Friday, January 14, 2011

The Baseless "Left Base" Is Getting Played, Not Played To

Hey, Hackers!  He's not playing to his "base" - he's PLAYING his Base.  Pull your heads out and try to act like you've got a clue:)  The Scribe of Western Pennsylvania Progressives forwarded this email Wednesday, the same day they pitched a righteously indignant fit over Governor Palin's Face Book video posting.  Mind you; I had to Google and go to Palin's FaceBook page to hear her message.  This trash was directed to me personally into my inbox with a caption applauding the author and assertion that he "speaks for All Of Us."
"The Wrath Of Fools: An Open Letter To The Far Right" ... authored by William Rivers Pitt.
The tirade begins with the title: Blood On Your Hands over a graphic of cross-hairs and launches into an insane collection of every trite, unfounded accusation hurled against Sarah Palin, Fox News, and anybody who dares resist the claw of Obama Worship.  These folk don't understand Muslim Jihad and Christian Holy War because they are, pathetically, consumed by that same irrational will to impose their beliefs on everyone.

This piece of irrational hate is a quintissential demonstration of  "Not My Fault, They Started It!" irresponsible blogging.  It has all the same earmarks of the sort of intensity the perp displayed leading up to his shooting spree in Tucson.  The emotion revealed here is both disturbing and preposterous.  The author is irrational and self-serving.  That his defiant accusations would be distributed by anybody is an offense to my rational understanding of what constitutes the sort of rhetoric and tone we've all been cautioned to avoid.  It is not something to which any responsible activist or leader should respond except to gently point out to the proponents that it is inappropriate.  (As I did.)

The flag, here, is the name-calling, the pompous indignation and the general tone of outrage.  In business, we learn that political assertion-behavior is guaranteed to lose customers.  In volunteer work, we learn that people leave in droves when they are made to feel awkward or uncomfortable. I am coming to understand that instinct.  Get too far over the edge and nobody wants to be around you because you are obsessed.  This, I learned during my own crazy season, is dangerous ground.

In Grifford's district, guns are the big story.  Guns are bought from American Dealers by Mexican Drug Cartels and Jihaddists infiltrating the trafficers to defend the commerce of the underground most profitably engaged in the sale of drugs to Americans self-medicating.  Who needs "Health Care" and Prescription Drug coverage when we have the entire reason for 9-11 setting up in Arizona 8 to invade?  That crazy guy who attacked and slaughtered the peacably assembling Americans?  Yeah, he was the XY getting off on subordinating a woman who dared to exercise the Power of the People.  His day, however, has passed.  Griffords went on with her work with full knowledge of the inherent danger of being a "law enforcement professional" in this border district.  She had to be intimately aware of the kidnappings and assassinations of Office Holders and their families in the Mexican communities and embassies on the other side of the border -the urgency for protection of which the Obama Administration simply doesn't get.

I can no longer indulge this extended learning curve catering to the Locked In "Their Comfort Zone" Left.  As I hear the continued drubbing, by leftists, of Palin for her self respect, I am virtually re-living my own season of torment by these misguided people.  Stable, sober people living their lives and supporting their families, communities and dreams have simply dropped their interest in these grudge-nurturing demonstrations of unkindness.  They look around their meetings and discover they don't have a quorum.  Former loyal attendees' admonitions that their personal attacks are a waste of the time of those who have gotten involved to foster change, not beat proverbial dead horsemeat go unheeded.

Silent indifference to the moderates' pleas have evolved into abandonment by those Unheeded Moderates.  There are better ways to spend our time.  The trade-off of an evening with my Family to come to a County Committee meeting and listen to enraged "progressives" launch relentless, personal assaults on those who are representing an alternate view, is not the reason we got involved.  It has asserted the logical conclusion that It's time to get DISASSOCIATED with these unbusiness-like actors.

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