Things are falling into place as I consciously work through pressure as though it were success clouded in the opportunities presented by the other side. Draw a line and it is of one value, but that line now has two sides. As I gather balancing gravitas, which I do by considering the views I once dismissed as racist, Republican or just ignorant, I find I can, indeed, see what they're saying!
The fiasco of the Democratic Primaries of 2008 so offended me as an American that I can only lend MSNBC an eye and an ear, dismissing ALL of what they air as obama-blowing bullshit. They make good money supporting him and they make it abundantly clear that they are stupid for not doing the same thing I learned works: consider all sides respectfully and back off your aggression.
But they don't. So when I heard Lawrence O'Donnell going through the roof with umbrage at something said by Hillary Clinton - he may not be as hateful as Keith Olbermann, but he's every bit as overbearing. So I don't even lend Lawrence the E & E. Without Pat Buchannan on Morning Joe, the program holds absolutely nothing of interest to me. Mika preening for Mark Halperin who is getting the huge chest that mimicks the big balloon heads Tina Brown once accused Hillary Clinton and Princess Dianna of getting, and guys like Michael Steele and those black gays from the Washington Post taking positions intended for journalists who contine to regale Obama with daily songs of praise. Bible writers and scribes.
So I get a giggle from Brian Killmead and Gretchen Carlson, and feel a little superior that I recognize Steve Doocie is a gossip and, like the MSNBC guys, is so thankful to have a job, he managed to get his son hired just like Luke Russert got his job. Women like Megyn Kelly can give it back to Bill O'Reilley with such substance that Bill-o has actually re-centered and become a bit more respectable. But back to my post. Ann Coulter was once somebody I hated. I hated everything she said. I hated her voice, the sight of her, her attitude. I resisted everything Coulter said as I carried a sanctimonious righteousness that she was crude, vile and absurd. I considered her one-sided bashing of Democrats on par with Rush Limbaugh and never expected a balanced observation from her. Until she said that if John McCain was the nominee, she'd campaign for Hillary Clinton who had more Conservative Credentials. That statement stunned me into sitting up straight and recognizing that Coulter is a self-described Conservative-ish. She hates wimpy Republicans as much as she hates stupid Liberals. She sees what is and doesn't need a dingbat Liberal parrot telling her what she sees.
I was reading my email yesterday morning while she was pitching her new book, "Mugged" to Steve Doocie. She was doing the same tour of disrespectful bashing of the lefties that she does, and then she made the crack about how Lawrence O'Donnell and Bill Maher dig black girls and they think they're freedom riders. Up went my eyebrows and even though I was alone in my office, I looked around the room to see if anybody else had heard that. Then I scrunched up my face, threw back my head and laughed heartily. I keep cracking up, even now, when I think of it. It was a straightforward assessment of everybody she mentioned.
Kos and mediate both noted it was RAYYY-CISSST, as they do, and all in all it was a jolly good wrap on the jagoffs and the black women who hook up with them in the NYC party scene. Have attit, hackers. Coulter nailed all of you, not on your Right, and not on your Left, but Justa Justa.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hiding Behind the Time-Buying FBI Investigation
The Univision Session grilled the Occupant of the Oval Office with more professionalism than the entire American Media, and each time I hear a Chuck Todd or a Juan Williams dismiss a Republican comment or Candidate's "timing" I am close to demanding a demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Associated Press CALLING FOR THE FIRINGS of those assholes.
Buck McKeon (R-CA) is on Fox News urging the President to
Again, we who would work at our chosen pursuits to the best of our ability, are de-railed. As cooperators in Peace-keeping, we find ourselves commandeered as resources, obstructed from pursuit of happiness by these combatants. It makes me wonder how the Public Service Unions can routinely blackmail the taxpayers for raises while the rest of us can't find decent jobs. These "professionals" continue to enjoy the routine of going to work, doing their jobs, getting their paychecks and living their lives, with annual pressures applied to those who pay these tabs in the interest of preserving basic services.
Yet, from these favored professions, We, the People, are not in the reciprocal balance enjoying any kind of respect for the contributions WE make in patience. As I recall, a school teacher is not expected to work under the strife imposed by troublesome students. Policies intended to preserve the order in the classroom allow teachers to do their jobs. The contemporary "schools" of academic design have yet to publish a concept that affords the rest of us a semblence of order in which to conduct OUR business. We find ourselves under unrelenting pressure from our creditors, public service providers demanding money, contrived news broadcasts manufacturing distractions to avoid the common sense questions Americans are thinking. So I retreated as far as I could from the aggression and, only after being written off as "subdued" and under control, did I discover the hole in that universe through which I am escaped.
With training, we can process pressure and make it a power we incorporate into our own. The confusing, disturbing, mis-managed images of threatening men trigger my survival instincts. The world can no longer indulge the threats. We must reflect awareness of the disorderly conduct and express unwillingness to be subordinate to unjustly presumed rights-asserting crazies.
I no longer sustain posturing authorities who fail to acknowledge my equality. Without my consent, the balance is threatened and I no longer ask, "Why?" I simply restore balance and remove the source of the disturbance. It amounts to steering the ship. The Ship of State is not a See-Saw meant to keep the Citizens in an un-ending game of weighing each other down by upending and destabilizing our physical safety from a fulcrum controlled by a prankster. It is a View of the Horizon that is piloted from a helm were we course true, providing our passengers and cargo with a calm voyage. The essence of maintaining balance and steering through the challenges is of a subtle nature. We hold ourselves to a mutually-stabilizing relationship where we are as one, caring as much for our neighbors' security as for our own. We have no other mission, if we are Captain. We have a solid pattern of processing the pressures and by working with them, we grow equal to the challenge. We sense the disturbances as we mature, from another perspective. We act in response to those subtleties we detect as the result of our experience and insight. In four years of being "talked down to" by a pretentious manipulator of trusting, child-like fools, I am no longer concerned that I might be critiqued by his supporters. I observe Mitt Romney as a much ridiculed Captain capable of owning the bridge. While his critics take lower level aim at minor limits in Romney's effort, it grows clear that the level this Nation has been able to achieve in the past twelve years is nowhere near the normal aims of Americans at their best. In Romney, I detect the levelling gravitas that will neither question nor dismiss without consideration. He shows promise of being able to restore balance and provide the rest of us with a solid footing beyond which we can exercise our rights and process the divinity that drives us to greatness.
Recent history has conditioned me to be prepared to learn - from some cuckheld media hack - that Telemundo, Univision is in for some VERY unpleasant pressure in retaliation for being legitimate for the Camera while the preener in chief was doing them the favor of appearing for what were supposed to be softballs. My brain is proceeding with this story by populating the lead-up to this image with the subtly flaring pupils engorged by this threat to his King Of The Jungle status. The Predator is being "disrespected" by a woman, a creature of no worth except in her usefulness to him who must now be sacrificed as a cold-chilling message to her employers. She'll get hers. We must expect that instead of doing his present job of commanding the forces of the Free World to bring the riots in the Middle East under control, the brain of Barak Obama is in predator mode, plotting his take-down of this "How DARE she get eye to eye with me?"
Buck McKeon (R-CA) is on Fox News urging the President to
- Spend some time in Washington
- Have his briefings that are available
- Have some Cabinet meetings
- Do the things that a Commander In Chief should be doing, rather than travelling around the money circuits to raise money for four more years of WHAT?
- It would be good if he did "a little bit" of what he's being paid to do.
Again, we who would work at our chosen pursuits to the best of our ability, are de-railed. As cooperators in Peace-keeping, we find ourselves commandeered as resources, obstructed from pursuit of happiness by these combatants. It makes me wonder how the Public Service Unions can routinely blackmail the taxpayers for raises while the rest of us can't find decent jobs. These "professionals" continue to enjoy the routine of going to work, doing their jobs, getting their paychecks and living their lives, with annual pressures applied to those who pay these tabs in the interest of preserving basic services.
Yet, from these favored professions, We, the People, are not in the reciprocal balance enjoying any kind of respect for the contributions WE make in patience. As I recall, a school teacher is not expected to work under the strife imposed by troublesome students. Policies intended to preserve the order in the classroom allow teachers to do their jobs. The contemporary "schools" of academic design have yet to publish a concept that affords the rest of us a semblence of order in which to conduct OUR business. We find ourselves under unrelenting pressure from our creditors, public service providers demanding money, contrived news broadcasts manufacturing distractions to avoid the common sense questions Americans are thinking. So I retreated as far as I could from the aggression and, only after being written off as "subdued" and under control, did I discover the hole in that universe through which I am escaped.
With training, we can process pressure and make it a power we incorporate into our own. The confusing, disturbing, mis-managed images of threatening men trigger my survival instincts. The world can no longer indulge the threats. We must reflect awareness of the disorderly conduct and express unwillingness to be subordinate to unjustly presumed rights-asserting crazies.
I no longer sustain posturing authorities who fail to acknowledge my equality. Without my consent, the balance is threatened and I no longer ask, "Why?" I simply restore balance and remove the source of the disturbance. It amounts to steering the ship. The Ship of State is not a See-Saw meant to keep the Citizens in an un-ending game of weighing each other down by upending and destabilizing our physical safety from a fulcrum controlled by a prankster. It is a View of the Horizon that is piloted from a helm were we course true, providing our passengers and cargo with a calm voyage. The essence of maintaining balance and steering through the challenges is of a subtle nature. We hold ourselves to a mutually-stabilizing relationship where we are as one, caring as much for our neighbors' security as for our own. We have no other mission, if we are Captain. We have a solid pattern of processing the pressures and by working with them, we grow equal to the challenge. We sense the disturbances as we mature, from another perspective. We act in response to those subtleties we detect as the result of our experience and insight. In four years of being "talked down to" by a pretentious manipulator of trusting, child-like fools, I am no longer concerned that I might be critiqued by his supporters. I observe Mitt Romney as a much ridiculed Captain capable of owning the bridge. While his critics take lower level aim at minor limits in Romney's effort, it grows clear that the level this Nation has been able to achieve in the past twelve years is nowhere near the normal aims of Americans at their best. In Romney, I detect the levelling gravitas that will neither question nor dismiss without consideration. He shows promise of being able to restore balance and provide the rest of us with a solid footing beyond which we can exercise our rights and process the divinity that drives us to greatness.
Recent history has conditioned me to be prepared to learn - from some cuckheld media hack - that Telemundo, Univision is in for some VERY unpleasant pressure in retaliation for being legitimate for the Camera while the preener in chief was doing them the favor of appearing for what were supposed to be softballs. My brain is proceeding with this story by populating the lead-up to this image with the subtly flaring pupils engorged by this threat to his King Of The Jungle status. The Predator is being "disrespected" by a woman, a creature of no worth except in her usefulness to him who must now be sacrificed as a cold-chilling message to her employers. She'll get hers. We must expect that instead of doing his present job of commanding the forces of the Free World to bring the riots in the Middle East under control, the brain of Barak Obama is in predator mode, plotting his take-down of this "How DARE she get eye to eye with me?"
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Where Is Hillary?
Has Dr. Susan Rice Co-Opted Secretary Of State in the vacumn created by Hillary Clinton's inability to "reconcile" her relationships with the World Leaders she knows and who know her, with the callous disregard for relationships demonstrated - moreover exhalted - by Obama and his advisors? I have never considered that the Occupant of the Oval Office even entertains either Clinton's advice much less allows them to influence his policies except as the foil driving his shark-jumping ever higher.
When Rice, rather than Hillary Clinton, faced the Sunday Morning "News" programs with the spin on the murder of an Ambassador in service to the Secretary's boss, the President, at whose pleasure and nothing more, she performs, she failed to acknowledge the significance of the black flag of Al Qaida now flying over the embassy and consulate of the United States. If she were being taxed as a corporate entity handing over her cashflow to the "bureau" while another company's marquee was lighted in substitution over the place of business, she would, likewise, be held accountable for what she and "the bureau" represented as their "business."
We have Certified Public Accountants in this Nation. We are reassured that a C.P.A., under pain of loss of certification, would comply with the certification procedures proscribed by his profession, and in the interest of rendering qualified, scrupulous service to clients, would alert the client of irregularities in the preparation of that company's accounts. In Hillary Clinton, we had hoped to find just such a certified advocate of the relationships We, the People of the United States of America hold respected, with the leaders of the World.
Forgetting the Hillary bashers and transcending the trauma inflicted by the Democrats and race hustlers on the faithful electorate, we ask the Senate, whose job it is to advise and consent, just where are you guys? We get it that your jealousy of Mrs. Clinton eased your consciences about the vile treatment she endured as you 'skirted' seniority for malice. We get that your corrupt leader, Reed, is walking dead with respect to his responsibilities to the businesses of the United States. We understand debt and we understand faith, fidelity and reconciliation.
We simply ask: Where is Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, who won't be having her scheduled breakfast or lunch with the President until tomorrow, when we need her? Is she having difficulty "swallowing" the ecstatic ejaculate of the creep on a power trip expounding on the superiority of Islam and his Muslim Brotherhood? Is Bill not ready to take full reign of the powers that the White House dismisses? Are we not, as sovereigns, empowered with the reason, the integrity and the cognizance of our self worth, prepared to reject the mismanaged crisis that is the Middle Eastern Muslim Brotherhood ratcheting up that of the Chicago Black Panthers another notch?

If it is possible that the Forces of Hope and Change can hijack a party, commandeer an election aided and abetted by a complicit "for show" Media, then it is readily obvious to me that Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup, the Power Puff Girls are, likewise, still in this game and can well make the World safe again, for Democracy, Peace and Prosperity by bedtime. Wikipedia defines the protest films now emanating from the Middle East as Tokusatsu and Suit Acting video in which a super-monster played by Men In Suits threatens the SmallTown USA with animal rage. This Godzillian Monster grows in stature by exposure to the Almighty Camera, the Imager. It is in 'screening' the footage of these Kabuki KISS-dubbed dialogue performers that we are entertained and amused by the simplicity and innocence of these Muslims. Hey, wasn't that a trailor for a Hollywood Movie produced by Sam Bacile whose name is printed - in English - on plaquards being brandished by the latest mob of Anti-American demonstrators in Thailand? These, for the first time, include Women. Thus I understand: The innocence of Muslims is not unlike the innocence of our First Communicants who are inculcated with the most cynical insights of a carnal underworld deception, believing themselves to be gathered into the protective embrace of Jesus Christ, son of God.
Obama, born in August under the sign of Leo, being the young lion pushing his elders out in a violent coup that leaves his female colleagues every bit as insulted and outraged and vengeful as his Muslim and Black Bros.
As the secular vendetta of the American Civil Liberties Union continues to brutalize all that is traditional and spiritual in our Nation, we are driven out of our own rites of passage, Fathers denied the traditional rite of dancing with a Daughter about to be inducted into the upper class in a highschool in Providence RI, a Mother jailed for permitting her children to play in the cul-de-sac, we wonder: Where THE FUCK is Hillary? Where is the Woman who was ready on Day One, to process and provide us with the leadership that could spur us onto ever greater interaction with the best in each of us? Where are the Parents of Chelsea who drew and enforced a line between their chld and the predatory Press Corpse (spelled as Obama pronounces it?) Where is the Friend of Dianne Feinstine steeped in Senate Tradition and Status, elected with her colleague, Barbara Boxer as California's first Women to the Senate? Where are Olympia Snow, Susan Collins and HRC's successor, Kristen Gillebrand? And finally, where are the Soccer Moms of this Country when the President of the United States goes on Late Night with David Letterman to express his expectation that the Muslim Countries would protect our State Department employees working in their embassies? Late Night with Letterman, as though SOMEBODY ELSE is supposed to impersonate the Commander in Chief? To drunks, dopers and bleary-eyeds seeking entertainment as they fall asleep, rather than the light of day and sober recognition of the gravity of the current conditions in the Middle East?!!! WTF????
When Rice, rather than Hillary Clinton, faced the Sunday Morning "News" programs with the spin on the murder of an Ambassador in service to the Secretary's boss, the President, at whose pleasure and nothing more, she performs, she failed to acknowledge the significance of the black flag of Al Qaida now flying over the embassy and consulate of the United States. If she were being taxed as a corporate entity handing over her cashflow to the "bureau" while another company's marquee was lighted in substitution over the place of business, she would, likewise, be held accountable for what she and "the bureau" represented as their "business."
We have Certified Public Accountants in this Nation. We are reassured that a C.P.A., under pain of loss of certification, would comply with the certification procedures proscribed by his profession, and in the interest of rendering qualified, scrupulous service to clients, would alert the client of irregularities in the preparation of that company's accounts. In Hillary Clinton, we had hoped to find just such a certified advocate of the relationships We, the People of the United States of America hold respected, with the leaders of the World.
Forgetting the Hillary bashers and transcending the trauma inflicted by the Democrats and race hustlers on the faithful electorate, we ask the Senate, whose job it is to advise and consent, just where are you guys? We get it that your jealousy of Mrs. Clinton eased your consciences about the vile treatment she endured as you 'skirted' seniority for malice. We get that your corrupt leader, Reed, is walking dead with respect to his responsibilities to the businesses of the United States. We understand debt and we understand faith, fidelity and reconciliation.
We simply ask: Where is Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, who won't be having her scheduled breakfast or lunch with the President until tomorrow, when we need her? Is she having difficulty "swallowing" the ecstatic ejaculate of the creep on a power trip expounding on the superiority of Islam and his Muslim Brotherhood? Is Bill not ready to take full reign of the powers that the White House dismisses? Are we not, as sovereigns, empowered with the reason, the integrity and the cognizance of our self worth, prepared to reject the mismanaged crisis that is the Middle Eastern Muslim Brotherhood ratcheting up that of the Chicago Black Panthers another notch?

If it is possible that the Forces of Hope and Change can hijack a party, commandeer an election aided and abetted by a complicit "for show" Media, then it is readily obvious to me that Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup, the Power Puff Girls are, likewise, still in this game and can well make the World safe again, for Democracy, Peace and Prosperity by bedtime. Wikipedia defines the protest films now emanating from the Middle East as Tokusatsu and Suit Acting video in which a super-monster played by Men In Suits threatens the SmallTown USA with animal rage. This Godzillian Monster grows in stature by exposure to the Almighty Camera, the Imager. It is in 'screening' the footage of these Kabuki KISS-dubbed dialogue performers that we are entertained and amused by the simplicity and innocence of these Muslims. Hey, wasn't that a trailor for a Hollywood Movie produced by Sam Bacile whose name is printed - in English - on plaquards being brandished by the latest mob of Anti-American demonstrators in Thailand? These, for the first time, include Women. Thus I understand: The innocence of Muslims is not unlike the innocence of our First Communicants who are inculcated with the most cynical insights of a carnal underworld deception, believing themselves to be gathered into the protective embrace of Jesus Christ, son of God.
"We call on Islam's youths to take after the lions of Benghazi [in Libya] by pulling down America's flags that are flying over all of its embassies in our capitals," said al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), according to IntelCenter.
AQIM urged people "to burn them [the flags], to stomp them underfoot, and to kill its [US] ambassadors and representatives or expel them and purge our land of their filth in revenge for the honour of the best of mankind," referring to Islam's Prophet Mohammed.
(emphasis, Mine.)
Obama, born in August under the sign of Leo, being the young lion pushing his elders out in a violent coup that leaves his female colleagues every bit as insulted and outraged and vengeful as his Muslim and Black Bros.
As the secular vendetta of the American Civil Liberties Union continues to brutalize all that is traditional and spiritual in our Nation, we are driven out of our own rites of passage, Fathers denied the traditional rite of dancing with a Daughter about to be inducted into the upper class in a highschool in Providence RI, a Mother jailed for permitting her children to play in the cul-de-sac, we wonder: Where THE FUCK is Hillary? Where is the Woman who was ready on Day One, to process and provide us with the leadership that could spur us onto ever greater interaction with the best in each of us? Where are the Parents of Chelsea who drew and enforced a line between their chld and the predatory Press Corpse (spelled as Obama pronounces it?) Where is the Friend of Dianne Feinstine steeped in Senate Tradition and Status, elected with her colleague, Barbara Boxer as California's first Women to the Senate? Where are Olympia Snow, Susan Collins and HRC's successor, Kristen Gillebrand? And finally, where are the Soccer Moms of this Country when the President of the United States goes on Late Night with David Letterman to express his expectation that the Muslim Countries would protect our State Department employees working in their embassies? Late Night with Letterman, as though SOMEBODY ELSE is supposed to impersonate the Commander in Chief? To drunks, dopers and bleary-eyeds seeking entertainment as they fall asleep, rather than the light of day and sober recognition of the gravity of the current conditions in the Middle East?!!! WTF????
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Foaming The Runways For TooBigToFail Banks
This is what makes me ever more consolidated in my awareness that I chose not to be a part of the Change ushered in by the Fraud Mob. I've listened to this podcast and instead of becoming enraged, I am simply more consolidated in the realization that I am not part of this, not a citizen of the country described here. I am a drop-out not infected by the plague they describe, by the "play to pay" thugs pushing people around. I'm restored to passive resistance to authoritarian bullies.
Geithner-Obama: foaming the runway for the banks is a 2 part podcast that reflects two professionals speaking rationally and yet, somehow ACCEPTING that these fuckers are getting away with this. (Because one cannot suppress the murderous emotion that any actual reaction would trigger.) Seduced to comply. Urged to "play." Look over there in Libya. Play with Mobsters. It follows that when they behead you in their lustful, unrestrained threat trip, remember: You Chose Them. I did not.
Foaming The Runway: Part 2 how the "Wise Guys" play the Gay. When I was a single mom trying to have a life in Midtown Atlanta in the Eighties, I was surrounded by gays. It became clear to Women that the men who weren't gay, nevertheless "played" those who were, because if you didn't at least play along with the same sex movement, you were unemployable, unfriendable, unloveable. You were gay or you were enslaved. You female children, poverty and rejection were your lunch. Men who had left their wives and families for their gay lovers now moved their young teen sons into their homes to inculcate them with the gay lifestyle values. As a wife, I had been fed the same bullshit by the jerk who used me as a stepping stone to his personal acquisition tour. Community Property? Good luck fighting me.
You're not seeing what you're looking at. We tell you what you are seeing. We demand that you ignore how much it hurts and how insulting it is and what criminal malice is driving this, and just EAT IT!!!! We make the rules. We change them to keep ourselves on top. You are racist if you question us. Oh, and the only thing worse than being racist is being "homophobic."
Again, I don't play, don't agree, don't want to live in a universe where these perps are considered human beings.
Geithner-Obama: foaming the runway for the banks is a 2 part podcast that reflects two professionals speaking rationally and yet, somehow ACCEPTING that these fuckers are getting away with this. (Because one cannot suppress the murderous emotion that any actual reaction would trigger.) Seduced to comply. Urged to "play." Look over there in Libya. Play with Mobsters. It follows that when they behead you in their lustful, unrestrained threat trip, remember: You Chose Them. I did not.
Foaming The Runway: Part 2 how the "Wise Guys" play the Gay. When I was a single mom trying to have a life in Midtown Atlanta in the Eighties, I was surrounded by gays. It became clear to Women that the men who weren't gay, nevertheless "played" those who were, because if you didn't at least play along with the same sex movement, you were unemployable, unfriendable, unloveable. You were gay or you were enslaved. You female children, poverty and rejection were your lunch. Men who had left their wives and families for their gay lovers now moved their young teen sons into their homes to inculcate them with the gay lifestyle values. As a wife, I had been fed the same bullshit by the jerk who used me as a stepping stone to his personal acquisition tour. Community Property? Good luck fighting me.
You're not seeing what you're looking at. We tell you what you are seeing. We demand that you ignore how much it hurts and how insulting it is and what criminal malice is driving this, and just EAT IT!!!! We make the rules. We change them to keep ourselves on top. You are racist if you question us. Oh, and the only thing worse than being racist is being "homophobic."
Again, I don't play, don't agree, don't want to live in a universe where these perps are considered human beings.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The PRESS Bull Dogging By PRESSURE
I begin this pjase of my day with gentle kindness in my heart, as I am compressed ever more consolidating with the Americans + EYES = Pass on the inferior "merchandise" pedaled by the White House Press Corpse. In recent days, I have found myself spelling the Corpse the way the Occupant of the Oval Office pronounces it. Face it: this prick has willfully, maliciously and criminally locked onto the Muslim Brotherhood Agenda. His is the personification of the reason our Founding Fathers specifically required that the president, the EYE of the needle and the point of the Apex through which we, as a wedge of the PI join what is the circle of the world community, must be a naturally-born American citizen without dual citizenship nor any aspect that would compromise or distort his (or her) loyalty to this Country and its Constitution.
I track back to my initial reaction to the facts I gleaned while performing my due diligence in evaluating the candidates offered for my consideration in 2008. With no regard to his race nor his personality I had these objections to electing barak obama during that particular cycle:
Here's my point: Except for the fact that I am a Woman of substance, character and leadership integrity, conditioned to expect men to cheat me out of my earnings, apply a double standard and induce my own mothers, sisters and female friends to buy into their duplicity, if I were Barak Obama, seeing people falling so readily for my thin resume, defending me so irrationally, handing me their highest symbols of recognition without my so much as doing anything except to whine that I'm not getting an even easier path to their valuables, I would be hard-pressed to restrain myself from taking full advantage and simply letting them provide me cover while I party with my bros.
I track back to my initial reaction to the facts I gleaned while performing my due diligence in evaluating the candidates offered for my consideration in 2008. With no regard to his race nor his personality I had these objections to electing barak obama during that particular cycle:
- Who WAS he and who were his People? After nearly twenty years, I knew virtually all the other guys, and Mrs. Clinton. Obam was a lockbox. Nobody knew who he worked with except 60's Anti-American radicals, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, in whose living room his first political campaign was launched, Antoin Rezko, fundraiser/link to winning elections in Chicago. Oh, and as the campaign unfolded, others who proved to be his "friends" included Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Harry Reed, Bob Casey - well established Clinton rivals who would have their own ideas about their candidate's administrative appointments. Oh, yes...and the American Media. The combined influences of the hot shot young guy movement joined by the corrupted - (my expertise extends to the concrete awareness of the use of "recreational" contraband by the well-paid / incestuous operatives posing as journalists presently occupying positions intended for professional reporters) Press Corpse who were bizarly laughable in their unrestrained infatuation - no, WORSHIP of Oprah's crush.*
- Reared in a police state, in a Muslim household, where his role models for political power were dictatorial, this entity was not bearing - to my view - the right stuff to be capable of understanding American Patriots.
- Sequestered himself in the protective cloak of insanely abusive, overbearing defenders who savagely attacked anybody who questioned him. In the "Progressive NutRoots and the American Media of 2008, we saw the nurtured seedlings of the full blown rioting, blood-thirsty mobs of Sharia addled, Viagara-induced males raging hormonally for who the fuck knows what?
- Was an undistinguished, unaccomplished (certainly compared to Hillary Clinton) academic whose background records were mysteriously sealed from inspection raising alarming flags as to the validity of his qualifications with respect to the likelihood that my own primary values aligned with his. Refrain: the unholy, explosive assault on any questioning of his credibility by his inexplicably expanding coterie of "friends."
- The intolerant beligerence of my own friends and colleagues who made no pretense of professionalism in their demeanor toward me. I was - forget disrespected - verbally assaulted by men shouting me down and in a threatening, domineering posture, representing the results of the Rules and Bylaws Committee as a "Fair and Square" WIN of the Democratic Nomination!
- The number of Democrats who - to my face - expect to pedal sophomoric misrepresentations of his Apology Tour as though I'm stupid enough to trust them after the major stiffing they laid on me in 2008 and that I'm stupid enough to indulge their pretense of faith in his competence. Drink the Kool Aid, Party On.
Here's my point: Except for the fact that I am a Woman of substance, character and leadership integrity, conditioned to expect men to cheat me out of my earnings, apply a double standard and induce my own mothers, sisters and female friends to buy into their duplicity, if I were Barak Obama, seeing people falling so readily for my thin resume, defending me so irrationally, handing me their highest symbols of recognition without my so much as doing anything except to whine that I'm not getting an even easier path to their valuables, I would be hard-pressed to restrain myself from taking full advantage and simply letting them provide me cover while I party with my bros.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Agent-Swollen Talent Masquerades as Reporters ties between Mr. Romney and Mr. Netanyahu stand out because there is little precedent for two politicians of their stature to have such a history together that predates their entry into government. And that history could well influence decision-making at a time when the United States may face crucial questions about whether to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities or support Israel in such an action.
The separation of church and state refines a notch: we really should divide and separate business and the 4th Estate. As we are reminded via countless emails soliciting our contributions, the Presidential Candidates are "raising" billions in cash contributions earmarked for the television commercial industry. These same entities who have scaled back their news operations to Rip-And-Re post tweets and blogger quips, rake in advertising revenues from political campaigns that would "make" any retailer's year. The pricks could - literally - go on vacation for the next two years with the cash flow the campaigns guarantee them. In the process, they make - what I have come to recognize - every effort to obscure the facts and misrepresent the opponents.
As a consumer of news, I expect the news divisions of television broadcast media to know the difference between celebrating personalities and scrutinizing them. For the screaming lust to explode the cost to the American People of having their elections covered, the media (which I pointedly deny capitalizing) might, at the very least, grow in their professional substance. So frequently have I been "challenged" by my fauxgressive critics as fascist, that I have, ultimately, disengaged from political discourse except here, where my comments stand for the reviewer to judge.
Witnessing Laura O'Donnell's performance on this morning's CBS network morning offering, my perspective crystallized. As Romney surrogate, Ohio Senator Rob Portman spoke to the response by the candidate to the Embassy apology, the anchor, supposedly chosen to replace Erica Hill for the ratings boost her White House Credentials carry, instead, did the OAF Campaign dirty work on the air O'Donnell Carries Graft Water.
Filibustering the question should be the expected and managed job of the reporter. Instead, the "Journalist" herself, did the filibuster. She stepped on Portman's reply with not only an interruption by defending the White House response with the flimsiest interpretation of the "timeline," she proceeded to READ WORD FOR WORD the Bologna served up by her "fellow talking heads" in reaction - not response - to the facts. To Portman's credit, he remained a steadfast gentleman, not unlike the Candidate he is training, and was respectful but knowing toward the CBS fool. O'Donnell considers Americans mooches sucking up everything dispensed by the media. She considers it her job, as does Chris Matthews, to ensure the success of the obama presidency (capitalizing deliberately withheld.)
Despite crass moves, the needle on CBS morning news show ratings sticks squarely off the radar. The broadcast companies are so jazzed by the cash they rake in from the political campaigns that they are inured to the truth about why their ratings lag. Truth in Broadcasting. They pulled O'Donnell's predecessor from CNN and O'Donnell herself from MSNBC. Both these concerns began losing viewers when their transparent adoration of the Cult of Personality, Indonesian-reared, Communist grandson of a non-Hilo Banker became an issue with Viewers.
Americans who "pay" with their attention, who lend Eye and Ear to the tube lest a grain of truth emerge to flag the course-realignment of our politics, expect as much for "Paying Attention" as they might for money they would have paid in better times. Reporters, like teachers, have traditionally been professional bastions of uprightness despite their subsistence-level incomes. In the News Business, traditionally, the Editors, Publishers and Ad Executives were flush from their compensation. The 'talent' was on the street, hungry for the IS. The consumer understands that. First Bush appealed to them to go out and spend ourselves out of depression over the September 11 paradigm tectonic shift of the ground underfoot. Next he unleashed predatory credit card companies to arbitrarily change their agreements with card holders, yanking the rug out from under them with adjusted maximums, fees and percentage hikes. Overnight, a card-holder whose credit limit was $5,000, was downgraded to $2,500 with a balance somewhere north of that. Immediately, the creditor was now hit with $40 over-limit-fees, doubled minimum payments that caused unavoidable late fees such that, in mere weeks, despite having made no transactions, the card-holder saw his balance mushroomed.
O'Donnell now joins the Sorority of Women who, obama's 'you didn't do that all by yourself,' taunts not-with-standing, believe that they, uniquely, achieved their status. More about her hair and make-up and her moving in circles with the elite media chums, my "sister" Norah leaves me insulted as a consumer of news. I know the difference, now, in large part due to her, between a journalist and an Agent-represented News Personality. The ground-breaking precedent for this condition was Barbara Walters when she turned to a professional media agent to shift her out of the status of grunt nigger on the Today Show set to appropriately compensated workhorse of the News Room. Those of us who grew up watching Walters' rise in the News Universe also recognize that she set and maintained a standard of performance and integrity that made her stand out among her peers. So solid was her reporting and the obvious support she received from those who chose to sit for her interviews, that her million dollar demands were echoed by her viewers. Of course, I now recognize, a fellow Cult Hero grows in stature as his tide-riding craft colleagues rise. The further the likes of O'Donnell, Pelosi and Oprah go, the further they can carry their little prince. Unfortunately for them, the cad is a bad boyfriend, racking them up as his latest conquest, neither unique nor respected by either colleagues or voters.
Game Over, Sistahs. Guess what's likely to happen to the CBS Morning viewers. They'll find a link to a Fox News item and will learn a number of points that would have never come from the mouths of any CBS rip-n-reader. The types of statements made on Fox are so foreign to consumers of network news that they are stunned with the level of disparity between the respective news "camps." Out of initial curiosity, they stay "tuned" and find themselves satieted, for the first time in longer than they can remember, by something other than obama worship.
Like the ecumenicals of the sixties, the "catholics" of the network news air are suddenly aware that they are not alone in heaven. The shock of discovering intelligent, beautiful women of all races and nationalities, accomplished prosecutors, investigators, clerks and researchers on camera throughout the day, SPEAKING THEIR MIND, unfettered by management, uncensored and unrelenting in their derision of the colluding flunkies of the press corpse, is riveting. The once-dyed-in-the-blood bot is so close to "artificial intelligence" that electronic mirroring is inescapable. The "yes, we canners" are possessed of tuning forks now struck with a resonnant chorde previously jamned by the network quacks. Universal truthiness rings clarion. Revielle summons the citizen to get out of bed with the failing, propped-up pretense for leadership and take up the call to duty and service.

Monday, September 10, 2012
Meandering - An Old Man River Approach To Writing
The Uppity Woman Blog is closed for renovations, and timed to avoid political discussion during this season of mourning for the Administration that might have been. Through her blogroll, I have grown acquainted with steadfast souls who espouse some things with which I am not in full agreement, but we share other things, like love for CATS and home grown vegetables. The most important thing we share, however, is an atmosphere of willingness to suspend the rules of politics while we delve more intelligently into the manner in which our country's elections are mismanaged by the media super-models chosen, not for their brains, but for the way their icons sell.
While Uppity and her designers look at finishes, learn their orders are held up and disagree over window placement, I'm holding up o.k. thanks for asking. I Continue to contribute to the Majority United, and feel joy anytime BJ pipes in with an update. But I'm witnessing the evolution of the Ones sidelined by the "One's" desperate need to beat the girl.
I used to run road races. I met lots of cool people who weren't competitively driven to cover the mile in under 5 minutes, but I saw a few who were. They got trophies and recognition at the awards ceremonies and were often paid just to show up and run at bigger events. When new runners announced plans to take up training for, say, a 10 K or a Marathon, they received enthusiastic support. Runners' Groups found joy in each others' achievements. Who won the "race" wasn't typically that big a deal. There were always several races scheduled for any given weekend and a runner who needed the trophy more than the challenge could choose the "off" race instead of the ones better competitors were likely to attend. Thus, a rising "star" in the racing flats could build a name and a "track record" to bring along to the bigger, classic events that were such an experssion of big time profile that it was the only race in town, so to speak, that day. At these races: the New York City and Boston Marathons, the Peachtree Road Race, the Breakers To The Bay, etc. the winners were instant celebreties and the world's top runners often paced the ready-for-prime-time contenders for their debut win. When Men and Women competed on the same course, without any distinction between their starts, distances, etc. only the clock noted when a runner crossed the finish line and the finishers were ranked accordingly.
Somewhere along the line, registrants are divided, for trophy purposes, into Men and Women Runners and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place finishers are further divided into age categories based on divisions like Under 12, 18 to 20, 20-25, Over 40, 50, 60 and even Clydesdales (over 200#) for the purpose of recognizing challenging personal physical limitations. Wheelchair, Special and otherwise appreciated participants lobbied for distinctions that expanded the field, the reviewers and recognition, which became the basis for studying the improved times of these competitors when permitted to compete among every day Joe.
I often cheered on runners who finished their own race then doubled back to the field and located their friends to complete the trek as support escorts. These racers had to "run off" their final kick pace to wind back down anyway, so they gave their buddies that special "kiss" of aura that could blend with their own finishing determination to better their times. Female runners were often surrounded by several men to protect them from being "fouled" by competitors to deny them victory. I once witnessed a guy whose running coterie found his whole training adventure a source of amusement and could see him closing in on the finish line on pace with the first woman about to cross. He was "cheering himself on" under his breath, his body language all but chanting, "Beat The Girl, Beat The Girl." Many male runners admitted that they were neither contenders nor wanna-bes but they enjoyed supporting female runners who entered the "All Comers" events with an egalitarian pleasure in watching women find their bliss in speed. I don't recall ever entering a race that had a separate division for skin of any color. I know the jokes about the Ethiopians who always won, about the track and field people who didn't run road/distance races because they weren't "sanctioned" and it would disqualify them from their own competitions should the ruling body learn of their participation. I smiled at the events where the 70 year old competitor was coming in hours after the others had already completed their run, downed their o.j. and bananas, even showered and changed for the awards ceremony and the applause he received was out of respect for his determination and will.
These fields of race-runners/walkers/wheelchair/special competitors were as diverse as society itself. They were anonymous. They were winning by participating. They were making fitness part of their lives and balancing the stress of the rest of their challenges with the healing power of exercise, friendly competition and fellowship. Some of the front-runners were extreme, but guided by sportsmanship. The judges and race officials - over time - mastered crowd control and spectators, clocks and calendars. Events were typically held in the early morning at parks or venues chosen for their scenic quality as well as the challenges presented by gradation, surfaces and accessibility. But, mostly, to me, they were exercises in dynamics. An event staged for next week would come together, explode with activity as it unfolded, then disappear without a trace. People passing by would learn, too late, what was going on and while they might wish they'd known in time, they are drawn to the scene and invited to be part of the next one. Thus an event gathers momentum and grows.
Such was the 2008 election. Thanks God (Hey, Noemi:) we won't have another one like that any time soon. The World learned about American Politics and friendships ended, families were divided, religions were tested. Last Saturday night, a group of my brother's family and friends got together for pizza and wine. He made pizzas while we talked about lots of things. We all knew each other and when the political stuff began, we all "went to our corners" and awaited the "bell" that inevitably rang us into the rink with our traditional yelling and insulting. But something different happened that night. Instead of the a-political and kids demanding we shut up and get back to "partying," those who didn't want to "party with us" went home and we, who needed to, talked politics. We yelled and disagreed. We took each other to task. We talked at, over and down to each other. We were obnoxious. But as we broke up and started for our cars, one of the participants said, "This was fun." For the first time since that toxic scourge, Barack Obama, poisoned the waters of our political discourse, we were no longer Bush/Cheyney haters or defenders, no longer Clinton lovers/bashers. We were all clamoring to be heard and laughing at the spectacle as we "heard" each other for the first time. I suspect it was a lot like the days when Republicans and Democrats could be in the same room without fear of being singled out as a "sympathizer." Since the divisive antics of the cabals who used money to destroy the conversation, we haven't had any such exchange. We've witnessed the explicitly personal, single-issue closed-mindedness, correct/incorrect, race-baiting, agenda driving incivility that has been the landscape of American Political Discourse.
Today, from the banks of the meandering river, I am simply aware that through floods, over dams, under bridges and into swirling pools, we can flow. We can flow north or south and come together at a Confluence, where - for a moment in the progression - we get to one side or the other in preparation to either change direction or keep on going. But at the Confluence, we are all one river formed from two who were formed from springs and tributaries and precipitation from storms. We don't merge for the long haul, but because we are all of the same fluid essence, we melt, meld and move as one, a current. And we get to the bank where we have elected to emerge to resume our life on Land. We are the Empire, the credit for being enough like everybody else to get along until we could get ahead. We had a little fear of water, a little apprehension about lightening and thunder which was alleyed by those floating boats, barges, rafts and driftwood all around us. But it was all downstream from where we began and we had a great picnic day ahead of us. So, to take a break from floating, we docked, disembarked and fellowshipped with the others on the trek.
Click, snap, snap, click, click, shutter, whirrrr, buzz. I'm being photographed. Half the rafters have pulled over and are already on shore holding their pricey cameras clicking away as the rest of us pick our way across the rocks to solid banks. They are waiting for the show to start on the other shore where a rock formation presents a platform for the "activists." They are climbing the rock, poised momentarily for the cameras across the water, then plunging, plunking, splashing and otherwise tickling the dragons observing their dives. In them, we see ourselves. About my ears, I hear a rise....murmers of "This is Annie." reach my schizophrenic consciousness in synchrony with a swimmer on the rock, removing her bikini top which she twirls like a Terrible Towel as she drops playfully into the river. I know this happened in 1982, Memorial Day Weekend, on the Chatahoochie. Like lots of other things I know and heard back in August of 1980 before Jimmy Carter was voted out of the White House, I also felt it was time in another time. I was taking notes. Under pressure, I wrote about Bain, about things I couldn't possibly have known, before the internet was a reality, I was aware of voices watching me. I was aware of currents carrying me. And I was aware of obstacles, undercurrents, quicksand, drunken boaters, Ski-Doos and Row, Row, Rowers gently down-streaming. My EYES cross with the pressure, still, but I get the sense that the order is establishing itself and everything will come together just so, and this Nation of Political Animals will go back to doing what we do in a dynamic environment until we can re-connect for a collaborative event that will attract "new-to-the-genre" initiates and take on a magnetism that will keep us together for the work.
While Uppity and her designers look at finishes, learn their orders are held up and disagree over window placement, I'm holding up o.k. thanks for asking. I Continue to contribute to the Majority United, and feel joy anytime BJ pipes in with an update. But I'm witnessing the evolution of the Ones sidelined by the "One's" desperate need to beat the girl.
I used to run road races. I met lots of cool people who weren't competitively driven to cover the mile in under 5 minutes, but I saw a few who were. They got trophies and recognition at the awards ceremonies and were often paid just to show up and run at bigger events. When new runners announced plans to take up training for, say, a 10 K or a Marathon, they received enthusiastic support. Runners' Groups found joy in each others' achievements. Who won the "race" wasn't typically that big a deal. There were always several races scheduled for any given weekend and a runner who needed the trophy more than the challenge could choose the "off" race instead of the ones better competitors were likely to attend. Thus, a rising "star" in the racing flats could build a name and a "track record" to bring along to the bigger, classic events that were such an experssion of big time profile that it was the only race in town, so to speak, that day. At these races: the New York City and Boston Marathons, the Peachtree Road Race, the Breakers To The Bay, etc. the winners were instant celebreties and the world's top runners often paced the ready-for-prime-time contenders for their debut win. When Men and Women competed on the same course, without any distinction between their starts, distances, etc. only the clock noted when a runner crossed the finish line and the finishers were ranked accordingly.
Somewhere along the line, registrants are divided, for trophy purposes, into Men and Women Runners and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place finishers are further divided into age categories based on divisions like Under 12, 18 to 20, 20-25, Over 40, 50, 60 and even Clydesdales (over 200#) for the purpose of recognizing challenging personal physical limitations. Wheelchair, Special and otherwise appreciated participants lobbied for distinctions that expanded the field, the reviewers and recognition, which became the basis for studying the improved times of these competitors when permitted to compete among every day Joe.
I often cheered on runners who finished their own race then doubled back to the field and located their friends to complete the trek as support escorts. These racers had to "run off" their final kick pace to wind back down anyway, so they gave their buddies that special "kiss" of aura that could blend with their own finishing determination to better their times. Female runners were often surrounded by several men to protect them from being "fouled" by competitors to deny them victory. I once witnessed a guy whose running coterie found his whole training adventure a source of amusement and could see him closing in on the finish line on pace with the first woman about to cross. He was "cheering himself on" under his breath, his body language all but chanting, "Beat The Girl, Beat The Girl." Many male runners admitted that they were neither contenders nor wanna-bes but they enjoyed supporting female runners who entered the "All Comers" events with an egalitarian pleasure in watching women find their bliss in speed. I don't recall ever entering a race that had a separate division for skin of any color. I know the jokes about the Ethiopians who always won, about the track and field people who didn't run road/distance races because they weren't "sanctioned" and it would disqualify them from their own competitions should the ruling body learn of their participation. I smiled at the events where the 70 year old competitor was coming in hours after the others had already completed their run, downed their o.j. and bananas, even showered and changed for the awards ceremony and the applause he received was out of respect for his determination and will.
These fields of race-runners/walkers/wheelchair/special competitors were as diverse as society itself. They were anonymous. They were winning by participating. They were making fitness part of their lives and balancing the stress of the rest of their challenges with the healing power of exercise, friendly competition and fellowship. Some of the front-runners were extreme, but guided by sportsmanship. The judges and race officials - over time - mastered crowd control and spectators, clocks and calendars. Events were typically held in the early morning at parks or venues chosen for their scenic quality as well as the challenges presented by gradation, surfaces and accessibility. But, mostly, to me, they were exercises in dynamics. An event staged for next week would come together, explode with activity as it unfolded, then disappear without a trace. People passing by would learn, too late, what was going on and while they might wish they'd known in time, they are drawn to the scene and invited to be part of the next one. Thus an event gathers momentum and grows.
Such was the 2008 election. Thanks God (Hey, Noemi:) we won't have another one like that any time soon. The World learned about American Politics and friendships ended, families were divided, religions were tested. Last Saturday night, a group of my brother's family and friends got together for pizza and wine. He made pizzas while we talked about lots of things. We all knew each other and when the political stuff began, we all "went to our corners" and awaited the "bell" that inevitably rang us into the rink with our traditional yelling and insulting. But something different happened that night. Instead of the a-political and kids demanding we shut up and get back to "partying," those who didn't want to "party with us" went home and we, who needed to, talked politics. We yelled and disagreed. We took each other to task. We talked at, over and down to each other. We were obnoxious. But as we broke up and started for our cars, one of the participants said, "This was fun." For the first time since that toxic scourge, Barack Obama, poisoned the waters of our political discourse, we were no longer Bush/Cheyney haters or defenders, no longer Clinton lovers/bashers. We were all clamoring to be heard and laughing at the spectacle as we "heard" each other for the first time. I suspect it was a lot like the days when Republicans and Democrats could be in the same room without fear of being singled out as a "sympathizer." Since the divisive antics of the cabals who used money to destroy the conversation, we haven't had any such exchange. We've witnessed the explicitly personal, single-issue closed-mindedness, correct/incorrect, race-baiting, agenda driving incivility that has been the landscape of American Political Discourse.
Today, from the banks of the meandering river, I am simply aware that through floods, over dams, under bridges and into swirling pools, we can flow. We can flow north or south and come together at a Confluence, where - for a moment in the progression - we get to one side or the other in preparation to either change direction or keep on going. But at the Confluence, we are all one river formed from two who were formed from springs and tributaries and precipitation from storms. We don't merge for the long haul, but because we are all of the same fluid essence, we melt, meld and move as one, a current. And we get to the bank where we have elected to emerge to resume our life on Land. We are the Empire, the credit for being enough like everybody else to get along until we could get ahead. We had a little fear of water, a little apprehension about lightening and thunder which was alleyed by those floating boats, barges, rafts and driftwood all around us. But it was all downstream from where we began and we had a great picnic day ahead of us. So, to take a break from floating, we docked, disembarked and fellowshipped with the others on the trek.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Divinity Within - Cameras on the Arabs Voting NO!
Why do they even say they run their meetings by Roberts' Rules? They don't observe Parliamentary Procedure and they don't treat each other with respect. Did Michelle really say you don't slam the door in the faces of the ladies who helped Black Men gain Citizenship and the Vote? Great speech, Mrs. O. I'll bill you for my material.
But back to the procedure. The Chair should have called the Roll and forced the Nays to put themselves on record as voting against admitting a higher, spiritual force as party to our deliberations.
As Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, surrogate Chair, called for a third voice vote to restore the language of our traditional observance of freedom of religion in the platform, the Fox Cameras were focused on a delegate seated with others holding placquards calling themselves Arab American Democrats. He stood and waved both hands in a symbol of firm rejection of the Chair's ruling. It reminded me of the 2008 primary when the "Chairman" ruled - in the face of evidence to the contrary - that his Chosen One had "won" the nomination. Just so you know, God's here, within, whether acknowledged or not. One can only speculate how Wasserman-Schultz would have ruled, inasmuch as the Jerusalem wording was also challenged.
So, the hotshot punks and company are relocating their coronation to indoors breaking hearts of campaign volunteers all along the East Coast. I guess they can call them volunteers, and we'll buy their 'splainin', but you couldn't pay me to endure the level of abuse I'm told volunteers to the 2008 campaign suffered - especially the well-meaning Hillary people who got onboard the "Unity Pony." Oh, and too late to order the balloons. I'm sorry; did the "Yes, We CAN!" kids say there's nobody who'd move heaven and earth to see to it that 100,000 red, white and blue balloons would descend on the heads of the delegates to celebrate the acceptance of the nomination?
![]() |
From The Associated Press: CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Embarrassed by Republicans, Democrats amended their convention platform Wednesday to add a mention of God and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. |
But back to the procedure. The Chair should have called the Roll and forced the Nays to put themselves on record as voting against admitting a higher, spiritual force as party to our deliberations.
As Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, surrogate Chair, called for a third voice vote to restore the language of our traditional observance of freedom of religion in the platform, the Fox Cameras were focused on a delegate seated with others holding placquards calling themselves Arab American Democrats. He stood and waved both hands in a symbol of firm rejection of the Chair's ruling. It reminded me of the 2008 primary when the "Chairman" ruled - in the face of evidence to the contrary - that his Chosen One had "won" the nomination. Just so you know, God's here, within, whether acknowledged or not. One can only speculate how Wasserman-Schultz would have ruled, inasmuch as the Jerusalem wording was also challenged.

All those "broken hearts" were wind beneath his fairy wings who would have blown up a hundred balloons apiece themselves! What a bunch of slackers. Can we move this travesty along? Big Dawg's on deck and the sooner we get his take the sooner we can move along to Big Brother.
As for the demeanor of Dick Durbin when Brett Baer asked about the omission of the language in the platform, we can't reconcile Durbin's hostility and over-the-top objection to Fox addressing it as "harping on a trifle."
Oh, yeah. And, if the punks were "knocking it out of the park," there's NO WAY IN GOD'S CREATION that Bubba would be speaking tonight. For me, getting fired from my job while the One was delivering his inaugural address, a scant week after receiving a good review and a raise was perceived as an act of one who fancies himself the Godfather during the Baptism scene. To heap insult upon injury, the State Committee tried to shove me out of my seat to esconce a trans-gender for "giving voice" to the candidate of the opposition party. I objected to the disgraceful fashion in which the men of the Democratic Party and Obama's Trolls treated female candidates. I regret, as Captain Barbossa would say, that I am disinclined to acquiesc to their wish that I be a good democrat and support the candidacy of the Occupant of the Oval Office. Had these bastards made a single gesture of fence mending, instead of going into vindictive vendetta against me for my one vote, I might be less chary of their appeals. I'm watching Big Brother on the other channel and I KNOW how these gamers swear on their children then do exactly as they promised they'd not. Taqiyya - Subterfuge and bad faith at the highest level.
As for the demeanor of Dick Durbin when Brett Baer asked about the omission of the language in the platform, we can't reconcile Durbin's hostility and over-the-top objection to Fox addressing it as "harping on a trifle."
Oh, yeah. And, if the punks were "knocking it out of the park," there's NO WAY IN GOD'S CREATION that Bubba would be speaking tonight. For me, getting fired from my job while the One was delivering his inaugural address, a scant week after receiving a good review and a raise was perceived as an act of one who fancies himself the Godfather during the Baptism scene. To heap insult upon injury, the State Committee tried to shove me out of my seat to esconce a trans-gender for "giving voice" to the candidate of the opposition party. I objected to the disgraceful fashion in which the men of the Democratic Party and Obama's Trolls treated female candidates. I regret, as Captain Barbossa would say, that I am disinclined to acquiesc to their wish that I be a good democrat and support the candidacy of the Occupant of the Oval Office. Had these bastards made a single gesture of fence mending, instead of going into vindictive vendetta against me for my one vote, I might be less chary of their appeals. I'm watching Big Brother on the other channel and I KNOW how these gamers swear on their children then do exactly as they promised they'd not. Taqiyya - Subterfuge and bad faith at the highest level.
Obama's Excuse Mill-ions
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours."
Author, Richard Bach
Your action for today is to question one of the limitations you think you have.My Send Out Cards mentor's daily challenge nails it. The Pecker In Chief, the Top Cock, the Rooster (X_____________________) on your paycheck is all about why he hasn't gotten it done.
When I got my ass kicked out of Syndicated News Features Sales, (by a selection of colleagues incapable of valuing me - hey, wasn't that hatchet job done enough by my Ex Husband?) I sought consolation among other unemployed professionals in Atlanta who were victims of Jimmy Carter's Economy and Ronald Reagan's beatification. (He wasn't yet cannonized, but declared "Blessed and on the path to Sainthood" by Les Miserables.) We had a colleague in the skate rental business near Piedmont Park whose counterpart was better situated and winning the Michiganders' Competition. The idea was to offer free skate rentals to night skaters of the streets who would meet in the Sears Parking Lot in Buckhead after the store had closed, lace on their reserved rentals delivered personally by the proprietor, and go for a social skate/Buckhead Bar Roll in the neighborhoods of West Paces Ferry. They tuned up with a buzz around the lot before embarking, and until the headphones went on, would engage in chat with the regulars and newly attracted skaters. It was all blow'n b.s. and we all tried to build up our egos with accents on the positives of why we were here. Despite falls from grace from once nice jobs, we were resilient and pulling ourselves up, literally, by our skateboots.
By and by, as Deborah Norville, my sister Claire and I eventually discovered, those who held onto their jobs were knifing each other, clients and stockholders in the back with cocaine and other drug-induced political will, and we who were economically ditched, learned we didn't lose our job; we were ejected from the magnetism of Le Cage Aux Folles and rescued, by our "misfortune," hence preserving our ability to pass a mandatory drug test once employers got wise.
Each of us so delighted in the awesome experience of "skating the skreets" in night lights and traffic with our rapidly evolving headsets jamming rock that we invited everyone we knew to come out and skate with us on Wednesdays. We formed a club, established a philanthropy and found new identities as a flock of flying friends. We got noticed, we got honks of all natures and we got to feeling better and better about ourselves as we grew increasingly more fit and flashy with our tricks.
So, as new inductees joined us on our Friday Night Downtown Skill Skates, intent on impressing us with their no-longer-validating achievements in the corporate realm, we would just adjust our headphones on our ears, pause before we cranked the volume on the latest 'Brothers In Arms' and simply dismissed the notion of living in the past with one question of our own:
Are you here to talk or skate?
Monday, September 3, 2012
Ya gotta ask yourself one question: Do You Feel Lucky, PUNK?
Chris Kofinis appeared on Fox today, a political strategist who left the Joe Manchin staff to support Obama. He's got this little thing about forming his hand into the shape of West Virginia with his middle finger representing the projection that reaches along the Virginia border to Maryland. He says, he means no disrespect, he's from West Virginia and this is really how West Virginia is formed. I say: "I'm glad you're not from Florida."
The strategy should be this:
Obama inherited a “mess” from Bush, to be sure. He shoved a qualified, seasoned accomplished
political professional out of his way, so full of himself that he was possessed
of greater judgment, skill and ability.
He was touched by the heavens and expected that Affirmative Action would
trump experience and substance in the face of great challenges because “it was
his time.”
Well, Chris, The pompous academic in chief, who was never so
much as tested nor run through the preliminaries to validate and certify his
capacity to perform, had neither the relationships to foster a legitimate
support system nor the respect for his predecessors to benefit from their
wisdom and skill. His autocratic
arrogance has condemned us to poverty and his threat of punitive taxation
motivates us to refrain from attempting to work ourselves out. What small business owner hasn’t been forced
to protect his day’s receipts from would-be robbers? The Workers of this country recognize a PUNK
calculating his opportunity to relieve them of their earnings with utter
disregard for the degradation of society his policies foment.
The Autocrat made all the calls, took all the authority away
from Congress because he refused to hear them respectfully. He now stands singularly responsible for the
results of his ignorance. His lack of
diplomatic training, his lack of experience in any type of private sector work,
his failure to develop relationships with his own people to assume positions in
his cabinet are the trifecta of reasons why you hackers should never have been
permitted to represent yourselves as Democrats.
Hence the words everybody heard - though Eastwood never
spoke - to the Empty Chair: Do You Feel
Lucky, PUNK? Well, DO ya?
I am so
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Brews A Monument
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Mr. Baseball Immortalized |
Major League is my all time favorite movie, Charlie Sheen as the "Wild Thing" coming out of the pen, the fans in the bleachers, Rene Rouseau and the Indians were fun and the Game. When I heard that the Brewers had the statue made and unveiled today, I just smiled.
I've never been to Milwaukee, but Aramas Ramirez once - as a Pirate - made national news by popping one of the running sausages on the head with the baseball bat as she ran by him and she fell flat on her face.
Aramas hit a homer tonight and the Bucs lost, but we have two more to play there and I hope they get both, but it was kinda cool to hear the broadcast booth doing their take on Uecker Seats and "Juuuuust A Bit Outside" in the course of tonight's game. Some funny jokes come to mind as I see the hands in the pockets, the simple sweater and relaxed pose. I walked out of the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport yesterday and almost said, "Hello." to Arnie. The statue stands along the sidewalk at the entrance, holding - what else? - a golf club. Maybe the one of Franco Harris in the Greater Pittsburgh Airport is another life-sized contender.
So, I can get with the idea of a statue of the team's broadcast voice ranking right up there with the bigger-than-life Arthur J "Chief" Rooney near Heinz Field or the now removed Joe Pa running out onto Beaver Stadium field. It's cool to know, Bob.
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