Supposedly possessed of a spine of steel, I challenge any Union TEACHER or Education Professional to split the hair of "comprehension" as it applies to knowing what the fuck you're looking at, what the hell you're doing. Failure to apply that comprehension of responsibility was scandalously exposed, though desperately needed, by his diplomats and military personnel on duty in that compound. The assertion that Obama - not Romney - was possessed of the will to order such a mission was touted on the stump, yet, a failure to engage when those same gutsy calls were very much in order on the night of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi cost four dedicated American Service members their lives.
See-saw swings of the polls are the tsunami now resulting from a distant quaking of the Libyan Malitia communicating to Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, the UN and Barak Obama that, "Thanks for your gracious assist, but we want our country back!" A seat-of-the-pants operation ultimately proved its nettle and provided the ground work to where, eventually and after great effort, the forces we mobilized in the support of their self-determination could "lead them from behind." They've gotta be chuckling at the chutzpa of the "One" on that phrase. "So," they gathered, "When it's our necks on the chopping block, our backs against the wall, Glamor Boy's puss is all over the media with his grinning "likability" yet is a slumping Designated Hitter more about spending money than stepping up to the plate when anything of significance is on the line." Obama had to be coerced into action by Rice and Clinton, and his reluctance was probably an equally chilling message to those freedom fighters who went "all in" for their own survival and were never the recipients of meaningful back-up from the "Free World" until they had made a convincing case of determination for themselves.
When Kathy Dahlkemper ran for Congress in 2006, she had out raised her four male opponents in the final finance reporting quarter of 2005 and picked up endorsements throughout the district that had previously easily elected Phil English eight times. For the first time, ever, a serious candidate in PA-3 willing to do fundraising was presented to Emmanuel and the DCCC. What did Raum advise? "Raise $100 Grand on your own and then we'll look at you again." That Chicago-gain-without-risk pattern is evident in the White House failure of response to the pleas for back-up from their CIA Operatives in Benghazi.
My certifiable racism may creep through here, but where were those qualifications we were looking for in a President? You know, the ones where we can see indications of how he responds to pressure, failure and shows perseverance in the face of long odds? Those were never so much as hinted at much less proven by Obama prior to his announcement seeking the toughest command in the game. Eye Candy with like-ability and celebrity qualities over substance and Presidential demeanor are OK Day to Day, I guess, but in a confrontation with foreign activities that could be called an "act of war," Pretty Boy's getting as good as he gave, PUMAs. Dressed and prepped for the Red Carpet, about to take a bow as the Exterminator of AlQaida, Tuxie can't get in gear to cover his golden ass so his media mommies are buying him time. Hey, Michelle: He's trying to play Jackie keeping the French waiting for the glamor shots. When are YOU going to step up and assert that You're the Princess. He's supposed to be the Warrior, no? 'Splains why Sasha and Malia yak at him as only unimpressed black girls can. Have they let him hear, "You Stink!!!" yet?
Learning that Axlerod still attends high level security council meetings despite being with the Campaign, and the complicity of the ENTIRE MAIN STREAM MEDIA keeping silent over this outrage, I can only deduce that the Media has conducted a Coup and is a Rotisserie of Banks and Communications Conglomerates raiding the Treasury by borrowing at 0 interest and "loaning it back to the Taxpayers" at 2%. Yeah, work is high risk; corruption is a ticket to wealth.
Here's a clue, Panetta, Clinton, Rice and Obama. The War-Weary Americans don't want another war, but, GODDAMN IT!! We won't sit still and be fed a pig in a poke about irate reactions to videos that insult the prophet when it is increasingly more clear that the Weakling In the Fish Bowl in gettin' his ass rocked by his Muslim Bros who figure he blew his chance to show them he stands with them, as he promised in his book. If EVER the Secretary of Defense had a reason to get in the "honcho's" face and demand an Order to deploy all resources, the real-time surveillance drone feed they viewed should have been the trigger. As Captain Jack Sparrow told Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean, "If you were waiting for the right moment, that was it."
"Look;" I'm saying to this political Hack House, "The worst thing you can do here is watch from a safe position and keep hands off when military resources are available and prepared for intervention within 400 miles of the insurgency. Defense Professionals and CIA / State Department operatives do not watch helplessly while their colleagues are being bombed. Before those people were even housed in the Libyan post, an understanding with that Country about managing violence and securing our personnel would have precluded any pretense about needing passports and permission to enter the airspace. If I were the sitting President, I'd far sooner be answering questions about how we missed the mark with errant, vigilante reaction than a Golden Goose Egg he sat on when it was never gonna hatch.“For the U.S. military to say they couldn’t move ... one aircraft in eight hours, I say it's time to relieve the people in chain of command," Bing West