Sunday, July 26, 2009

Regarding Over-Exposure

Reconciliation follows making asses of ourselves.

The media’s job of the moment is to work through the serious departure from their purpose to show their bloopers.

Seeing themselves, all glammed up with the trappings of the majors, they recognize what a waste of resources it is to sustain them.

High Maintenance: best reserved for the Paris Hiltons and Saddam Husseins of the world. Their presence is poison. Their free rides at the country’s expense constitute parodies as News People Gone Wild.

No longer satisfied with the catbird seat at conventions and media events, their voracious greed for face time (to the mutual benefit of the reporter AND his network) feeds on the same status gratis used by Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheyney: Cash Cow Taxpayer - huh?

A limmerick from an old professor, (Don) Joe Francis, Lit Bomb:
There was a young lad from Saint Johns,
... Had a penchant for buggering swans,
The obliging Head Porter said:
Please! Take my daughter...,
…the swans are reserved for the dons.”

To fully appreciate, you had to hear it with the English accent. Standing 'round the tap at the Golden Eagle, we rattled our own rib cages with the hilarity of folks who take themselves seriously.

Evil exists in the world for comparitive purposes only. If we couldn't see how bad we can be, we'd hardly be motivated to improve. To those with too much to lose, VALUES must be re-evaluated.

Are the designer shoes, photo-ops over NYC and showing off success really getting the attention of those you hope to woo? Are they, perhaps, showing too much skin, showing such little respect for themselves that piranha like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod feast on them?

When the "compromising" footage of them is viewed through the prism of their self-determined destruction, they'll have true authority to evaluate the job they and their OOA (Object of Attention)have done.

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