Hillary Clinton calls out the countries whose Women suffer under oppressive male leadership, and there's one other dividing line that separates the class of the Univerese from the generic.
Does your Daddy stand by and let a spouse abuse his child? Do your brothers enjoy a mother who covers their ass no matter what dispicable treatment they inflict on their sisters? Does your Family educate ALL their children about financial stability, defending oneself and knowing how to recognize dishonor?
Are your parents "partners" who hold each other to a standard of Divine Fidelity to their love for each other and all they create together?
Friday, December 31, 2010
That's A Wrap; Good Work, People!
For the new year, I'm taking up the challenge to post daily. My life has taken a turn or two in 2010 that is consistent with pattern, yet came out of the blue to land in my front and center consciousness.
In 2011, I pledge to apply daily energy to improving the conversational skills of Women United to Assert Electoral Majority. My intent is to enter this realm with the full force of my Libra Being. The only inanimate object in the Zodiac, the Libra reads and reports with accuracy and scientific simplicity. A strong start, implemented by the downhill nature of 12:00 to 6:00, the Libra meets the Traveler at the half-way point. There the Balance requires certainty before releasing the Traveler for the upward climb to 11:59. Bon Vouyage!
We come together, at the moment of Launch: 2011. Let us be faithful to our primary principal: to respect the contributions of Women, the difference in their style, values and qualities which bring balance to society.
In 2011, I pledge to apply daily energy to improving the conversational skills of Women United to Assert Electoral Majority. My intent is to enter this realm with the full force of my Libra Being. The only inanimate object in the Zodiac, the Libra reads and reports with accuracy and scientific simplicity. A strong start, implemented by the downhill nature of 12:00 to 6:00, the Libra meets the Traveler at the half-way point. There the Balance requires certainty before releasing the Traveler for the upward climb to 11:59. Bon Vouyage!
We come together, at the moment of Launch: 2011. Let us be faithful to our primary principal: to respect the contributions of Women, the difference in their style, values and qualities which bring balance to society.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
7 Cups, like the Air Force Falcon, exits beyond Section #106. 10-7 stands by, understanding the message; ”Getting the Word Via The Bird. To party in Downtown Shreveport, Mascot, Falcon passed up half-time festivities but was tracked via tags installed by handlers to his hiding place. “Military-trained bird loose in the community!” freaked the tweeters. And instantly, the comedians cranked ‘em out.
It’s a new world, one where the Birds become relevant. Our cat is under constant surveillance by the Cardinals, Finches and Jays in the back yard. All the feeder frequenters work together, maintaining vigilant awareness of each other’s song. Electronics a-twitter, “chatter” and nothing unlike that which the feathered friends do in nature, our kids are connected to each other, electing to “flock”
Faeries observe from alternative viewpoints. A Bird’s Eye View moves with the uplifting forces of air. Fleeting and pertinent.
December 29, 2010 - Angelic Choices…athletes understand training, trainees understand conditioning. Back to O Poser who, because he was black (half) and for no other reason, shoved himself into Cinderella’s Slipper to steal – not the “Prince’s Heart” but the Palace, Staff, life and otherwise resources of The People focused at the center of work.
Organized Labor, Oprah, … the Black Congressional Caucus… pretentious and foolish, these cranks have truncated the process, cheated the System, “Gamed” the rules and traded in tactics more befitting the mean streets than the Centers and Corridors of genuine power. Not for the status, but for the Angelic Charms that best suit the times, we resolve to rise again, to serve the Best in all of us. This Call, trumpeted by those who serve honorably, is heard in the substance of our connectedness to the Divinity within. We know that those mysteries which preserve themselves from the unprepared aren’t all that mysterious…they are unearthed by determined, legitimate work. Work our “President” hasn’t begun to do. He remains cloistered in his Chicago “Bull – Y” fantasy still dalliance-dazzled by the toys. We apply to “join” Angels, united by the track to the better, better & BETTER WAY.
December 30, 2010 – Credibility issues emerge in the New York City Blizzard dénouement. In retaliation for the Mayor’s staff cuts and demotions, Sanitation Department Union foremen and drivers deliberately “slowed down” response in the streets. Drivers admitted to keeping plows up driving through Manhattan. Hizzonner acknowledged taking potential help off the streets altogether to avoid Christmas Day overtime. Unions adopted the classic “entitlement” attitude of Municipal Workers whose jobs were created during Good Times failing to recognize that times have deteriorated and along with the Times; their Job Conditions.
PRESSURE, Folks! We’re ALL feeling it! Pull your heads out and get with it! Tighten Up! You, unlike many of the taxpayers to whom you’re flipping the Bird, still HAVE YOUR JOB. Those who depend on your services to function at the most basic levels, and who are ruthlessly dunned to pay YOU, rightfully expect you to be on that JOB for all you’re worth! The oft-touted Spirit of Cooperation that characterizes the greatness of New Yorkers, appears to have been “de-selected” by the entitlement crowd incapable of rolling with what amounts to the “Other Side” of that sword Obots brandish with MOB style crudeness.
Careful, Progressives: You can hurt yourselves with that Power. Your Union Job has disserved you more than the citizenry, the City you are employed to serve! When we refer to the thin resume of your President, we include those of you whose PAC pushed the Empty Suit on us. He appears to be the inspiration for the “empty drivers’ seat, empty help desk, empty municipal response teams. My understanding of what is professional – ie: that work for which one is PAID, hides behind the cowardice of excuses and threats. Work Ethic, skill, taking care of things… ESPRIT DE CORPS: the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group…, all the developed qualities to which truly functional, purposeful teams of service providers rise in times of challenging conditions, failed to show up because, for the time during which those qualities should have been taught, developed and evolved, you slackers were copping ‘attitude,’ looking the other way, whining and pointing fingers whilst “omission” prevailed.
The snow-removal snitches said they were told to keep their plows off most streets and to wait for orders before attacking the accumulating piles of snow. : http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/sanit_filthy_snow_slow_mo_qH57MZwC53QKOJlekSSDJK#ixzz19dynFu4B
I’ve witnessed, first hand, the product of job security. My own political committee is dominated by sops collecting pensions from teaching positions and other government employment, Union jobs and Social Security. They live off the benefits of their spouses, the oppression of their neighbors, the backs of the mothers of their children.
Let the government take over health care? We grieve for the young woman who gave birth in a vestibule then waited ten hours for an ambulance while her newborn died of exposure. Such cold-hearted cruelty is the promise of our vindictive Commander In Chief, the legacy of the Kenyan who focused on his African rather than his American Heritage, who glorified his shiftless, crazy father yet hated his mother - you know; the woman who came from Kansas and lived her middle class values and provided for her son while his father indulged in disgraceful excess.
As I said: "Pull your heads out: act like you've got a clue, or a heart or at least awareness of what is actually going down.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bird Break
7 Cups, like the Air Force Falcon, exits beyond Section #106. 10-7 stands by, understanding the message; ”Getting the Word Via The Bird. To party in Downtown Shreveport, Mascot, Falcon passed up half-time festivities but was tracked via tags installed by handlers to his hiding place. “Military-trained bird loose in the community!” freaked the tweeters. And instantly, the comedians cranked ‘em out.
It’s a new world, one where the Birds become relevant. Our cat is under constant surveillance by the Cardinals, Finches and Jays in the back yard. All the feeder frequenters work together, maintaining vigilant awareness of each other’s song. Electronics a-twitter, “chatter” and nothing unlike that which the feathered friends do in nature, our kids are connected to each other, electing to “flock”
Faeries observe from alternative viewpoints. A Bird’s Eye View moves with the uplifting forces of air. Fleeting and pertinent
Word on the Bird!! We just found him in downtown! It was amazing! - this is straight from one of the Bird handlers. #goairforce 4:48 PM Dec 27th via Twitter for iPhone Retweeted by 15 people Friday, December 24, 2010
Troll Chairing Butler County Democratic Committee Faces New Year Challenge
Provincial Natives "Showed THEM!" Butler County Democrats resume avoidance of meetings conducted by the Troll Collective posing as the County Committee. It would appear that a determined show of force is the priority of the cronies assembled by the Chairman. Rules of Order long ago dispensed, the Kreatcher posted at the entrance to the polls during last summer's Reorganization Election decries tactics of those he helped maneuver into position to abuse the power after which he lusts.
Forgive my "snootiness" inasmuch as I earned my degree in Political Science, paid my dues as a loyal Democratic volunteer, contributor and voter and endured the malicious criticsm of my colleagues for conducting myself with respect. Called a Fascist, accused of marital infidelity and deceived, it delivered me to the realization that the uneducated natives of the county consider it their duty to put me in my place along with the other professionals, wimminz and anybody who doesn't share their "man crush" on the Banker's Grandson. Wait: to WHOM did Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham leave her fortune? Did Obama pay the huge estate tax on his inheritance he now advocates should be imposed to fund his ongoing ineptitude? Is he just yukking up his sleeve that the poor fools who defend his every gaffe don't know enough nor can they afford to hire savvy professionals to cover their financial interests the way his butt is covered?
Just reminding the Trolls of the Butler County Democratic Committee that they aren't the first to "discipline" me for being uppity. And educated, ostracized professional that I am, I see no redeeming worth in their midst. The National Guard whose facility their Chairman rents for his meetings should lower the flag to half staff during the meetings. Or, more aptly, hang it upside-down as a S.O.S. to the civilized of the County to launch an F.B.I. investigation into the rampant racketeering presently being conducted by the MOB impersonating citizens on that Committee.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I'm Catching Up With the "With Its"
What's Cooler than contemporary twist on timeless Truth?
The internet has so impacted everything, that despair over the economy is "beneath my paygrade." That's the only thing the "Government can do for me: Hire somebody to fret about that for me, would you?" All those Economic Advisors, Czars and lame ducks: "It's still the Economy, Stupid." Google It - then get out in the streets of Main Street, USA and try to figure out what's happening? Then, get online, do something like book a flight (yourself - no travel agent, no secretary) order gifts and send invitations, announcements, find friends and zero in on a satellite view of your destination prior to setting out with your GPS. Make a payment and KNOW it was received, check your bank balance, look at the weather map, price the new appliance you need to buy and "design" your new car, order it and arrange the financing... What's "happening" is infinitely beyond our ability to assess.
Long live the new Democratic Party: wise and wary, we go forward with a new understanding of how all of us came to find ourselves under this big tent together. In our DNA lurks the common gene (blue) with insistence on Open. We can't play @ Politics so obsessively without the inevitable discoveries. A teachable moment for one is a paradigm shift for another brought about by a quiet epiphany. We arrive at the year's end, wrapping it up. Let's toast, laugh and enjoy our lives. Approaching the "manger" from such new-fangled angles doesn't change the message of Christmas: Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men."
Logging on and layering over the tracks permit new opportunities worth pursuit once we observe this special time that comes at the end of each frenetic year. Before we do that, we want to take a gander at the scheduled lunar eclipse tomorrow morning. The Winter Solstice - notorious stand-alone December Calendar item, has graciously yielded its shadow to provide penumbra to Full Moon. Aquarians know to collect data for study, dissection and otherwise absorbing speculation for the next 94 years until they are scheduled to meet again.
The internet has so impacted everything, that despair over the economy is "beneath my paygrade." That's the only thing the "Government can do for me: Hire somebody to fret about that for me, would you?" All those Economic Advisors, Czars and lame ducks: "It's still the Economy, Stupid." Google It - then get out in the streets of Main Street, USA and try to figure out what's happening? Then, get online, do something like book a flight (yourself - no travel agent, no secretary) order gifts and send invitations, announcements, find friends and zero in on a satellite view of your destination prior to setting out with your GPS. Make a payment and KNOW it was received, check your bank balance, look at the weather map, price the new appliance you need to buy and "design" your new car, order it and arrange the financing... What's "happening" is infinitely beyond our ability to assess.
Long live the new Democratic Party: wise and wary, we go forward with a new understanding of how all of us came to find ourselves under this big tent together. In our DNA lurks the common gene (blue) with insistence on Open. We can't play @ Politics so obsessively without the inevitable discoveries. A teachable moment for one is a paradigm shift for another brought about by a quiet epiphany. We arrive at the year's end, wrapping it up. Let's toast, laugh and enjoy our lives. Approaching the "manger" from such new-fangled angles doesn't change the message of Christmas: Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men."
Logging on and layering over the tracks permit new opportunities worth pursuit once we observe this special time that comes at the end of each frenetic year. Before we do that, we want to take a gander at the scheduled lunar eclipse tomorrow morning. The Winter Solstice - notorious stand-alone December Calendar item, has graciously yielded its shadow to provide penumbra to Full Moon. Aquarians know to collect data for study, dissection and otherwise absorbing speculation for the next 94 years until they are scheduled to meet again.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Altmire Gavels In The Tax Cut Extensions
My morning news opened with shots of the floor of the House, where the deal cut by the Progressives' Darling with his Republican Masters of Procedure, cleared the theatrics posed by the defeated incumbents. The Reps who actually went to Washington to REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS who elected them, instead of supporting the party leadership, formed a procession of "yeas" 139 Democrats / 138 Republicans to sustain the current tax picture.
I couldn't help but check the link to see how "my" representative voted, having seen him at the podium, gavel in hand, announcing the passage of the legislation. Ah! Symbols. That same gavel - in the hand of Nancy Pelosi - a mere four years ago, represented a new day for Women in their relationship to Power. I watched the Swearing In of the Nation's first female Speaker from a desk in Jason Altmire's office. My support for his election had been recognized with a bus trip to D.C. to watch the Inauguration of the members of the House & Senate. In the time since that day, I have monitored the Altmire vote record, as have many of the 'newborn' progressives in my district. The Dead Center Congressman, always in the exact middle of the political spectrum, has pleased me with most of his votes on the floor. I hated his super delegate endorsement of Obama during the 2008 Nomination and withheld my vote for him that November. Since then, however, his votes, his appearances on Fox News when the Party Leadership, including the President, were bashing the Number One Cable News Channel, and his intelligent, informative statements of position on issues have assured me of the substance to his service. He represents hard working South Western Pennsylvanians. He does not cater to any segment of the coalition that elected him, and he doesn't submit to Democratic Leadership in a partisan way.
I have endured countless calls from the local activists for his defeat, whining that he's a DINO, and howls about his failure to 'support' Obama. But he is governing, not wielding power. His Blue Dog determination to steward the Peoples' Power shows maturity and reason, a respect for and an understanding of power. His counterpart in the 3rd, Kathy Dahlkemper, who voted FOR the Health Care legislation, was defeated in November. Those very 'activists' calling for opposition to Altmire in the Primary, were far more interested in taking down a sitting democrat in my district, than in re-electing their OWN sitting Democrat. Their foolishness is a glaring demonstration of abuse of power, lack of insight and misunderstanding of the purpose of power itself.
As pompous academics, rash Progressives and Trolls endeavor to "take over" the Democratic Party, the gentle, wise, Traditional Democrats affirm competence, responsiveness and respect for stability in a universe where "Change" is inevitable. Governing is the Force of Balance that permits Humanity to make progress by adapting to constant change which is the normal Universal way it is, and needn't be artificiallly forced. Social Fabric is woven by seeing that "Change" is measured, tempered and installed progressively, step by step. Wholesale change for the sake of change is the Enemy of a successful society, is a bank-breaking gamble unworthy of a system of checks and balances, and is an unreasoned threat to those taking planned, steady steps to build lives, savings, communities and relationships. The Cheeto-heads living in their parents' basements, incapable of understanding Life's integral responsibilities don't recognize the Hall & Oats tune: "You can rely on the old man's money" only as long as you let the old man decide when and where to spend it.
As a Democratic State Committee Woman, I am schooled by my Constituents with each election cycle. I applaud the Voters for having asserted their authority; reigning in their rebellious children with a lesson in Power and Spending.
I couldn't help but check the link to see how "my" representative voted, having seen him at the podium, gavel in hand, announcing the passage of the legislation. Ah! Symbols. That same gavel - in the hand of Nancy Pelosi - a mere four years ago, represented a new day for Women in their relationship to Power. I watched the Swearing In of the Nation's first female Speaker from a desk in Jason Altmire's office. My support for his election had been recognized with a bus trip to D.C. to watch the Inauguration of the members of the House & Senate. In the time since that day, I have monitored the Altmire vote record, as have many of the 'newborn' progressives in my district. The Dead Center Congressman, always in the exact middle of the political spectrum, has pleased me with most of his votes on the floor. I hated his super delegate endorsement of Obama during the 2008 Nomination and withheld my vote for him that November. Since then, however, his votes, his appearances on Fox News when the Party Leadership, including the President, were bashing the Number One Cable News Channel, and his intelligent, informative statements of position on issues have assured me of the substance to his service. He represents hard working South Western Pennsylvanians. He does not cater to any segment of the coalition that elected him, and he doesn't submit to Democratic Leadership in a partisan way.
I have endured countless calls from the local activists for his defeat, whining that he's a DINO, and howls about his failure to 'support' Obama. But he is governing, not wielding power. His Blue Dog determination to steward the Peoples' Power shows maturity and reason, a respect for and an understanding of power. His counterpart in the 3rd, Kathy Dahlkemper, who voted FOR the Health Care legislation, was defeated in November. Those very 'activists' calling for opposition to Altmire in the Primary, were far more interested in taking down a sitting democrat in my district, than in re-electing their OWN sitting Democrat. Their foolishness is a glaring demonstration of abuse of power, lack of insight and misunderstanding of the purpose of power itself.
As pompous academics, rash Progressives and Trolls endeavor to "take over" the Democratic Party, the gentle, wise, Traditional Democrats affirm competence, responsiveness and respect for stability in a universe where "Change" is inevitable. Governing is the Force of Balance that permits Humanity to make progress by adapting to constant change which is the normal Universal way it is, and needn't be artificiallly forced. Social Fabric is woven by seeing that "Change" is measured, tempered and installed progressively, step by step. Wholesale change for the sake of change is the Enemy of a successful society, is a bank-breaking gamble unworthy of a system of checks and balances, and is an unreasoned threat to those taking planned, steady steps to build lives, savings, communities and relationships. The Cheeto-heads living in their parents' basements, incapable of understanding Life's integral responsibilities don't recognize the Hall & Oats tune: "You can rely on the old man's money" only as long as you let the old man decide when and where to spend it.
As a Democratic State Committee Woman, I am schooled by my Constituents with each election cycle. I applaud the Voters for having asserted their authority; reigning in their rebellious children with a lesson in Power and Spending.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Elf Yourself
My sister in law sent me a dance skit where the elves' heads were replaced by pics of her, my brother and their sons. Hilarious.
My internet was down for two weeks trying to install a wireless capable modem. Finally, it's working, It's good to be back in touch.
My internet was down for two weeks trying to install a wireless capable modem. Finally, it's working, It's good to be back in touch.
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