Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Bucs Suck

Zack Duke had pitched a shut-out, but the AAA team fielded by the Pirates couldn't bring a win. They traded Wilson, Snell and Sanchez in one day.

the Sucko's

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blues Offer Clues

In Blue's Clues' Dawg house, animated puppy, Blue, helps find three clues to something they are trying to figure out. Viewers are invited to participate, with Blue and her friends stopping to listen to what the audience has to say.

My own Congressman, Pennsylvania's 4th, Jason Altmire, leads the list (alphabetically) and I did support him because of his knowledge of the health care lobby, among other things. He voted against the stimulus initially, but in the end, Pelosi was "convincing" enough to kick him in. He held out 'til Pelosi's PAC came across with twelve grand to give his Super Delegate vote to Obama. What's that you say, Viewer?
A clue?
A Clue!

Monday, July 27, 2009

MSNBC - Engorged MoJo

Dear Pat was thwarted by Carl Bernstein each time he tried to make a civil comment about Sarah Palin. Pat showed discretion, courtesy and congeniality, Bernstein stepped all over him with crude put-downs of Palin, steeped in deliberate insults to the intelligence of both the Female Phenom and anybody who gives her the courtesy of a listen. Bernstein interrupted Buchannan's every attempt to balance the presented view points. One concludes:

Bernstein is Femme-Phobic!

The MoJo crew throws back Starbuck's Espresso Latte blends.

Perhaps the OTHER sponsor
kicks in a "free supply" as well. Extenz Ads now run six times per hour ON ALL NEWS CHANNELS!
...can anyone find last week's Kismet moment where Jonathan Capehart made the ill-timed remark:
"The Penis Talked."
as the director cut to him following a clip of Obama speaking?
"EXTENZ" finances - daily - this un-moderated exchange. So readily talking over each other, they sound less like professionals on the job and much more like loaded guys at Happy Hour, jacked up on booze, clamoring for attention and having too much fun to care.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Regarding Over-Exposure

Reconciliation follows making asses of ourselves.

The media’s job of the moment is to work through the serious departure from their purpose to show their bloopers.

Seeing themselves, all glammed up with the trappings of the majors, they recognize what a waste of resources it is to sustain them.

High Maintenance: best reserved for the Paris Hiltons and Saddam Husseins of the world. Their presence is poison. Their free rides at the country’s expense constitute parodies as News People Gone Wild.

No longer satisfied with the catbird seat at conventions and media events, their voracious greed for face time (to the mutual benefit of the reporter AND his network) feeds on the same status gratis used by Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheyney: Cash Cow Taxpayer - huh?

A limmerick from an old professor, (Don) Joe Francis, Lit Bomb:
There was a young lad from Saint Johns,
... Had a penchant for buggering swans,
The obliging Head Porter said:
Please! Take my daughter...,
…the swans are reserved for the dons.”

To fully appreciate, you had to hear it with the English accent. Standing 'round the tap at the Golden Eagle, we rattled our own rib cages with the hilarity of folks who take themselves seriously.

Evil exists in the world for comparitive purposes only. If we couldn't see how bad we can be, we'd hardly be motivated to improve. To those with too much to lose, VALUES must be re-evaluated.

Are the designer shoes, photo-ops over NYC and showing off success really getting the attention of those you hope to woo? Are they, perhaps, showing too much skin, showing such little respect for themselves that piranha like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod feast on them?

When the "compromising" footage of them is viewed through the prism of their self-determined destruction, they'll have true authority to evaluate the job they and their OOA (Object of Attention)have done.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Poetry of Progressive

Don't know how I'll get that accomplished,
But I have no doubt
that by the time I've gone down this chosen road and rounded the bend
I'll have figured it out.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Ability To Focus: A Quality of True Leadership

A Prime Time Press Conference, OSTENSIBLY called to place Health Care Legislation front and center was, in the end, derailed and sensationalized by the President. Crazies, LED BY THE PRESIDENT attack the officer yet condone the intemperence of an out-of-control, hootie, tootie Harvard Professor. The 'if that were a white man' cacophony has DISPLACED COMPLETELY the focus on health care legislation for which normal television schedules were pre-empted.

Any reasonable homeowner appreciates prompt response to a call to investigate a burgulary report! The Officer encountered an individual representing himself as the homeowner, pompously declaring that he was a distinguished, highly paid professional, but who behaved as a disrespectful, disruptive, angry bully! In the responding officer's experience, an innocent resident forced to break into his own home by a maintenance issue is sheepish and reassuring. Instead, the Officer, bound by duty to protect and defend, was confronted by a hostile attempt to prevent the investigation. Professor Gates twisted the police call into a RACIST confrontation. His demeanor - under the circumstances - didn't add up to what the trained, experienced Policeman customarily finds IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD. Though he claimed to be a distinguished Harvard Professor, a resident of this secure Cambridge community, he makes an uproarious accusation against the very professional counterpart of his who is there to protect his property.

A legitimate home-owning citizen, AT HOME IN HIS NEIGHBORHOOD would have calmly assured the Officer that he appreciated the diligence, promptness and professionalism with which the department responded, and IN RETURN, would treat the public servant - sworn to protect and defend him - with THE SAME PROFESSIONALISM! To me, a cranky old guy's hair-trigger outburst insulting me at an emotional level threatening to alarm the neighbors says:
SOMETHING IS UP HERE. Is a perp holding a gun on the homeowner to get rid of the cop?

I say to the President ..."Experience has taught me ..." and here's a poor waaht girl's experience through which I filter the incident:

At Kaufmann's, a team of shoplifters loudly disciplining their child, once created an urgent situation as a distraction to imbalance me - the $6 dollar/ hour sales clerk trained to respect the CUSTOMER. This woman simply picked up a $450.00 Croscill bedding set FROM THE SHELF IN MY DEPARTMENT and plunked it down on my counter asserting that it had been a gift. She had neither shopping bag nor receipt, but she wanted to return it for the money. Snapping her fingers, she demanded that I speed it up because she "didn't have time." She raised a rukus, kept yelling at the 4 year old child and accomplice, pitching a fit that I wasn't working quickly enough to ring up her return. My manager came on the scene, gave the woman a store credit in the amount of the FULL, not SALE price of the item, and after 20 minutes of work, the thieves walked out of the store with paper that represented more value in my employer's store, THAN I EARNED IN A MONTH! A "perk" of my job was the employee discount processed via store credit card, but my income didn't qualify me for an account. That is to say, my employer wouldn't issue me credit for items I purchased in their store, when they could have readily deducted it from my paycheck. Instead, they issued a prepay card so that I could pay cash in advance of a purchase on my account then go to the department, pretend to purchase the item on my credit card and receive the employee 'discount' at the end of the month as credit on my account. Kaufmann's Associates were held to a strict dress code. Nonetheless, we were required to pick up the slack for the downsized housekeeping staff by climbing on ladders in heels and dress clothes to dust our displays while customers looked up our skirts. The Security Director, who had closed circuit cameras trained on my work station once stopped me leaving the store with a bag of dust rags I was taking home for laundering after my shift. On the selling floor, he detained me while he RUMMAGED THROUGH THE DUST RAGS expecting to catch me shoplifting, in the presence of my customers! Point of Personal Privelege!! Am I a trusted professional, or am I the unwitting foil for authority figures violating my trust with a slick spin? Months later, that security director was arrested for the theft of $85,000.00 worth of electronics his partners boosted out the freight exit while they were supposedly minding the store.

The President's response to the final question of the Press Conference, purportedly staged to focus on the President's priority; Health Care Reform, successfully eclipsed the Health Care issue. Emotional, heated outbursts fueled unfounded accusations of racism. In my view, it was Gates who was grossly unprofessional. The President manufactured a distraction. In my experience, the reciprocity of professional courtesy is the common ground upon which we work. We achieve results via civil exchange. How do you, another "Professional" get in my face and call me names, insult me and bring up the history of race relations when I'm there as a professional public servant, risking my own security, to defend yours????


Obama: So much for your health care message. Once again, you managed to make it all about race, inflame the media and your racially charged minions, to take the heat off yourself for your poor leadership.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Discrimination. Obama’s speech to the NAACP

Discrimination. – how discrimination based on color
1. Remains Both ways (not acknowledged)

Discrimination against women: Not of color
Although they initially appeal to all women who relate to the need for support, initially draw in all those who suffer the insufferable, ask contributions from all those with limited resources to support the movement, which then, somehow Morphs into “No Whites” or “Women Of Color First!”

Working poor, who’ve chosen to labor for and earn a living:

Refuse Public Assistance and contribute value for economic existence
2. Each day engaged in activities that contribute to the very churches and Family oriented communities to which they cling.
3. Recognize the basic reason to protect 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms

Not gay/ not affiliated with elites, except as servers
1. While racial discrimination exists, we question the inverse: The wealthy and honorable economic leaders employed professionals of color to manage and maintain their homes and properties, children and records.
2. Plantation slaves vs “Free” Women who sustain discrimination against the sexist attitudes, are forced to be mothers and employees; yet fight the good fight

Obama's recommendations to black parents to put away the X Box, put the kids to bed at a reasonable hour, attend Parent-Teacher conferences, read to their Children, help the kids with their homework … it seems to me that those are ALL THE THINGS the working class white as well as people of color who respect hard work, DO! In the exchange, they accept a simpler but dignified existence in return for safe, healthy communities secure in their downscale lifestyles. They organize and participate in their children’s youth leagues, attend High School sports events for their female as well as male children. At their OWN EXPENSE through their church, they maintain the discipline of parochial schools, cutting fringes and salaries in the face of declining enrollment. While public schools complain of disadvantages, school boards raise taxes to compensate teachers who strike. Provincial American families must always be supporting fundraisers to supplement tuition. I was such a child, always going door to door appealing to my neighbors to purchase greeting cards, candy, raffle tickets…Much like the tellers at the race tracks’ hundred dollar windows, they wouldn’t even put down their papers to answer their doors. “What Are You Selling?” they’d grumble. “We don’t want any.” Another thing I saw on these door-to-door solicitations were entire families, gathered in the living room with candles lit, praying the Rosary, praying for Peace. I saw the daughters in the kitchens, with Mothers, doing dishes, sweeping the kitchen floors, shaking out the rugs, storing left-overs and taking out the trash first separated into compost and recyclables.
My own brothers hauled a red wagon full of Sunday papers for miles because, in our farming community, homes were dotted along the rural landscape, sometimes miles apart. When “Hazel” five miles up the road, called complaining that the paper wasn’t there yet, the snow that impeded their progress on the unplowed back roads was no excuse for the crossword puzzle being late. Dad would get out in the family station wagon to assist. Years later, working in “retention’ at the Trib, I was counseled to expect little in the urban communities where, because it is difficult to get carriers, we overlook the poor customer service rendered by those who delivered the paper in the “disadvantaged” communities. We too often had to send a district manager out to deliver on Sunday mornings because the route had been abandoned. Our churches had to implement Saturday services that fulfilled your Sunday Worship “obligation” to allow our congregation to have a life. These entrepreneurs were discouraged by the encounters with violent thugs and thieves. Their “disadvantaged” customers LOOKED THE OTHER WAY. Hate rules those communities.

Where the ‘lower class’ clingy types dwell, anything different is said to be rejected. A closer look reveals that they earn and maintain each others’ trust by being together and keeping with what they know. Those they don’t know, just the same, have the opportunity to show up and join them, break down the barriers by being one of them: not expecting to just appear and talk AT them every election cycle. Where are these know-it-alls when we seek sponsors for the kids’ soccer teams, the funds to keep the local pool or Rec center open? I’ve known protestant – even “Anti-Catholic” neighbors, who put their kids in the catholic schools whose teachers, not the beneficiaries of public school unionized teachers’ strikes, keep their schools open, support egalitarian standards with parent volunteers, school uniforms and religious education.

When the Gays push in to force the Boy Scouts to let them be counselors at camps, the mothers and fathers, already burned by the closed clerical community that victimized their children, are understandably reluctant to support the United Way.

The Stimulus Package: The Mafia Way – Unlimited Resources that Make the Problem Go Away….Taking Care Of It.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Community - float

Marauders Map - written by and for the Raider, looter, the prowler, intruder

Days of Time-turners, Horcrux and spells are upon us. Tuesday, at Midnight, the Alternative Universe enters another level: The Half-Blood Prince (minus sub plot) rings in July 15, 2009 with “all the kids” on hand.

Albus Dumbledore of the purple velvet suit (and we needed JK to articulate the belief that he’d always been gay?) nurses an injured hand, weakened by the ring of family jewels. The Penseive Tour; a memory-stocked fountain, an underground Inferi-hoarding lake, and depot the history of the Soul of Tom Riddle.

A marathon, for now, of the Harry Potter series movies: abc family obliges. Replays of the triumph (or corroboraton of) the mind of Jo Rawling and special effects.
Anything one can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon, MUST; Inevitably, come to pass.

Today, for the first time in several years - since I reclaimed my time from the Democrats, in fact...I was on my skates. The babies on rollers in Evian Ad Int'l revived the receiver as filament to a tuning fork; Called in another direction; Onward ever!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Step to Your Alternative Universe

My dear CountryWomen:

Doing the route to get to the burn is the journey, not the destination. We're not fighting for the right to get into the boyz club.

We're selling a viable alternative. We're not here to put them out of business; just finding our niche in the market. Leave them to their own devices and work the ones who are ready.

Improperly motivated, intimidated men do what they believe necessary to "get the girl." It's always a putch for the testosterone-driven. Reason comes to them with maturity. It is each woman's challenge to navigate the subtleties that will contribute to that progress.


Maybe I Need a CHILD'S Account to Protect Me From this...

Wisteria's Money Makin' Sis

Innocently enough, I thought I might find a list of Senators from Pennsylvania at Wikipedia and began my morning with a rare FLASH.

My first impression was that this item might have been written by Jon FaVreau, speech writer for Obama described last December by the same operation that floated the Cash for Access Salons, WAPO.
"Especially now, as Favreau and the rest of Obama's young staffers begin a transition that extends far beyond new job titles. Three months ago, Favreau lived in a group house with six friends in Chicago, where he rarely shaved, never cooked and sometimes stayed up to play video games until early morning. Now, he has transformed into what one friend called a "Washington political force" -- a minor celebrity with a down payment on a Dupont Circle condo, whose silly Facebook photos with a Hillary Rodham Clinton cutout created what passes for controversy in Obama's so far drama-free transition."

...this isn't about graduating from the Frat House, it's just about moving, funding and institutionalizing it. I get the impression that Wiki featured this "Piece" to fuel the fun the guys are having at the Palin family's expense. To be sure, those same young women who wore the t shirt will share the jokes and whoop it up in true college style. Those of us who've acquired self respect as the result of reflecting upon our own embarrasiing missteps might relate. It was in an interview where "No Excuses" cheek model, Donna Rice, admitted that by the time she had seen her life unravel as the result of her encounter with a presidential candidate, the worst part was how she'd let her mother and female relatives down. Men need women to civilize them, honorable love elevates them.

I keep getting back to Sara Palin. A model existence as a family woman with no scandal, no questionable associations, sincere ethics...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Posted by: SWPAnnA @ 05:57PM on July 08 2009 in response to a WOMEN COUNT article from WC Executive Director,Stacy Mason about recently resigned Governor Sara Palin.

"So the lesson of her abrupt and unexpected departure – and the fallout from it – is simple: We need more women in office. So run for office. Vote for women who run. Support women who run. Another way to help: Support WomenCount’s work to promote women in politics."

"And read our other blog posts about Palin.
Comment and add your voice to the dialogue!"

You're not wrong to take this position, but; for WOMEN, you're not right.

Palin represents everything feminists said they wanted for women; a supportive husband whose commitment allows her to be her best, a beautiful family that, through her partnership with the First Dude, she has balanced with her public service. She has taken on the establishment and won the people’s hearts. She’s knowledgeable about Energy at a level few men are at a time when that skill set is urgently needed in the decision-making process.

Until one woman, ANY woman is elected President of the United States, women will not seek office in significant numbers, because her OWN SISTERS, who have everything to gain by getting it DONE will find an excuse to withhold their support. I signed up for this group because I THOUGHT it represented me. You sent an email inviting me to a gathering that was SUPPOSED to be for women, but it somehow morphed into a backdoor trick to line up volunteers for Obama.

When he had the opportunity to name Hillary Clinton Vice President, or to even support her candidacy, he and his wife put all their energy into bringing her down, not just winning the nomination. "That urgency of Now" meme was the frosting on the proverbial cake. Your organization went from being about women to being another Democratic Party back room deal to give women all the unpaid work they can handle, then yank them out of consideration when there is power to be exercised. That doesn't say "Progressive" to me, that says; "Macciavelli."

John McCain put his money where his mouth is. The Main Stream Republicans who would support a woman candidate and who would have voted for Clinton, are unfairly caste as ideologues by those self-proclaimed ‘Progressives” who proved to me this last election, that

1. Women of Color rank higher than Women
2. Any man, no matter how unknown or unproven is better than the best woman
3. Women are used against each other very effectively to minimize their awareness of their political worth.
4. The Majority United remains the single path to breaking this ceiling, yet Women Count unwittingly undermines that prospect by making “Progressive” voices more legitimate than Women’s Voices..

Until WOMEN stand together, without labels, demand an end to the double standard and cease to rationalize undercutting a legitimate female candidate by permitting men to define her, these appeals to women for support are a violation of faith. Despite a whole lot of objection from Clinton supporters and Eighteen Million primary votes, a MAN was handed the nomination via political maneuvering which Women Count joined. If you seek my support as a WOMAN, then get onboard with women candidates and resist the self-defeating hair-splitting about their politics. If the woman is qualified, give her the opportunity to do the job - with our full support she cannot fail!

A FEMALE VOICE affirming a woman’s perspective, thought processes and survival instincts is all we asked. In 2008, Women Count proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that for all the “YaYa”, men count more.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


8 Channels:

CNN, Headline News, Bloomberg, CNBC, MSNBC, FOX Business, FOX News, Weather Channel.

I am watching as might a director: nothing taping; each screen is viewable simultaneously. See something on one channel while monitoring another? Tough to choose one upon which to focus?

NO DECISION REQUIRED! Be still, my Libra Heart; we simply view, then back it all up. All channels re-wind simultaneously. Tune into a replay of another…and so on. I get MoJo, Fox & Friends, and even a few business views.

Then, jam through the parts of lesser interest, only screening as you choose. Electronics; Ah!!!!! They give time, temper, and access management. I control whose opinion accesses ME!

A sports mix offers similar view.

not N.O.W.

again; NOW is not the way - too much baggage. Nobody wants to invest in an organization that will always be hijacked by those who have the will to violate the peace / progress agenda with an obnoxiously Aggressive one that misrepresents itself as Progressive.

A Progressive Agenda Guide makes absolutely certain that a majority is onboard with the change, has assimilated it down to the level of those whose needs we profess to be addressing, and we have ALL worked with it enough to assess value vis-a-vis what we want to keep, what we're eager to lose / willing to risk.

Change always forces those at the end of the line to shift focus. Plenty of immature hackers routinely play their games with that in mind. They are constantly demanding changes to prevent stability while they force their agenda. Everybody is competition to them. That dog-eat-dog attitude keeps everybody off balance and tense, diverting critical resources into needlessly confrontational distrust. Women with children, elderly parents or special needs family members require reliable PROGRAMS that enable them to live their lives and minimize their drudgery. They cannot afford to change for the sake of change. Minimized risk lets them adapt as their means solidify under their control. We take vacations where the sands constantly shift, we don’t build there.

Computer programmers never run a new program “live” in the production system until they have test, test, tested all aspects of it in a parallel system that doesn't put everybody else out of business when their experiments crash. They study, document and refine according to the test RESULTS. Guys who have families to support and whose living is contingent upon results (small businesses who don't get bailed out) need assurance that they won't fail as long as they work within the system and trust that rules violations are prevented by everybody else working the system, not playing to beat it. Any subtle glitch that misdirects data and resources or causes imbalance is rightly called corruption. Back Ups are crucial to the maintenance of a productive system that actually makes money. Income from rash gambles aren’t secure, don’t make for winners. Folks who aren’t lucky don’t consider themselves losers. They responsibly take the step, step, steps to success. Everybody WORKING THE SYSTEM rightfully demands that their earnings be protected from corruption.

At American Security Insurance, I learned that the motto: "Do It Right, Do It Once." means not permitting shortcuts. Procedure is productive. Well-written procedures become a staple of programming. Knowing when to call the correct procedure is critical. Once a mistake is discovered, everything halts, backs up and MUST BE corrected. You don't just let those who got THEIRS cop the benefits and press ahead while everybody else is dead in the water. The winners of the early rounds must track back and support the following attempts to secure the common progress.

This is the aspect of working together that New Yorkers know and the Provinces don't always get. It may explain why Red Staters are difficult for the MSM to understand. Those of us who must do our own chores because we can't afford to buy those services, don't have time for the push, push, pushers. Solid companies aren't stampeded into decisions by the salesman's manufactured sense of urgency. Good management views what is neither urgent nor important as lower in priority. When I sold syndicated news features, I learned that “No.” today only means “No” today! Two weeks from now, when this more pressing issue is resolved, let me look at that. Timing is key.

“We’re all set.” “We’ve got that covered, thank you.” "How is your approach better, cheaper, more efficient than what we have now?" "We would have to be sure in our hearts that this is the right move before we upend our apple cart to accommodate your recommended change." Not all of us share the same realities. What goes smoothly for one is a major hassle for others. Care. Ask questions. Walk a mile in my stilettos. Get over yourself. We tried that. We’re not ready to chuck all we’ve built to go another direction. UNLESS we have found that we have reached a wall. Then it makes a huge difference to us and all we impact, whether that “Wall” is the inevitable limit of our conditioning and endurance, or if it is resistance from those whose interests are disserved.

To the Left, contingencies and careful planning are cumbersome. To the Right, reason is trumped by Might, Force, Means to an end. In the middle are those who trusted in the bigger picture, expected to be considered carefully in all decisions that might strip them of their access.

Step, Step, Step. Take each in order. Skipping steps is cheating the system's many contributors. Nobody is at the top. A system is a level, somewhat like DNA. Take all 359 steps laterally, close the circle in one step up that brings all contributors into the fruits of their efforts.

Nobody should be asked to sacrifice dignity, stability, joy in their daily lives or indulge those who would exploit them. NOW has exploited trust. The 'engagement' that once had appeal was called off by the traditionalists who were concerned with safety, security and unanticipated consequences of rash changes.

Hence: Phyllis Schlafly deserves a hearing. OK. What obstacles does she see? Can we listen with open minds, without rejecting her out of hand in the SAME WAY OBOTS dismiss US? It offends me profoundly to be unceremoniously dumped after I’ve been a reliable cog in the machine. I’m not worn out or being replaced by something newer, better, stronger or more qualified. I’m being crudely eliminated by rogues whose hands should be cut off for stealing.

“When you lose your arms for reaching, Victory, Sprout Wings!”

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Taking her medicine and moving onj

Who says Palin plans to remain a Republican? Didn't Joe Lieberman become an "I" once Connecticut Democrats denied him their nomination? Losing with Gore left Joe free to bunk with his contemporaries, and Palin can do the same.

A woman who had to work her way through the only college she could afford learned lessons of Economics that aren't taught at Columbia or Harvard. She learned to prioritize, preserve resources, make do and accept herself. Hunters, fishermen and outdoor sports in her stomping grounds infuse her with THEIR values, the spirit of THEIR beliefs. They are the ones who elected her, their wishes guide her. In HER circle of influence, hunting from helicopters is no different from hunting from speed boats in Florida. Heck, she likely does more thinking while running than Maureen Dowd does over white wine while she "researches" her next OpEd. Those Monkey Pumps they ridicule? Ask any mom who makes do with vintage resales why it's worth it to spend the clothing allowance on something for the kids. Meet the people who vote for you at the WalMart.

Really, ladies of the Elite Media and Schools of Thought; wouldn't you sniff your rejection of me without consideration rather than treat me with respect for what I might bring to the table? She is in your world, not OF it. Everybody knows YOU make the rules in your world. Palin certainly respects that, and so do I. Plenty of us know OUR resumes were laughed out of the nyt: our worth is not a recognized value in your protective guild. Take the pulse of your loyal readers in Alaska. My guess is you're not on their radar... Who could say we'd have different views if we were in your shoes? I wouldn't judge you because I don't sit in your office, enjoying the Agency Power built by your predecessors' brilliance. I don't live in fear of losing my job, nor is my work motivated by the preservation of my status. I'm blessed to be unemployed at the moment. Thus free to read your stuff. O.K. Sara Palin can't be a feminist because she doesn't share your views, she can't speak for you. Her self confidence is earned. She resigned to free her to serve full time as a whipping girl for the blood sports. She doesn't share your "taste" in wine, clothes (from what I hear, maybe she does!) or friends. You're an insider, Camilla. Sara's just a debutante in the fringes of the world you covet. Heaven help us if she makes it in when you can't.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Access Acquisition Redux

For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post is offering lobbyists and association executives off-the-record, nonconfrontational access to “those powerful few” — Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and the paper’s own reporters and editors.
The astonishing offer is detailed in a flier circulated Wednesday to a health care lobbyist, who provided it to a reporter because the lobbyist said he feels it’s a conflict for the paper to charge for access to, as the flier says, its “health care reporting and editorial staff.”
(From Politico)

A year ago, I likened the main stream media insiders to nothing short of courtiers who vie for access to celebrity news-makers, especially if they be public servants.

I'm not ATTACKING the press or the msm, but, rather, observing that the access enjoyed by the Fourth Estate is something lobbyists have to PAY FOR. In the progressive corruption department of the absolute power chase, the gesture floated by WaPo’s “Marketing” people was produced by the cynical Post culture! One must also note that these professionals share an operating system heavy with ego, wealth in peril and, like the New York Times, still so in love with the good ol’ days, unwilling to accept that they are no longer in control of thought. Desperately, they invent channels for cash flow, hoping to ride out the credibility crisis until the news consumer rediscovers the Post's superior status. Fortunes have a way of getting squandered by the privileged legacy hires who have no idea what great folks their predecessors had to be to build the venerable institutions they now parade as status ranches.

“It’s expensive to be us,” they plea … to paraphrase Anna Nicole Smith.

Dolly Parton said it best: “It costs me a lot to look this cheap.”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Proceding With Demolition

The bots are wearing their digits to the bone freakin' out about Michelle's seat at the staff meetings and Sara's chosen course indifferent to the establishment advice on acquiring Foreign Policy chops. Like Jackie, Sara - not Michelle - is the femme fatale with the stuff to lead. Vanity Un Fair Todd lobs another salvo that plays into her competitive instincts. Y'know, Jackie never even altered her pace to JFK's fretting her high maintenance ways. She knew who her audience was and how to play 'em. And, of course, she did. Title IX action produced legitimacy you can't acquire by putting on expensive trainers. Look over your horse before you bet your race. Palin - no matter WHAT you say, guys, is a winner.