Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Unloading The Stupified

 They disparage me on my FaceBook page for recognizing what's true and insist on conflating their spin with what is.  Anyone can look at Joe Biden and understand that he's "shot" as Trump observes.  His mental acuity is not just in question;  he's clearly in the early stages of dementia.  He cannot be propped up in the eyes of legitimate citizens any more than the pretentious Obama was.  He's not the President for all as he proclaims.  He's neither capable of bringing about a healing of the nation nor a softening of suspicion in which Middle America holds him.that google map that shows us in a location in the Tasman Sea off the coast of Austrailia. the Location name is 4RJMF2FM+FR i CANnot change the pointsizze, but I can "embolden" text. This content is not available in preview. So, how did I gett here? I had the wrong stick for this keyboard and just recognixed that this is the correct one. I'm going to shift to Word, which I just paid $126 dollars to install as a program I've woned not subscription renewable, but just an upgradable.

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