Monday, July 23, 2012

Media Overbears - Education In Progress

In his remarkable piece discussing how the Media may have framed Joe Paterno, John Ziegler does the excruciating work of sorting the nuances gleaned from the coverage of the Sandusky matter.
"It was very clear that the students were mostly angry over the lack of due process and simple respect shown for a man who was the reason many of them had applied to the school in the first place. It was also obvious that the focus of their outrage was on the news media for their disgraceful coverage of the story and the board of trustees for caving into the media pressure."
Ziegler methodically corrects the misguidance of each spun detail.  His extensive discourse reflects professionalism.  I found this material while reading a blog comment on a piece about Ed Rendell questioning the reaction of Tom Corbett, his successor as governor of Pennsylvania, to the implications of the Freeh report.  Rendell distinguished himself as a prosecutor, 2-term District Attorney then 2 terms as Mayor of Philadelphia before two terms as Governor.  Progressives and Republicans alike bashed "Fast Eddie" but he served the People of Pennsylvania tirelessly. 
While promoting his new book, "A Nation of Wusses:  How America's Leaders Lost The Guts To Make Us Great," Ed has expressed a number of views affecting the egos of sitting office holders.  Hey, that's his theme!  What the rest of the Country may not know is that the prosecutorial zeal of their legal system have the support of Pennsylvanians.  Arlen Specter, a Democrat, was written in as the Republican nominee and later elected DA in Philly, a town whose DA can make or break it.
I guess it follows that Ziegler's detractors would be the same obats who reject any notion that the election of Obama was a Media bamboozle. 

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