Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Acting On A Prompting - Send Out Cards

Ann Augustine  ... has been a real therapy and great way to connect in a meaningful way with those who have been so kind, generous and caring to me during my husband's hospitalization.  I was working with Zoe Morris on this as a sales tool to use in my Aflac business for the purpose of staying in touch, but find it a wonderful way to personalize each card, using photos and my own sentiments, while at my computer.  I don't have the added (and typically, impossible) requirement to go to a store, shop for and purchase a card, have stamps on hand and take them to the post office.  Yet, I know my cards are saying the thing I want to say.

I'm getting the hang of composing, creating and all, but the most valuable thing it affords me is a way to say "Thank you," sincerely, and immediately,

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