Monday, September 3, 2012

Ya gotta ask yourself one question: Do You Feel Lucky, PUNK?

Chris Kofinis appeared on Fox today, a political strategist who left the Joe Manchin staff to support Obama.  He's got this little thing about forming his hand into the shape of West Virginia with his middle finger representing the projection that reaches along the Virginia border to Maryland.  He says, he means no disrespect, he's from West Virginia and this is really how West Virginia is formed.  I say:  "I'm glad you're not from Florida."
The strategy should be this:  Obama inherited a “mess” from Bush, to be sure.   He shoved a qualified, seasoned accomplished political professional out of his way, so full of himself that he was possessed of greater judgment, skill and ability.  He was touched by the heavens and expected that Affirmative Action would trump experience and substance in the face of great challenges because “it was his time.”


Well, Chris, The pompous academic in chief, who was never so much as tested nor run through the preliminaries to validate and certify his capacity to perform, had neither the relationships to foster a legitimate support system nor the respect for his predecessors to benefit from their wisdom and skill.  His autocratic arrogance has condemned us to poverty and his threat of punitive taxation motivates us to refrain from attempting to work ourselves out.  What small business owner hasn’t been forced to protect his day’s receipts from  would-be robbers?  The Workers of this country recognize a PUNK calculating his opportunity to relieve them of their earnings with utter disregard for the degradation of society his policies foment.


The Autocrat made all the calls, took all the authority away from Congress because he refused to hear them respectfully.  He now stands singularly responsible for the results of his ignorance.  His lack of diplomatic training, his lack of experience in any type of private sector work, his failure to develop relationships with his own people to assume positions in his cabinet are the trifecta of reasons why you hackers should never have been permitted to represent yourselves as Democrats.


Hence the words everybody heard - though Eastwood never spoke - to the Empty Chair:  Do You Feel Lucky, PUNK?  Well, DO ya?


I am so

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