Sunday, May 1, 2011

Correspondents' Dinner Jokes

Seth's best joke of the night:  "I'm contractually obligated to attend the MSNBC After Party...everybody knows how the MSNBC After Party works:  Obama makes the Kool Aid and everyone there drinks it."  And the camera panned to Obama who was noticeably chilled..."NPR's having a party...I'm told it will be a little subdued... how wild can it get if held in accordance with Sharia Law?"  and in response to the groanz...that's what I was TOLD to say...

Correspondents are associated in this endeavor, supposedly to hold each other to a culture of high standards and strength.  It is an institution focused on the culture of integrity and honor among the leaders of thought in this country.  The evening gowns and tuxedos were a bit much.   I believe that the same high-paid White House and Press Corps Job holders who have pushed and shoved their accomplished elders aside in their haste to be in charge of themselves would find it tough to take if ... say ... a BLOGGER such as Wonkette, RiverDaughter or Uppity were to eclipse them and become the online source most quoted by Network Anchors. 

During my training with AFLAC, I saw among Insurance Agents what I should see at the White House Podium or on the News.  Each Monday Morning District meeting was peppered with reminders to agents whose sales might be slacking, that the only thing they needed to do was make certain that they won sales contests legitimately.  Down the road, after they've taken the cruise or cashed the bonus check, or taken the top prize in a field of close competition, those policies they claimed they sold to actual clients had better be paying the premiums, still in force and renewing.  Too many young "professionals" think short term and expect to "WIN" by Gaming the competition... They concoct "Policies" with their own funds, "close" deals with buyers who aren't completely aware of how they're being manipulated and post "business" that isn't going to survive on the books past the first quarter.

When their numbers fold, their competition takes action.  The "Agent" loses the license, the right to represent the Company and the commissions are reversed.  Those who "lost" the sales contest to the cheater see to it that this judgement is carried out.  This is business....Good Business.  You would NEVER GET AWAY with a Sales Manager attacking a colleague who complained about the rep's cheating.  The colleagues of the Rep would never tolerate such a classless assault on the integrity of the competitors.  Such a gratuitously insulting reaction to an objection would never have been given a pass by the parties to the competition.  They would have been politely observed, then TALKED ABOUT AT LENGTH OVER DRINKS UNTIL the group concluded that they had to call the management on the red flag.  The Group would have expressed their suspicions and in a business like manner, would have addressed it responsibly.  They wouldn't have asked their children if they thought the cheater should be named Salesman of the Year.  They would never in a zillion years have expected their children to understand the survival instincts this creep aroused in them.  They would have sensed and acted upon the insight earned over the course of their careers.  They would have curtly but emphatically dropped the agent from their support system and monitored further activity with a skeptical eye.  They would know what to look at and recognized what they saw. 

They would understand and accept that their kids would only be looking at the money on the table.  The Professionals would be VERY aware of the moneys not yet earned, the income potential created by good relationships, ethical choices and solid reputations.   I don't know where you come from,  Associated Correspondents, but in MY business, the subject of unrelenting questions and gossip is a high (and therefore UNACCEPTABLE) risk I simply would not take.  It's not because I'm racist,  not because I'm a sore loser, and certainly not because I'm out of the Game too slow and out-slicked by hot shots on an ego trip twisting every responsible objection into an insulting accusation.  t is because my years have educated me in the ways of the stable, successful people of good business.

So, as a "Betting Woman" looking at the field for 2012, my money would absolutely NOT be on Barak H Obama.  My money will be on the System-savvy bloggers and social networking Elders to take it to him on his own terms, at his own level, with his own "tricks" and Game OVER.  So to Plouff & Company:  Get a Game, folks.  That first lap 'round the track was "practice."

That game with the Birth Certificate wasn't fooling anybody, and nobody who has lost a job because they lied on their resume or failed a drug test and had to explain it to their dependents aren't feeling amused by the Correspondents' calling Trump's candidacy a joke.  As I recall, the Bambi references pissed off the Obama Supporters enough to vow; "I'll Show THEM!"  and take it to Hillary's Campaign.  In 2012, you should expect the Anti-Obama campaigns to let the word R-A-C-I-S-T work their mo-jo like "Niagara Falls!" 

As for the kids, they're going to hear; "Get a Job."  and it will be the cruelest irony of all, because, thanks to their disrespect, there are no jobs to be gettin' that whole "Win The Future" thing will suddenly have a hands-on meaning to them...they'll find themselves in Tuscaloosa, Alabama volunteering to help the clean-up crews with the sorting, re-cycling, nail-driving clean-up work shoulder-to-shoulder with folks who reallly need their Government involvement.   Instead of raising a billion dollars to squander on a cult-of-personality reelection campaign, they'll recognize the money is better spent on their suffering fellow Americans.  Those Women who were sucked in by the Democrat's Unity Pressure will have the experience of a season chafing under the Obat's cold-blooded management drive to sour them on turning out for the "relapse."  I'm betting those "Super Voters, Super Donors and Super Volunteers" who followed Hillary's lead and went Democrat in November 2008 have long since lost the stomach for the Game as Obama Calls It and if they didn't vote Republican in the last two elections, they probably just forgot to vote.

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