Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength" from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.
those who represented the original colonies advocating alternative forms of governing the newly born Nation.
Just days before she was shot, Congresswoman Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House. It was a beautiful moment and more than simply “symbolic,” as some claim, to have the Constitution read by our Congress. I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just “symbolic.” But less than a week after Congresswoman Giffords reaffirmed our protected freedoms, another member of Congress announced that he would propose a law that would criminalize speech he found offensive.
This woman, "Walking the Talk," proposed that Congress lead by example and take a 5% pay cut during these difficult times. She represents the district that is the "most porous" along our nation's border with Mexico and where a rancher was killed on his family's own property by drug cartel thugs. Gabrielle Giffords reveals more about herself, her courage and her fidelity to American Principles in this one interview than I could ever say about her. Given the murder and kidnapping of public officials in her district, where sensitive Latinos lobby to stop even using the label illegal immigrant to reference the issues surrounding border trouble, she most certainly knew she faced a similar fate. Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees, Che poster hangers. But "give your life for your country" knowing you will live on your feet ever vigilant of your freedoms, Giffords lived every day in service to her Country with the Grace of one who understands. If we lose our freedoms, we have no reason to live. And therefore, we stand strong in defense of our first amendment freedoms, reminding fellow Congressmen: we shall make no laws ... Blue Dog (former Republican) Democrat, Gifford represents the very best of Women who represent us. While I may disagree with a percentage of her votes, I recognize her fidelity to serve honorably. Viewing this video, and knowing what I know about the law enforcement figures in Arizona's 8th Congressional District, Giffords led by example. Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, likewise walks in this unrelenting terror of drug runners feeding the American demand for self-medicated escape from that which they have become. Tne Congresswoman lived in a vortex that anchors the faith of the residents of Arizona's 8th, AZ-8 In her district, John McCain and Sarah Palin developed the plans for their 2008 Campaign. She exchanged ideas with those at the very head of the trail leading to balance between the Progressive Agenda and the Tea Party Traditionalists. Little surprise that - in "reaction" rather than response to the incident last weekend in Arizona, the Chairman of the Philadelphia Democratic Party and Congressman, Bob Brady PA-1 announced plans to criminalize criticsm of his already too insulated colleagues. I have my own issues with Brady, on the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee, disgusted with his Progressive-Pushing manipulation of power mad young males, and his failure to respect the traditional Democrats of Eastern Pennsylvania. But the contrast between his big city district heavily supported, influenced and sprawled upon by organized labor, and Giffords is most demonstrated in the response each of them had to this attack. While Gifford coreographs her movements with her doctors, her constituents and her well-wishers, Brady attempts to refine the laws covering his behind. Again, reminders of the throes of revolution in which we function, Brady represents the district in Pennsyvania that was, in effect, the Nation's very first Congressional District. Here the Spirit of Thomas Jefferson infuses the Patriot. Here Ben Franklin invented and developed revolutionary but every-day concepts like paved streets and volunteer fire departments that made for better living. Here James Madison, John Hancock and Betsy Ross rose to the occasion and formed this Commonwealth, this Country. And here lurks the Revolutionary Spirit. Work rather than fight, live in the protective light of divine protection and so long as your work remains to be done, you are secure. The bullet that penetrated her skull most surely was guided by gentle energies of those who have already crossed over and can now only remain near her as protective shields. ][ This "EYE" bridges those of us who remain condensed on this side. We applaud the work of those of you across the divide. We whisper our acknowledgement of your graceful presence and thank you for coming. By your results, we are alerted to all the reasons for which we believe. Here in our vortex, your ability to view all that is obscured by our malpracticing Fourth Estate is revealed to us as we need it. Your bird's eye perspective, your skelped warnings, your enveloping peace balances us.

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