We all read Historical accounts of the manner in which the White Man settled the West: by preying on the "Advanced Native American Civilizations" who regarded with dismay, the desecration of their hunting grounds. Revolutionaries ravaged the King's Army who, in their Red Coats, expected the "Colonists" to fight according to their rules This Country got on its feet by virtue of uniquely AMERICAN responses to oppression. The Settlers were a volatile mix of religious independents and expelled criminals cut loose on a landscape hostile to those accustomed to the "cozy" confines of England and the European continent. A Policy of our State Department has traditionally been one of containment. Keeping a lid on things while cutting deals with the ring-leaders were, historically, the strategies that kept trouble in a structured zone.

These crazy, roll-the-dice Testosterone-driven warriors lack the Political Heft to build a base. A return to stability and reconstruction necessarily follows a revolution. Once the dust clears, the boom! boom! boys are as readily dumped as those "established" leaders they displaced. When you view the street demonstrators in Tunisia and Egypt, do you see any Women? No. You see crazed young men lobbing stones and explosive devices. You see SWAT armored 30 Something males resorting to force. The Women and their children are riding it out, braced to lose their respective XY to the glamour of the conflict.
We all know that men, like children, are bearers of energies, muscle and mojo. Wise mothers and baby sitters know to channel that energy into what nurtures self-esteem and respect for order. "NOT IN THE HOUSE!!!" gets their attention - hopefully BEFORE, not as they break the lamp, up-end the snack bowl, whack their heads against the corner of the table or step on the dog. "Take it outside" is the Proprietor's caution to the alcohol-induced bravado of their customers. When it's done, and the Alpha Star that moved them moves on, it's the Beta Unit that presides over the recovery.
Destruction takes but a moment. What they do after the storm, measures the men. My female colleagues on the State Democratic Committee of Pennsylvania endured the explosion of testosterone fostered by Hillary Clinton's candidacy and observed, objectively, as the license to corrupt was unleashed. The "nuclear" tactic to which the too-immature men resorted had its day. The road to the re-election of Barak Obama is littered with defeated Democrats who rode the wave of rejection of the Republican Spending Spree into the Majority. Though challenged, Nancy Pelosi somehow holds onto her leadership position, as does Harry Reed. The CHANGE is that the Democrats are the MINORITY. The idiotic Male Ego Trip has run its course. The men, in a reactionary gesture to preserve their way of life, have discovered through default, the value of their female colleagues and fellow (fellow?) Americans. Yuppie men, never quite able to remove their femenist mothers from their conscious behavior, supported Obama for President, nonetheless, as a message of defiance to the Truth. Sure, the Big Dick gets the tribute, but SYSTEM trundles on. We have seen one system after another change chiefs without really changing. Obama, like Egyptian President Mubarak, being politely shown the door by the People of Egypt, is just another chief. If you're one of 10 little Indians, you know that CHIEFS come and go, the LIFE doesn't change. We'll always support improvement that raises the boats of all while looking sideways at CHANGE FOR THE SAKE OF CHANGE... Hey, guys: We get it - Impatience drives Barak Hussein Obama. Women have endured this very restlessness for centuries. By putting this lightweight in office, you fostered the manifestation of the very thing you coalesced to prevent. In the Dunham Household, in which he grew up, Women were the breadwinners, the men spent all their time talking them down while they lived off their work. In the Obama Household, Michelle, Sasha, Malia and Mrs. Robinson are in charge. After seeing his family on an "Up Close and Personal" interview, the Obamas made the decision that there would be nor more of those. It wasn't so much a privacy issue as it was the stark, EYE-OPENING demeanor of the pre-teen Obama Girls toward their Father, the attitude they learned and acquired from Mom. Put-downs and dismissive ridicule of his clothes and tendency to not clean up after himself, never being there and more a "Visitor" in their lives than an essential member of their Family.
The guy you elected is impotent and unimpressive. His campaign was the result of his frustration with being "nobody," out-worked by everybody around him, gravitating to raised voices, expressions of discontent and complaining, all in a foolish attempt to beat the System. His speeches reflect his impatience, his unwillingness perform rights establishing exercises, to respect work. This appealed to the Lame Stream Media, "bare knuckles" expediency and the "accomplishment" of taking down the Clinton Machine, of becoming King of the Hill, by - as they themselves bragged - "Gaming The System." I have acquired the utmost respect for SYSTEM. I relate to the Communist claim that we are all cogs therein. Where the egotist loses is reactionary rejection of just being part of a system. In a system, you become utterly secure. Threats of Arabs and Drug Dealers are little more than ape-chest-thumping. In SYSTEM, all is covered, protected, allocated and recovered. Order prevails. Your work is part of the All. Your Reward is as well. In a system, thieves, cheats, imbalance and bombs are revealed by the fact that it doesn't work. Attempts to cut corners, cheat the balance, steal from the resource or perform under the influence of artificial 'spirits' may crash or show up in the "dump." In a SYSTEM everything is EYES. Every cell SEES. Nothing prompts immediate reaction, however everything is held for systematic review, response.
"In Memory of Martyrs" acknowledges the loss, seeks solace in the preservation of the mystique of the Rash Brothers of the Bell, fuels the passion for violence and hate. That it was found in a dropped back-pack hints at a walk with God. Did the owner lose it in flight from the "higher power?" Was the backpack left behind in an effort to fly light and tight? Or was it discarded by a newly-awakened sense of a better way? The crazy, murderous Middle Easterners attempt to hide behind our American Principles. Americans observe the "Chief" as a mouth detached from EYES, naieve and unaware. They hide right before him, his own EYES not open to what he sees before him. It is a much bigger system, a reflection of the Solar System that makes the sun rise on schedule, the rhythm of the water and the postition of the stars. He doesn't see them, he doesn't hear them. He doesn't feel them. As the People of Cairo are showing, we all see. We all control with our will, our eyes, our wisdom. We remember the martyrs who chose to blow themselves up to get results. We can wait our turn. We can cash in the Peace Dividend. We can politely remove the bad apples in our own orderly, systemic fashion, and that gives us Faith.
"If we die, we want people to accept it. We're in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life." -Gus Grissom
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