Women: It is not my wish to alert the "enemy" in this contest, and the Republicans and Democrats presently "led" by the male of the species, are likely not listening anyway, as has been their pattern of late. But l want to tell this little story, just to say "I told you so." A year ago, volunteering at the NetRoots Nation convention in Pittsburgh, I was monitoring the video camera and sound system for the presentation made by the boldprogressives.org principals. Adam Green, Stephany Taylor and Alan Grayson, (D) FL 8th who, in fielding questions about working with the Democratic Establishment met with Green's interruption with the necessary "push back." Citing their "It's our time!" I watched, in that moment, Alan Grayson changed from a leadership reasonable human being into an obnoxious "BeetleJuice."
Today we celebrate the victory of Christine O'Donnel in the Delaware Primary. The Republicans, no more worthy of another chance to skrew us than the Democrats, lost their nomination to the Tea Party Candidate, the Woman. Karl Rove was livid and along with the RSCC decided that she would not benefit from their support in the General. Congressional Quarterly, likewise, is conceding Biden's seat to the Democrats.
O’Donnell’s victory almost certainly hands the general election to New Castle County Executive Chris Coons (D). Republicans don’t plan to spend money to contest the race with O’Donnell claiming the nomination, because they do not view her as a viable candidate who can appeal to the broader electorate.
Apparently, the Power Playa men of this country are unaware of the number of Women who comprise the voting majority. The "mainstream" Press is no more mainstream than the Rove-defined "mainstream" candidate. Rove complains that the Tea Party winners fail to live up to HIS standards; not "evincing the Characteristics" of mainstream Republican Conservative leaders: "Rectitude & Sincerity."
! ? !?? ?
So, in the minds of the men, the Mainstream is what WE say it is, and the only WOMEN permitted to enjoy our support support OUR standards (Phyllis Schlaffly) The Bold Progressives are, likewise, counting up the chickens they couldn't hatch. Adam Green's followup putch to Grayson was the threat to send up and support Progressive candidates to take down Democratic incumbents when they fail to vote as INSTRUCTED by the Power Playas and their Muslim Masher, Barack Hussein Obama. They forced the Unity Pony over our rainbow with politically astute remarks like: "Where else can they go?" (thanks, david axlerod) Let's just say, the INCUMBENTS who heard the threat, yet stood up to the White House AND Nancy Pelosi ALL WON THEIR PRIMARIES. Bring on the Chick, Chick, Chickies.
So when Pat Buchannon, the only GENTLEMAN left in the Republican Party / Main Stream Media cautioned that THE WAY THEY TREAT THIS WOMAN will be the big factor in how the Republican Party is viewed going forward, he was the only guy talking sense I heard all morning.
I'll be enjoying the scene as the word gets quietly out among women that the real power playas are getting their kids off to school, going to the gym, pta meetings, garden clubs and all those tea party things women do. When they go to the polls, with real choices, we'll count OUR CHICKS, and there ain't ANY CHICKENS in that hen house. Later, guys.
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