Friday, December 31, 2010

Daddy's Little Girls

Hillary Clinton calls out the countries whose Women suffer under oppressive male leadership, and there's one other dividing line that separates the class of the Univerese from the generic.


Does your Daddy stand by and let a spouse abuse his child?  Do your brothers enjoy a mother who covers their ass no matter what dispicable treatment they inflict on their sisters?  Does your Family educate ALL their children about financial stability, defending oneself and knowing how to recognize dishonor? 

Are your parents "partners" who hold each other to a standard of Divine Fidelity to their love for each other and all they create together?


That's A Wrap; Good Work, People!

For the new year, I'm taking up the challenge to post daily.  My life has taken a turn or two in 2010 that is consistent with pattern, yet came out of the blue to land in my front and center consciousness. 

In 2011, I pledge to apply daily energy to improving the conversational skills of Women United to Assert Electoral Majority.  My intent is to enter this realm with the full force of my Libra Being.  The only inanimate object in the Zodiac, the Libra reads and reports with accuracy and scientific simplicity.  A strong start, implemented by the downhill nature of 12:00 to 6:00, the Libra meets the Traveler at the half-way point.  There the Balance requires certainty before releasing the Traveler for the upward climb to 11:59.  Bon Vouyage!

We come together, at the moment of Launch: 2011.  Let us be faithful to our primary principal: to respect the contributions of Women, the difference in their style, values and qualities which bring balance to society.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

7 Cups, like the Air Force Falcon, exits beyond Section #106.  10-7 stands by, understanding the message; ”Getting the Word Via The Bird.  To party in Downtown Shreveport, Mascot, Falcon passed up half-time festivities but was tracked via tags installed by handlers to his hiding place.  Military-trained bird loose in the community!” freaked the tweeters.  And instantly, the comedians cranked ‘em out.  
It’s a new world, one where the Birds become relevant.  Our cat is under constant surveillance by the Cardinals, Finches and Jays in the back yard.  All the feeder frequenters work together, maintaining vigilant awareness of each other’s song.  Electronics a-twitter, “chatter” and nothing unlike that which the feathered friends do in nature, our kids are connected to each other, electing to “flock”
Faeries observe from alternative viewpoints.   A Bird’s Eye View moves with the uplifting forces of air.  Fleeting and pertinent.

December 29, 2010 - Angelic Choices…athletes understand training, trainees understand conditioning.  Back to O Poser who, because he was black (half) and for no other reason, shoved himself into Cinderella’s Slipper to steal – not the “Prince’s Heart” but the Palace, Staff, life and otherwise resources of The People focused at the center of work. 
Organized Labor, Oprah, … the Black Congressional Caucus… pretentious and foolish, these cranks have truncated the process, cheated the System, “Gamed” the rules and traded in tactics more befitting the mean streets than the Centers and Corridors of genuine power.  Not for the status, but for the Angelic Charms that best suit the times, we resolve to rise again, to serve the Best in all of us.  This Call, trumpeted by those who serve honorably, is heard in the substance of our connectedness to the Divinity within.  We know that those mysteries which preserve themselves from the unprepared aren’t all that mysterious…they are unearthed by determined, legitimate work.  Work our “President” hasn’t begun to do.  He remains cloistered in his Chicago “Bull – Y” fantasy still dalliance-dazzled by the toys.  We apply to “join” Angels, united by the track to the better, better & BETTER WAY.
December 30, 2010 – Credibility issues emerge in the New York City Blizzard dénouement.  In retaliation for the Mayor’s staff cuts and demotions, Sanitation Department Union foremen and drivers deliberately “slowed down” response in the streets.  Drivers admitted to keeping plows up driving through Manhattan.  Hizzonner acknowledged taking potential help off the streets altogether to avoid Christmas Day overtime. Unions adopted the classic “entitlement” attitude of Municipal Workers whose jobs were created during Good Times failing to recognize that times have deteriorated and along with the Times; their Job Conditions. 

PRESSURE, Folks!  We’re ALL feeling it!  Pull your heads out and get with it!  Tighten Up!  You, unlike many of the taxpayers to whom you’re flipping the Bird, still HAVE YOUR JOB.  Those who depend on your services to function at the most basic levels, and who are ruthlessly dunned to pay YOU, rightfully expect you to be on that JOB for all you’re worth!  The oft-touted Spirit of Cooperation that characterizes the greatness of New Yorkers, appears to have been “de-selected” by the entitlement crowd incapable of rolling with what amounts to the “Other Side” of that sword Obots brandish with MOB style crudeness. 

Careful, Progressives:  You can hurt yourselves with that Power.  Your Union Job has disserved you more than the citizenry, the City you are employed to serve!  When we refer to the thin resume of your President, we include those of you whose PAC pushed the Empty Suit on us.  He appears to be the inspiration for the “empty drivers’ seat, empty help desk, empty municipal response teams.   My understanding of what is professional – ie: that work for which one is PAID, hides behind the cowardice of excuses and threats.  Work Ethic, skill, taking care of thingsESPRIT DE CORPS: the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group…,  all the developed qualities to which truly functional, purposeful teams of service providers rise in times of challenging conditions, failed to show up because, for the time during which those qualities should have been taught, developed and evolved, you slackers were copping ‘attitude,’ looking the other way, whining and pointing fingers whilst “omission” prevailed.

The snow-removal snitches said they were told to keep their plows off most streets and to wait for orders before attacking the accumulating piles of snow.  :

I’ve witnessed, first hand, the product of job security.  My own political committee is dominated by sops collecting pensions from teaching positions and other government employment, Union jobs and Social Security.  They live off the benefits of their spouses, the oppression of their neighbors, the backs of the mothers of their children.

Let the government take over health care?  We grieve for the young woman who gave birth in a vestibule then waited ten hours for an ambulance while her newborn died of exposure.  Such cold-hearted cruelty is the promise of our vindictive Commander In Chief, the legacy of the Kenyan who focused on his African rather than his American Heritage, who glorified his shiftless, crazy father yet hated his mother - you know; the woman who came from Kansas and lived her middle class values and provided for her son while his father indulged in disgraceful excess.  

As I said: "Pull your heads out: act like you've got a clue, or a heart or at least awareness of what is actually going down.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bird Break

7 Cups, like the Air Force Falcon, exits beyond Section #106.  10-7 stands by, understanding the message; ”Getting the Word Via The Bird.  To party in Downtown Shreveport, Mascot, Falcon passed up half-time festivities but was tracked via tags installed by handlers to his hiding place.  Military-trained bird loose in the community!” freaked the tweeters.  And instantly, the comedians cranked ‘em out.  
It’s a new world, one where the Birds become relevant.  Our cat is under constant surveillance by the Cardinals, Finches and Jays in the back yard.  All the feeder frequenters work together, maintaining vigilant awareness of each other’s song.  Electronics a-twitter, “chatter” and nothing unlike that which the feathered friends do in nature, our kids are connected to each other, electing to “flock”
Faeries observe from alternative viewpoints.   A Bird’s Eye View moves with the uplifting forces of air.  Fleeting and pertinent
Word on the Bird!! We just found him in downtown! It was amazing! - this is straight from one of the Bird handlers. #goairforce

Friday, December 24, 2010

Troll Chairing Butler County Democratic Committee Faces New Year Challenge

Provincial Natives "Showed THEM!" Butler County Democrats resume avoidance of meetings conducted by the Troll Collective posing as the County Committee. It would appear that a determined show of force is the priority of the cronies assembled by the Chairman. Rules of Order long ago dispensed, the Kreatcher posted at the entrance to the polls during last summer's Reorganization Election decries tactics of those he helped maneuver into position to abuse the power after which he lusts.

Forgive my "snootiness" inasmuch as I earned my degree in Political Science, paid my dues as a loyal Democratic volunteer, contributor and voter and endured the malicious criticsm of my colleagues for conducting myself with respect. Called a Fascist, accused of marital infidelity and deceived, it delivered me to the realization that the uneducated natives of the county consider it their duty to put me in my place along with the other professionals, wimminz and anybody who doesn't share their "man crush" on the Banker's Grandson. Wait: to WHOM did Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham leave her fortune? Did Obama pay the huge estate tax on his inheritance he now advocates should be imposed to fund his ongoing ineptitude? Is he just yukking up his sleeve that the poor fools who defend his every gaffe don't know enough nor can they afford to hire savvy professionals to cover their financial interests the way his butt is covered?

Just reminding the Trolls of the Butler County Democratic Committee that they aren't the first to "discipline" me for being uppity. And educated, ostracized professional that I am, I see no redeeming worth in their midst. The National Guard whose facility their Chairman rents for his meetings should lower the flag to half staff during the meetings. Or, more aptly, hang it upside-down as a S.O.S. to the civilized of the County to launch an F.B.I. investigation into the rampant racketeering presently being conducted by the MOB impersonating citizens on that Committee.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Catching Up With the "With Its"

What's Cooler than contemporary twist on timeless Truth?

The internet has so impacted everything, that despair over the economy is "beneath my paygrade." That's the only thing the "Government can do for me: Hire somebody to fret about that for me, would you?" All those Economic Advisors, Czars and lame ducks: "It's still the Economy, Stupid." Google It - then get out in the streets of Main Street, USA and try to figure out what's happening? Then, get online, do something like book a flight (yourself - no travel agent, no secretary) order gifts and send invitations, announcements, find friends and zero in on a satellite view of your destination prior to setting out with your GPS. Make a payment and KNOW it was received, check your bank balance, look at the weather map, price the new appliance you need to buy and "design" your new car, order it and arrange the financing... What's "happening" is infinitely beyond our ability to assess.

Long live the new Democratic Party: wise and wary, we go forward with a new understanding of how all of us came to find ourselves under this big tent together. In our DNA lurks the common gene (blue) with insistence on Open. We can't play @ Politics so obsessively without the inevitable discoveries. A teachable moment for one is a paradigm shift for another brought about by a quiet epiphany. We arrive at the year's end, wrapping it up. Let's toast, laugh and enjoy our lives. Approaching the "manger" from such new-fangled angles doesn't change the message of Christmas: Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men."

Logging on and layering over the tracks permit new opportunities worth pursuit once we observe this special time that comes at the end of each frenetic year. Before we do that, we want to take a gander at the scheduled lunar eclipse tomorrow morning. The Winter Solstice - notorious stand-alone December Calendar item, has graciously yielded its shadow to provide penumbra to Full Moon. Aquarians know to collect data for study, dissection and otherwise absorbing speculation for the next 94 years until they are scheduled to meet again.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Altmire Gavels In The Tax Cut Extensions

My morning news opened with shots of the floor of the House, where the deal cut by the Progressives' Darling with his Republican Masters of Procedure, cleared the theatrics posed by the defeated incumbents.  The Reps who actually went to Washington to REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS who elected them, instead of supporting the party leadership, formed a procession of "yeas" 139 Democrats / 138 Republicans to sustain the current tax picture. 

I couldn't help but check the link to see how "my" representative voted, having seen him at the podium, gavel in hand, announcing the passage of the legislation.  Ah! Symbols.  That same gavel - in the hand of Nancy Pelosi - a mere four years ago, represented a new day for Women in their relationship to Power.  I watched the Swearing In of the Nation's first female Speaker from a desk in Jason Altmire's office.  My support for his election had been recognized with a bus trip to D.C. to watch the Inauguration of the members of the House & Senate.  In the time since that day, I have monitored the Altmire vote record, as have many of the 'newborn' progressives in my district.  The Dead Center Congressman, always in the exact middle of the political spectrum, has pleased me with most of his votes on the floor.  I hated his super delegate endorsement of Obama during the 2008 Nomination and withheld my vote for him that November.  Since then, however, his votes, his appearances on Fox News when the Party Leadership, including the President, were bashing the Number One Cable News Channel, and his intelligent, informative statements of position on issues have assured me of the substance to his service.  He represents hard working South Western Pennsylvanians.  He does not cater to any segment of the coalition that elected him, and he doesn't submit to Democratic Leadership in a partisan way. 

I have endured countless calls from the local activists for his defeat, whining that he's a DINO, and howls about his failure to 'support' Obama.  But he is governing, not wielding power.  His Blue Dog determination to steward the Peoples' Power shows maturity and reason, a respect for and an understanding of power.  His counterpart in the 3rd, Kathy Dahlkemper, who voted FOR the Health Care legislation, was defeated in November.  Those very 'activists' calling for opposition to Altmire in the Primary, were far more interested in taking down a sitting democrat in my district, than in re-electing their OWN sitting Democrat.  Their foolishness is a glaring demonstration of abuse of power, lack of insight and misunderstanding of the purpose of power itself.

As pompous academics, rash Progressives and Trolls endeavor to "take over" the Democratic Party, the gentle, wise, Traditional Democrats affirm competence, responsiveness and respect for stability in a universe where "Change" is inevitable.  Governing is the Force of Balance that permits Humanity to make progress by adapting to constant change which is the normal Universal way it is, and needn't be artificiallly forced.  Social Fabric is woven by seeing that "Change" is measured, tempered and installed progressively, step by step.  Wholesale change for the sake of change is the Enemy of a successful society, is a bank-breaking gamble unworthy of a system of checks and balances, and is an unreasoned threat to those taking planned, steady steps to build lives, savings, communities and relationships.  The Cheeto-heads living in their parents' basements, incapable of understanding Life's integral responsibilities don't recognize the Hall & Oats tune: "You can rely on the old man's money" only as long as you let the old man decide when and where to spend it.

As a Democratic State Committee Woman, I am schooled by my Constituents with each election cycle.  I applaud the Voters for having asserted their authority; reigning in their rebellious children with a lesson in Power and Spending. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Elf Yourself

My sister in law sent me a dance skit where the elves' heads were replaced by pics of her, my brother and their sons.  Hilarious.

My internet was down for two weeks trying to install a wireless capable modem.  Finally, it's working,  It's good to be back in touch.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Everybody's Clamoring For Spoils

When my children were 4 and 5 years old, after having taught them to share and play nice, I nudged them to get out there and get their share of the candy being thrown from the floats in the parade. Nothing scalds a Mom worse than to see her babies crying that they were elbowed out of something being given away to everybody by bigger boys who weren't supposed to even be there.

Philadelphia is hosting the O Bomb - I can no longer bring myself to refer to him as the President, because I am convinced that the real Power has left the Oval and is now firmly held in the lamps of those in search of an honest Man or Woman. I've arrived, in need of a plateau upon which to array my lessons and sort out the keepers, to Fox News. After hearing O'Reilley's
Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity                       
on audiobook, and processing the appearances of PUMA Protesters on the only network that would even cover them, I find solace and comfort in the gravel-voiced Neil Cavuto. He's showing the rally crowd building for a Presidential visit and looking at Barney Frank's race in Boston. The finance guys, Cavuto, Forbes, Varney, even MSNBC's Ratigan, have questioned why Frank isn't in jail, yet NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO FREDDY & FANNIE! Dodd's gone; why should Frank skate? The hard-line insiders insist they'll hold their seats, but the People say otherwise. We'll see.

When I get emails from Women In Communication complaining that not enough women have anchor jobs, then they switch it to "Women of Color" needing more opportunity, I just turn to Fox where I can see, hear and agree or disagree with women as anchors, commenters, contributors ALL DAY AND NIGHT! What are they talking about? Sure, the only women on MSNBC are Andrea (Mrs. Greenspan/Insider Gossip Girl) and Rachael Maddow (who must always pay homage to Getting Old,Man)and Obama's BJ, Mika. But that's YOUR loss for staying tuned to those misogynists.

Here's what's happening:  Admittedly, the Fox News Network was a Bush Water Boy, a Cheyney / Rove Mouthpiece, but they're gone.   As the Fox Journalism Professionals discover reasonable people (who happen to be registered Democrats) are watching, hopeful of hearing both sides of the story, they're actually rising to the occasion.

Not perfectly, to be sure: Hannity still thinks the Republicans are 'winning' with no comprehension of the reality that it's the Democrats being rejected by Women who are "kissing frogs" to make their 'males' jealous.
The question is this: do Democrats recover their upbringing and return to being gentlemen? Or do they continue to devolve into combatants for the spoils?

I'm reminded of the time I went to the ZZ Top concert in Atlanta, where I stood online - not moving - while the bartenders were working furiouisly... turned out the Texan's groupies were standing at the service entrance passing drinks to their bud's in the stands while paying customers in front of the counters were neglected. "WTF?" somebody finally wised up and demanded. And the graft-collecting ARA Concession Employees went back to waiting on patrons instead of shoveling it out the back door to the tippers.

Happy "All Hallows Eve, All Saints & All Souls!
Ave Maria! He's actually interviewing Rob Blogojevich about the loss Dems face on Tuesday. Rob's talking like a 'sitting governor' which makes me wonder why Axlerod & Valerie Jarrett would overturn a perfectly valid election to tamper with the Senate Seating Chart? Each time Dana Perino participates in reviews of the Obama Administration, I am impressed by her pragmatism and enlightened when she reveals notes from her years at Glibb's podium.

As Hillary is given her "marching orders" to betray the children of Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen by making them fodder and gotcha bombs for American G.I.s, we can only expect her and Bill to pull over and get off the Bus. The Heads of State upon whom Secretary Clinton has been calling for two years have said their piece. Nothing about Mr. O comes even close to what they can get via working with the Clintons. Who doesn't see this Family Fued coming together? Nothing happens until after November 1. Then, the switch is flipped and what was shifts. Lots of fur's about to fly. Gee, Santa, I hope that wished-for Chinchilla jacket's in the wind. Until then, instead of being on pins and needles, we have Comedy Central's live broadcast, Saturday, of the Rally to Restore Sanity,

and Football Night In America brings us the Steelers & the Saints. What a great atmosphere in which to tip a few beers and be silly! Tuesday will get here soon enough. Trick or Treat first, All "Hallows" next, then the "I can see you from my HOUSE - All Souls & The Polls."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pitching Woo to YOU!

As the 2008 Primary wound through May and June, states like Kentucky and West Virginia went big for Hillary, but in the West, Oregon and Washington - of vastly lower population - were represented by media as balancers for the delegates they sent to Denver. reveals the level of support Bill Clinton must give to Democrats seeking re-election, as though the Big Dawg carried the sense of the blue dogs all but lost on the CIC.  Citing his loyalty to supporters of his wife, the map tags a state like Oregon as "Strong" Democrat and Washington as "Barely" so.  His ego craving affirmation, the dem's Number THREE campaigner takes his show to the back yard of prominent North-westerners for a sermon to the wimminz (homage to uppitywoman08) about how much he's come to value them since the days of 99 problems...

Seattle and more personally, Forks, provided needed relief from the traumatic experience of May 31, 2008 for me.  My kids had moved on from the utterly magic Harry Potter books to the equally imaginative Twilight novels set in the rainiest part of the country.  For the cloud cover provided, the Cullens could come and go during daylight hours without disclosing their vampire secret.  Here, the Predator in Chief hopes to "reassure" the voting block he covets, that it is for THEIR interests that he is campaigning.  Face it: the blood of the Congressional Majority has been drained and their trusting hearts stomped.  No fresh meat in his D.C. or Chicago hunting grounds, the Chief heads back to the children, to the "Future."  Frank Lutz always positions a well-dressed, highly made-up black woman in the front row of his focus group presentations for Fox.  Any effort to get a feel for how the WOMEN view the Democrats in the upcoming election polls are routinely eclipsed by the DADT crowd-em-out buzzards doing what they do: hijacking the conversation for their obsession-driven agenda.  Little do the Democrats understand that it is these selfish, line-jumping, over-amplified voices who have soured the electorate on "the One."  The HOPE for which they voted has been repeatedly trumped by the Women of Color and the Same Sex Sillies, kicked over by the Abortion fanatics.  To the largest voting block:  White, Middle-Aged, under-employed women, none of these issues matter.  The very thing that made us 'vulnerable' to the fly swatting "It" One is the same thing that nullifies his appeal today.  We're menopausal.  We worked, fought, joined, paid dues, volunteered, ... we did it all!  And we watched while the 40 Somethings we helped elect, Women like Claire McCaskill, stiffed us with a HOPE Chain that "changed the game" on us just as we were about to cross the threshold into the national election for the Oval Office.  What we thought was the negotiating table became a poker table with wild cards introduced to throw the girls off THEIR game.  I learned something observing my sisters' reaction.  I already KNEW that this moment demanded - NOT a reaction, but a RESPONSE.  Women turned into yammering sixth graders, crying "No Fair!"and now talk themselves through the pain with resolve and lessons learned, taken to heart.

Life has taught me that what you can achieve, ultimately, comes down to what you believe.  I discovered Fox News when Neil Cavuto interviewed "Just Say No Deal" spokeswomen.  The same tactic used by the Clinton-bashing press corpse - drowning out the balancing views - has become the feminist tactic.  Like the "flying wedge" football formation, these females of the feminist persuasion have surrounded and now run interference for "their guy" about whom they have REFUSED to hear a word of criticism. For me, it's too late to give a flying f.  The damage is done.  The same mentality that separates a "nice home" from a party house is about to level the First Lady and her screw-the-boss-to-get-ahead pawn.   Chicago HOPE was a hospital depicted on network TV as an operation challenged with balancing the objectives of the Wealthy Medical Establishment with the Mission of the Institution.  Paid hundreds of thousands of dollars serving University of Chicago Hospital concerns, Mrs. Obama sat silent, nonetheless, as HER pastor, Reverend Wright, fed the liberation theology class a line of bogusnesssquess about how black women are underpaid.  Michelle's late father, Frasier Robinson, pumped City Water, Captained a Democratic precinct but died following kidney surgery . Grandma Marian, who worked back office at Spiegel's, was real Chicago: mail order sweat shopper, not hooty-tootie Princeton - the kids' school.  When the party bosses of Chicago asked Barak Obama, "Who sent you?" he probably didn't understand that he'd been sent by the inner city Wise Guyz with the proverbial chip... Princeton, Harvard, Columbia... you guys build a corral into which we herd, protect and embellish the creds of your servants.  Precinct Bosses: you guys provide the presentables.   Keep them covered and hold the dirt lest we need to control them.

I look around and recognize how little my heritage seemed to give me.  As I work, fail and pursue happiness, however, I come to understand the gift MY Grandmother gave me:  Business Woman, deli, bakery, "crocheterie" and blue rinse with a tear for choices left wanting when musts demanded.  Speaking Italian, expecting a daily visit from my Dad, who complied much to my mother's Irish displeasure, and weeping as Connie sang "Mama" from her Sylvania Blue Tube TV.  it occurs to me that Grandma Robinson is there for the girls, praying heartfelt, for the souls challenged by the reality of now.  To protect your children, be strong.  Forgive those Moms who lapsed just long enough to force themselves to make an impossible choice.  In the end, what you leave your children is the image of yourself standing up to all of it, for them.  Keep your head down.  Keep at it.  Find it in the work.  When you're done, she'll be there to gather you in her arms, to protect you from all the threats of the world that is but a screen upon which your competition projects fear.  In your Mothers' Arms, the illusion of threat is dispelled and you do what you must do. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"We Saw Nothing Wrong With The Bill; It Passed Without Objection"

Citizens Bank (now owned by a flush bunch of thieves in Rhode Island) proved to me that if you give banks access to your money, they WILL take it.  Not unlike the crude grab of electricity customers' resources in California that propped up ENRON beyond its usefulness, these same perps now trade and manage branches of heretofore community banks employing the same foolish young men who will coldly take your money and feel no obligation to earn it, account for it or understand it.  Fees.  Period.  "Egg Management Fee" said the creep to the little kid who asked, "What does that even mean?"   Pocket the egg, chuck the kid under the chin and rip a noise that sounds like QuickBooks deleting an asset.

"So far, banks are claiming that the many forged documents uncovered by courts and attorneys represent a simple 'technical problem' with foreclosure processes," he wrote. "This is not true. What is happening is fraud to cover up fraud.

'Technical Problem' like the egg management fee, is a euphemism to amuse, cheer and support those engaged in the dishonorable greed that has consumed the banking industry.  The Bush Stimulus extended a bail-out with no strings attached.  The Obama Stimulus permitted the agents of Wall Street to cash in obscene bonuses for work of such egregious question that it should have driven them to jump from their towers. Congress has handed the crooks the keys to the vault.  The time has come for all angry unemployed Americans to do some research, to ride herd on EVERY VOTE out of the 111th.   Fired, liberated, given freedom from the dehumanizing JOB, the "jobless" have a choice in the manner by which they will become "self employed." Napoleon Hill - chapter 6 - assures us:  there are fortunes to be made in times of the most dire.

The Bank employees, enraptured by their own success at cheating seemingly smart people, escalate the boldness of their crimes.  Not unlike domestic violence, they revel in the cycle of abuse, incapable of controlling themselves, incapable of restraint.... getting off on how stupid are people who trust them with their money!  What School of Economics delivered these monsters?  Bottom feeders and day traders have amassed so much "activity" that the people who are supposed to wisely process the documentation, those capable of actually doing the work, are on the unemployment lines.  Anybody still employed in the banking industry surely had to have demonstrated, conclusively, during the hiring process, via psychological profile now routinely required by HR, that that they would take any payoff and approve fraud. Their Trust-Violating asses covered by Anonymous Imprimatur, they drive their BMWs to their upscale summer homes, praising the programming that is bombing the system.  Yeah; local courts would be required to accept ELECTRONIC NOTARIZATION from across state lines. Its sponsors said it was intended to promote interstate commerce.   How many of you have worked at a failing company where the I.T. goons actually commend themselves for all they get away with as the result of their elders' ignorance of the electronic underworld?   They continue to push the envelope with the rationalization that if "they're stupid enough to let me get away with THAT, I owe it to them to cheat them blind.  Trust but verify.

These are GUYS!   The same liars, predators, greed-driven Terminator Avatars focused on soul-less self-preservation,  or more accurately, self-aggrandizement.   They compensate for their little dicks by flaunting ill-gotten status to seduce women who will, likewise, marry them in this devious scam.  Materialist female "characters" who killed J.R. 2.0.  The entire Financial Sector of the staff probably doses on Viagara to get through the day, needing an erection to even field a phone call from an unsuspecting client.

Friday, October 8, 2010

From that insider who talked about Obama "losing it" and becoming bored with the job of the Presidency, yet loves the campaign....

But would another four years of an Obama presidency be the best thing for  America ?
A: (Long pause) Now that is a much more interesting question right there, and a question I think more and more Democrat Party insiders are asking themselves these days, myself included. I am going to come right out and say it – No. Obama is not up to the job of being president. He simply doesn’t seem to care about the work involved. You want to know what? Obama is lazy. He really is. And it is getting worse and worse. Would another four years of Obama be the best thing for  America ? No it would not. What this country needs is a president who is focused on the job more than on themselves. Obama is not that individual. I actually hope he doesn’t run again. Looking back, as much fun as the campaign in 2008 was, Hillary Clinton should have been the nominee. Hillary was ready to be president. Obama was not ready. He had never lost a campaign. Everything was handed to him. He doesn’t really understand the idea of work – real, hard, get your heart and soul into it work. And frankly, that is very disappointing to a whole lot of us.

To that insider:  Well, Duhhhhh! (bya)  We told you that for months.  Patriots of the Tea Party have the sanity; you troglodytes need your heads flushed... too much fun has its consequences.  You idiots sold your country down the river and tortured all of us with your Obotomized incompetence.  Here's hoping you ALL get yours.  He brags he sucks less than Bush, but by comparison is every bit as hate-able.  While a Jay-zee song is on.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Jimmy Carter Outs (almost) His OWN Witchcraft Roots

The Presidential Election of 1976 - the year I graduated from college and went to work in New Jersey, was a time, as "Jimmy" correctly recalls, without the rancor and acrimony now prevalent in the political culture.  He doesn't note, however, that in those days, venerable newspapers like the Washington Post had just asserted the Fourth Estate in their Constitutionally prescribed duty to serve the Electorate with the truth.  Facing Nixon, two reporters and Ben Bradlee provided the US Senate with grounds and public support to impeach.  More riveting TV could not be had.  Summer days glued to the tube led us through the delicate balance between what The People can do with the Ethical Government of, by and for themselves vs. what the people with money can do with more of same.   We also observed the beautiful Maureen Dean, seated behind her man, John, on camera throughout the testimony revealing the "Cancer" on the Presidency.  Stylish and smart, dressed by a professional, Mo inspired Young Women to step out in faith that a balance also existed between silk and steel.

Any who ask why the wives of powerful men foolishly occupy the platform upon which the disgraced resignee acknowledges and apologizes for misdeeds need only view the images of the wife of John Dean, whose testimony spanned the better part of a week on live daytime television.  Soap Opera paled in comparison to the sight of this utter star, of chic blond chignon, masterfully accessorized and utterly confidant, seated directly over the shoulder of the witness.  Each evening network news broadcast beamed the beauty to those whose employment intruded on their open mouthed gaping as we felt the scorpion sting after sting of Dean's revelations capped with the bomb dropped by Alexander Butterfield, of the White House Tapes.  I suspect that the resignation of George Stephanopoulos from the Clinton White House was inspired by John Dean.

Ignorance of the infamous 18 minute gap in the Nixon Tapes meets the manipulation of Bubba's Personal Secretary, Betty Currie, who chose to be loyal to her boss, to endure awkward moments as a conduit for the young, rich and dangerous Monica Lewinsky.  

"Mo, A Woman's View of Watergate" served up the education that awaits any female endeavoring to enter, professionally, the career realm considered man's unchallenged right.  Like Alice in Wonderland, the gal is simultaneously courted and molested, admired for her sweetness as she's driven to cold, soul-less survival behavior.  Any woman who 'makes it' to the top of this ladder preserves the "Precious" troll ring in the Inferi-infested black moat pool that surrounds her throne of stone.

Jimmy and Rosalyn both wrote about their naivete on the road to the White House.  On the heels of the secured-up-the-wazoo "Imperial Presidency," the Carters, on Inauguration Day, clasped hands and emerged like butterflies from the cocoon that was the Presidential Limousine's dark interior to the sunlight of a January day, defying Secret Service warnings and actually walking the final block to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue whereupon they proceeded to be "just folks."  The Obama's 2009 reenactment took NONE of the courage, faith and determination to mirror ordinary Americans that the Carters showed.  My own years in Atlanta, to observe for myself, the "Legacy of the Presidency" that followed Carter and Young home, taught me far more about Witchcraft than I'll ever learn about Politics and Men.  Dinner at the "Waxing Moon" served by practitioners of The Craft, crystals, cards and workbooks sold at The Sphinx Metaphysical Book Store in Ansley Mall and chants from Cajuns in Mid Town advised me of "New Bananas" and rich people all doing drugs who put others under microscopic scrutiny to throw the attention away from themselves.  Deborah Norville's cocaine snorting, TV salary-bloated boyfriend was publicly dumped by her own career preserving survival instincts.  

Please know this:  just as the Catholics of Haiti incorporate VooDoo into their religious adaptation, the Wicca'd Southerners embraced Evangelical Christianity with distinct hold-overs of a Stone Mountain Spiritual Repository.  Christine O'Donnel is in good company among winners who admit they could only have been elected because We The People were tired of guessing whom we could trust.  With these "throw the bums out" elections we say: "We Trust Ourselves." Mama done tol' me, "A Girl's gotta do what she's gotta do." and getting through the gamut of men with one hand in your wallet and the other up your skirt is a simple skate once you learn that men LOVE getting their ass kicked by a confidant woman.  "Bitch!"  just like the exclamation, "Witch!" is a cheer of respect, admiration and admission of defeat.  Long to hear it, dance to it and make it 'your song.'  Keep that Ziegfeld Show of PINK ELLE phants parading through the steps to the top.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Governing Goldilocks

The "Game Change" Guys made the only intelligent suggestion to which I have privy on this morning's MoJo:  As the Obama White House considers replacements for Raum Emmanuel, the interim Chief of Staff is his former Senate CoS, Peter Rouse.  Described by UK's Guardian as; "...a cat-loving bachelor known for his aversion to the limelight together with his consummate skills as a problem solver..." Rouse is a trusted "insider" who likely won't ever nudge the O out of his comfort zone.  The suggestion from John Heilemann, as Joe Sco pandered for ideas on who the end game should uncover was  our own Eddie G.  Fast Eddie and retiring Governor of the Keystone Commonwealth, Pennsylvania, was a Bingo.  From the moment Hillary Clinton stepped foot on the stage at Soldiers & Sailors Hall on the University of Pittsburgh campus, the guy who made the DNC what it should have been took his fledgling political athlete into mentor-ship and fashioned the candidate who made the six weeks leading to the Pennsylvania Primary,  "Iowa On Steroids."  While all the failing daily newspapers (except Dick Scaiffe at the Trib) took O's money and backed the guy, Hillary's Friends in Pennsylvania came out full force.  Under Rendell's guidance, she was shaken and redirected to understand the value of connecting with each and every voter.  Here she reminisced about family vacations to her dad's hometown, Scranton and raised a beer in a tavern with the guys who noted her "gonads."  Even now, the Congressional Districts who didn't like Obama in the Primary also didn't like him in the General and went McCain except for the inner cities of Philly, the Burgh and Center County where Penn State Students delivered the Blue.  What Rendell has learned in his lame duck session, is that the people of Pennsylvania trust their women to run things.  From coal miners to steel workers, the people bring home the paychecks to the 'Boss' who keeps all but the beer money and knows intuitively how to best spend, save and invest it.  His reassurance glowed through HRC and his understanding of fund-raising made the value of Hillary's support solid in the face of a finger-snapping hot shot who outspent her almost $4.00 to $1.00.  His bowling skills were exposed and his contempt for gun ownership by sportsmen was dissed while he argued that his hoods would "bring a gun to a knife fight."  Not cool in  Deer Hunter towns...As for me, the discovery of "Goldilocks" a planet that could support life as we sorta know it tells me my next job:  being Governor there by the time I am ready to "retire" will be the mission.  All Aboard!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Steelers Just Fine Without #7 :) ......but...

The second his suspension ends, he's #1.  A lesson from the League and the fans and the Steelers' Family:  Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.  Making millions makes men "attractive" to women, but even the man men admire most don't know how to make their own standards the standard by which THEY live.  So Ben gets the treatment:  former Coach Bill Cowher gushes all over the coaching job the Steelers have done to keep the team undefeated despite the absence of Ben Roethlesburger.  Three Back-Ups; Dennis Dixon, Byron Leftowicz and Charley Batch have delivered winning performances, but when the half-time show ended with this question:  Should the Steelers keep Batch in as the first string quarterback when Ben returns?  with a universal "NO!" from the coaches and players.  As though they had practiced, the answer came in unison.  So there. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Campaign Finace Reform; Obama Rips Anonymously Financed Campaign Ads "Destructive to our Democracy" if..

 Obama said a partisan minority in Congress wants to "ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory" on Nov. 2.  ABC News

Mitch McConnel says:  "By focusing on that partisan effort to rig the fall elections rather than the stagnant economy, Democrats are proving once again that the jobs they care about most are their own," said McConnell "It's a transparent effort to help themselves ahead of an election in which they clearly can't run on their record."

On his radio show, the Fundraiser-In-Chief whined "We can see for ourselves how truly Destructive to our Democracy this can become.  We've seen it in the flood of deceptive attack ads using front groups with misleading names.  We don't know who's behind these ads, nor who is paying for them."   Can You Say, "Bullshit?"

Here he certifies his legitimate FEAR of competition.  The OAF, OFA Team received contributions from Schuylkill Woodchucks (A reference, I guess, to Punxsutawney Phil, ... I saw a Florida Volunteer Meter Monitor call a phone-cam harasser that; too cool.)  In true Chicago Style, (I'll stop insulting the people of Chicago declaring them complicit in the Mob Mentality) this pusher has indicated he convincingly talks the talk until he dupes enough voters - thirsty for justice.  In this way, he gets himself into position to deliver on his high pollutin' inspirational speeches; when, of course, it's back to bare knuckle politics  PSYCHE!!!.  Damage done, word proven worthless, he's commended by his sycophantic press corpse for his "anything goes" because it's just politics and if they're dumb enough to trust me after all the times I've tricked them, they just need another lesson in politics.  Viewing this performance, I refer you to the words of the Judges of America's Got Talent:

X     X     X                                   
At this point in the competition, the act doesn't show the edge we need to see to keep sending you through.  Frankly, the Old White Men of the Republican Party show they have a few time honored traditions to observe as you "lead" your lemmings to the 2010 cliff.   While the "Viewers" might vote you in, the Citizens and the Listeners are ready for something good, something for them, something like jobs.  Yet, like a cad boyfriend, playing us and standing us up every time we give him another chance, he's convinced we're hopeless and that WE NEED HIM to keep giving us HOPE!

He poses as President but is truly Prince Poppycock.    He's getting his butt kicked by slower, older Republicans who learned a thing or two in their years at the top.  The cult of the pushy young guys, as we are learning, can only beat girls.  When they come up vs. worthy competitors willing to break the code of the males, it shocks them, rocks them to their core and they cannot quite find the road.  Instead of playing for votes with a legitimate Jobs bill, they're fighting over spoils of a system down the tubes anyway.  Tea Time!  To the vaunted Obama Machine:  Eat this!  In American politics, radical decentralization has never been tried on so large a scale. Tea party activists believe that their hive like structure is their signal innovation and secret weapon, the key to outlasting and outmaneuvering traditional political organizations and interest groups. They intend to rewrite the rule book for political organizing, turning decades of established practice upside down. If they succeed, or even half succeed, the tea party's most important legacy may be organizational, not political.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

...Indeed, one conservative Republican strategist who is no fan of Castle and could never be accused of supporting “establishment” candidates told me recently that O’Donnell is a “crackpot” who has no chance of winning the general election.
O’Donnell’s conservatism is a problem for her in attracting support in a general election, but it isn’t her biggest problem. Questions about her character are far more important and limit her appeal with the kinds of swing voters and soft Democrats that she would need to win.

Am I alone in seeing the same misogyny in this race as we witnessed in 2008?  Mark me down as making a "Psychic Prediction" here.  Women will do the slow burn we all feel each time some guy calls grade school names and dismisses our issues, candidates of our gender and our "fed up with the bull shit we get from the Fourth Estate."

O'Donnell will benefit from PUMA phone bank volunteers and can easily take down that pompous democrat with the same logic these jerks spun about the Clintons thinking they were entitled. says she's moving her web site to a bigger server to handle the dramatic traffic.  She'll break a million $ in a couple of hours.  This is War, folks.  Get In to Win.  to volunteer for phone banks.  See you all on the Campaign trail!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christine O'Donnell Smiles as Karl Rove and Dems Shuffle

Women: It is not my wish to alert the "enemy" in this contest, and the Republicans and Democrats presently "led" by the male of the species, are likely not listening anyway, as has been their pattern of late.   But l want to tell this little story, just to say "I told you so."  A year ago, volunteering at the NetRoots Nation convention in Pittsburgh, I was monitoring the video camera and sound system for the presentation made by the principals.  Adam Green, Stephany Taylor and Alan Grayson, (D) FL 8th who, in fielding questions about working with the Democratic Establishment met with Green's interruption with the necessary "push back."  Citing their "It's our time!"  I watched, in that moment, Alan Grayson changed from a leadership reasonable human being into an obnoxious "BeetleJuice."

Today we celebrate the victory of Christine O'Donnel in the Delaware Primary.  The Republicans, no more worthy of another chance to skrew us than the Democrats, lost their nomination to the Tea Party Candidate, the Woman.  Karl Rove was livid and along with the RSCC decided that she would not benefit from their support in the General.  Congressional Quarterly, likewise, is conceding Biden's seat to the Democrats.

O’Donnell’s victory almost certainly hands the general election to New Castle County Executive Chris Coons (D). Republicans don’t plan to spend money to contest the race with O’Donnell claiming the nomination, because they do not view her as a viable candidate who can appeal to the broader electorate.

Apparently, the Power Playa men of this country are unaware of the number of Women who comprise the voting majority.  The "mainstream" Press is no more mainstream than the Rove-defined "mainstream" candidate.  Rove complains that the Tea Party winners fail to live up to HIS standards; not "evincing the Characteristics" of mainstream Republican Conservative leaders: "Rectitude & Sincerity." 

! ?  !?? ? 
 So, in the minds of the men, the Mainstream is what WE say it is, and the only WOMEN permitted to enjoy our support support OUR standards (Phyllis Schlaffly)   The Bold Progressives are, likewise, counting up the chickens they couldn't hatch.  Adam Green's followup putch to Grayson was the threat to send up and support Progressive candidates to take down Democratic incumbents  when they fail to vote as INSTRUCTED by the Power Playas and their Muslim Masher, Barack Hussein Obama.  They forced the Unity Pony over our rainbow with politically astute remarks like: "Where else can they go?" (thanks, david axlerod)  Let's just say, the INCUMBENTS who heard the threat, yet stood up to the White House AND Nancy Pelosi ALL WON THEIR PRIMARIES.   Bring on the Chick, Chick, Chickies. 

So when Pat Buchannon, the only GENTLEMAN left in the Republican Party / Main Stream Media cautioned that THE WAY THEY TREAT THIS WOMAN will be the big factor in how the Republican Party is viewed going forward, he was the only guy talking sense I heard all morning.

I'll be enjoying the scene as the word gets quietly out among women that the real power playas are getting their kids off to school, going to the gym, pta meetings, garden clubs and all those tea party things women do.  When they go to the polls, with real choices, we'll count OUR CHICKS, and there ain't ANY CHICKENS in that hen house.  Later, guys.

Monday, September 13, 2010

For Women To Understand Their "Weight"

Balance is a Force. Much of our work is very, very demanding. We require focus, effort, commitment and sacrifice of all other things we might have done or been on the road to succeeding. As Women, we don't always recognize the value placed in our femininity. Our sons, brothers, friends and, yes, politicians, look to us for the thing they cannot get from each other: resistance.

Against resistance, we build our strengths, skills, other options. With a bit of resistance, we pause to consider equal opposition, respect that we live in a bigger community, and - possibly - re-center ourselves. We look up and out, ahead to the horizon and become balanced. Having made the legitimate effort, the sighting in of the horizon has a "jingle" effect, bringing the work into our second nature. Suddenly, balanced, we go smoothly, effortlessly forward. We are Lighthouse. We are lubrication. We are the computer that responds to the correct input.

On my skates, years into the work, cross-training, losing friends and not quite comprehending cut-throat competition, I "found" Balance As Force. Not unlike learning to ride a bicycle, the ability to remain upright as I rolled along came from within. I passed over it once, then snapping back, crossed it again. My divine nature grasped, gathered me up and >---< I no longer needed to think about it: I was skating.

Men need us to anchor. We aren't the anchor, we are the substance into which they can set. Our worth is the matrix that we present upon which they build. Without our willingness to serve their need for the horizon of their future, they are lost.

They don't want us to COMPETE with them for the things THEY want for themselves. They want us skating along WITH them, finding our OWN things, things WE want without asking them to sacrifice. To be equal to Men, (and I MEAN MEN, not guys, cowards, geeks or crazies) Women must be along for the ride without being dependent - unless it is always clear that it is mutual dependence - known as TRUST.

Valentine, my cat, loves and needs me.  But he does his own things.  He enjoys the tree and always recognizes that it is the holiday season when the Christmas Tree goes up.  Enjoys it.  Visits it.  Plays with the clappers on the bells, the jingling wind chime of doves and snowflakes.  When the season ends and the tree comes down, he moves onto sleeping under the bed and accepts the change.  Serene and healthy, Valentine is balanced.  

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Ad Is Getting Play

I shot this segment a few weeks ago: it was too tempting to check in with the campaign just up the road from where my husband was hospitalized. The Campaign was running a tab at the Oakmont Bakery (which is awesome) and I knew if I got there by 7:00 a.m. I could get a cup of great coffee, film my segment and take Mark a jelly doughnut.

I was so pissed at Jason - who held out to the very end with his Super Delegate vote in 2008 but when Nancy Pelosi's PAC gave him $12,000 for his re-election bid, he voted for the poser. At a seminar on grant writing Jason sponsored last Summer, I had the opportunity to tell Jason to his face how I felt. Then, looking into his earnest eyes, I said; "But I'm over it." and he said; "Good." We smiled at each other and moved on. But I'm not over what the DNC did to Hillary and neither are MOST of the Women who supported her. They went to the polls last November and elected ALL Republican Women to Judicial Bench positions and showed the "No Gentlemen" Democratic Party their most lady-like middle finger. And William DeJean: You Made My Weekend! The person who SHOULD have been on the ballot... as I told my friend, Billy Jean Kling at The Majority United; "Bill's keeping that bad taste of South Carolina in his mouth, playing nice just enough to foster trust...just like Snape did right up to the moment he caste the Avada Kedavra curse on Dumbledorf!" :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

As Bad As "Mission Accomplished."

I'm viewing the Restore Honor rally on the Web thanks to the link from Team Sara, and with little better to do check my email while I listen to the story of the Widow's Mite. From the D.C.C.C. I get a typical fund-raising appeal signed and sent yesterday by James Carvill. In it he writes:

Ann --
Fight Back
I can almost hear Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin howling at the moon.
Just 24-hours from now, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin will peddle hate and fear to Tea Party nut jobs vowing to take "their" country back to the days of George W. Bush.
You can bet Beck and Palin'll claim tomorrow's freak show means that their wingnut movement has all the momentum going into election season. We can't let these wackjobs win.

"Feed the dawg underneath the table." by Gawd, the man who "didn't deserve to be there" and I hear the preacher thanking us for hearing him. Thank you, Thank you.

Jim: I love your Spirit, but c'mon, you owe us all an apology. Get free of the progressive guys too young to unnerstan' this truth: "It AIN'T YOUR TIME!!" You owe it to Women to just stfu. Sara Palin knows more about voters than you. She accepts the men of the Democratic Party who equate money with power. The
have won, Jim. Eat it.

"Men, their rights and nothing more; women their rights and nothing less."

Wow! Years of attempts by the ethereal guidance reaching toward me to anchor 'Anthony' as a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement for Women finally ... FINALLY ... connects. I have puzzled at the connected EYEAR buzz that magnetizes my attention to it and only now, reading her masthead, do I "get it." Thank you, Sisters, for a nice sale of Pirate Tickets some twenty years ago. Although I feel stupid for a moment, association think of my brother, my saint, obscures and re-levels me.

It's not just about women, it's about Publishers' Responsibility, Balance and Equality. I won't b.s. my argument by selling the high-minded notion only to flip on supporters to divide the beneficiaries by elevating one group above all others. In reading Susan B's Bio Wiki, my pulse quickly raises by the note that Frederick Douglas, with whom Anthony advanced the cause of equal rights for BOTH women and blacks, readily threw over his female supporter when the opportunity to break through arrived. Union Activists know that half the loaf, offered to some members, or partial benefits is the step that shows "final lap" flags. Only a coward leaves his earliest redeemers and supporters behind to enjoy freedom while those who PARTNERED WITH HIM, providing opportunity to take his very first step on the path to that Freedom are callously discarded for the Siren. In 1863, Lucy Stone and Susan B launched The Woman's National Loyal League with other Womens' Rights Activists to advocate for the passage the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to abolish Slavery. These brave women stood up to the economic concerns of the men of the country to do the right thing. As President Kennedy learned in his study of courage, the right thing to do ALWAYS turns out to be the politically right thing to do. How black men failed to recognize this fact is a story for study. {Miss Melie, smile me through this temptation to anger and permit your Scarlets to make a killing off this choice.} on deck.

"What a dreadful creature their God must be to keep sending hungry mouths while he withholds the bread to fill them!"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Resist Works Both Ways

As the Labor Day Weekend approaches, we'll get the kids off to school and reacquaint ourselves with life beyond our own back yards. The first family has given all of us a vacation from them, and with all due respect, it's a relief. Having expressed himself about the Mosque Resisters prior to signing off, he leaves the world focused on how America goes about resolving the differences between those whose feelings must be respected and those whose "rights" demand same. We all learned during the 2008 Primaries that even when the numbers are there to support the rights, a little "heavy" on the feelings side of the scale can plunge it into dips and lurches that threaten the Balance. 18 million Primary Voters couldn't stop the “know better politicians” from self-righteously judging their own Voters, calling them racists.

I keep recalling the way Senators Byrd & Rockerfeller stepped all over Hillary Clinton’s Primary Victory with the middle finger to their constituents as their immediate response to their Senate Colleague of eight years whose husband's Administration put them on the map, with an endorsement of her opponent, a freshman. When the VOTERS of Kentucky delivered the same message to the DNC, the party HEAVYWEIGHTS came out and stomped out the voters’ fire with an endorsement of John Edwards for the “raised by Muslim fathers, educated in Muslim Jakarta, One” and we know how that played out.

The racist name-calling abuses the feelings of those victims' families who rightfully resist the construction of a mighty Bird in the air around Ground Zero. The Middle Finger to America, not the Eagle rising above it, is proposed, and folks - rightfully - resist. The Black Caucus & Progressives hijacked the Democratic Party with ruthlessness and cynical "ends justify the means" behavior. It leaves a bad taste. Muslims want us to simply forget the be-headings, stoning as punishment for living free, all the horrific deeds done in the name of religion gone berserk. An impatient, selfish, agenda-driven bogus collective calling themselves "leaders," are intent on raising the flag of our enemies over the ashes of our lost American innocence. It is an oxymoron for politicians to judge their own Voters, to call them haters.

Forgive us for recognizing self-serving politicians for what they are. While the poser lives it up in Martha’s Vineyard, the jobs we've been losing at a record pace since his election are ignored by the race-baiting, holier than thou finger-pointers. He made all kinds of promises to get our hopes up. We helped him along by permitting the Democrats to control all three branches of Government PLUS the Fourth Estate. We continue to give him every possible chance to prove his sincerity, integrity, competence. Yet we also await DELIVERY. No promise kept, we get only rationalizing for the flip on every major point... and a lecture on how Un-American it is to complain.

Americans – however driven to “hateful” outbursts, must be forgiven for rejecting the Democrats and their BO – as unworthy of yet another chance to take them to the cleaners. Get a real job. Get YOUR ass kicked, lose YOUR house, YOU suffer disrespectful accusations that you’re un-American!

And when you’re gloating over misleading foolish college kids and inner city blacks into electing you based on HOPE, the rest of us will get back to reality. Kick the Hope and discover that Change means doing as you promised and if it’s ok for YOU to resist every attempt by decent people to stand up for themselves, it’s also OK for Decent People to tell you and your miserable excuses for leaders to take the hike you heretofore thought only applied to our taxes.

What the Mosque Resisters have learned is that no matter how Civilized their behavior might be, the President PLAYS on their integrity right up to the moment he goes HEAVYWEIGHT on them and becomes the thug from Chicago we always rejected. Preach, Preach, ... yeah, yeah. Talk to the butt you can kiss, pal. We've seen this routine and know your M.O. Preach, Preach, bully, intimidate, "Inspire" us with lofty rhetoric, then crap on us with a maneuver that ignores our input and feathers your own nest. If we don't get in the game and shove back, we'll get our civil asses kicked again, and have to eat the sight of that Mosque until somebody blows it up. Save the baloney for somebody who doesn't know you, your cronies, and your Taliban Lite Progressive punk Press.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Main Stream Wisdom

Observing "Objectively"; the wannabe mainstream MSNBC is a refuge for the utterly un-sellable Jon Meacham, and "glamor" pics of Mika posing as a FOX News Babe on the streets of NYC and DC.  I don't give the other shows on that network much 'ear' except for Dylan Ratigan's.  "Way Too Early" - hosted by Nora O'Donnel in for Willie Geist - was consumed by the numbers on how many CITIZENS are increasingly coming to recognize that, based on his general demeanor, comment and choices, the Occupant of the Oval Office comes off more as a Muslim than as a Christian.  The wannabe mainstream felt it incumbent upon them to state that the percentage of Americans MISTAKENLY believe their own eyes, ears and hearts....

While Curvy Couch crew mates invite viewers to suggest which Opposite Sex Celebrity they resemble in an amusing take-off from a high school yearbook photo of Anthony Weiner looking like Jennifer Gray. Nobody puts Anthony Weiner in the corner

Martha's Vineyard is "Over It" with the 1st Family's vacation choice.  Massachusetts - whose voters overwhelmingly register "Independent" rejecting mail from either political party calling them "fellow" anything - are sipping the Obama Mocha (half dark, half white chocolate)  Proving it's only fun when we're all having fun.   When the Obama Family can't take it anymore, they Vacate the big White House they were so hellbent to occupy.  Dismissing his contentious collective of media supporters, most Americans are done with the political correctness and take a sober review of results.  When in the ditch, as the result of your own ineptitude; laugh.  That learning curve extends to driving skills, as well.  We've moved on from complaining that the DNC conspired to triangulate a woman out of an earned nomination.  Newly franchised voters were tricked into handing their Country over to an unproven, untested, and now we see, incredible creep who needs the Fourth Estate to represent his Christianity because, by his "fruits" we don't know him to be so.

This isn't FUN!  "We told you so."  isn't fun when we're driven nuts by the dismissive, Agenda-driven administration.  We now know that Carolyne Kennedy cut her political teeth proclaiming that her kids convinced her to endorse Obama ... protected from Patrick Fitzgerald's preemptive Crime Stoppage because NEW YORK's Senate Seat wasn't yet vacated ... any attempt to restore Hillary Clinton's office to the rightful owners, the Kennedys, was foiled by "See No Evil" Governor Patterson.  Turning the worm, not in itself fun, will have to do for now.

The lowest paid people in any organization; Customer Service Representatives, are trained to LISTEN to their customers.  Your kids - unaware of inherent danger in every day life are cautioned to LISTEN to their Parents.  Pollsters attempting to phrase their questions in such a way as to make their numbers seem credible are expected to LISTEN to the Likely Voters.  Here's a clue, Mr. "President," WE ARE LISTENING TO YOU!!!  We no longer deceive ourselves with the expectation of reciprocal respect. We hear what You are saying, we hear what your supporters are saying, and we hear the tone, the underlying consistency and general foolishness of your approach.  The inner ear that keeps us in balance delivers our next choice.  You simply do not convey a Christian Quality to your day in, day out DO.  Like it or not, what the majority of AMERICANS are getting from your body of work is that you agitate for Charity; a cruel, preachy mobster rationalizing turning every political trick his way while chastising the rest of us for believing Charity begins at home.  We add it all up and it just doesn't add up.  You may have joined a trendy, numbers-crunching Chicago Church while everybody was doing so, but Christians didn't see Christianity in the Trinity United Church of Christ.  They saw pandering to the anger, resentment, jealousy and misogyny of black folks.  They saw Oprah announce - after first putting the church on her "Must Do" list, that she was moving on. What we SEE is a group of Pharisees obsessed with the notion that money, academia and wealth substantiate.  Christ taught that ostentatious displays of wealth are hollow proof that there is nothing on the inside.  Christ taught to leave the judging to the Father.  Yet Obama, in the most un-Christian fashion, repeatedly takes to the Pulpit for the specific purpose of bullying, delivering premature negative review and "Not Your Call" Judgment critical of the American Way.

Ask a few "fallen" Catholics why they stopped going to church.  They'll respond that they got tired of the Pastor always crying for money during the sermons that were supposed to be instructional.  They resented the Males Only hierarchy.  They objected to the abuse of trust and of their children.  Women took heart in the fact that Christ's FIRST MIRACLE, at the behest of his honored Mother, Mary, was to turn water into wine for a wedding celebration they all attended.  For a PARTY.  Feed them. Celebrate the vows of two young people putting their faith in the future and about to begin a new family.  Understand need for dignity.  OK?

For a guy who can snap his fingers and raise millions of dollars to campaign, we are troubled that he then uses the resources of the Poor to pick partisan fights, burnish his own image in a "dis Americans" campaign, and drive the ditched Economy into oblivion.  The Christians in us have specific criteria for evaluating a fellow Christian, a person with whom we can work, and share mutual trust.  We accept him, we forgive him, we pray for him, because we are Christians.   But we cannot preserve him in a position of trust and leadership, because we know better.  We know in our hearts.  Many of us Christians err in practice.  Despite the lauded Evangelicals' endorsement, George Bush finally showed how tough it is to stay on that path.  Mercy, in the end, is the mark of the Christian.  The President has to do what he has to do.  The spin about his religious conviction is irrelevant.   We let him get elected.  We tried our best to practice our own Spiritual Ethic and found that lots of politicians weren't what they pretended to be.  John Edwards comes to mind.

We accept the IS.  We take responsibility for our own choices, and leave him to follow his own path.  But we don't have to follow him.  Our own sense of balance leads us.  We personally choose, according to inner guides.  We understand Duty.  We are realistic about work and earning a living.  We are generous, grateful and merciful.  We hear you "doth protest too much."

" you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me."  Hamlet

We see that you haven't a clue about our strength.  You focus on our weaknesses and bring out our fears.  You're the only one having fun.  Your day has passed.  We're fixin' to fight for the right to party.  And it's tea we're brewin'.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

W's Makeover - a waking dream

I was telling him that it was a righteous makeover he had undergone, and the highlights (blond tipped hair) was an especially nice touch.  "What: no visible tattoos?"  And he looked at me with a blank, but piercing, stare.  Then, I woke up.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can You WH Hackers Show Some Basic Business Acumen?

Where do you guys work?  Have any of you mastered discipline to complete a thought?  From here it looks like you end your day at 4:55 P.M. and head for the watering hole where you Zee Out your brain.  Any train of thought you were processing in an attempt to accomplish some legitimate work goes off the rails for the day.  Come morning you wake up, congratulate yourself for one more day in the plum and start wherever your boss's marginal awareness of his responsibility takes you. 

Does he think we're all suffering from Alzheimer?   Unlike his late Gramma, who indulged him unquestion-abling, SOME of us carry a thought from day to day and expect it to match up.  Constitutional Right today is the readily dismissed American yesterday.  A Muslim has the right to creep us out with the middle finger mosque, but the Palin family has no right to express rejection of a dismissive attitude towards American's rights to expect their borders defended, their elected representatives to listen to them and the workforce's rights to demand the dilettante keep his mitts off their hard earned economy. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Because We Enjoy The Challenge Of Government.

"The simple fact is this building is private property, and the owners have a right to use the building as a house of worship," Bloomberg said. "The government has no right whatsoever to deny that right."

That's what the Country Club set said when the Blacks, Women, Jews, Irish and their ilk wanted to exercise their rights to opportunity.  It really frosts me that the Democratic Party, whose "credo" was revised in 2007, has no time for the very things it proclaimed were their reason for governing.  According to them:

Why We Are Democrats

Our Founder, Thomas JeffersonFrom The Charter & The Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States, as amended by the Democratic National Committee, February 3, 2007:
Section 17. Democratic Party Credo.

We Democrats are the oldest political party in America and the youngest in spirit. We will remain so, because we enjoy the challenge of government.
Time and again, for almost two centuries, the Democratic Party has made government work -- to build and defend a nation, to encourage commerce, to educate our children, to promote equal opportunity, to advance science and industry, to support the arts and humanities, to restore the land, to develop and conserve our human and natural resources, to preserve and enhance our built environment, to relieve poverty, to explore space. We have reached difficult and vital goals.
We recognize that the capacity of government is limited but we regard democratic government as a force for good and a source of hope.
At the heart of our party lies a fundamental conviction, that Americans must not only be free, but they must live in a fair society.
We believe it is the responsibility of government to help us achieve this fair society.
  • A society where the elderly and the disabled can lead lives of dignity and where Social Security remains an unshakable commitment;
  • A society where all people can find jobs in a growing full-employment economy;
  • A society where all workers are guaranteed without question the legal right to join unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively for decent wages and conditions of employment;
  • A society where taxes are clearly based on ability to pay;
  • A society where the equal rights of women are guaranteed in the Constitution;
  • A society where the civil rights of minorities are fully secured and where no one is denied the opportunity for a better life;
  • A society where both public and private discrimination based upon race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, philosophical persuasion or physical disability are condemned and where our government moves aggressively to end such discrimination through lawful means;
  • A society where we recognize that the strengthening of the family and the protection of children are essential to the health of the nation;
  • A society where a sound education, proper nutrition, quality medical care, affordable housing, safe streets and a healthy environment are possible for every citizen;
  • A society where the livelihoods of our family farmers are as stable as the values they instill in the American character;
  • A society where a strong national defense is a common effort, where promoting human rights is a basic value of our foreign policy, and where we ensure that future by ending the nuclear arms race.
This is our purpose and our promise.  

So, WHY aren't these things happening?  Why can't these guys do what they SAY they are organized to DO?  The President is WAY more about his black half, his Muslim persuasion, than he'll ever be about being an American.  

Psssst!!! White House:  When we say we enjoy the challenge, it means we take responsibility, not we blame Bush.  We relish the hard work and the sight of us getting it done wins the polls.