Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ryan Ups the Hope, The Soap and the Mope

The Tea Party must be ecstatic.  The Elders drawing Social Security are those who were reared by Depression Era parents and teachers who know perfectly well why the Young-uns are on a highway to hell, and have no intention of bailing them out by dying early and leaving them their retirement.  We who were brought in with the Baby Boom look at the generation behind us and find it amazing how simple-minded they are about ethics and how it impacts everything. 

Work with a group of great Sales and Operations Professionals and you would see the self-policing practices that preserve the economy.  Observe the current crop of "paid aparatchick" forcing the obama agenda and notice the unquestioning loyalty to their mind trap.

The Issues, I suspect, include the Pocket Book.  The characterization of the Ryan Budget as a cruel, stingy, worst of the Republican Rap is - like so many PAC ads - grossly wrong.  I can imagine that Bill Clinton is happy enough to have a document such as Path To Prosperity as a starting point.  As with all legitimate politicians, Clinton will work with whomever "shows up."  On the budget, unlike any Democrat except the President, whose own offering is unworthy of even a single vote, in either the House or the Senate, Ryan addresses the reality of the cost of government.

His working document provides the basis for those who show up to do the work of establishing the ground on which we'll stand going forward.   The impact of leverage requires only a place to stand.  With Ground, Romney-Ryan is enabled to present a plan and begin the positive activity of making it one that is workable for the American People.  Brilliant, flexing cortex attracts its equal.  The lesser-brain powers of the Democrats' offering is the result of misguided cultural dysfunction.  Amid the forces scuttling the real work of legitimacy, the swirl is not the alternating forces that mutually respect, but, a splattering of competing interests intent on annaihalating the alternative. 

A vibe sets up, a chorde is stricken, a note rings out.  It is an irresistable force within all of us called to serve to which we respond.  The dispirited condensors that dragged along for, now twelve miserable years obstructed from viable exercise of our will as citizens by the Bush and Obama Administrations have felt the call, are twisting their heads and necks as the power, once again, courses through them, dislodging obstructions, expanding to fill the gaps.

Around every circle may be drawn a bigger circle.  DNA is the proof.  Only the circle comes to degree 359 and decides whether to degenerate to a lower circle, take another lap around the track of the familiar and the easily done, or reach up for the hand reaching down from the higher powers to whom we offer our best in the exchange that will up us a notch when we log '360 as a two-way. 

Paul Ryan putting up half a "Zoltan."
As Americans, it's in our DNA to go for the two-tip, double-duty with another hard working healthy animal on a betterment track, and get to the next level.  We'll get a chance to re-visit the turf when we come back to coach, mentor and advise our successor.  I get Romney's "bold" pick.  It was the best candidate for the opening.  He picked the hardest working, most serious available option.  I pray that the same long view Wise Guides who pointed Mitt in the right direction will, likewise, continue to flush fullness through our systems to carry us along to the results the country needs.

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