When Rice, rather than Hillary Clinton, faced the Sunday Morning "News" programs with the spin on the murder of an Ambassador in service to the Secretary's boss, the President, at whose pleasure and nothing more, she performs, she failed to acknowledge the significance of the black flag of Al Qaida now flying over the embassy and consulate of the United States. If she were being taxed as a corporate entity handing over her cashflow to the "bureau" while another company's marquee was lighted in substitution over the place of business, she would, likewise, be held accountable for what she and "the bureau" represented as their "business."
We have Certified Public Accountants in this Nation. We are reassured that a C.P.A., under pain of loss of certification, would comply with the certification procedures proscribed by his profession, and in the interest of rendering qualified, scrupulous service to clients, would alert the client of irregularities in the preparation of that company's accounts. In Hillary Clinton, we had hoped to find just such a certified advocate of the relationships We, the People of the United States of America hold respected, with the leaders of the World.
Forgetting the Hillary bashers and transcending the trauma inflicted by the Democrats and race hustlers on the faithful electorate, we ask the Senate, whose job it is to advise and consent, just where are you guys? We get it that your jealousy of Mrs. Clinton eased your consciences about the vile treatment she endured as you 'skirted' seniority for malice. We get that your corrupt leader, Reed, is walking dead with respect to his responsibilities to the businesses of the United States. We understand debt and we understand faith, fidelity and reconciliation.
We simply ask: Where is Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, who won't be having her scheduled breakfast or lunch with the President until tomorrow, when we need her? Is she having difficulty "swallowing" the ecstatic ejaculate of the creep on a power trip expounding on the superiority of Islam and his Muslim Brotherhood? Is Bill not ready to take full reign of the powers that the White House dismisses? Are we not, as sovereigns, empowered with the reason, the integrity and the cognizance of our self worth, prepared to reject the mismanaged crisis that is the Middle Eastern Muslim Brotherhood ratcheting up that of the Chicago Black Panthers another notch?

If it is possible that the Forces of Hope and Change can hijack a party, commandeer an election aided and abetted by a complicit "for show" Media, then it is readily obvious to me that Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup, the Power Puff Girls are, likewise, still in this game and can well make the World safe again, for Democracy, Peace and Prosperity by bedtime. Wikipedia defines the protest films now emanating from the Middle East as Tokusatsu and Suit Acting video in which a super-monster played by Men In Suits threatens the SmallTown USA with animal rage. This Godzillian Monster grows in stature by exposure to the Almighty Camera, the Imager. It is in 'screening' the footage of these Kabuki KISS-dubbed dialogue performers that we are entertained and amused by the simplicity and innocence of these Muslims. Hey, wasn't that a trailor for a Hollywood Movie produced by Sam Bacile whose name is printed - in English - on plaquards being brandished by the latest mob of Anti-American demonstrators in Thailand? These, for the first time, include Women. Thus I understand: The innocence of Muslims is not unlike the innocence of our First Communicants who are inculcated with the most cynical insights of a carnal underworld deception, believing themselves to be gathered into the protective embrace of Jesus Christ, son of God.
"We call on Islam's youths to take after the lions of Benghazi [in Libya] by pulling down America's flags that are flying over all of its embassies in our capitals," said al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), according to IntelCenter.
AQIM urged people "to burn them [the flags], to stomp them underfoot, and to kill its [US] ambassadors and representatives or expel them and purge our land of their filth in revenge for the honour of the best of mankind," referring to Islam's Prophet Mohammed.
(emphasis, Mine.)
Obama, born in August under the sign of Leo, being the young lion pushing his elders out in a violent coup that leaves his female colleagues every bit as insulted and outraged and vengeful as his Muslim and Black Bros.
As the secular vendetta of the American Civil Liberties Union continues to brutalize all that is traditional and spiritual in our Nation, we are driven out of our own rites of passage, Fathers denied the traditional rite of dancing with a Daughter about to be inducted into the upper class in a highschool in Providence RI, a Mother jailed for permitting her children to play in the cul-de-sac, we wonder: Where THE FUCK is Hillary? Where is the Woman who was ready on Day One, to process and provide us with the leadership that could spur us onto ever greater interaction with the best in each of us? Where are the Parents of Chelsea who drew and enforced a line between their chld and the predatory Press Corpse (spelled as Obama pronounces it?) Where is the Friend of Dianne Feinstine steeped in Senate Tradition and Status, elected with her colleague, Barbara Boxer as California's first Women to the Senate? Where are Olympia Snow, Susan Collins and HRC's successor, Kristen Gillebrand? And finally, where are the Soccer Moms of this Country when the President of the United States goes on Late Night with David Letterman to express his expectation that the Muslim Countries would protect our State Department employees working in their embassies? Late Night with Letterman, as though SOMEBODY ELSE is supposed to impersonate the Commander in Chief? To drunks, dopers and bleary-eyeds seeking entertainment as they fall asleep, rather than the light of day and sober recognition of the gravity of the current conditions in the Middle East?!!! WTF????
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