Friday, December 17, 2010

Altmire Gavels In The Tax Cut Extensions

My morning news opened with shots of the floor of the House, where the deal cut by the Progressives' Darling with his Republican Masters of Procedure, cleared the theatrics posed by the defeated incumbents.  The Reps who actually went to Washington to REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS who elected them, instead of supporting the party leadership, formed a procession of "yeas" 139 Democrats / 138 Republicans to sustain the current tax picture. 

I couldn't help but check the link to see how "my" representative voted, having seen him at the podium, gavel in hand, announcing the passage of the legislation.  Ah! Symbols.  That same gavel - in the hand of Nancy Pelosi - a mere four years ago, represented a new day for Women in their relationship to Power.  I watched the Swearing In of the Nation's first female Speaker from a desk in Jason Altmire's office.  My support for his election had been recognized with a bus trip to D.C. to watch the Inauguration of the members of the House & Senate.  In the time since that day, I have monitored the Altmire vote record, as have many of the 'newborn' progressives in my district.  The Dead Center Congressman, always in the exact middle of the political spectrum, has pleased me with most of his votes on the floor.  I hated his super delegate endorsement of Obama during the 2008 Nomination and withheld my vote for him that November.  Since then, however, his votes, his appearances on Fox News when the Party Leadership, including the President, were bashing the Number One Cable News Channel, and his intelligent, informative statements of position on issues have assured me of the substance to his service.  He represents hard working South Western Pennsylvanians.  He does not cater to any segment of the coalition that elected him, and he doesn't submit to Democratic Leadership in a partisan way. 

I have endured countless calls from the local activists for his defeat, whining that he's a DINO, and howls about his failure to 'support' Obama.  But he is governing, not wielding power.  His Blue Dog determination to steward the Peoples' Power shows maturity and reason, a respect for and an understanding of power.  His counterpart in the 3rd, Kathy Dahlkemper, who voted FOR the Health Care legislation, was defeated in November.  Those very 'activists' calling for opposition to Altmire in the Primary, were far more interested in taking down a sitting democrat in my district, than in re-electing their OWN sitting Democrat.  Their foolishness is a glaring demonstration of abuse of power, lack of insight and misunderstanding of the purpose of power itself.

As pompous academics, rash Progressives and Trolls endeavor to "take over" the Democratic Party, the gentle, wise, Traditional Democrats affirm competence, responsiveness and respect for stability in a universe where "Change" is inevitable.  Governing is the Force of Balance that permits Humanity to make progress by adapting to constant change which is the normal Universal way it is, and needn't be artificiallly forced.  Social Fabric is woven by seeing that "Change" is measured, tempered and installed progressively, step by step.  Wholesale change for the sake of change is the Enemy of a successful society, is a bank-breaking gamble unworthy of a system of checks and balances, and is an unreasoned threat to those taking planned, steady steps to build lives, savings, communities and relationships.  The Cheeto-heads living in their parents' basements, incapable of understanding Life's integral responsibilities don't recognize the Hall & Oats tune: "You can rely on the old man's money" only as long as you let the old man decide when and where to spend it.

As a Democratic State Committee Woman, I am schooled by my Constituents with each election cycle.  I applaud the Voters for having asserted their authority; reigning in their rebellious children with a lesson in Power and Spending. 

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