the business of the people is left to the porn-H.O.U.N.D.S. at the S.E.C.   I understand.  Use the Fair & Balanced air to quote all the other newscasts whose combined total viewers are dwarfed in comparison.  WE watched Fox and saw - FOR OURSELVES how many Patriots were on hand, and ate our hearts out that we couldn't be there with them, except in spirit.

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