The guy goes on TV announcing that his goons have busted into the Governor's bedroom at dawn to preempt the commission of a crime. A perfectly legitimate election is overturned and the Mob's new President now installs his preference. Here in the Pittsburgh area, Mary Beth Buchanan had been irritating in her pursuit of Democrats, reaching a fevered pitch with a trial intended to check Cyril Wecht into a corner. The "People" saw no crime, no abuse of the Coroner's Office. The US Attorney's Office is not intended to function as the tool of choice for harassing celebrities. Fitzgerald confuses justice with fishing, expecting clerks to do the work he should be doing in preparation for the take-down. First he blew the Valerie Plame case against Rove and Cheyney with the same "Mission Accomplished" publicity stunt. The Blago Jury now entering its third week of deliberation, is making a scandal of the Fitzgerald tactics. The only
crime is the waste of the People's resources due to his association with advisers who presume to Judge. Come the next election, they might just have their say. The People are not getting their money's worth from this officer of the Court. We all take corruption in Chicago politics in stride just as evenly as we do here in SW PA. John Murtha was permitted to be John Murtha, but his successor is running against the slacker administration quite successfully. The People watch and know what's up. They weigh what's in it for them and their children against what's right or wrong, and vote accordingly. In an arena where there's plenty of questionable conduct going on at every level, they tend to go with somebody who reflects their Spirit. Going up against somebody who manages to be decent in the face of more corruption than any one person can responsibly address isn't wise. Doing it puts the People's morals into question, their weaknesses on display, their "way" under scrutiny. Justice is a little bit righteous, a little bit "what we're willing to live with" to live in peace. Disruption of the Peoples' lives in pursuit of something Justifiable, more-so than Just, is irritating. Let the guy get back to work. We'd rather hear the guy than the attorney. It's us just being the People. I mean, come on... we found Wecht's work on the Anna Nicole case and the Laci Peterson case and the Jon Benet Ramsey case more
inneresting than the trial. We all KNEW Cheyney outed Plame. We wanted to see him squirm for high crimes against our National Security. The Blagojeviches are as nice a family as the Obamas. Let them live in the mansion. We think Patti's Real Estate work is... well, ... or is it fundraising? at least as legitimate as Michelle's Hospital Board stuff...and SHE isn't making us eat broccoli :)
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