Wish I could call myself Uppity woman, but she's already a legend in the blogosphere. I don't want trouble, but I also don't want anybody to suppose for a second that I'm prepared to eat it when others assert that they're "more equal" than I because of gender, race or education. In this economy, money no longer impresses me. How do you handle debt?
As the 2008 Primary wound through May and June, states like Kentucky and West Virginia went big for Hillary, but in the West, Oregon and Washington - of vastly lower population - were represented by media as balancers for the delegates they sent to Denver. http://www.electoral-vote.com/ reveals the level of support Bill Clinton must give to Democrats seeking re-election, as though the Big Dawg carried the sense of the blue dogs all but lost on the CIC. Citing his loyalty to supporters of his wife, the map tags a state like Oregon as "Strong" Democrat and Washington as "Barely" so. His ego craving affirmation, the dem's Number THREE campaigner takes his show to the back yard of prominent North-westerners for a sermon to the wimminz (homage to uppitywoman08) about how much he's come to value them since the days of 99 problems...
Seattle and more personally, Forks, provided needed relief from the traumatic experience of May 31, 2008 for me. My kids had moved on from the utterly magic Harry Potter books to the equally imaginative Twilight novels set in the rainiest part of the country. For the cloud cover provided, the Cullens could come and go during daylight hours without disclosing their vampire secret. Here, the Predator in Chief hopes to "reassure" the voting block he covets, that it is for THEIR interests that he is campaigning. Face it: the blood of the Congressional Majority has been drained and their trusting hearts stomped. No fresh meat in his D.C. or Chicago hunting grounds, the Chief heads back to the children, to the "Future." Frank Lutz always positions a well-dressed, highly made-up black woman in the front row of his focus group presentations for Fox. Any effort to get a feel for how the WOMEN view the Democrats in the upcoming election polls are routinely eclipsed by the DADT crowd-em-out buzzards doing what they do: hijacking the conversation for their obsession-driven agenda. Little do the Democrats understand that it is these selfish, line-jumping, over-amplified voices who have soured the electorate on "the One." The HOPE for which they voted has been repeatedly trumped by the Women of Color and the Same Sex Sillies, kicked over by the Abortion fanatics. To the largest voting block: White, Middle-Aged, under-employed women, none of these issues matter. The very thing that made us 'vulnerable' to the fly swatting "It" One is the same thing that nullifies his appeal today. We're menopausal. We worked, fought, joined, paid dues, volunteered, ... we did it all! And we watched while the 40 Somethings we helped elect, Women like Claire McCaskill, stiffed us with a HOPE Chain that "changed the game" on us just as we were about to cross the threshold into the national election for the Oval Office. What we thought was the negotiating table became a poker table with wild cards introduced to throw the girls off THEIR game. I learned something observing my sisters' reaction. I already KNEW that this moment demanded - NOT a reaction, but a RESPONSE. Women turned into yammering sixth graders, crying "No Fair!"and now talk themselves through the pain with resolve and lessons learned, taken to heart.
Life has taught me that what you can achieve, ultimately, comes down to what you believe. I discovered Fox News when Neil Cavuto interviewed "Just Say No Deal" spokeswomen. The same tactic used by the Clinton-bashing press corpse - drowning out the balancing views - has become the feminist tactic. Like the "flying wedge" football formation, these females of the feminist persuasion have surrounded and now run interference for "their guy" about whom they have REFUSED to hear a word of criticism. For me, it's too late to give a flying f. The damage is done. The same mentality that separates a "nice home" from a party house is about to level the First Lady and her screw-the-boss-to-get-ahead pawn. Chicago HOPE was a hospital depicted on network TV as an operation challenged with balancing the objectives of the Wealthy Medical Establishment with the Mission of the Institution. Paid hundreds of thousands of dollars serving University of Chicago Hospital concerns, Mrs. Obama sat silent, nonetheless, as HER pastor, Reverend Wright, fed the liberation theology class a line of bogusnesssquess about how black women are underpaid. Michelle's late father, Frasier Robinson, pumped City Water, Captained a Democratic precinct but died following kidney surgery . Grandma Marian, who worked back office at Spiegel's, was real Chicago: mail order sweat shopper, not hooty-tootie Princeton - the kids' school. When the party bosses of Chicago asked Barak Obama, "Who sent you?" he probably didn't understand that he'd been sent by the inner city Wise Guyz with the proverbial chip... Princeton, Harvard, Columbia... you guys build a corral into which we herd, protect and embellish the creds of your servants. Precinct Bosses: you guys provide the presentables. Keep them covered and hold the dirt lest we need to control them.
I look around and recognize how little my heritage seemed to give me. As I work, fail and pursue happiness, however, I come to understand the gift MY Grandmother gave me: Business Woman, deli, bakery, "crocheterie" and blue rinse with a tear for choices left wanting when musts demanded. Speaking Italian, expecting a daily visit from my Dad, who complied much to my mother's Irish displeasure, and weeping as Connie sang "Mama" from her Sylvania Blue Tube TV.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n9XAjVmY60 it occurs to me that Grandma Robinson is there for the girls, praying heartfelt, for the souls challenged by the reality of now. To protect your children, be strong. Forgive those Moms who lapsed just long enough to force themselves to make an impossible choice. In the end, what you leave your children is the image of yourself standing up to all of it, for them. Keep your head down. Keep at it. Find it in the work. When you're done, she'll be there to gather you in her arms, to protect you from all the threats of the world that is but a screen upon which your competition projects fear. In your Mothers' Arms, the illusion of threat is dispelled and you do what you must do.
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