Friday, February 3, 2012

Bully Pulp - Pretentious Preach

The pressure's on from the Obama camp; a guy who "cancelled" the 2011 National Day of Prayer but observed Ramedan is touting his "Christian" stripe with a slug at those of us who hear Gospel and take a moment to self-examine... the same day a brou-ha-ha erupts over his administration's influence on the distribution of funds for the care of breast cancer patients...

Ask what YOU can do for your Country and the Pretendident will smugly assert that ANYTHING you do for him is the right, moral and religiously relevent thing to do.  I've often compared Obats' insipid reasoning and inability to converse intelligently with the "unconvinced," to 70's Hare Crishnas who marauded airports in gangs, hitting up passers-by for cash elicited via a combination of suckiing you in with a floral offering and pinning you to the most narrow interpretation of your basic decency.

"For me as a Christian, ..." (and aside kudos to Orin Hatch for referring to the Occupant of the Oval Office while calling him out for his "walk on water" over-reach using our Christian and deeply held beliefs as a connection to our will to serve.) this wicked step-sister played the Jesus card to intimidate any who question his caste-in-stone-demand for your money.

It's no wonder the bitter clingers are going deeper inward and tightening down with the guns and churches.  Where the Catholic Church once applauded the feel good dismissive to those who questioned his birth and credentials they now recoil in dismay at the depths to which the Preacher in the bully pulpit would use-em-and-lose-em on the birth control issues.  Manchild recipient of unlimited props and hand-overs  continues to hold court in the shallow, shallow surf of the corporal works of mercy while asserting that the coveting of prosperous members' goods is driven by Christian principles.

Back when the Catholics were first losing their members we heard countless of those "losing their religion" blaming it on the end of their patience with priests who hammered them endlessly for money prompting them to look elsewhere for spiritual guidance.

Like being "rapped" for money, even when you bow heads to pray?  Let's just say, the "Christian" for a prayer day who is also a Muslim on Ramedan and a secularist when in San Francisco (named after a Saint who had his own personal relationship with God) is playing you.  The religious bullying is a gesture too often use by Users who just don't know when to say when.

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