Dear Pat was thwarted by Carl Bernstein each time he tried to make a civil comment about Sarah Palin. Pat showed discretion, courtesy and congeniality, Bernstein stepped all over him with crude put-downs of Palin, steeped in deliberate insults to the intelligence of both the Female Phenom and anybody who gives her the courtesy of a listen. Bernstein interrupted Buchannan's every attempt to balance the presented view points. One concludes:
Bernstein is Femme-Phobic!
The MoJo crew throws back Starbuck's Espresso Latte blends.
Perhaps the OTHER sponsor
kicks in a "free supply" as well. Extenz Ads now run six times per hour ON ALL NEWS CHANNELS!

Perhaps the OTHER sponsor

...can anyone find last week's Kismet moment where Jonathan Capehart made the ill-timed remark:
"The Penis Talked."
"The Penis Talked."
as the director cut to him following a clip of Obama speaking?
"EXTENZ" finances - daily - this un-moderated exchange. So readily talking over each other, they sound less like professionals on the job and much more like loaded guys at Happy Hour, jacked up on booze, clamoring for attention and having too much fun to care.
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