Saturday, August 28, 2010

As Bad As "Mission Accomplished."

I'm viewing the Restore Honor rally on the Web thanks to the link from Team Sara, and with little better to do check my email while I listen to the story of the Widow's Mite. From the D.C.C.C. I get a typical fund-raising appeal signed and sent yesterday by James Carvill. In it he writes:

Ann --
Fight Back
I can almost hear Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin howling at the moon.
Just 24-hours from now, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin will peddle hate and fear to Tea Party nut jobs vowing to take "their" country back to the days of George W. Bush.
You can bet Beck and Palin'll claim tomorrow's freak show means that their wingnut movement has all the momentum going into election season. We can't let these wackjobs win.

"Feed the dawg underneath the table." by Gawd, the man who "didn't deserve to be there" and I hear the preacher thanking us for hearing him. Thank you, Thank you.

Jim: I love your Spirit, but c'mon, you owe us all an apology. Get free of the progressive guys too young to unnerstan' this truth: "It AIN'T YOUR TIME!!" You owe it to Women to just stfu. Sara Palin knows more about voters than you. She accepts the men of the Democratic Party who equate money with power. The
have won, Jim. Eat it.

"Men, their rights and nothing more; women their rights and nothing less."

Wow! Years of attempts by the ethereal guidance reaching toward me to anchor 'Anthony' as a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement for Women finally ... FINALLY ... connects. I have puzzled at the connected EYEAR buzz that magnetizes my attention to it and only now, reading her masthead, do I "get it." Thank you, Sisters, for a nice sale of Pirate Tickets some twenty years ago. Although I feel stupid for a moment, association think of my brother, my saint, obscures and re-levels me.

It's not just about women, it's about Publishers' Responsibility, Balance and Equality. I won't b.s. my argument by selling the high-minded notion only to flip on supporters to divide the beneficiaries by elevating one group above all others. In reading Susan B's Bio Wiki, my pulse quickly raises by the note that Frederick Douglas, with whom Anthony advanced the cause of equal rights for BOTH women and blacks, readily threw over his female supporter when the opportunity to break through arrived. Union Activists know that half the loaf, offered to some members, or partial benefits is the step that shows "final lap" flags. Only a coward leaves his earliest redeemers and supporters behind to enjoy freedom while those who PARTNERED WITH HIM, providing opportunity to take his very first step on the path to that Freedom are callously discarded for the Siren. In 1863, Lucy Stone and Susan B launched The Woman's National Loyal League with other Womens' Rights Activists to advocate for the passage the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to abolish Slavery. These brave women stood up to the economic concerns of the men of the country to do the right thing. As President Kennedy learned in his study of courage, the right thing to do ALWAYS turns out to be the politically right thing to do. How black men failed to recognize this fact is a story for study. {Miss Melie, smile me through this temptation to anger and permit your Scarlets to make a killing off this choice.} on deck.

"What a dreadful creature their God must be to keep sending hungry mouths while he withholds the bread to fill them!"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Resist Works Both Ways

As the Labor Day Weekend approaches, we'll get the kids off to school and reacquaint ourselves with life beyond our own back yards. The first family has given all of us a vacation from them, and with all due respect, it's a relief. Having expressed himself about the Mosque Resisters prior to signing off, he leaves the world focused on how America goes about resolving the differences between those whose feelings must be respected and those whose "rights" demand same. We all learned during the 2008 Primaries that even when the numbers are there to support the rights, a little "heavy" on the feelings side of the scale can plunge it into dips and lurches that threaten the Balance. 18 million Primary Voters couldn't stop the “know better politicians” from self-righteously judging their own Voters, calling them racists.

I keep recalling the way Senators Byrd & Rockerfeller stepped all over Hillary Clinton’s Primary Victory with the middle finger to their constituents as their immediate response to their Senate Colleague of eight years whose husband's Administration put them on the map, with an endorsement of her opponent, a freshman. When the VOTERS of Kentucky delivered the same message to the DNC, the party HEAVYWEIGHTS came out and stomped out the voters’ fire with an endorsement of John Edwards for the “raised by Muslim fathers, educated in Muslim Jakarta, One” and we know how that played out.

The racist name-calling abuses the feelings of those victims' families who rightfully resist the construction of a mighty Bird in the air around Ground Zero. The Middle Finger to America, not the Eagle rising above it, is proposed, and folks - rightfully - resist. The Black Caucus & Progressives hijacked the Democratic Party with ruthlessness and cynical "ends justify the means" behavior. It leaves a bad taste. Muslims want us to simply forget the be-headings, stoning as punishment for living free, all the horrific deeds done in the name of religion gone berserk. An impatient, selfish, agenda-driven bogus collective calling themselves "leaders," are intent on raising the flag of our enemies over the ashes of our lost American innocence. It is an oxymoron for politicians to judge their own Voters, to call them haters.

Forgive us for recognizing self-serving politicians for what they are. While the poser lives it up in Martha’s Vineyard, the jobs we've been losing at a record pace since his election are ignored by the race-baiting, holier than thou finger-pointers. He made all kinds of promises to get our hopes up. We helped him along by permitting the Democrats to control all three branches of Government PLUS the Fourth Estate. We continue to give him every possible chance to prove his sincerity, integrity, competence. Yet we also await DELIVERY. No promise kept, we get only rationalizing for the flip on every major point... and a lecture on how Un-American it is to complain.

Americans – however driven to “hateful” outbursts, must be forgiven for rejecting the Democrats and their BO – as unworthy of yet another chance to take them to the cleaners. Get a real job. Get YOUR ass kicked, lose YOUR house, YOU suffer disrespectful accusations that you’re un-American!

And when you’re gloating over misleading foolish college kids and inner city blacks into electing you based on HOPE, the rest of us will get back to reality. Kick the Hope and discover that Change means doing as you promised and if it’s ok for YOU to resist every attempt by decent people to stand up for themselves, it’s also OK for Decent People to tell you and your miserable excuses for leaders to take the hike you heretofore thought only applied to our taxes.

What the Mosque Resisters have learned is that no matter how Civilized their behavior might be, the President PLAYS on their integrity right up to the moment he goes HEAVYWEIGHT on them and becomes the thug from Chicago we always rejected. Preach, Preach, ... yeah, yeah. Talk to the butt you can kiss, pal. We've seen this routine and know your M.O. Preach, Preach, bully, intimidate, "Inspire" us with lofty rhetoric, then crap on us with a maneuver that ignores our input and feathers your own nest. If we don't get in the game and shove back, we'll get our civil asses kicked again, and have to eat the sight of that Mosque until somebody blows it up. Save the baloney for somebody who doesn't know you, your cronies, and your Taliban Lite Progressive punk Press.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Main Stream Wisdom

Observing "Objectively"; the wannabe mainstream MSNBC is a refuge for the utterly un-sellable Jon Meacham, and "glamor" pics of Mika posing as a FOX News Babe on the streets of NYC and DC.  I don't give the other shows on that network much 'ear' except for Dylan Ratigan's.  "Way Too Early" - hosted by Nora O'Donnel in for Willie Geist - was consumed by the numbers on how many CITIZENS are increasingly coming to recognize that, based on his general demeanor, comment and choices, the Occupant of the Oval Office comes off more as a Muslim than as a Christian.  The wannabe mainstream felt it incumbent upon them to state that the percentage of Americans MISTAKENLY believe their own eyes, ears and hearts....

While Curvy Couch crew mates invite viewers to suggest which Opposite Sex Celebrity they resemble in an amusing take-off from a high school yearbook photo of Anthony Weiner looking like Jennifer Gray. Nobody puts Anthony Weiner in the corner

Martha's Vineyard is "Over It" with the 1st Family's vacation choice.  Massachusetts - whose voters overwhelmingly register "Independent" rejecting mail from either political party calling them "fellow" anything - are sipping the Obama Mocha (half dark, half white chocolate)  Proving it's only fun when we're all having fun.   When the Obama Family can't take it anymore, they Vacate the big White House they were so hellbent to occupy.  Dismissing his contentious collective of media supporters, most Americans are done with the political correctness and take a sober review of results.  When in the ditch, as the result of your own ineptitude; laugh.  That learning curve extends to driving skills, as well.  We've moved on from complaining that the DNC conspired to triangulate a woman out of an earned nomination.  Newly franchised voters were tricked into handing their Country over to an unproven, untested, and now we see, incredible creep who needs the Fourth Estate to represent his Christianity because, by his "fruits" we don't know him to be so.

This isn't FUN!  "We told you so."  isn't fun when we're driven nuts by the dismissive, Agenda-driven administration.  We now know that Carolyne Kennedy cut her political teeth proclaiming that her kids convinced her to endorse Obama ... protected from Patrick Fitzgerald's preemptive Crime Stoppage because NEW YORK's Senate Seat wasn't yet vacated ... any attempt to restore Hillary Clinton's office to the rightful owners, the Kennedys, was foiled by "See No Evil" Governor Patterson.  Turning the worm, not in itself fun, will have to do for now.

The lowest paid people in any organization; Customer Service Representatives, are trained to LISTEN to their customers.  Your kids - unaware of inherent danger in every day life are cautioned to LISTEN to their Parents.  Pollsters attempting to phrase their questions in such a way as to make their numbers seem credible are expected to LISTEN to the Likely Voters.  Here's a clue, Mr. "President," WE ARE LISTENING TO YOU!!!  We no longer deceive ourselves with the expectation of reciprocal respect. We hear what You are saying, we hear what your supporters are saying, and we hear the tone, the underlying consistency and general foolishness of your approach.  The inner ear that keeps us in balance delivers our next choice.  You simply do not convey a Christian Quality to your day in, day out DO.  Like it or not, what the majority of AMERICANS are getting from your body of work is that you agitate for Charity; a cruel, preachy mobster rationalizing turning every political trick his way while chastising the rest of us for believing Charity begins at home.  We add it all up and it just doesn't add up.  You may have joined a trendy, numbers-crunching Chicago Church while everybody was doing so, but Christians didn't see Christianity in the Trinity United Church of Christ.  They saw pandering to the anger, resentment, jealousy and misogyny of black folks.  They saw Oprah announce - after first putting the church on her "Must Do" list, that she was moving on. What we SEE is a group of Pharisees obsessed with the notion that money, academia and wealth substantiate.  Christ taught that ostentatious displays of wealth are hollow proof that there is nothing on the inside.  Christ taught to leave the judging to the Father.  Yet Obama, in the most un-Christian fashion, repeatedly takes to the Pulpit for the specific purpose of bullying, delivering premature negative review and "Not Your Call" Judgment critical of the American Way.

Ask a few "fallen" Catholics why they stopped going to church.  They'll respond that they got tired of the Pastor always crying for money during the sermons that were supposed to be instructional.  They resented the Males Only hierarchy.  They objected to the abuse of trust and of their children.  Women took heart in the fact that Christ's FIRST MIRACLE, at the behest of his honored Mother, Mary, was to turn water into wine for a wedding celebration they all attended.  For a PARTY.  Feed them. Celebrate the vows of two young people putting their faith in the future and about to begin a new family.  Understand need for dignity.  OK?

For a guy who can snap his fingers and raise millions of dollars to campaign, we are troubled that he then uses the resources of the Poor to pick partisan fights, burnish his own image in a "dis Americans" campaign, and drive the ditched Economy into oblivion.  The Christians in us have specific criteria for evaluating a fellow Christian, a person with whom we can work, and share mutual trust.  We accept him, we forgive him, we pray for him, because we are Christians.   But we cannot preserve him in a position of trust and leadership, because we know better.  We know in our hearts.  Many of us Christians err in practice.  Despite the lauded Evangelicals' endorsement, George Bush finally showed how tough it is to stay on that path.  Mercy, in the end, is the mark of the Christian.  The President has to do what he has to do.  The spin about his religious conviction is irrelevant.   We let him get elected.  We tried our best to practice our own Spiritual Ethic and found that lots of politicians weren't what they pretended to be.  John Edwards comes to mind.

We accept the IS.  We take responsibility for our own choices, and leave him to follow his own path.  But we don't have to follow him.  Our own sense of balance leads us.  We personally choose, according to inner guides.  We understand Duty.  We are realistic about work and earning a living.  We are generous, grateful and merciful.  We hear you "doth protest too much."

" you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me."  Hamlet

We see that you haven't a clue about our strength.  You focus on our weaknesses and bring out our fears.  You're the only one having fun.  Your day has passed.  We're fixin' to fight for the right to party.  And it's tea we're brewin'.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

W's Makeover - a waking dream

I was telling him that it was a righteous makeover he had undergone, and the highlights (blond tipped hair) was an especially nice touch.  "What: no visible tattoos?"  And he looked at me with a blank, but piercing, stare.  Then, I woke up.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can You WH Hackers Show Some Basic Business Acumen?

Where do you guys work?  Have any of you mastered discipline to complete a thought?  From here it looks like you end your day at 4:55 P.M. and head for the watering hole where you Zee Out your brain.  Any train of thought you were processing in an attempt to accomplish some legitimate work goes off the rails for the day.  Come morning you wake up, congratulate yourself for one more day in the plum and start wherever your boss's marginal awareness of his responsibility takes you. 

Does he think we're all suffering from Alzheimer?   Unlike his late Gramma, who indulged him unquestion-abling, SOME of us carry a thought from day to day and expect it to match up.  Constitutional Right today is the readily dismissed American yesterday.  A Muslim has the right to creep us out with the middle finger mosque, but the Palin family has no right to express rejection of a dismissive attitude towards American's rights to expect their borders defended, their elected representatives to listen to them and the workforce's rights to demand the dilettante keep his mitts off their hard earned economy. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Because We Enjoy The Challenge Of Government.

"The simple fact is this building is private property, and the owners have a right to use the building as a house of worship," Bloomberg said. "The government has no right whatsoever to deny that right."

That's what the Country Club set said when the Blacks, Women, Jews, Irish and their ilk wanted to exercise their rights to opportunity.  It really frosts me that the Democratic Party, whose "credo" was revised in 2007, has no time for the very things it proclaimed were their reason for governing.  According to them:

Why We Are Democrats

Our Founder, Thomas JeffersonFrom The Charter & The Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States, as amended by the Democratic National Committee, February 3, 2007:
Section 17. Democratic Party Credo.

We Democrats are the oldest political party in America and the youngest in spirit. We will remain so, because we enjoy the challenge of government.
Time and again, for almost two centuries, the Democratic Party has made government work -- to build and defend a nation, to encourage commerce, to educate our children, to promote equal opportunity, to advance science and industry, to support the arts and humanities, to restore the land, to develop and conserve our human and natural resources, to preserve and enhance our built environment, to relieve poverty, to explore space. We have reached difficult and vital goals.
We recognize that the capacity of government is limited but we regard democratic government as a force for good and a source of hope.
At the heart of our party lies a fundamental conviction, that Americans must not only be free, but they must live in a fair society.
We believe it is the responsibility of government to help us achieve this fair society.
  • A society where the elderly and the disabled can lead lives of dignity and where Social Security remains an unshakable commitment;
  • A society where all people can find jobs in a growing full-employment economy;
  • A society where all workers are guaranteed without question the legal right to join unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively for decent wages and conditions of employment;
  • A society where taxes are clearly based on ability to pay;
  • A society where the equal rights of women are guaranteed in the Constitution;
  • A society where the civil rights of minorities are fully secured and where no one is denied the opportunity for a better life;
  • A society where both public and private discrimination based upon race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, philosophical persuasion or physical disability are condemned and where our government moves aggressively to end such discrimination through lawful means;
  • A society where we recognize that the strengthening of the family and the protection of children are essential to the health of the nation;
  • A society where a sound education, proper nutrition, quality medical care, affordable housing, safe streets and a healthy environment are possible for every citizen;
  • A society where the livelihoods of our family farmers are as stable as the values they instill in the American character;
  • A society where a strong national defense is a common effort, where promoting human rights is a basic value of our foreign policy, and where we ensure that future by ending the nuclear arms race.
This is our purpose and our promise.  

So, WHY aren't these things happening?  Why can't these guys do what they SAY they are organized to DO?  The President is WAY more about his black half, his Muslim persuasion, than he'll ever be about being an American.  

Psssst!!! White House:  When we say we enjoy the challenge, it means we take responsibility, not we blame Bush.  We relish the hard work and the sight of us getting it done wins the polls. 

Listen, Good Listener, Listen Up!

What is up with all these guys up for appointment to some flappy job the Presidency can pass out, that they all give a post-appointment interview hailing Obama as a good listener?

Big EARS?  Quite.  Does he give any indication that he USES them to hear?  No.  Goodness, no.  If we had a single complaint, from the 2008 Primary Campaign until today, the entire Administration, led by Dumbo, doesn't listen to the people...  He/they absolutely dismiss - without consideration - any idea but their own Agenda.  Zero listening, Minus response except to call "Racist."  Their failure to recognize and respond appropriately flags their lack of survival instinct.  The one good thing about it is that the entire clump of Tribbles will be rid from the Ship Of State by their natural enemy: Enterprise.

Survival Instinct, carried by women, is the true "bottom line," the line John Meecham and MSNBC can't read, nor can they consider.  From what nebulous source do these fluffs believe they draw their salaries?
you get it.  It's not about the big salaries and the ego-driven status.  Remember when you chose a father for your children from among the best providers?  Those days are gone.  Now it's all YOU, Baby.  And you learn that the alternative to buying status and prestige is Just doing it.  Notice how the evaporation process works and apply it to the clown who just removed himself from everybody's radar.  This Tour is canceled, O.  The JOB is making its way to the top of the roll. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Is Patrick Fitzgerald Just Another Chicago Mobster?

 The guy goes on TV announcing that his goons have busted into the Governor's bedroom at dawn to preempt the commission of a crime.  A perfectly legitimate election is overturned and the Mob's new President now installs his preference.  Here in the Pittsburgh area, Mary Beth Buchanan had been irritating in her pursuit of Democrats, reaching a fevered pitch with a trial intended to check Cyril Wecht into a corner.  The "People" saw no crime, no abuse of the Coroner's Office.  The US Attorney's Office is not intended to function as the tool of choice for harassing celebrities.   Fitzgerald confuses justice with fishing, expecting clerks to do the work he should be doing in preparation for the take-down.  First he blew the Valerie Plame case against Rove and Cheyney with the same "Mission Accomplished" publicity stunt. The Blago Jury now entering its third week of deliberation, is making a scandal of the Fitzgerald tactics.  The only crime is the waste of the People's resources due to his association with advisers who presume to Judge.  Come the next election, they might just have their say.   The People are not getting their money's worth from this officer of the Court.  We all take corruption in Chicago politics in stride just as evenly as we do here in SW PA.  John Murtha was permitted to be John Murtha, but his successor is running against the slacker administration quite successfully.  The People watch and know what's up.  They weigh what's in it for them and their children against what's right or wrong, and vote accordingly.  In an arena where there's plenty of questionable conduct going on at every level, they tend to go with somebody who reflects their Spirit.   Going up against somebody who manages to be decent in the face of more corruption than any one person can responsibly address isn't wise.  Doing it puts the People's morals into question, their weaknesses on display, their "way" under scrutiny.  Justice is a little bit righteous, a little bit "what we're willing to live with" to live in peace.  Disruption of the Peoples' lives in pursuit of something Justifiable, more-so than Just, is irritating.  Let the guy get back to work.  We'd rather hear the guy than the attorney.  It's us just being the People.  I mean, come on... we found Wecht's work on the Anna Nicole case and the Laci Peterson case and the Jon Benet Ramsey case more inneresting than the trial.  We all KNEW Cheyney outed Plame.  We wanted to see him squirm for high crimes against our National Security.  The Blagojeviches are as nice a family as the Obamas.  Let them live in the mansion.  We think Patti's Real Estate work is... well, ... or is it fundraising?  at least as legitimate as Michelle's Hospital Board stuff...and SHE isn't making us eat broccoli    :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Acting On A Prompting - Send Out Cards

Ann Augustine  ... has been a real therapy and great way to connect in a meaningful way with those who have been so kind, generous and caring to me during my husband's hospitalization.  I was working with Zoe Morris on this as a sales tool to use in my Aflac business for the purpose of staying in touch, but find it a wonderful way to personalize each card, using photos and my own sentiments, while at my computer.  I don't have the added (and typically, impossible) requirement to go to a store, shop for and purchase a card, have stamps on hand and take them to the post office.  Yet, I know my cards are saying the thing I want to say.

I'm getting the hang of composing, creating and all, but the most valuable thing it affords me is a way to say "Thank you," sincerely, and immediately,

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Race Card / Devil Card

The Congressional Ethics Commission has determined that Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters have crossed a line of ethical standard for elected officers of the US House.  We continue to hear a ringing in our ears of the statements of Dan DeMarco, candidate for PA's 40th Senatorial District who expressed dismay that his Republican opponent, Jane Claire Orie, scooted about on campaign business in the impressive SUV she drove as a taxpayer's servant.  Her sister, Joan, likewise benefited from the taxpayers' involuntary largess in last November's Election Day efforts as the Senator, well-ensconced in her office, took just a bit more advantage than was reasonably fair to those interested in competitive elections.I have no problem with an incumbent's staffer spending taxpayer resources to study, learn and know the principles of ethics by which we expect our elected officials to consider their choices.  Once that public servant has enjoyed two or more terms, this code of ethical guidance should be second nature to them!  Strengthened by their acquired authority on what is and may not be ethical, these re-elected incumbents posses the credentials by which they might rise to positions of leadership within their respective parties within their respective legislative bodies.
Thus, when a Congressperson, who has served since 1991 (19 years in Waters' case) or since 1971 (Rangel), it is our wish, as voters having invested our power to govern in these Representatives, that those who have been elected understand the consequences of each election!  We, the Voters, have, indeed, drawn a line!

You are no longer Rookies, Freshmen, Initiates.  You are, by virtue of your seniority, Leaders - of your House, your Party, your Districts.  It is a given that you should know and by your conduct, DEFINE ethics. 
No! Everybody does NOT do it! 

In my personal experience dealing with my own local Democratic politicians, they handle the political part of their existence with absolutely above-the-line proprieties.  I never brought up State Committee business on the phone with Catherine Baker Knoll's office, Jason Altmire's office, Mark Longietti's office - for messages as simple as  needing to let them know that I had sent a State Committee document to them, that their aids didn't first direct me to their campaign, business or personal office to continue the discussion.  Not a word of such business was entertained at the taxpayer's expense, even for something as straightforward as a note of the fact that I was a fellow Democrat.  It's not hard to achieve this responsible, respectable, CONFIDENCE INFUSING practice!

On the other hand, I personally witnessed PA's 12th Legislative District Representative, Daryl Metcalfe, first inquire after the voting registration of a constituent at one of his town hall meetings before addressing a question about the certification of new voting machines.

Some of the least honorable men I have ever known, and by whom I have been most egregiously offended, routinely assert the "everybody does it" defense.  It has become the red flag in my face to alert me to the crime in progress.  Perhaps everybody YOU know does it; by articulating that fact, you are sending yourself back to the moldy, rotting piece of dead wood under which you hide.  Time for your exposure has, indeed, arrived.  The healing, curing light of day is upon you both.  It's not about race:  it's about enough is enough.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Affirmative Action

That prayer we say to begin each day, the one that affirms "love in my heart?" ... well, as dawn caste awareness in my waking soul, I was respectful enough of my Self to admit:  I begin this day with ANGER in my heart, and affirm, with faith in your love for me, that this fuel for getting it right will sustain my efforts this day as I serve the greater good.

The Clinton's daughter has wed her love, and the photos of her big day show a "mixed" marriage of traditionals.  God; bless this lovely, gentlewoman, her mother and dad and the man to whom she has pledged herself.  I met Chelsea on Smithfield Street in Pittsburgh, during the 2008 Campaign, a turning point in my political life, from which I have taken indelible memories and lessons....lessons about politics, about honest work and about Affirmative Action.

With "anger" in my heart, - a small, containable speck of it in a sea of Hope, Trust and healthy respect for Force, - I begin this 1st day of August, as Ann Augustine, who lives on Augustine Lane.  I praise the Angels and gentlepeople who "taint" my countenance with a lack of naivete.   Vincentian Nuns, my grade school educators, offered - through their Patron Saint, Catherine Laboure, a promise by the Blessed Virgin, that those who seek her protection and help will receive the appropriate grace.

I carry this seed of anger, along with the seed of Light that affirms my Divinity, in balance.

1778 -- India -- Belief in protection of the animal and plant kingdom reached its apotheosis in 1778 when 294 men and 69 women laid down their lives to protect the khejri tree. A senior officer of Jodhpur state arrived to cut down the trees, which were needed for burning lime. The first to challenge him was a woman, who hugged one of the trees and was promptly decapitated. Her three daughters followed suit and were also axed. Many others followed. This mass slaughter led to a royal order that prohibited the cutting of any tree in a Bishnoi village." To this day, Bishnoi villages are wooded oases in the otherwise harsh Rajasthan desert, where wildlife congregates in proximity to the people. The Thar region of Pakistan is adjacent to the Rajasthan desert of India. Although the Thari people are now mostly Islamic, their traditional teachings about the sanctity of life somewhat resemble those of the Bishnoi. The Sindh desert is farther west in Pakistan. The Sindhi people, related to the Thari, have similar beliefs, but are now culturally divided: Sindhis who practice Hinduism long ago migrated into the Mumbai region of India, while those who practice Islam remain in Pakistan. (M. Clifton, 2007) (Note that Guha had this event in 1720 and said that hundreds of Bishnois Hindus of Khejadali went to their deaths trying to protect trees from the Maharaja of Jodhpur, who needed wood to fuel the lime kilns for cement to build his palace.)

Professional sales, dealing with Mike Hayden and my own grandchildren have taught me an irrefutable truth:  
If it works, it's adopted. 
Force, men learn, works.  Domestic Violence, they contend, is the fault of the women who "started it."  Iranian Women, the citizens chafing under Taliban Domination, the Women of India, all understand the vibe.  Socially, we reject yet foolishly, we responded to the anger in the heart of James Clyburne, Oprah Winfrey and Jessie Jackson, Jr. to elect Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama to illustrate for us, the certain bite in the ass we earn when making a decision under the influence of anger.

O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to Thee!