Saturday, October 9, 2010

"We Saw Nothing Wrong With The Bill; It Passed Without Objection"

Citizens Bank (now owned by a flush bunch of thieves in Rhode Island) proved to me that if you give banks access to your money, they WILL take it.  Not unlike the crude grab of electricity customers' resources in California that propped up ENRON beyond its usefulness, these same perps now trade and manage branches of heretofore community banks employing the same foolish young men who will coldly take your money and feel no obligation to earn it, account for it or understand it.  Fees.  Period.  "Egg Management Fee" said the creep to the little kid who asked, "What does that even mean?"   Pocket the egg, chuck the kid under the chin and rip a noise that sounds like QuickBooks deleting an asset.

"So far, banks are claiming that the many forged documents uncovered by courts and attorneys represent a simple 'technical problem' with foreclosure processes," he wrote. "This is not true. What is happening is fraud to cover up fraud.

'Technical Problem' like the egg management fee, is a euphemism to amuse, cheer and support those engaged in the dishonorable greed that has consumed the banking industry.  The Bush Stimulus extended a bail-out with no strings attached.  The Obama Stimulus permitted the agents of Wall Street to cash in obscene bonuses for work of such egregious question that it should have driven them to jump from their towers. Congress has handed the crooks the keys to the vault.  The time has come for all angry unemployed Americans to do some research, to ride herd on EVERY VOTE out of the 111th.   Fired, liberated, given freedom from the dehumanizing JOB, the "jobless" have a choice in the manner by which they will become "self employed." Napoleon Hill - chapter 6 - assures us:  there are fortunes to be made in times of the most dire.

The Bank employees, enraptured by their own success at cheating seemingly smart people, escalate the boldness of their crimes.  Not unlike domestic violence, they revel in the cycle of abuse, incapable of controlling themselves, incapable of restraint.... getting off on how stupid are people who trust them with their money!  What School of Economics delivered these monsters?  Bottom feeders and day traders have amassed so much "activity" that the people who are supposed to wisely process the documentation, those capable of actually doing the work, are on the unemployment lines.  Anybody still employed in the banking industry surely had to have demonstrated, conclusively, during the hiring process, via psychological profile now routinely required by HR, that that they would take any payoff and approve fraud. Their Trust-Violating asses covered by Anonymous Imprimatur, they drive their BMWs to their upscale summer homes, praising the programming that is bombing the system.  Yeah; local courts would be required to accept ELECTRONIC NOTARIZATION from across state lines. Its sponsors said it was intended to promote interstate commerce.   How many of you have worked at a failing company where the I.T. goons actually commend themselves for all they get away with as the result of their elders' ignorance of the electronic underworld?   They continue to push the envelope with the rationalization that if "they're stupid enough to let me get away with THAT, I owe it to them to cheat them blind.  Trust but verify.

These are GUYS!   The same liars, predators, greed-driven Terminator Avatars focused on soul-less self-preservation,  or more accurately, self-aggrandizement.   They compensate for their little dicks by flaunting ill-gotten status to seduce women who will, likewise, marry them in this devious scam.  Materialist female "characters" who killed J.R. 2.0.  The entire Financial Sector of the staff probably doses on Viagara to get through the day, needing an erection to even field a phone call from an unsuspecting client.

1 comment:

SWPAnnA said...