Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Posted by: SWPAnnA @ 05:57PM on July 08 2009 in response to a WOMEN COUNT article from WC Executive Director,Stacy Mason about recently resigned Governor Sara Palin.

"So the lesson of her abrupt and unexpected departure – and the fallout from it – is simple: We need more women in office. So run for office. Vote for women who run. Support women who run. Another way to help: Support WomenCount’s work to promote women in politics."

"And read our other blog posts about Palin.
Comment and add your voice to the dialogue!"

You're not wrong to take this position, but; for WOMEN, you're not right.

Palin represents everything feminists said they wanted for women; a supportive husband whose commitment allows her to be her best, a beautiful family that, through her partnership with the First Dude, she has balanced with her public service. She has taken on the establishment and won the people’s hearts. She’s knowledgeable about Energy at a level few men are at a time when that skill set is urgently needed in the decision-making process.

Until one woman, ANY woman is elected President of the United States, women will not seek office in significant numbers, because her OWN SISTERS, who have everything to gain by getting it DONE will find an excuse to withhold their support. I signed up for this group because I THOUGHT it represented me. You sent an email inviting me to a gathering that was SUPPOSED to be for women, but it somehow morphed into a backdoor trick to line up volunteers for Obama.

When he had the opportunity to name Hillary Clinton Vice President, or to even support her candidacy, he and his wife put all their energy into bringing her down, not just winning the nomination. "That urgency of Now" meme was the frosting on the proverbial cake. Your organization went from being about women to being another Democratic Party back room deal to give women all the unpaid work they can handle, then yank them out of consideration when there is power to be exercised. That doesn't say "Progressive" to me, that says; "Macciavelli."

John McCain put his money where his mouth is. The Main Stream Republicans who would support a woman candidate and who would have voted for Clinton, are unfairly caste as ideologues by those self-proclaimed ‘Progressives” who proved to me this last election, that

1. Women of Color rank higher than Women
2. Any man, no matter how unknown or unproven is better than the best woman
3. Women are used against each other very effectively to minimize their awareness of their political worth.
4. The Majority United remains the single path to breaking this ceiling, yet Women Count unwittingly undermines that prospect by making “Progressive” voices more legitimate than Women’s Voices..

Until WOMEN stand together, without labels, demand an end to the double standard and cease to rationalize undercutting a legitimate female candidate by permitting men to define her, these appeals to women for support are a violation of faith. Despite a whole lot of objection from Clinton supporters and Eighteen Million primary votes, a MAN was handed the nomination via political maneuvering which Women Count joined. If you seek my support as a WOMAN, then get onboard with women candidates and resist the self-defeating hair-splitting about their politics. If the woman is qualified, give her the opportunity to do the job - with our full support she cannot fail!

A FEMALE VOICE affirming a woman’s perspective, thought processes and survival instincts is all we asked. In 2008, Women Count proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that for all the “YaYa”, men count more.

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