Myself, having served for three weeks on a sequestered jury in Bedford County, Pennsylvania (scene of "It's A Wonderful Life,") I viewed the Court Coverage aware that the Jury heard, saw and experienced none of what we observed as consumers of news and opinion. They were not repeatedly reminded by the talking heads like Nancy Grace and Female Attorneys on Foxy News, that Casey Anthony embarked on a celebration of single young womanhood in the days following the "disappearance" of her child. The pathos of a young woman, oppressed by a severe Italian Father and protected by a wise but responsible Mother impelled the panel of her peers to find her "Not Guilty" of anything more than cause by which the Prosecution made them hear closing arguments on July 4th instead of celebrating Independence with their families. This interview from 2008 reveals the hostility of the Public toward this entire family even in the early days of the search for what folks already suspected was a dead child.
Two Worlds collided in this case and the Verdict ROCKED the decency in humanity who demanded that the Jury do the right thing and hold this young woman responsible for SOMETHING!!!
It's DisneyWorld, a SMALL world, after all. A world where stupid romantics WANT to believe in the child in each of us and are entirely too child-like and trusting to comprehend the existence of psychopathic entities living among them. Christ, these starry-eyed "citizens" have devised a KINGDOM of Fantasy and Foolishness inhabited by CHILDREN at heart who want bedtime stories where we all live happily ever after and most of whom believed the progressive crap enough to elect Alan (Die Quickly!) Grayson to represent them in Congress! It was not until the sane business interests of Orlando and FL-8 got organized and motivated by the spectre of a common enemy, the loony, commie far left, that the Country's leading Vacation Destination got it's wedgie out of its rear and became stable enough again to conduct themselves as people instead of cartoons.
I can only marvel that the Public is outraged at the verdict, having demanded this murderous mum be brought to Justice. Her Dad, however, Retired Police Homicide Investigator, proved to be the sticking point that made the one commenting juror - an alternate who did not deliberate with the twelve who delivered the acquittal - determine that Papa Geo was aware but not revealing what he most certainly should have sensed, by virtue of his professional seasoning.
Like her Parents, the Orlando Jury weighed the OOPtions and walked back their sense of civic duty to the higher call of a distraught grandparent recognizing that, if HIS child were to be treated the same as HE treated the crime-committing children of his case work, he would lose both his grand daughter and his daughter. Too Much Grief. Suicide Notes that communicate much more to a sequestered jury than to even the camera, acquitted Casey Anthony. Her "la Bella Vita" tattoo says what the shocked public cannot. It was the dying sentence of Vito Corleone, Puzo's Godfather, whose legacy was a psychopathic son, Michael, who conducted MOB Business while disposing - one by one - of his biological Family. In his tomato garden, amid the staked vines and vegetables, the head of the Syndicate Crime Family peered into the setting sun and whispered, "Life is Beautiful." with his last breath. Reverence for Life balanced contempt for Greed-driven criminals, and in the Peoples' Justice, exonerated those who "eliminate" unworthies who disrupt and disturb the Peace.
Now the true work is underway. The Anthonys appear to have been targets of a Mob Agenda and their beloved grandchild was found by a METER READER in a trash bag, surrounded with the evidence of a kidnapping, not a mother's act of cruelty. Somehow, the glamorized Mob Image Casey foolishly acquired, interfered utterly with her Life and that of her own Family. Many are called, but few are chosen. I suspect that Caylee was chosen to communicate a message of such cryptic malevolence that Brother, Lee sobbed uncontrollably as he attempted to present his Small World, After All persona while his UNDERWORLD self was working out the mystery of whatever it was he did, or his dad did to bring about this stunning communique.
The Casey Anthony Trial was a riveting media extravaganza because Americans are Sleuths, Solvers of Mysteries, Scales of Justice. The American Way is Truth, Justice. The Media, Internet, Blogosphere and YouTube are outlets for impassioned, if not trained, FRESH EYES on otherwise dry material...yet in a thirst for Justice and a Hunger for the Truth Will Ought in the end, Americans will solve this crime.
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