Saturday, September 18, 2010

Campaign Finace Reform; Obama Rips Anonymously Financed Campaign Ads "Destructive to our Democracy" if..

 Obama said a partisan minority in Congress wants to "ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory" on Nov. 2.  ABC News

Mitch McConnel says:  "By focusing on that partisan effort to rig the fall elections rather than the stagnant economy, Democrats are proving once again that the jobs they care about most are their own," said McConnell "It's a transparent effort to help themselves ahead of an election in which they clearly can't run on their record."

On his radio show, the Fundraiser-In-Chief whined "We can see for ourselves how truly Destructive to our Democracy this can become.  We've seen it in the flood of deceptive attack ads using front groups with misleading names.  We don't know who's behind these ads, nor who is paying for them."   Can You Say, "Bullshit?"

Here he certifies his legitimate FEAR of competition.  The OAF, OFA Team received contributions from Schuylkill Woodchucks (A reference, I guess, to Punxsutawney Phil, ... I saw a Florida Volunteer Meter Monitor call a phone-cam harasser that; too cool.)  In true Chicago Style, (I'll stop insulting the people of Chicago declaring them complicit in the Mob Mentality) this pusher has indicated he convincingly talks the talk until he dupes enough voters - thirsty for justice.  In this way, he gets himself into position to deliver on his high pollutin' inspirational speeches; when, of course, it's back to bare knuckle politics  PSYCHE!!!.  Damage done, word proven worthless, he's commended by his sycophantic press corpse for his "anything goes" because it's just politics and if they're dumb enough to trust me after all the times I've tricked them, they just need another lesson in politics.  Viewing this performance, I refer you to the words of the Judges of America's Got Talent:

X     X     X                                   
At this point in the competition, the act doesn't show the edge we need to see to keep sending you through.  Frankly, the Old White Men of the Republican Party show they have a few time honored traditions to observe as you "lead" your lemmings to the 2010 cliff.   While the "Viewers" might vote you in, the Citizens and the Listeners are ready for something good, something for them, something like jobs.  Yet, like a cad boyfriend, playing us and standing us up every time we give him another chance, he's convinced we're hopeless and that WE NEED HIM to keep giving us HOPE!

He poses as President but is truly Prince Poppycock.    He's getting his butt kicked by slower, older Republicans who learned a thing or two in their years at the top.  The cult of the pushy young guys, as we are learning, can only beat girls.  When they come up vs. worthy competitors willing to break the code of the males, it shocks them, rocks them to their core and they cannot quite find the road.  Instead of playing for votes with a legitimate Jobs bill, they're fighting over spoils of a system down the tubes anyway.  Tea Time!  To the vaunted Obama Machine:  Eat this!  In American politics, radical decentralization has never been tried on so large a scale. Tea party activists believe that their hive like structure is their signal innovation and secret weapon, the key to outlasting and outmaneuvering traditional political organizations and interest groups. They intend to rewrite the rule book for political organizing, turning decades of established practice upside down. If they succeed, or even half succeed, the tea party's most important legacy may be organizational, not political.

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