Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Listen UP! - The Secret to Loyalty

The White House, on the clock and well into year #2 remains utterly full of their honorariums, academic admirers' social collective, having taken the "Press"calater ride to the top of the department store shoppers' list. It's liquidation sale time while the buyers' market collects its due. Had he EARNED it legitimately with a few experiences in hard work in a real world, he'd have the "stuff" to lead us through this.

Listen To Us!!! We'll TELL you what we want, and your job is to process all you hear through the uniquely programmed entity we "elected." The way we know you are responsive to your electorate, - your customers,- if you will, is to hear the things we said to you coming back to us in a cohesive presentation that reflects your "listening skills." Bill Clinton didn't win the big dawg awards dismissing Hillary. He FOUND A WAY to "get it," even when it didn't make his big-as-yours ego tingle.

The input has certainly been there. I recall complaining - as far back as the 2008 Primary Campaign - about the dismissive treatment received within our own party, in deference to the black guy. Yeah, Yeah, racist distraction...

Perhaps the race card, the blame W procedure and all the celebrity worship (Come ON, Baraque; after YOU won a Nobel Prize for doing absolutely nothing but staging a take-over that violated every principle of professional integrety, can you really come out from under your own embarassment over what a Nobel Prize can do to stop an oil leak?)
have worn thin even on your parasitic press.

In the words of Skater Gary, lamenting the fickle girlfriend's "dear John,"
"I found a bigger dick!"

It would have served you, AND YOUR BOUGHT-AND-PAID FOR "news" backers, who can't even sell advertising around your obnoxious, anti-social agenda. Keep on "not listening" to anybody but your crazy selves, calling Governor Palin stupid and unqualified when her resume reflects more engagement with Oil Company Decision Makers than the rest of the nations' governors combined.

Thus, the "Just Say No Deal" coalition; as PROMISED, must say "

The Empty Suit can't even figure out where to go for advice. And Mika, Tina, Barnacle; Yeah, THAT'S what they want him to do: reenact that cover of Ms Magazine by ripping his shirt open and showing us the Super Man schtick. You never took your National Security, Economy or Leadership seriously before. All you need is a bit more Obama Worship and a speech to thrill you to fix this. Get down!

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