Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MSNBC (except Mika) Finally At Work

On Morning Joe, I'm getting an earful from the Fellati-O-Bam Bangers suddenly questioning the politicians and the emptiness of this boring stage of the campaign.  They are looking over the fiscal cliff and Mark Halperin is actually sizing up the prospects for this Country in the next four years.  Joe had lost his edge there for the last two years and Mika had gone all "Supermodel" on set with the book-sellers and the blog-pushers and the party scene makers.

Suddenly, Scarboro has reclaimed his tongue from the cat mentioned in the previous post.  The gloom and grate from Catty Kaye mirrors the suddenly legitimate observations that it's a good time to follow the campaigns if you like candidates that "say nothing."  They're sick of themselves.  They're noticing that Mika, who still can't get enough of Obama, makes remarks that are absolutely laughable.  MoJo snarks he'll just go right to the Longoria break-up on Page 6 and Halperin identifies as a pretense that the "Off The Record" edict to the Des Moins Register is a signal Obama's Campaign is in need of bubble wrap so cloistered is he from reality.  The Talk off the record and in the diners, bars and coffee shops is about the WHY we're not getting the Who, What, When and Where we deserve from a First Amendment protected, Access Guaranteed, Credentialed, Ethics Invested MEDIA!!!

Mike Barnicle points out how depressing it is that the Twitter-driven campaigns ignored the everyday obstacles people "out there" are experiencing and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT!  Are these guys serious when they see the "bubble" that just got "bigger and bigger and bigger" - you know, like the swelling heads Tina Brown said Hillary and Princess Diana manifested during their high-flying days when they "had lunch," was their inflating of the President/STENCH they put on us?

Here's Joe asking what Chicago's saying about the fiscal cliff, about "What's the Mandate?"

Here's MY observation, BSNBC:  When the viewers WERE asking you for shoe-leather on those issues, all YOU guys had was how great times were with the West Side jetting to DC jetting to San Fran to preen with the Pretentious and dismiss or worse, abuse the soberly questioning, once loyal Democrats of whom you were all so disdainful for three years!

Here Mike points up Romney's words from the debate:  "We can't KILL our way to Victory."  Halleluhia!!!  Romney also demands we address and bring an end to all the VIOLENCE!!!  Did it all just hit you folk?  Does it suddenly appear 'INEVITABLE' to you that the Voices you drowned out and dowsed have worked their way through the septage you passed off as product of work and are emerging with the full-aura of stench of the crap you imposed on us morning after morning, brewed by Starbucks?  I get the sense you all feel that blast of fresh air from the Romney demeanor failing to rise to the Obama Bait that reeks of decomp.  The forgotten note of healthy exchange reclaimed a section of your brain that associates purity with what's good for ALL... You know, those of us who lost our jobs, lost our homes, lost our dignity, lost our respect for anybody who responded to our common-sense questions with accusations of racism and bogus assertions of Obama's superior everything!

The tank in which the Media has been chumming for Chicago has suddenly turned into a fish tank for real.  Those who believed themselves to be successfully "swimming with fellow sharks" have discerned a distinct difference about the feel and vibe of the "solution" sloshing around them.  The Game they ran with such gleeful abandon, riding high on song and jokes more than action, now feels base notes more like Jaws than Finding Nemo.   Beyond the protective, invisible shield they are able, at long last, to bring into focus the faces of the Viewers - once Zoo-ers - who are now paying to see these phonies squirm. 

Last summer, in the joy of a pennant race, Pirate Fans were wearing "bubble wrap" with abandon, loving their 1st Place status all the way into August.  A hit prompted the left hand up over the right in a symbol for Zoltan! - a mockery of the stupid but earnest cult of stoners awaiting their cool alien "Likeable" Savior.  Yeah, it's lookin' like the fans will have one more occasion to raise the Jolly Roger on this Ship of State.


1 comment:

SWPAnnA said...

The Black Flag of AlQaida flying over our Behghazi Consulate is exactly that.