Wisteria's Money Makin' Sis
Innocently enough, I thought I might find a list of Senators from Pennsylvania at Wikipedia and began my morning with a rare FLASH.
My first impression was that this item might have been written by Jon FaVreau, speech writer for Obama described last December by the same operation that floated the Cash for Access Salons, WAPO.
...this isn't about graduating from the Frat House, it's just about moving, funding and institutionalizing it. I get the impression that Wiki featured this "Piece" to fuel the fun the guys are having at the Palin family's expense. To be sure, those same young women who wore the t shirt will share the jokes and whoop it up in true college style. Those of us who've acquired self respect as the result of reflecting upon our own embarrasiing missteps might relate. It was in an interview where "No Excuses" cheek model, Donna Rice, admitted that by the time she had seen her life unravel as the result of her encounter with a presidential candidate, the worst part was how she'd let her mother and female relatives down. Men need women to civilize them, honorable love elevates them.
I keep getting back to Sara Palin. A model existence as a family woman with no scandal, no questionable associations, sincere ethics...
Wisteria's Money Makin' Sis
Innocently enough, I thought I might find a list of Senators from Pennsylvania at Wikipedia and began my morning with a rare FLASH.
My first impression was that this item might have been written by Jon FaVreau, speech writer for Obama described last December by the same operation that floated the Cash for Access Salons, WAPO.
"Especially now, as Favreau and the rest of Obama's young staffers begin a transition that extends far beyond new job titles. Three months ago, Favreau lived in a group house with six friends in Chicago, where he rarely shaved, never cooked and sometimes stayed up to play video games until early morning. Now, he has transformed into what one friend called a "Washington political force" -- a minor celebrity with a down payment on a Dupont Circle condo, whose silly Facebook photos with a Hillary Rodham Clinton cutout created what passes for controversy in Obama's so far drama-free transition."
...this isn't about graduating from the Frat House, it's just about moving, funding and institutionalizing it. I get the impression that Wiki featured this "Piece" to fuel the fun the guys are having at the Palin family's expense. To be sure, those same young women who wore the t shirt will share the jokes and whoop it up in true college style. Those of us who've acquired self respect as the result of reflecting upon our own embarrasiing missteps might relate. It was in an interview where "No Excuses" cheek model, Donna Rice, admitted that by the time she had seen her life unravel as the result of her encounter with a presidential candidate, the worst part was how she'd let her mother and female relatives down. Men need women to civilize them, honorable love elevates them.
I keep getting back to Sara Palin. A model existence as a family woman with no scandal, no questionable associations, sincere ethics...
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