Discrimination. – how discrimination based on color
1. Remains
Both ways (not acknowledged)
Discrimination against women:
Not of color
Although they initially appeal to all women who relate to the need for support, initially draw in
all those who suffer the insufferable, ask contributions from all those with limited resources to support the movement, which then, somehow
Morphs into “No Whites” or “Women Of Color First!”
Working poor, who’ve chosen to labor for and earn a living:
Refuse Public Assistance and contribute value for economic existence
2. Each day engaged in activities that contribute to the very churches and Family oriented communities to which they cling.
3. Recognize the basic reason to protect 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms
Not gay/ not affiliated with elites, except as servers
1. While racial discrimination exists, we question the inverse: The wealthy and honorable economic leaders employed professionals of color to manage and maintain their homes and properties, children and records.
2. Plantation slaves vs “Free” Women who sustain discrimination against the sexist attitudes, are forced to be mothers
and employees; yet fight the good fight
Obama's recommendations to black parents to put away the X Box, put the kids to bed at a reasonable hour, attend Parent-Teacher conferences, read to their Children, help the kids with their homework … it seems to me that those are ALL THE THINGS the working class white
as well as people of color who respect hard work, DO! In the exchange, they accept a simpler but dignified existence in return for safe, healthy communities secure in their downscale lifestyles. They organize and participate in their children’s youth leagues, attend High School sports events for their female as well as male children. At their OWN EXPENSE through their church, they maintain the discipline of parochial schools, cutting fringes and salaries in the face of declining enrollment. While public schools complain of disadvantages, school boards raise taxes to compensate teachers who strike. Provincial American families must always be supporting fundraisers to supplement tuition. I was such a child, always going door to door appealing to my neighbors to purchase greeting cards, candy, raffle tickets…Much like the tellers at the race tracks’ hundred dollar windows, they wouldn’t even put down their papers to answer their doors. “What Are You Selling?” they’d grumble. “We don’t want any.” Another thing I saw on these door-to-door solicitations were entire families, gathered in the living room with candles lit, praying the Rosary, praying for Peace. I saw the daughters in the kitchens, with Mothers, doing dishes, sweeping the kitchen floors, shaking out the rugs, storing left-overs and taking out the trash first separated into compost and recyclables.
My own brothers hauled a red wagon full of Sunday papers for miles because, in our farming community, homes were dotted along the rural landscape, sometimes miles apart. When “Hazel” five miles up the road, called complaining that the paper wasn’t there yet, the snow that impeded their progress on the unplowed back roads was no excuse for the crossword puzzle being late. Dad would get out in the family station wagon to assist. Years later, working in “retention’ at the Trib, I was counseled to expect little in the urban communities where, because it is difficult to get carriers, we overlook the poor customer service rendered by those who delivered the paper in the “disadvantaged” communities. We too often had to send a district manager out to deliver on Sunday mornings because the route had been abandoned. Our churches had to implement Saturday services that fulfilled your Sunday Worship “obligation” to allow our congregation to have a life. These entrepreneurs were discouraged by the encounters with violent thugs and thieves. Their “disadvantaged” customers LOOKED THE OTHER WAY. Hate rules those communities.
Where the ‘lower class’ clingy types dwell, anything different is said to be rejected. A closer look reveals that they earn and maintain each others’ trust by being together and keeping with what they know. Those they don’t know, just the same, have the opportunity to show up and join them, break down the barriers by being one of them: not expecting to just appear and talk AT them every election cycle. Where are these know-it-alls when we seek sponsors for the kids’ soccer teams, the funds to keep the local pool or Rec center open? I’ve known protestant – even “Anti-Catholic” neighbors, who put their kids in the catholic schools whose teachers, not the beneficiaries of public school unionized teachers’ strikes, keep their schools open, support egalitarian standards with parent volunteers, school uniforms and religious education.
When the Gays push in to force the Boy Scouts to let them be counselors at camps, the mothers and fathers, already burned by the closed clerical community that victimized their children, are understandably reluctant to support the United Way.
The Stimulus Package: The Mafia Way – Unlimited Resources that Make the Problem Go Away….Taking Care Of It.