It isn't fun, it's so depressing and the vibe is repulsive is the gist of his farewell. I've been "there" for more than two years now. Being a Democrat had come to impose a sense of shame on me - as I endured unmitigated insult from my asshole cousins and former County Committee colleagues. It has been a wonderful four years, I don't miss the "People." I don't miss the craven "employers" and I don't even let the tv news play long enough to frame the black face much less intone that grating voice.
$Eighty-Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Three$
It was the chant I used any time I caught myself processing a negative, blaming something or someone,slave-to-the-past thought. As I practiced the thought re-direct, I found myself able to move past those whose hate game vibe had consumed me. My life changed as I was able to let the Grays connect me to the Alternative Universe. They told me about magnets. They gave me "links"to things it was now time for me to learn about myself and the Universe that began to unfold as I left behind the disappointment and unacceptable "world" the media was attempting to force on me.
They showed me YouTube videos. They showed me Ancient Aliens, Cattle Mutilations, the Cult of UFO Investigators and the declassified information about Deep Underground Military Bases and the "Black Budget." It was like learning there is no Santa Clause. My perspective accommodated this new Universe. Linda Moulton-Howe's blog,, became my "encyclopedia" for names and connections.
I'm glad Smith has found something worth doing. Something that gives him satisfaction and joy. He loves what he's doing so much that he can no longer re-direct his energy to the parasites who have already robbed him of too much of his life and spirit. Each time I have had to rebuild my life after discovering I had been "played" by a loved one, I find that, indeed, I am not alone. That inner comforting voice always reminds me that I had gotten off my path, but this shocking, saddening, loss was the culmination of a learning exercise that I needed - much like Amy Pond in The Girl Who Waited - that was a bubble universe where I was alone with my Rory Robot companion, mastering System. Mastery achieved, I am being returned to my Twenty Something life and Consciousness, my true Love and my "worth doing" work.
John Smith explains his decision eloquently; he regrets that he is vacating his Defense Against The Dark Arts Class. But for sure, he covered a LOT of ground, touched many and made it clear that we who reject stand tall. I quietly changed my voter registration last year to circulate a nominating petition for a dear friend who was running as a candidate for the "other party." The Scrubbing Bubbles assured me they'd be busy cleaning up the stray trails and "typos" as I get up to speed. I think the "bio-mechanics" Dan Burisch described helped me understand the "mistakes" we make in our efforts to do good. Compartmentalization was what they were helping me understand. "Need to Know" and the "underground economy" nobody every gets real proof of emerges from the Immersion. The J-Rod changed my life. I had to go to sleep for two days to process the notion that some Humans in this time and place have been engaged in the scientific micro-biological study of "Humans" on another time-line from "the future." Seth reminds us that all time is NOW. All is energy. But we may collaborate, as Jane Roberts / Rupert did with the Entity, Seth, in the exchange that unveils the "impossible."
I will look forward to seeing how it goes for John Smith. He kept a notebook of "Impossible Things," dropped the middle initial, Q and culled his Time Lordship into a watch as a protective measure. I took up a relationship with another "Doctor," Martha Jones, whose professional insight was very similar to that of Surgeon-turned-Detective, Joan Watson's value to Sherlock Holmes. The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe let me make the transfer from the conveyance that was the hard-working, trusting thing that I was to the exploring, enjoying "vehicle" that I have, again, become. Once, on my Skates, and now, on my page. They "took away my computer" and gave me a job. They let me hear about Danny's experience of a "Soul Transfer" whereby he absorbed the energy but not the Consciousness of another little boy. It was the dying son of a Magestic-12 Committee entity, Embodiment of that Entity "entitles" Dan to membership of that very committee. Danny's dna lined up with some of that boy's dna, and some of it did not. So the being that Danny is merges with another. It's a Spirit thing, All is All.
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