Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Daughters / Doubters

Next week when President Obama is in China he’s going to hold a “town-hall” meeting with Chinese citizens. Their first question for Obama is expected to be, “Why would anyone have two daughters?”

...   and feigning disinterest.  Boring as per Carol and CNN... as always, mean girls doing what they do.  Hootie, Tootie, (with the lib-elite accent) "13 of 400 some pages devoted to substance."  The women thing and those of us who related to Hillary recognize it:  that second "X" in the DNA having a girls' night.  Do you preserve your dignity, or do you "blend?"  WASP-reared Obama is so much more their speed.

But it's votes, friends.  The Quakers call their wives "Daughter." and embrace all aspects of the Male/Female relationship.  Cultural.  OK, they don't get Alaskans.  They probably don't hunt (except Karen Hughes & Company ridiculing John Kerry resplendent in Mossy Oak) and they certainly don't "CAMP" as do more Americans than all spectator sports combined.  

Let them.  Oprah and company focus on the "Dallas" stuff: fashion, money, jealousy-driven crime... Charlie's Angels stars blew a gasket when Farrah showed up in designer-fitting jeans while they were wearing 'wardrobe' so.... "Who's prettier:  Vanity or Aphrodite?"  Prince fans will remember the competition for "The Artist's" libido...and the radio rock jocks came clean:  "What IS this?  The guy's five feet tall and he's getting laid right and left?  And the women are lining up?

And Gayle.  Oprah, thanks for treating her like another girl,  Barbara: bring on the View.

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