Monday, September 28, 2009

Can O's pitch score 2-fer: Olympic Nod & Passage of ERA?

Illinois remains among states that have failed to ratify ERA.
Click here: Political Status

Both Oprah and Obama are pushing Chicago for the Olympics. Connect Title IX, which has made it possible for US Women to win their share of gold, and patriotism.

States like Georgia and Utah, where recent Olympic gold has been mined, proudly stand with Illinois in the rejection of equal rights for their female citizens.

The President announced today that he will tag along with the Mrs, Winfrey and tear-jerkers to Sweden for the IOC presentation.
Click here: Michelle Obama's Olympic bid: Kleenex: The Swamp

There is a sort of Connection / Disconnection here. If the possible passage of the Equal Rights Amendment were tied to the Olympic Sponsorships, might the Land of Lincoln lead the Country on the final march to Freedom NOW?

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