Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Men, their rights and nothing more; women their rights and nothing less."

Wow! Years of attempts by the ethereal guidance reaching toward me to anchor 'Anthony' as a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement for Women finally ... FINALLY ... connects. I have puzzled at the connected EYEAR buzz that magnetizes my attention to it and only now, reading her masthead, do I "get it." Thank you, Sisters, for a nice sale of Pirate Tickets some twenty years ago. Although I feel stupid for a moment, association think of my brother, my saint, obscures and re-levels me.

It's not just about women, it's about Publishers' Responsibility, Balance and Equality. I won't b.s. my argument by selling the high-minded notion only to flip on supporters to divide the beneficiaries by elevating one group above all others. In reading Susan B's Bio Wiki, my pulse quickly raises by the note that Frederick Douglas, with whom Anthony advanced the cause of equal rights for BOTH women and blacks, readily threw over his female supporter when the opportunity to break through arrived. Union Activists know that half the loaf, offered to some members, or partial benefits is the step that shows "final lap" flags. Only a coward leaves his earliest redeemers and supporters behind to enjoy freedom while those who PARTNERED WITH HIM, providing opportunity to take his very first step on the path to that Freedom are callously discarded for the Siren. In 1863, Lucy Stone and Susan B launched The Woman's National Loyal League with other Womens' Rights Activists to advocate for the passage the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to abolish Slavery. These brave women stood up to the economic concerns of the men of the country to do the right thing. As President Kennedy learned in his study of courage, the right thing to do ALWAYS turns out to be the politically right thing to do. How black men failed to recognize this fact is a story for study. {Miss Melie, smile me through this temptation to anger and permit your Scarlets to make a killing off this choice.} on deck.

"What a dreadful creature their God must be to keep sending hungry mouths while he withholds the bread to fill them!"

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