Thursday, August 23, 2012

Extremes vs. Middle - Out Values

Here I was thinking Claire McCaskill would have a difficult time winning re-election along with so many of the Progressive-Waved-In Crowd that got elected in the 2006 recoil from Bush.  Since then, we've observed that same "progressive" contingent squander the Democratic Majority with obsessive and overbearing pressure on fellow Democrats to "Fall in Line" behind the Cult Con, Obama, who is in no way a genuine Democrat as I know my Party to represent. 

I have witnessed the leadership of Organized Labor rejecting this tactic which was once their own.  Republicans who - for eight years - conducted themselves with the same "rubber stamp" slavish support of the Bush / Cheyney extremism, now contend with TEA Party ideologues passionately opposing any spending that would trigger new taxes, ATR activists strangling the Washington Way Things Get Done with the Norquist pledge and the "Progressives-in-Heat" young lions eager to wrench the reigns of power from their Boomer Elders.  A caste-in-cement Vegas Odds-Defying Harry Reed is lining up with Pelosi to repeat the 2010 debacle with a middle finger to the voters.

Somewhere in here, the Evangelicals are striving to uphold a Pro-Life slant to paint with broad brush, any woman's choice to abort as a murder.  As a result, McCaskill most likely skates and gets away with outright stupidity by way of HER slavish proclivity to vote as the children instruct her. 

Republicans who assailed Senator Arlen Specter for representing his Constituents rather than his Party, forced him out behind the rude, ignorant, overbearing Sean Hannity while the Democrats were equally compromised when Admiral Joe Sestak, a One Time Clinton colleague spewed shallow and meaningless electioneering jargon to attract Clinton-Haters to his campaign. 

The accusation that I'm known to Vote the Vagina had initially struck me as a legitimate call to be certain that I held Women Candidates to the same low standards I'd expect of any male.  After much soul-searching and careful self-scrutiny, I concluded that while Women have no corner on morality or integrity, they do process with a slightly differing capacity for survival.  Women have never, however, had much of a formal voice in the debate, and are, therefore, still finding their voices, so I lean to the distaff preference all other things being "equal."  Equal for this application is this: knowing little about either candidate, I'll give the Woman the shot.  Easy.  Done.  I've been burned a couple of times with that approach, and the outcomes have, nevertheless, confirmed my policy.  I've been burned at least as often by male candidates I've supported. 

In the matter of the Missouri Senate race, a question from the Press Corp opened a "fall to your death" trap door for Todd Akin.  He declines to acquiesce to the concerns of his colleagues and proclaims, instead, his divine mandate to redouble his campaign efforts despite the millions retracted from his finance committee by once-interested backers.

As with racially charged incidents, the Occupant of the Oval Office promptly weighs in, with equally meaningless statements of a bandwagon-hopping nature.  In 2006, McCaskill received the support of many Hillary Progressives whom she promptly stiffed in 2008 with a Bill-Bashing endorsement of the One.  This time around, she has only herself, not her children, to credit with her standing among her Constituents.

It shapes up to be an odd one.  Karl Rove, who didn't like Sarah Palin, Christine Donahue or Romney, is steering money into campaigns that might win, to ensure his own status with them for bargaining purposes on their future votes.  A career in Sales has taught me that the negative energy of bullies and hacks is a turn-off to the legitimate.  As the manipulators abandon the righteous, a completely alternative contingent rushes to populate the void. 

Todd Akin is about to have a "religious experience" that will dispel any doubts he may have about the existence of a God.  The super-nature of collective minds working together can demonstrate for him the various "Powers That Be."  They have an approach to penetrating pressure that many hopeless souls have witnessed.  In Humans, doubt and fear have emotional connections that move us in erroneous paths.  Akin uttered poorly-worded personal views that alerted liberal-minded voters to a thought process by which he would make decisions.  Like a junkyard electronmagnet kicking on, the shrapnel that dropped when the charge was taken up by the one side will be replaced by something else just as responsive to this altogether "useful idiot" vibe.    New backers will crawl out of the slime, having smoked out a perfectly-primed but otherwise hapless wanna-be who will be as receptive to the forces of foolishness as the One, himself has so satisfyingly proven to be.   Ah!  Power.  It flows as it is processed, and those of us who respect it can only hope to survive its possessors.

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