Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oops! My Bad...Chicken WASTE. (Thank you Terry McAuliff, for your dignified style)

The Baseball fan in me over-took the political reflector, briefly.  But this morning's MoJo revisited "Gov. Terry" and his campaign innovation centered on turning the polution that ravages the Chesapeak into the fuel to power the light in Virginia homes. .

On the same segment, Mika lent a woman's voice of support to Savannah Guthrie for stepping up during her one-on-one interview by calling out the President on his basketball game / networking opportunity with a Boys' Only Night at the White House.  In the words of ObaMAO's Foreign Policy advisor's daughter, The Campaign staff was invited to play B-Ball with the MSNBC morning crew - and inasmuch as THAT game has yet to hit the court, Brzynski concludes:  "They're Scared."

It's that Beat the Girl thing...and we are getting another whiff of Chicago Street Thug style of how the President's MEN "play the game." 
  1. WE Won, WE'LL Call the tune.
  2. Women, as we demonstrated in the Primaries and post VP announcement, just can't play.
  3. Don't be lookin' for Gentlemen around here.  We're Professional GUYS.
  4. Pay Attention, XX's: we'll let you suggest the rules, but look out for the FOWLERS...we have every intention of playing our strengths - cutting you out prior to the National Anthem - whatever it takes.  Expect the males of this country to join ranks.  On this matter; we are fearless, because we'll bet the White House that women WON'T.
The Boys of Fannie Mae, Goldman Sachs, the inner city... SOME women in this country legitimately FIND WAYS to survive financially.  They trace their paper, monitor accounts and find creeps like Charlie Rangle and OMG! John Edwards, hiding out in the macho.

Arrogance & Cozy.  The late Anna Nichole Smith said it best:  "Freakin' Genius."  about a jerk who proceeded to step on a Grammy Winner's acceptance.  Class.  The "Women's Nation" series on the Morning Joe show takes a drawlin' view of the Shriver Report.  ... when the discussion doesn't degenerate into a man's joke, I'll view the clips. 

Expect the hit.  Prepare to field it.  Don't look for sisters to defend you.  My experience has taught me that the Gay Men will be there for you first.  Only in the prospect of being thus shown up, will the Guys get it. 

Boys Club
... really means the instrument by which the beat-down is issued. WHO'S the Barracuda? Tip Off...Let Women on the White House Basketball court and Rogue gets her shot. I'll sell tickets, advertising and T Shirts. C'mon.

Wiki Pootie says she 'earned her nickname for her competitive streak' and in the next sentence, notes she went to college to major in communications and become a sportscaster.  Again, experience competing straight up with men teaches things you won't learn in the typing pool.  Word to yer sista;  let a winner show you how to beat these guys ... or is that what yer scaird of?
November 16: Oprah entertains the Author of "Going Rogue" and the EYES of Womankind will be scrutinizing how the South Carolina Swing follows up chin music with "Sorry, Charlie." Oprah and Sarah can, maybe, run together before the show (does Oprah still run?) and size each other up...(I think I just 'got" what that expression really means!)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sisters: He EARNED It!

Woke up Friday morning and the TV was replaying the previous evening's O'Reilly Factor on Fox. Bill-O had queued up the story of what BO the pup did on AF-1. I was just "waking up" when Brian Kilmead of Fox & Friends broke in a few minutes early to announce that President Obama had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

The universal response, - it became evident almost immediately, - was:

"For WHAT?"

I had to get up and crank the coffee, grab the remote and check in with Morning Joe to get the View from the Cheerleaders. Scarboro and Mark Halpern were comparing it to Marissa Tomei winning the Oscar for My Cousin Vinnie. Joe made the point that Tomei had done far more to earn the Oscar, guaranteed.

I looked up the design of the prize and can attest, for the doubters, that President Obama did, indeed, win the Peace Prize as it was intended by Alfred Nobel.

DLS commented over at the Moderate Voice, "...As to the American people, as I've written, this Prize was mis-directed; given the actual timing of the decision, the American Voter should be the recipient, for voting a black American into the Presidency (the relevent question to the feminists now being, Would the award be given if Hillary Clinton has been elected, instead, or is Obama personality cult and idolatry too much in effect here, too?). As I also have written, it's still not too late for Time Lite to select the US Voter as "Person of the Year" to properly honor him and her."

(Especially those of us who saw our votes dismissed in June, 2008.) The really important contribution made by Barack Hussein Obama, is to let men all over the world sleep nights for keeping the uppity women out of the Oval one more time.

The reverse shows three naked men embracing one another - a symbol of the international fraternization that Nobel wished to contribute to through the Peace Prize.

Maybe the "brothers" took the brotherhood thing too literally, or maybe the sisters have just found another speedbump on the road to the Whitehouse. I'm nothing if not a good sport, and the "Winner" in me responded the way I'd like to be received if such a prize were "handed to me." OK, is this their way of telling us: "Be Careful What You Wish For?" Life teaches us all that it is real Challenge, Adversity and Proving Ourselves that brings out the greatness in each of us. He'll need our support if he's going to do us proud after this. Funny, all the calls for School Kids and bold progressives to 'help President Obama' didn't strike me as my patriotic duty as much as this. He REALLY needs all the help he can get. Our job as citizen-journalists is to challenge him respectfully, to cheer him on through all adversity and when he proves himself, be the first to give credit where credit is due. Patriots: let us affirm that the Job, here, will truly make The MAN. Humbling has that effect. Carrying that "seal" around will process all the lightweight ore outta him and make a gentleman of him. (I bet he keeps a chatroom to Bill Clinton always on that blackberry.)

You go, guys!