Sunday, September 26, 2010

Steelers Just Fine Without #7 :) ......but...

The second his suspension ends, he's #1.  A lesson from the League and the fans and the Steelers' Family:  Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.  Making millions makes men "attractive" to women, but even the man men admire most don't know how to make their own standards the standard by which THEY live.  So Ben gets the treatment:  former Coach Bill Cowher gushes all over the coaching job the Steelers have done to keep the team undefeated despite the absence of Ben Roethlesburger.  Three Back-Ups; Dennis Dixon, Byron Leftowicz and Charley Batch have delivered winning performances, but when the half-time show ended with this question:  Should the Steelers keep Batch in as the first string quarterback when Ben returns?  with a universal "NO!" from the coaches and players.  As though they had practiced, the answer came in unison.  So there. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Campaign Finace Reform; Obama Rips Anonymously Financed Campaign Ads "Destructive to our Democracy" if..

 Obama said a partisan minority in Congress wants to "ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory" on Nov. 2.  ABC News

Mitch McConnel says:  "By focusing on that partisan effort to rig the fall elections rather than the stagnant economy, Democrats are proving once again that the jobs they care about most are their own," said McConnell "It's a transparent effort to help themselves ahead of an election in which they clearly can't run on their record."

On his radio show, the Fundraiser-In-Chief whined "We can see for ourselves how truly Destructive to our Democracy this can become.  We've seen it in the flood of deceptive attack ads using front groups with misleading names.  We don't know who's behind these ads, nor who is paying for them."   Can You Say, "Bullshit?"

Here he certifies his legitimate FEAR of competition.  The OAF, OFA Team received contributions from Schuylkill Woodchucks (A reference, I guess, to Punxsutawney Phil, ... I saw a Florida Volunteer Meter Monitor call a phone-cam harasser that; too cool.)  In true Chicago Style, (I'll stop insulting the people of Chicago declaring them complicit in the Mob Mentality) this pusher has indicated he convincingly talks the talk until he dupes enough voters - thirsty for justice.  In this way, he gets himself into position to deliver on his high pollutin' inspirational speeches; when, of course, it's back to bare knuckle politics  PSYCHE!!!.  Damage done, word proven worthless, he's commended by his sycophantic press corpse for his "anything goes" because it's just politics and if they're dumb enough to trust me after all the times I've tricked them, they just need another lesson in politics.  Viewing this performance, I refer you to the words of the Judges of America's Got Talent:

X     X     X                                   
At this point in the competition, the act doesn't show the edge we need to see to keep sending you through.  Frankly, the Old White Men of the Republican Party show they have a few time honored traditions to observe as you "lead" your lemmings to the 2010 cliff.   While the "Viewers" might vote you in, the Citizens and the Listeners are ready for something good, something for them, something like jobs.  Yet, like a cad boyfriend, playing us and standing us up every time we give him another chance, he's convinced we're hopeless and that WE NEED HIM to keep giving us HOPE!

He poses as President but is truly Prince Poppycock.    He's getting his butt kicked by slower, older Republicans who learned a thing or two in their years at the top.  The cult of the pushy young guys, as we are learning, can only beat girls.  When they come up vs. worthy competitors willing to break the code of the males, it shocks them, rocks them to their core and they cannot quite find the road.  Instead of playing for votes with a legitimate Jobs bill, they're fighting over spoils of a system down the tubes anyway.  Tea Time!  To the vaunted Obama Machine:  Eat this!  In American politics, radical decentralization has never been tried on so large a scale. Tea party activists believe that their hive like structure is their signal innovation and secret weapon, the key to outlasting and outmaneuvering traditional political organizations and interest groups. They intend to rewrite the rule book for political organizing, turning decades of established practice upside down. If they succeed, or even half succeed, the tea party's most important legacy may be organizational, not political.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

...Indeed, one conservative Republican strategist who is no fan of Castle and could never be accused of supporting “establishment” candidates told me recently that O’Donnell is a “crackpot” who has no chance of winning the general election.
O’Donnell’s conservatism is a problem for her in attracting support in a general election, but it isn’t her biggest problem. Questions about her character are far more important and limit her appeal with the kinds of swing voters and soft Democrats that she would need to win.

Am I alone in seeing the same misogyny in this race as we witnessed in 2008?  Mark me down as making a "Psychic Prediction" here.  Women will do the slow burn we all feel each time some guy calls grade school names and dismisses our issues, candidates of our gender and our "fed up with the bull shit we get from the Fourth Estate."

O'Donnell will benefit from PUMA phone bank volunteers and can easily take down that pompous democrat with the same logic these jerks spun about the Clintons thinking they were entitled. says she's moving her web site to a bigger server to handle the dramatic traffic.  She'll break a million $ in a couple of hours.  This is War, folks.  Get In to Win.  to volunteer for phone banks.  See you all on the Campaign trail!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christine O'Donnell Smiles as Karl Rove and Dems Shuffle

Women: It is not my wish to alert the "enemy" in this contest, and the Republicans and Democrats presently "led" by the male of the species, are likely not listening anyway, as has been their pattern of late.   But l want to tell this little story, just to say "I told you so."  A year ago, volunteering at the NetRoots Nation convention in Pittsburgh, I was monitoring the video camera and sound system for the presentation made by the principals.  Adam Green, Stephany Taylor and Alan Grayson, (D) FL 8th who, in fielding questions about working with the Democratic Establishment met with Green's interruption with the necessary "push back."  Citing their "It's our time!"  I watched, in that moment, Alan Grayson changed from a leadership reasonable human being into an obnoxious "BeetleJuice."

Today we celebrate the victory of Christine O'Donnel in the Delaware Primary.  The Republicans, no more worthy of another chance to skrew us than the Democrats, lost their nomination to the Tea Party Candidate, the Woman.  Karl Rove was livid and along with the RSCC decided that she would not benefit from their support in the General.  Congressional Quarterly, likewise, is conceding Biden's seat to the Democrats.

O’Donnell’s victory almost certainly hands the general election to New Castle County Executive Chris Coons (D). Republicans don’t plan to spend money to contest the race with O’Donnell claiming the nomination, because they do not view her as a viable candidate who can appeal to the broader electorate.

Apparently, the Power Playa men of this country are unaware of the number of Women who comprise the voting majority.  The "mainstream" Press is no more mainstream than the Rove-defined "mainstream" candidate.  Rove complains that the Tea Party winners fail to live up to HIS standards; not "evincing the Characteristics" of mainstream Republican Conservative leaders: "Rectitude & Sincerity." 

! ?  !?? ? 
 So, in the minds of the men, the Mainstream is what WE say it is, and the only WOMEN permitted to enjoy our support support OUR standards (Phyllis Schlaffly)   The Bold Progressives are, likewise, counting up the chickens they couldn't hatch.  Adam Green's followup putch to Grayson was the threat to send up and support Progressive candidates to take down Democratic incumbents  when they fail to vote as INSTRUCTED by the Power Playas and their Muslim Masher, Barack Hussein Obama.  They forced the Unity Pony over our rainbow with politically astute remarks like: "Where else can they go?" (thanks, david axlerod)  Let's just say, the INCUMBENTS who heard the threat, yet stood up to the White House AND Nancy Pelosi ALL WON THEIR PRIMARIES.   Bring on the Chick, Chick, Chickies. 

So when Pat Buchannon, the only GENTLEMAN left in the Republican Party / Main Stream Media cautioned that THE WAY THEY TREAT THIS WOMAN will be the big factor in how the Republican Party is viewed going forward, he was the only guy talking sense I heard all morning.

I'll be enjoying the scene as the word gets quietly out among women that the real power playas are getting their kids off to school, going to the gym, pta meetings, garden clubs and all those tea party things women do.  When they go to the polls, with real choices, we'll count OUR CHICKS, and there ain't ANY CHICKENS in that hen house.  Later, guys.

Monday, September 13, 2010

For Women To Understand Their "Weight"

Balance is a Force. Much of our work is very, very demanding. We require focus, effort, commitment and sacrifice of all other things we might have done or been on the road to succeeding. As Women, we don't always recognize the value placed in our femininity. Our sons, brothers, friends and, yes, politicians, look to us for the thing they cannot get from each other: resistance.

Against resistance, we build our strengths, skills, other options. With a bit of resistance, we pause to consider equal opposition, respect that we live in a bigger community, and - possibly - re-center ourselves. We look up and out, ahead to the horizon and become balanced. Having made the legitimate effort, the sighting in of the horizon has a "jingle" effect, bringing the work into our second nature. Suddenly, balanced, we go smoothly, effortlessly forward. We are Lighthouse. We are lubrication. We are the computer that responds to the correct input.

On my skates, years into the work, cross-training, losing friends and not quite comprehending cut-throat competition, I "found" Balance As Force. Not unlike learning to ride a bicycle, the ability to remain upright as I rolled along came from within. I passed over it once, then snapping back, crossed it again. My divine nature grasped, gathered me up and >---< I no longer needed to think about it: I was skating.

Men need us to anchor. We aren't the anchor, we are the substance into which they can set. Our worth is the matrix that we present upon which they build. Without our willingness to serve their need for the horizon of their future, they are lost.

They don't want us to COMPETE with them for the things THEY want for themselves. They want us skating along WITH them, finding our OWN things, things WE want without asking them to sacrifice. To be equal to Men, (and I MEAN MEN, not guys, cowards, geeks or crazies) Women must be along for the ride without being dependent - unless it is always clear that it is mutual dependence - known as TRUST.

Valentine, my cat, loves and needs me.  But he does his own things.  He enjoys the tree and always recognizes that it is the holiday season when the Christmas Tree goes up.  Enjoys it.  Visits it.  Plays with the clappers on the bells, the jingling wind chime of doves and snowflakes.  When the season ends and the tree comes down, he moves onto sleeping under the bed and accepts the change.  Serene and healthy, Valentine is balanced.  

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Ad Is Getting Play

I shot this segment a few weeks ago: it was too tempting to check in with the campaign just up the road from where my husband was hospitalized. The Campaign was running a tab at the Oakmont Bakery (which is awesome) and I knew if I got there by 7:00 a.m. I could get a cup of great coffee, film my segment and take Mark a jelly doughnut.

I was so pissed at Jason - who held out to the very end with his Super Delegate vote in 2008 but when Nancy Pelosi's PAC gave him $12,000 for his re-election bid, he voted for the poser. At a seminar on grant writing Jason sponsored last Summer, I had the opportunity to tell Jason to his face how I felt. Then, looking into his earnest eyes, I said; "But I'm over it." and he said; "Good." We smiled at each other and moved on. But I'm not over what the DNC did to Hillary and neither are MOST of the Women who supported her. They went to the polls last November and elected ALL Republican Women to Judicial Bench positions and showed the "No Gentlemen" Democratic Party their most lady-like middle finger. And William DeJean: You Made My Weekend! The person who SHOULD have been on the ballot... as I told my friend, Billy Jean Kling at The Majority United; "Bill's keeping that bad taste of South Carolina in his mouth, playing nice just enough to foster trust...just like Snape did right up to the moment he caste the Avada Kedavra curse on Dumbledorf!" :)