Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Walk Like Egyptians

We all remember Michael Jaxon assembling models and celebrities for a production number in costume for that Bangles Hit.  The moves weren't as challenging as those of the "Thriller" re-enactment by prison yard Phillipine Orange Jump-suiters, but it was cool.
COOL.  That is the hope of observers monitoring
Tahrir Square goings on.
GOOGLED right out of sight by secret detainers,
Wael Ghonim, a young techie who wept at the deaths caused by his efforts, represents the highly unanticipated consequences of the take-over by rash young activists.  
"We are wealthy and want nothing for ourselves!" he
asserted..."Egypt Above All!"  This is not the tough guy with the cold heart we've observed in most uprisings around the world.  This entity does not call for the blood of his detainers.  He doesn't demand the overthrow of his stabilizing government.  He just wants to support the effort to exercise rights among his youthful contemporaries.  Perhaps, because he HAS a nice job, working for a New Age employer that represents a gateway to technology as an economic force, Ghonim can temper his statements with the insistence on correcting details mis-reported while he was held captive. 

My instincts tell me there's more to the detention. He confessed that he "tricked" his employer into letting him use vacation time to attend to a pressing personal matter (the need to be with his fellow demonstrators; to be part of the protest.)   He gave it no serious thought, I'm sure, as he embarked on his adventure, that innocent people on all sides of the issue would die violent deaths as the result of choices made by the organizers.  Does Social Media bear responsibility for the outcome?  Certainly, this prospering young Egyptian, so unlike the many unemployed who filled "Liberation" Square since January 28 when he was "disappeared," never imagined that any among those he was supporting would turn destructive. 

In Northampton, England, an older woman under the misconception that a gang was beating up a fellow Citizen, busted up a jewelry heist under a Rolex Sign with her hefty handbag.  "I was standing talking with a woman when I heard a commotion, and I looked across and saw six young men on scooters," she said. "At first, I thought one of them was being set upon by three others. I was not going to stand by and watch somebody take a beating or worse, so I tried to intervene." 

The Generational Divide could not be more enlightening.  Here a woman of frail stature, equipped with only her Social Determination, takes on both numbers and physical strength beyond her own, demonstrating unwillingness to permit such criminal element to rule her streets.  To the Women of Egypt, I say: "Load Up Your Handbags!  Speak gently and carry a heavy purse.  When appropriate, USE it!  Learn from the women who supported the campaign of Hillary Clinton and do not permit yourselves to be eclipsed by rash young males driven by foolishness, to undermine your dignified progress towards realizing your efforts to be free.  Certify Patience as responsible.  Insist that "Reformers" work within the system and make certain that your country develops on the strength of Professional Conduct, not disruption and disrespect for your status.  Your Government needs to know that you are mature members of a Society Prepared for Freedom,

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