Monday, May 13, 2013

As Lenny Bruce had observed; they WANT to believe him:(

Any woman who has survived a cad boyfriend or unfaithful husband can tell you that she suppressed her awareness and chose to replace what she experienced with what the man  told her she had seen, heard and felt.  The importance of the relationship, upon which her "happiness" is built takes precedence over the reality she would alternatively confront.

Today, the spun thread of their "Perils of Pauline President" vs. a ruthless Republican Party binding his innocent ass to the track he laid to "leave town" while the Benghazi heat dies out.  Swirls another thread of sheer incredulity that this whole thing defies logic, and being churned for political effect, conveying to his protective, adoring bots that the time has come to surround their little Princess with the expected, moreover demanded end to this suggesting that the history serves to "tamp down" the hysteria on this matter.

Obats, Media and Democrats, the truth will set you free.  What manner of politician poses as a Leader while bearing zero responsibility for or acknowledgement of anything his agencies do?  We learn that confronting our tests of readiness makes us ready.  There is, indeed, a logic to this campaign master's protests and pleas.  His mission is neither to protect nor defend the Constitution, despite the Oath which was purportedly administered to him.  He wishes to be viewed as doing what is perceived to be the "right thing," yet this campaign addict cannot penetrate the shallow, spreading swarm of his own "attention blindness" magic trick to emerge from his illusion.

In forgiveness mode, it is possible for this observer to suspend disbelief and agree that the demeanor of the "helpless manipulator" in the presence of the British Prime Minister whose country has been snubbed and insulted by him is a cornered animal primed for a revealing, surprisingly "logical" act of deviance defiance motivated by shock that his long-loyal supporters would ask him to be "The One We Have Been Waiting For."

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